Idaho Adventures Part 1 - Flying, Jet Boats and a Broken Collarbone

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[Music] all right today is the day we've got three of us at my place waiting on one more shawn is straggling he apparently had forgotten his backpack so his fiance is grabbing that bringing it back to the airport and then we are going to jump in the planes get going northbound we're going to [Music] idaho [Music] [Applause] dude what up sexy we're in idaho i know i'm stoked i gotta use the facilities all right just finished lunch the tower grill which was delicious and look who decided to pop in i was here he was supposed to come camping with us tonight but now you're being a working man yeah i got work i know so hopefully tomorrow night but plan is now we're gonna grab some gas i love nampa because they have mow gas so i can put you know non-leaded fuel in my plane and then we're gonna head up to mccall mostly because uh we want to try to do a little fishing while we're up here i know my second time fishing but now i'm doing it in idaho backcountry but i want to do it legally so from mccall it's a short walk to where we can buy a fishing license plus if we need any last minute supplies that's our spot then pop over to johnson [Music] creek [Music] all right we just stopped at mccall to get some uh fishing licenses branson hasn't ever really one wheeled before i let him take my backup one amazing pretty good though dude that's solid usually people are all like wobbly yeah i'm impressed [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] finally that last lake we're going to the back country bronson hasn't ever been in neither is brad shawn and i have so it's gonna be good though [Music] oh [Music] tonight how's it going hell yeah thanks mm-hmm oh [Music] well that sucked so right after we got here literally hadn't even unpacked our planes we were like let's grab a beer go down and see who else we know is here and kind of get grounded and brad jumped on his onewheel behind us and must have hit a divot or something but went down hard you saw it yeah yeah it was like a sack of potatoes oh he said he heard a pop we're pretty sure he broke his collarbone and of course this is right after i had a sip of beer you had a sip of beer he already had a whole beer so we're no longer pilots for tonight but we did find a guy with a 182 to fly him into mccall which now introduces some other interesting logistics of what we're doing with brad's plane but i think the plan since uh sean has the same plane essentially tomorrow morning shawn will take brad's fx3 fly it to mccall we can tie it down there we'll fly our planes as well do breakfast or something in mccall and then come back and leave brad's playing there so either way sorry brad if you're watching this bummed sorry dude all right bronson supposedly knows what he's doing sean and i do not we both got the cabela's like turnkey teach me how to fly fish package that bronson is now the teacher so he's getting us set up we're gonna take the one wheels go down just to the end of the runway here we hear there's a a great fishing spot that won't matter because we don't know what we're doing so bronze we're gonna catch some fish our successor failure is based on you right now easy you want to kind of go like behind rocks [Music] yeah oh she's big she's a monster nice what if i should use her for bait at least he caught something all right of course as soon as i took the little gopro off my head i found a different spot that was super precarious but i did end up catching a fish they both saw so it's on record i just it's hard to balance filming and all that but you guys saw it i did have a fish he did he's a freaking gigantic at least anyway plan is head back get a fire started start cooking some dinner they're not that bad they're pretty easy once you get the hang of it my god and good morning guys that actually was probably the best night of sleep i've ever got while camping it was like perfect temperature sometimes i'm too hot sometimes i'm too cold none of that last night so we're getting loaded up we're gonna head to mccall sean's gonna fly brad's plane over so we can get it tied down i'm not really sure what the plan is as far as his plane but at least with it being at mccall he could figure out a way of getting it back to him so super big bummer but anyway we're gonna get loaded up heading to mccall get some breakfast and then we'll come back to get sean's plane [Music] freedom box the party in johnson creek all these politics checking off the list religious hypocrites trying to tell me how the doctrine trying to sell me something for my soul trying to tell me something for my soul fiery brimming stone teachers trying [Music] mccall we've got brad's plane tied down that way he can figure out how to try to get that thing home man it's a serious bummer but i'm guessing he'll probably just get a ferry pilot but at least this way it's accessible it's not stuck out in the back country so we're gonna go run and grab breakfast maybe some supplies for lunch and then uh probably go get our stuff at johnson we might play a little and then we're heading over to jeff's house we're gonna have dinner over there and probably camp out at his place tonight [Music] you're the one that's in control [Music] is [Music] rumble back at johnson creek i think we're just going to get our stuff packed up head over to jeff's place so we can get unloaded before it gets too warm out i don't know if we're going to have any time to play much in the backcountry today and plus it's a freaking zoo out there like you can't even find time on the radio to talk and even like when we came in we were one of like five or six in the pattern and there's just busy in the backcountry so anyway we're gonna get loaded up break all this stuff down go to jeff's bronson do we want to talk about what you did there [Music] when we went to leave i pushed my plane over away from all our stuff fired up blasting that way bronson just started here and i was waiting for it and his tent wasn't staked down he turned blew the tent away so then he stopped jumped out came got his tent got back in the plane blew the tent away again and then we took off like anyway we're getting loaded up [Music] [Applause] all right just landed at jeff's place and this is like the ultimate destination because it's private so it's invite only and there's only i guess you know eight cabins here but right now i think only one person here being jeff so it's like we have the south fork of the salmon right in the backyard and yeah i guess jess got to run his mechanic into town so he's got a 25 mile jet boat ride to go on so we're gonna go jump on the jet boat hitch a ride go find somewhere to hang out on a beach and do some fishing first half mile at the hairiest park then not much water [Music] but you haven't seen what's your fuel burn when you're doing i almost get one miles of a gallon almost not not quite depending on if you go up or down yeah if i'm loaded going upstream it's half a mile to the gallon and full at full throttle it's 72 gallons an hour oh man this rabbit is called them [Music] oh yeah we need to reload our beer and pee perfect he owns five miles which is uh buckskin bill's old ranch okay okay dear left right you got that right right yeah those throttles on the left try to keep in some way even get it off [Applause] [Music] so first time learning to do that to park it here is that tough well not necessarily but getting out of here is probably as tough as anything i don't want to brag or anything but jeff just let me drive his 1100 horsepower jet boat for like at least 10 miles right 20. 20 miles going through like rapids and everything i don't know how you trust me that much but that was one of the cooler things i've ever done it looks like joe and jason are flying in both in kit foxes so now i'm not the only kickbox guy but uh got some kind of gusty winds in here i'm sure their ride was not that fun but uh landing with a quartering tailwind so i'm going to sit here and see how this plays out [Applause] [Music] what's up dude hey how was the ride it wasn't bad until you got in here then it got real pumping up here at the conversions the wind's going like all three directions oh you know i don't even doubt it yeah jason what's up trent it's been a while how you been good all right now that joe and jason made it i guess there's some bridge up river that we can jump off of we're gonna bring the fishing stuff in a chair go see what kind of trouble we can get into there [Music] [Music] it didn't look very tall from down there what all right back from our second jet boating adventure actually when i set the camera down i got to practice my cast with the fly rods so i guess there's a decent little spot right behind us we're gonna go try to explore but it's kind of windy and given that i already don't know what i'm doing i'm probably going to have very limited success sometimes it's the challenge that makes things fun but you know what is not a fun challenge is trying to design a website the old way which is why i'm going to take a second to tell you about the sponsor of this video squarespace now i know you guys have heard me say this before but squarespace is the ultimate platform to build a website and run your business you start with one of their award-winning templates it takes like minutes to build your own beautifully crafted professional website using squarespace and they have features for literally every industry whether you're trying to do a personal blog an online store a professional photo gallery if you want their new members area so you can connect with your audience more intimately squarespace has that you can honestly do pretty much anything with a squarespace website and it's free to try out so make sure if you haven't yet head to for a free trial and when you're ready to purchase go to trent palmer get your 10 off thank you squarespace for sponsoring this one now i'm gonna go try to do some fly fishing and we're probably gonna have some dinner call it a night what's it called disco disco chicken i asked you the same thing last time
Channel: Trent Palmer
Views: 191,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trent palmer, bush plane, bush pilot, aviation, airplane, pilot, flight, low and slow, flight training, idaho, idaho backcountry, backcountry, flying, fishing, camping, Kitfox, kitfox aircraft, flight vlog, freedomfox, airplane crash, instruction, tailwheel, landing, plane, helicopter, oshkosh airventure, airventure 2018, STOL, student pilot, first solo, freedom fox, flying cowboys, oshkosh2019, airventure2019, airventure, EAA, Oshkosh
Id: FGLOP9lx2rs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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