Bush Flying Adventure In The Owyhee Backcountry

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oh man that was [Music] fun what is up everyone it is finally the start of airplane camping season which I am super excited for and we're kicking it off with a bang I'm going to push the plane out I'm going to meet Ryan up in the air and we're flying up to the Oregon Idaho border to do some camping with Ty and Joe out in the hawaiis should be a good [Music] time down the open road and the co L she say we keep our arms open keep our bodies floating then the all right just landed in NAA we're grabbing some uh Fuel and then we're going to park and go into the Tower Grill get some food and I think Tai's meeting us here and then we're going to get loaded up and head over into the aahi it's interesting though it's windier than what was forecasted and it was honestly pretty bumpy getting over here like especially I had the boom sticking out with the 360 camera on it and the thing was just like going berserk so like kind of makes every bump feel way more dramatic than it is but anyway let's go get some food and uh get heading out to the back she say darling let's go rolling down the open road and the C it's a quartering headwind I'm going to make left traffic for [Applause] 31 our bodies floating into the light under want to call a sky just landed at Pelican Point which is also the aahi reservoir State Strip This is where we were thinking about camping tonight but there sounds like there's other options Jason's here so he was saying maybe somewhere else so what we're going to do we're going to wait for Tai and Joe to get here before we set anything up [Music] [Applause] look at this thing dude dude that's a that's a propeller it's electric huh e props e prop yeah it's made for electric motors yeah you're happy oh yeah I'm really happy with it it weighs 6 and2 lb it's so smooth and I'm so fast now and I went so fast through a huge bump and now I'm scared dude it was gnarly coming in here I got hit so hard doing like 120 mil hour I don't know if it translated I did turn on my GoPros and I dropped into that Canyon there and I was like I'm like mine was right over the first face like Joe was following me and it just was so smooth and all of a sudden it was just bam and I knocked my headset off in the middle of a transmission and he's like I get back on there I just hear are you there you there I'm like yeah I had to pull my headset out my feet it's dumb up dude good to see you good to see you welcome back I like the a tire it's a little not quite Barefoot yet yeah yeah your way it's more like getting used to the goat heads again yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] and good morning everyone it is currently like 6:20 in the morning got cold last night it was forecasted to get down to the low 40s but my plane is currently saying 33 but I got a new sleeping bag and that was plenty warm so uh I don't know we're going to slowly get moving and then go play in the aahi cuz right now there is not a lior wind unlike yesterday so uh hopefully we can get out and play in the Hills that have a million LS [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you're just an animal trying to steal our home [Music] can you help me I'm just an animal trying to rest my oh let not come scratching around all this here I know you mean to say the grass and the dirt and the old this River St oh it's all a game when you're BN on the right [Music] side Joe is still not prepared for the temperatures out here he's shivering he's got his flipflops on dude I'm just hopeful that it's summer already we all kind of we hoping for warmer weather than it was and the forecast still said like mid-40s and my plane said 33 when I turned it on so it was colder than we expected but the air is perfect and it'll be 70 later it's going to be really nice later so uh yeah this is a dude I think I I I have not flown in the hawaiis I've done like one or two Landings with you so this is and that was like just scratching the beginning of the awes yeah this is crazy it's a fun playground I got to say the BOGO inflight internet is pretty sweet it's pretty rad huh I was just like that just text me and send her a picture I'm thinking like wait how do I have service here I know it's cheating it's uh yeah I forgot that I left it on too so that's how I was like oh I'm doing an insta [Music] story gosh compared to yesterday this air is so nice yesterday we were just getting beat up so we're going to get up on top of this mound up here um and I'll have to do a little scoping it's been a while since I've been up here but it's ultimately just a two track it's really rough it's Rocky I mean nothing that is going to kill you but it is rough um but then we get this beautiful view looking out over the valley here love it [Music] all right this was a a fun one a little sporty there's just I don't know if you can see behind me but there's a whole bunch of these invisible rocks and even the two Track Road uh pretty rough is one of those uh keep your tail up until as long as necessary as long as possible I should say I'll show you even this road has like a bunch of rocks in it but beautiful spot I think we're going to walk over look off this Edge check this place out but yeah look at this this is middle of the road and we just got these guys little tail whe tail wheel eaters and Joe I'm going to blast off I'm going to try not to dust you yeah all right go for it [Music] don't turn right TI I'm right on your right all right beautiful work though man thank you and now you can do whatever you want I'm beh I'm behind [Music] you all right another beautiful spot uh sounds like the petrog gphs are pretty far from where we are here so Ty just facetimed Joe Dory who gave us a better idea but can we just talk about how cool it is the starlink right now that's super helpful and then the other thing that I added Justin over at unique componentry gave me this backup battery thing I'll show you how I have it set up sorry it's a mess in here right now but basically I've got the cigarette lighter going into this big old backup battery that can power the star link for like 7 hours so basically when I'm flying or running it's charging that battery and then that thing can run it when we're stopped so we're able to just keep everything going and it's super handy I mean most of the time I'm not leaving it on when I'm flying but today cuz we are trying to stay in contact with people it's easier just to leave it on also to address a question that a lot of you guys had or a concern the EMF the radiation from the starlink I talk to people at starlink as well as the the guy that does the conversion and as long as you're below the plane of the dish it's like not bad at all the upper side you don't want to be like standing above the starlink for a long time because that is shooting a lot of power up to the stars and back or satellites so supposed to be good yeah don't fly above me I should be good as I am and I don't leave it on extended periods of time on Long flights so [Music] I love takeoffs that you do not have to uh clim after so [Music] [Music] fun we seem to land at all these places with just great views it's awesome especially on these Cliffs here so I think think we're going to probably work our way actually towards home a little bit but we're going to go up to Rome station for lunch we might stop a couple places before there but Rome's an awesome little stopping point they also have 91 non-ethanol so I can grab fuel there although I don't know I think we're still planning a fuel stop this evening before we set up camp that way Ryan and I can get out early tomorrow so probably no no fuel needed for me but uh some lunch sounds good oh man again right through the cattle poop got yourself hey John how glad you made it out good good to see you you too remember when you let me fly that and I just was like the happiest guy on Earth and now I have that engine uhuh I do remember that very well all right we are going to head up River to Reinhardt after I clear this cow poop off my tire so it doesn't get all over the wing inevitably it will [Music] I'm fed withar ring grasses come check out what tractor yeah so this to be a Hayfield and some employee got all pissed off this was a Hayfield yeah and then what employee got mad and just put the thing in gear and drove it off the cliff so there's a Bor down here with a tractor beneath it oh gosh I'm scared of heights dude yeah this is bad but oh yeah I see it yeah right down there if I could get it to focus dude that would have been kind of cool to see no kidding this is cool to see I don't even need a tractor wow like we are up here this is almost one of those spots that that we've talked about that we could do the airplane cliff dive like I feel like over there you could almost do it huh I think it looks like this though does it yeah Rocky Edge yeah I don't think you want to hit it it's been on tyani bucket list for a while to find the perfect Cliff that you can just barely have any speed drop off and gain air speed with altitude I mean we'd have a little ski jump off the end but you might leave your landing gear behind have a fast flight home reduce some drag gear up dude this looks like someone put this here yeah it definitely has been they must have pushed all the rocks out of there to here oh man that was [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] fun I'm going to shortcut the river then and work my way to Rome [Music] all right just landed at Rome station which is a a usual stop for me because they sell 91 non-ethanol fuel so I can put gas in the plane and you always get good looks when you roll up to an actual car fuel pump and put gas on but it is time went to flip flops I forgot my shorts back at camp but for now let's go get some uh let's get some lunch oh T got the memo when she saw I got the flops on we're becoming a rainbow crew yeah look at this my hiking flipflops mine mine [Music] too what do you think it's [Music] good if this isn't some service just got him grading our Runway fresh groomed also make it very dusty all right and Trent is rolling the field just went IFR there's there's a nice little thermal at the end down here I'm sure we'll be catching a few of them on my way back yeah I was turning into a dust devil but I got like a nice boost in climb how are you guys with uphill Landings I can land with a slight uphill a slight uphill well this is going to be very uphill like mile highish I can do 1 to 2° I'm only good at 4.2 to 6.9 yeah 6.9 is kind of The Sweet Spot yeah I know all right this one is going into uh like an 8,000 ft high mountain if we had picked up wood we could have start a fire up here yeah it sounds like it's a pretty steep one so I'm going to kind of feel this one out we're going to need it it's going to be freezing and I think we probably want to be like this isn't exactly opposite I don't think but I'm going to go kind of like the direction we took off come back up I think I'm going to flip around 180° from what we're doing now and try that yeah I was just thinking to give a little bit more distance looks like we have a wind kind of quartering at our back right right now so I was going to kind of go up the direction we departed last time a little bit okay I'm going to try it I'm going to I'm not going to land the first time I'm just going to take a pass at it and come around Roger this one's got a little pucker Factor huh oh yeah I got Jason above me I didn't even see him and you're thinking just right past that uh Brown patch huh yeah if you like see that one white dot that's all by itself and then the brown patch behind it yeah kind of like following to the right of that white patch and then yeah like put it down kind of right at where the brown ends starts the [Music] greenish and then you just you want to roll like to the very Peak cuz there is a yeah you're doing right there exactly boom nice TR there just a fire pit at the top that's all you got to worry about yeah I'm going to park and block the fire pit so don't hit me good plan how was it once you got into uh you know got real close pretty smooth uh yeah yeah there was a bit of bump in there um but yeah it got smooth afterwards is there enough room for everybody yeah I think so I'm going on the other side of the fire pit again don't hit me yeah so fire pit is kind of behind you quartering to your right I'm just like parked with it right under my right wing and uh that one is steep Ryan I don't know if you've ever landed anywhere that steep uh do not get too incredibly slow so you have enough elevator to you know round out all the way there but also no pressure for anyone yeah I'm going to pass w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] beautiful this is so cool look at this terrain up here it's like you can tell the wind must just scream across this Ridge wo it's nipply up here with that wind and that one got my blood pump and I don't know if you can tell but this is just like the shortest little knob behind me that was a steep Landing short short and steep all the things so uh yeah we're going to see I don't know if Ryan's going to be comfortable with this I don't want anyone to push it up here that's for sure it's a good place to wreck either Lee nice work yeah that was that was fun stuck up here fun but man is it cool it's like a cool surface that's what I was just looking at I'm like how high of winds do you think they've seen up here like if they had a gauge like hundreds of miles an houry easy gosh you can see 100 miles in every direction no Ken that is Elco over there and then like the outboard is over there those are the steens that's Bogus Basin Sun Valley's over there like you can see everywhere you say he seems like he needs to be farther over this [Music] way yeah call him off that's as steep as I've ever that was the steepest you've ever landed yeah coming uphill yeah yeah let's just let's get out of here this is one of those times we're going to fire up and get out of here because uh we add pressure for people to want to land here and we don't want to do that so what are we're do is taking off into the wind huh we'll be off by that first bump man that is a lot of wind yeah that's awesome this is going to be fun yeah all right that is our takeoff let's do this dude I'm pumped there's something about the planes when there's nothing but Horizon oh I know man it is windy okay let's see where we are going recent we're going to go hit hesitation real quick and then we're going to head that way Jason hang out hesitation with us and uh we'll see you down the bottom we are all right cool oh that was fun that's like almost like Ridge soaring you just all right I'm heading there you guys need to go to your right go to your right about 25° yeah that's a fun spot that was a bit of a pucker but uh an easy one with that wind huh it's easier than it felt like sing around like my KN started knocking for whatever reason and then uh getting you know committed to it it wasn't that bad it was like I don't know why it's just I think the snow and the trees below you and a little bit of rough air and you're looking at this tiny little bald kind of steep Mountain I yeah I got my blood pumping yeah those ones are fun because they do get your blood popping but you know you're pretty much safe I mean like you could augur it in is really the worst thing yeah but as more people land there the factor of safety the first person can land pretty high and the last person has to land even lower and it gets sketchier and sketchier the more people get to the top of it for me [Music] hesitation that was a what 5 minute flight from the top of those mountains up there down to here and it's got to be 20 or more degrees warmer down here no man dude how much warmer you think it is in that 5minute flight 30° yeah it's like significant I was thinking about putting two jackets on up there back to short the winds are 20 M hour slower it was like 15 mph 15 yeah there was gusts yeah that one definitely got my blood pump it was super fun we go from that to a regular strip let everyone cool down yeah so that's how they're supposed to look that is not how they're supposed to look so that guy had a bad day tell me this though I'm confused like I could see if it's a a regular polar prop how that one bent that way but why would the others have gone the other way see that like folded it's like they went backwards maybe he oh I bet he flipped upside down on that blade and it spun through and then drug or no it wouldn't have to spin through right yeah it's upside down so hits and then when he flips upside down they bend the other way fortunately I have when something like that sitting in my hanger you've done that no it was stupid I didn't even know what happened I was doing my commercial check ride and was the instruct or the examiner and at Rapid City it's about 50 knot winds and we came in and when my Mooney for every knot is 100 ft one knot extra is 100 ft and you had to land within the White Strip and if you didn't you bust so I came in my right speed and everything and I went from 50 knot headwind to about I don't know five it just and I dropped about 3 ft just went boom I go well and you would have said yeah it was kind of a firm landing and he said great thumbs up you passed taxi in shut the engine down and my prop blades are bent this much ah and I had a little prop strike just from that little so that's not as bad as that guy oh no it was the only way I think that happened is the the blade that's at the top hit and then he flipped over yeah and then it bent them the other way the other way yeah okay onward and upward we're going to work our way back towards NAA for fuel and see if we can't find a few more places to land on the way can you get past me there Lee or you want me to go yeah go ahead and go if you can I'm a little too close Trent is [Music] [Music] rolling turn mer here too hey SPM hey what's up Tren how you doing oh good man nice work on your channel your videos are fabulous but I'm sure you knew that already oh thanks I appreciate [Music] that yeah that one was off camera it's a little funky I almost wanted to line up into the hill a little more and roll This Way sure but that a cool spot nice little we found this the other day and it was I I hit it Joe was a little heavy and we didn't have this headwind so he just circles and circle circle so we called it holding pattern holding pattern what it wasn't the day for me is this your first time on it then this this your first time this is the first time in here yeah nice dude hey me too there's a saddle up here that I go that I went into and then there's a spot down here that uh we both went into yeah I like this one this is really pretty yeah look at this just up in the hills it's cool too cuz it's like if it's a little tight turning in there and it's fun like following you in and I was just close enough behind that I had to be on my game I was just going to go around and then man this just feels good I was the same way you were like it's smooth it's good yeah I didn't turn the GoPros on so I missed it but uh that's way off camber I don't know if it translates on camera tracks right here ass yeah we should land this way and roll up still fun yeah this is the approach I would take if I was going to redo this use that as your left wing guide and just look at that that's flat you just point right at on Final You' be fine yeah and I was saying I don't know if you can see that rock actually it might be hidden by The Sage Brush but even just looking at these Sage Brush right here the last ones in front of you yeah just go right over this yeah well I mean see this rock jutting out like it's odd that'd be a good SP that's a good uh marker totally all right we are going to uh beine it over to NAA top off on fuel I'll probably fill a fuel bag so I have some spare fuel in case we decide to play this evening which is kind of wind dependent but that way tomorrow morning we can just get up and get out head straight home and not have to come back into the valley saves us about an hour anyway back in the air watching all my little birdies take off that's one of my favorite spots I like it a lot yeah that was a really fun one [Music] all right spoiler alert these GoPros are all going to die so you won't get to watch my Landing but it's says pavement so uh I'll check in with you guys after we get fuel all right just fueled up back in Nampa got full tanks plus the armadillo fuel bag so I got an extra 5 gallons in case we play tonight the goal is to be able to make it home just direct from camp tomorrow so that's the plan the rest of the guys are fueling up now and we're going to head back to uh camp that is sky that hovers over you what you wor for I know I'm a G L down and don't need nobody now tell me where and why I know I'm a G down and don't know for sure in the wind no matter where you are to hold you play since SL today or my RO comes for sure I'm going to live I'm going to live till I die I die the BL all right so we obviously made it back to Camp got a little fishing in for some crappie I think we all caught some kind of fun different than what I'm used to but uh since Tai's back we had forgot the brought worst back at Joe's hanger so he got the BRS it's time to get the fire going and get uh dinner cooking God dang it Ty I know I know he knows he won't hit me what I wanted I had to hit the deck that son watch that airplane just come at you like that huh I yeah I was like he's not pulling up is he oh no I I I won't hit you yeah I haven't hit he but yet H him famous last words well I had a front row seat to the tie show I gave him out I go like if I do anything that bothers you just let me know or scream or whatever I couldn't talk blacked out I don't know that poor little airplan man I fully hit the deck like crushed my I was I was level with you but I pulled up I don't know couple hundred feet before you after me this is my fat kid snack and good morning it's about I don't know 6:45 Lee already blasted off he had something to get back to uh over in Utah by like 10: so uh he was the good morning wakeup call of an aircraft engine so we're slowly kind of getting our stuff packed up and uh G to get heading home hopefully catch a smooth ride home unlike the ride down here so uh yeah getting locked and loaded I will say this time of the year is kind of cool because of that the crappie fishing I don't know if you just saw that but they like are coming right up to the shore I don't know what they're chasing but uh super fun to catch and there's been a few other planes that have been out during the day just out here to catch themselves dinner and then fly home which you know it's realistically only like a 15 20 minute flight from over by like NAA calwell so anyway I think we're pretty locked in loaded think it's time we get working our way home you ready you're going we are ready what a good trip man that was fun thanks for coming quick one yeah fun but we packed it yeah we got some Landing in fun yeah were you guys talking about Montana Alaska Alaska Alaska like if we plan a trip about a year out so we can like really do it we need to do it it's been on my bucket list so let's do it we talking like half on floats half on Wheels oh I need to get floats do it yeah hey bye guys all right dude F fun see see you Jason see let's do it again soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right back safe and sound I think this might be the first time I've actually gone and went on an airplane camping trip directly from the house since the Hanger's been done and it's just so nice like prepping for this I was able to just take take my time go back and forth between the house it wasn't like I had to like you know dummy check everything then go to the airport and load everything up early in the morning so now I'm on the opposite end of that that I just taxi right in and now I'm home I can go inside take my shower and then leisurely unpack as I feel like it so uh hope you guys enjoyed it I've got a few more camping trips already on the book so it is that season and I'm just stoked for it before I wrap this out I do want to take a second again to say thank you to my friends over at Squarespace for helping support this Channel and sponsoring this video and for those of you that don't know Squarespace the ultimate way to build a website and run your business you can start with one of their award-winning templates build it into your own beautiful professional looking website or you can use their new blueprint AI which is a way of developing or building a website basically from scratch and it uses AI to help you with that including AI content generation so basically you can just write in a little bit about what your website is about and what you do and where you're located and it'll autofill all of the content for you and obviously I recommend that you go in 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Channel: Trent Palmer
Views: 181,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trent palmer, bush plane, bush pilot, aviation, airplane, pilot, flight
Id: xGLnwIYxSn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 6sec (2166 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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