"I WON'T GIVE UP" - David Goggins Motivational Speech

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it's it's hard to to imagine but you have to learn how to fail because I'm going to explain this to you I had Big Dreams a lot of us have Big Dreams big goals and when you have goals that are maybe outside your reach you have to know that getting to that goal you're going to have a lot of bad days a lot of setbacks like when I was losing 106 pounds in three months the first two month or first two weeks it's like I was gaining weight you know I would lose a pound gain too so I was just failing I kept failing and kept failing and kept failing so I had to teach myself how to fail right and with that means is when I fail I can't spend much time in that fail Zone I have to be able to get up and get after the next day just as fast because my goals were you know to be a Navy SEAL I don't have time to stay here and feel bad for myself for weeks and months and years because I'll lose that time so the big thing is know that if you have big goals and Big Dreams along the way failure is going to happen so how fast do you get up from that and you got to teach yourself that but the biggest key to success in anything you do is you got to have an unlimited Supply ofing F you this drive and passion and it and it may come from nothing like for me there was no passion no drive no nothing but I had this fire that I'm going to be be somebody and it has to be there because on all those bad days on all those days you don't want to do [ __ ] you have to be your own motivator your own coach your own your own trainer your own everything so to do that you have to come into work and work is whatever your work may be ready to go and what that means is you may have failed miserably yesterday but you come to work like be like man you just lost everything how the hell are you this fuing damn motivated cuz this is what it takes this is what the it takes and you got to get it from wherever you can whether you make up this illusion of your life or this false reality that gets you motivated Whatever Gets You motivated it's got to be here at the tip of your brain at all times cuz in those dark moments you got to you got to pull it out so that's the big thing for me man I was always fired up at all times because the only only way we can change is to be real with ourselves if you don't know [ __ ] and have never taken School seriously then say I'm dumb tell yourself that you need to get your ass to work because you're falling behind in life if you look in the mirror and you see a fat person don't tell yourself that you need to lose a couple of pounds tell the truth you're [ __ ] fat it's okay just say you're fat if you're fat the dirty mirror that you see every day is going to tell you the truth every time so why are you still lying to yourself so you can feel better for a few minutes and stay the [ __ ] same if you're fat you need to change the fact that you're fat because it's verying unhealthy I know because I've been there if you have worked for 30 years doing the same [ __ ] you've hated day in and day out because you were afraid to quit and take a risk you've been living like a [ __ ] period Point Blank tell yourself the truth that you've wasted enough time and that you have other dreams that will take courage to realize so you don't die a [ __ ] [ __ ] call yourself out nobody likes to hear the hard truth individually and as a culture we avoid what we need to hear most this world is [ __ ] up there are major problems in our society we are still dividing ourselves up along racial and cultural lines and people don't have the balls to hear it the truth is racism and bigotry still [ __ ] exist and some people are so thin skin they refuse to admit that but if you are the only and you aren't stuck in some real world genocidal Twilight Zone you better get real too your life is not fed up because of overt racists or hidden systemic racism you aren't missing out on opportunities making [ __ ] money and getting evicted because of America or Donald [ __ ] Trump or because your ancestors were slaves or because your ancestors were slaves or because some people hate immigrants or Jews or harass women or believe gay people are going to hell if any of that [ __ ] is stopping you from excelling in life I've got some news you are stopping you you are giving up instead of getting hard tell the truth about the real reasons for your limitations and you will turn that negativity which is real into jet fuel those odds stacked against you will become a damn Runway there is no more time to waste hours and days evaporate like creeks in the desert that's why it's okay to be cruel to yourself as long as you realize you're doing it to become better we all need thicker skin to improve in life being soft when you look in the mirror isn't going to inspire the wholesale changes we need to shift our present and open up our future the morning after that first session with the accountability mirror I trashed the Shag steering wheel in the fuzzy dice I tucked my shirt in and wore my pants with a belt and once school started up again I stopped eating at my lunch table for the first time being light and acting cool were a waste of my time and instead of eating with all the popular kids I found my own table and ate alone mind you the rest of my progress could not be described as a blink and you'll miss it metamorphosis lady Lu did not suddenly show up run me a hot soapy bath and kiss me like she loved me in fact the only reason I didn't become just another statistic is because at the last possible moment I got to work you're going to find peace from going to war with yourself cuz we all got people look at me the reason why my story resonates with people because I don't hide I'll tell you exactly who the I am I will admit to it people are great at hiding so they want to just find peace no you got you got to take your fix whatever's in you don't just shove it under a rug fix it and then you'll find some peace later during my senior year in high school in Brazil all I cared about was working out playing basketball and studying and it was the accountability mirror that kept me motivated to keep pushing towards something better I Woke Up Before Dawn and started going to the MCA most mornings at 5:00 a.m. before school to hit the weights I ran all the damn time usually around the local golf course course after dark one night I ran 13 miles the most I'd ever run in my entire life on that run I came to a familiar intersection it was the same street where that redneck had pulled a gun on me I avoided it and ran on covering a half mile in the opposite direction before something told me to turn back when I arrived at that intersection a second time I stopped and contemplated it I was scared of that street my heart was leaping from my chest which is exactly why I suddenly started charging down its fing throat within seconds two snarling dogs got loose and chased me as the woods leaned in on both sides it was all I could do to stay a step ahead of the beasts I kept expecting that truck to reappear and run me the [ __ ] down like some scene from Mississippi cir in 1965 but I kept running faster and faster until I was Breathless eventually the hounds of Hell gave up and loped off and it was just me the Rhythm and steam of my breath and that deep country quiet it was cleansing by the time I turned back my fear was gone I owned that in street from then on I brainwashed myself into craving discomfort if it was raining I would go run whenever it started snowing my mind would say get your running shoes on sometimes I wased out and had to deal with it at the accountability mirror but facing that mirror facing myself motivated me to fight through uncomfortable experiences and as a result I became tougher and being tough and resilient helped me meet my goals nothing was as hard for me as learning the kitchen table became my all day all night study hall after I'd failed the ASVAB a second time my mother realized that I was serious about the Air Force so she found me a tutor who who helped me figure out a system I could use to learn that system was memorization I couldn't learn just by scratching a few notes and memorizing those I had to read a textbook and write each page down in my notebook then do it again a second and third time that's how knowledge stuck to the mirror of my mind not through learning but through transcription memorization and recall I did that for English I did that for history I wrote out and memorized formulas for algebra if my tutor took an hour to teach me a lesson I had to go back over my notes from that session for 6 hours to lock it in my personal study hall schedule and goals became post it notes on my accountability mirror and guess what happened I developed an obsession for learning over six months I went from having a fourth grade reading level to that of a senior in high school my vocabulary mushroomed I rote out thousands of flash cards and went over them for hours days and weeks I did the same for mathematical formulas part of it was survival Instinct I damn sure wasn't going to get into college based on academics and though I was a starter on the varsity basketball team my senior year no College Scouts knew my name all I knew was that I had to get the out of Brazil Indiana that the military was my best chance and to get there I had to pass the ASVAB on my third try I met the minimum standard for the Air Force living with purpose changed everything for me at least in the short term during my senior year in high school studying and working out gave my mind so much energy that hate flak from my soul like used up snakes skin the resentment I held toward the racist in Brazil the emotion that had dominated me and was burning me up inside dissipated because I'd finally considered the [ __ ] Source I looked at the people who were making me feel uncomfortable and realize how uncomfortable they were in their own skin to make fun of or try to intimidate someone they didn't even know based on race alone was a clear indication that something was very wrong with them not me but when you have no confidence it becomes easy to Value other people's opinions and I was valuing everyone's opinion without considering the minds that generated them that sounds silly but it's an easy trap to fall into especially when you are insecure on top of being the only as soon as I made that connection being upset with them was not worth my time because if I was going to kick their ass in life and I was I had way too much to do each insult or dismissive gesture became more fuel for the engine revving Inside Me by the time I graduated I knew that the confidence I managed to develop didn't come from a a perfect family or God given Talent it came from personal accountability which brought me self-respect and self-respect will always Light a Way Forward for me it lit up a path straight out of Brazil forever but I didn't get away clean when you transcend a place in time that has challenged you to the core it can feel like you've won a war don't fall for that Mirage your past your deepest fear have a way of going dormant before springing back to life at Double strength you must remain Vigilant anybody not just Navy seers but anybody that can accomplish anything that is hard the only separator is is that they really want to be there there's some people that get inspired and that inspiration moves them to try to do something but the inspiration is very very high right now in this nice environment we're in a nice environment the ocean's out there I'm talking to you if I want to go to refrigerator and get something to drink eat I can I watch a movie about some bad asses you're inspired but the second you're not in this environment mhm and you're actually doing what inspired you that suck factor is now real you can't just get off your couch and get a shake or get a box of donuts or or turn TV you're now there and only those people who have been there a million times in their minds and have lived in that water and have suffered a million times and realized my legs may break my knee may break my bones will hurt I will be the coldest I've been in my life I will be miserable and accept that because what happens is when you get in a horrible situation in life your mind I call my one second decision when you get in a horrible situation in life your mind immediately says get the out of here everybody does even if you want to be there but it starts to have all these different questions in your mind in that one second it says okay why are you here why are you doing this why this why that and then you start to say yourself if you don't want to be there that bad I have a beautiful wife at home man why the am I doing this man like this is stupid this is going to get these guys injured for like like they're going to pay for this for the rest of their lives I'm not break my body up to do this your mind starts to say yeah this is stupid mhm but if you have if you are already knowing that this is going to happen to you you have all the answers to these questions that your mind starts to give you when you're in suffer mode
Channel: Mind Motivation Coaching
Views: 124,438
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Keywords: i won't give up, david goggins, david goggins motivational speech, david goggins motivation, motivational video david goggins, david goggins motivation podcast, david goggins youtube channel, david goggins motivational quotes, joe rogan experience david goggins, david goggins motivation audio, david goggins workout motivation, david goggins interviews, best motivational video, best motivational video for success in life, best motivational video for students
Id: zvgUsRfc6nM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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