I Will Teach You SUCCESS SKILLS That You'll Have For The REST OF YOUR LIFE | Jim Kwik & Lewis Howes

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how do we learn how to learn something that we want but it's really challenging let's deconstruct this okay so this this is this is the key and there's one skill to master it's our ability to learn it's called meta learning meta learning is learning how to learn and that's a meta skill and it helps you to learn salsa or spanish or anything else better and so let's deconstruct how to do that confidently we'll start with the limitless model like how come you want to learn spanish or something else and you put it off or it takes longer than you should because method is only one of the three parts and so this is the limitless model and i want everybody to think about a subject or some area of your life where you're feeling held back it could be your relationship it could be you're not making progress in your career it could be maybe in your physical performance or wellness think about one area where you're stuck in a box right now box is like a cage 3d box and 3d is three dimensions what keeps you in the box three forces and these are the three m's and i want everyone to draw a circle and in that circle we're going to draw a venn diagram you know what a venn diagram is three intercept circles and the first circle is your mindset three m's and i always alliterate everything because it helps you to be able to remember it better first one is your mindset now your mindset are your assumptions your attitudes about something now let's break that down for me functionally what your mindset is about this subject i want people to make this very personal think about something an area you're held back this is what you believe is possible is your mindset it is what you believe you are capable of it is what you believe you deserve is your part of your mindset because that's a big thing that's your thermostat right if somebody has a mindset of like i could teach someone the method of how to remember names but their mindset is i'm stupid i don't deserve to remember names i'm not capable of it exactly or exactly or i'm too old or whatever it is that's our mindset brain doesn't work that way exactly then the method won't hap won't take hold it won't matter exactly so this is this is the formula here i've how do you learn about how do you learn to believe that you are capable so our goal will go into this that's that's exactly what the book does i take people through a new process called unlimiting it's a word that i coined years ago unlimiting is different than unlimited unlimiting is like the process of removing limits limiting beliefs exactly our behaviors or our habits right so unlimiting is an active word where it's you're redrawing the boundaries and borders of your life limitless is not about being perfect limitless is about advancing and progressing beyond what you believe is possible that's what this book is about now i apply that towards accelerated learning so you can learn your languages and you know give speeches without notes and all that stuff but really it's a process of liberating yourself out of that box so one of the dimensions that keep you in that box is your mindset yeah all right and we can go deep into how to change negative beliefs and everything i talk about the seven lies lies for me again is an acronym lie is a limited idea entertained because it's not true it's not true that you don't deserve it it's not necessarily true that you're stupid but it's an idea we're giving energy to we're entertaining that idea in that moment i show people how to unravel it in a three-step process but that's the mindset okay all right now the second m you can have the greatest mindset and believe everything is possible you're capable you deserve it but if you don't have the second m which is motivation you're not getting out of that box right that in your career i believe i can do it but i'm gonna sit here and eat chips on the couch exactly yeah and so your motivation for me is your drive it's your purpose it's the vitality that you bring to something now most people think motivation they'll say motivation is a lie and in some respects it is because the way a lot of people perceive motivation is just rah-rah get excited get hyped up and next day nothing changes so my evidence the evidence of motivation is something is happening there's an action there's a new action taking place and if you're not doing that action you're not motivated no matter what you say if you're not doing it it's better well done than well said even like a lot of people on social media they promise things but prove it right don't say it show it right you take it to action because knowledge is not power it's potential power applying it makes it powerful so motivation for me is a three-step formula and here's the formula and i go deeper in this book because there's a chapter on each part the key to sustainable motivation how to overcome procrastination if you're putting things off this is the key it's this p times e times s3 now this is a formula for sustainable mode not just a surge of motivation right we've all watched the limitless movie where he takes a pill and he can learn languages and and read really fast and remember everything and and dr mark hyman who wrote the the forward of the book his mutual friend of both of ours and i know he's been on your show he says that there is no genius pill but jim gives you the process ooh for a brighter brain right like it's the process and there's no side effects right yeah that's good but going back to this you know when he had a surge of motivation but then when the pill wore off it goes back to no motivation but this is the key there's no pill there's a process and these three things p times e times s three is sustainable for the rest of your life because i've i've lived on no sleep for over a decade right my sleep has gotten much better since of recent you know um just some some breakthroughs this and um in medicine and everything else like that but you know i had sustainable motivation i was still doing all the conferences still doing my podcast every week still speaking and traveling and doing all this stuff because i had these three things number one so the p stands for purpose now again if you feel not motivated in any area of your life pic no so some people could have motivation now some people are very motivated to sit on the couch and binge watch netflix they they're highly motivated to do that right but if you're if you're lacking motivation to work out consistently and now here's the here's another lie limited idea entertained is that you have to enjoy the activity right like you know it doesn't mean that you have to do that like i was having this conversation with with uh tom bilyeu right and he was like i work out four o'clock five o'clock every morning i was like do you enjoy it he's like no i don't like working out at all you know but he's motivated doesn't miss a day so he has the motivation so motivation doesn't mean you enjoy it like every morning i do my cold showers you know like wim hof yeah right now i have fun all the time but exactly i hate i grew up in the northeast i hate the cold right but i do my cold showers or my ice baths you know i post all the time on instagram about doing it because i know i have a purpose yeah right so i don't enjoy it but the p and the formula is purpose reasons reap results and if you get the reason so even if i'm not you know getting my sleep i have a purpose i have a reason to help people every single day i want every single person that comes in contact with me whether it's on my podcast or a video or a book their brain is better off because of it you know and so that's my reason and and really you know my story like my first student three decades ago almost she read 30 books in 30 days and what was her purpose her mother was dying of terminal cancer two months to live 60 days and the book she was reading health wellness energy right and she ended up saving her mom's life wow and that's when i realized that if knowledge is power learning is our superpower and i dedicated my life to make that kind of difference yeah and that's what that's what so i have my reasons to do something so i don't have to pump myself up so p is purpose tap into your reasons and it can't be intellectual you know you have to feel it of course right and even you could even feel the pain like who's counting on you to do this activity you know who's watching you who's role modeling you right who's counting on you to show up today you know it can be painful too but if it gets you to move that's what's important have that reason the purpose this e now i now hear my mind does this thought experiment scientific experimentations right if somebody just has a reason do they are they always motivated are there any cases where they're not motivated and i said yes if they're lacking the e energy so somebody could have a reason to work out or they could have a reason to read you know or learn spanish but if they're trying to do it late at night and they didn't sleep the way before or they had a big processed meal it's hard to have the motivation exactly they're a food coma they can't be motivated because they lack energy so in the book i talk about 10 keys for brain energy the 10 things that i do to light up my brain and one of them is our brain foods another one is optimizing your sleep so i do a whole area of what i've learned really moves the needle for maximizing your sleep because how's your how's your thought process if you don't sleep how's your focus how's your memory you know how you're making good decisions right i i heard that that was the advice you know presidents give other presidents is like don't make a big decision if you didn't get a good night's sleep right so i talk about sleep so in the book in motivation we do a whole section on finding your purpose and even life purpose and passion and a whole area on optimizing your energy now you have energy to do it i ask myself okay you have a purpose for something to work to work out or whatever you have or started this business you have the energy in what case if you're like doing this critical thinking in what case won't you be motivated you like let's say you want to start a business or whatever you're you're just procrastinating on starting that business number one you have the motivation you really need it and you know why you have the energy because you're eating the right foods you maximize your sleep with not energy vampires yes there is s3 what the problem is is you're making it too big in your mind that will keep you from being motivated starting a business like where do you even start or getting getting that perfect relationship or having perfect health that's way way too big so what do you do small simple steps that's what will keep people unmotivated they could have the reasons the purpose they could have the energy unlimited energy but they don't know where to start and because they make it too big in their mind and a confused mind doesn't do anything yeah confused mind doesn't do anything so clarity is power i like that so small simple step all you have to do is ask a magic question what is the smallest action i could take where i can't fail it allows me give me some progress but i can't fail what's the smallest step and i cite the work in here of the habit experts that you and i have interviewed you know dr bj foggs or the uh the the james clears atomic habits and really my take on how to make sustainable habits because what you do repeatedly becomes that habit but it starts with a small simple step what's an example of that i want people to read a book a week it will change their life i think if there's one thing people could that would change their life immediately long term just read every day reading is to your mind what exercises your body even more than audio and i my podcast and i do everything on audio i still encourage people to read because it activates a different part of your brain also and i listen to audios when i when i drive when i work out but when people are tested in terms of what they read in terms of comprehension what they listen to reading the actual more and they'll understand more you know why it's not only does it activate a different part of your brain because it's active because listening can be passive like watching a movie or anything can be very passive you don't get involved but reading forces you get involved but the second reason why is because usually when someone's listening to something they're doing something else and they're trying to multitask they're cleaning their house they're working out they're driving so they're not their attention is not fully on what they're listening to so that's why the comprehension is down but reading every single day is a great activity but i don't tell people you know read an hour a day a small simple step to get someone reading is read one sentence that's a small simple step open up the book that's a small simple step that you can't fail right and nobody's going to stop at one sentence you know the example dr bj fogg talks about with tiny habits is hey we know flossing is good for your longevity still one tooth one tooth and who's gonna stop at one tooth right so how do you break it down and really motivation is energy management it's really about energy management meaning when you have clarity and purpose it gives you energy right when you have energy like if you activate you eat the right foods and everything else vitality you have energy and small simple steps requires very little energy requires very little effort output and there's something in memory called the zygarnic effect it's by a psychologist a woman who in europe noticed that at the cafe she frequents that the wait staff would remember all the orders until they were delivered and once they were delivered they would forget it and the zygarnic effect which is her last name means that the mind doesn't like open loops so like oh and and and all of the the series on that you binge watch knows this because at the end they open up a loop and you're like one more who does that like one more and you end up watching until like 2 a.m 3 a.m because it doesn't like the open loops well starting something like an order remembering someone's order and then it delivered it closes the loop well when you start something anywhere it for your mind still keeps an open loop about it so it's more likely to finish and that's another way to overcome procrastination break it down into small simple steps where you can't fail yeah that's the three step formula so i do a chapter so this is really three books in one it's it's whole book on mindset on how to eliminate negative self-talk how to be able to get rid of negative beliefs that you don't deserve it you're not capable of it how to have optimization so a chapter on on on purpose a chapter on energy a chapter on small simple steps and then i added a chapter on habits and flow because the ultimate state and you've had stephen cutler and all these amazing people on here um talking about flow state is when you're in the zone where you lose flow states is you lose your sense of self you lose and you lose your sense it's time and there's no motivation required because you're just in his own you know that as an athlete when you're in the zone or you're on stage and it's just coming through you right we all have those moments so we debunk and apply this method for a whole chapter on on flow and then finally you could have the mindset and motivation and stills be stuck in that box because again let's say you're you believe everything is possible and that's your mindset and you're capable and you deserve it and you're motivated but if you don't have the last m which are the methods and you're stuck in that box okay you could have be believe that you deserve this income you could you could work your motivation but if you're doing the wrong things then you're not going to get the result if you're doing the wrong marketing tactics or if you're doing the wrong things in a relationship right if you're using bad advice and in here i document the example of learning because we learned very poor antiquated methods of learning in school it was rote repetition to learn something repeat it 100 times in your mind and the problem is it just takes a lot of time that's not the optimal way the brain learns the human brain doesn't learn through consumption it learns through creation right the human brain does not learn by consuming it learns by creating and so we also learned a bad habit a method of reading which was sub-vocalization sub-vocalization is have you noticed when you're reading something you hear that inner voice inside your head reading along with you yeah hopefully it's your own voice it's not like somebody else's voice the reason why it keeps you reading slow is if you have to say all the words in this book you can only read as fast as you could speak that means your reading speed is limited to your talking speed so how do you not your thinking speed how do you limit the conversation in your mind that's interesting right because the question becomes everybody reads about 200 250 words per minute because that's how the average person talks but do you have to say the question becomes do analyze it common sense do you need to say all the words in order to understand what those words mean the truth is no like when you see a stop sign you don't say to yourself stop but do you comprehend what that means of course 95 exactly and just like symbols in the book periods punctuation marks you don't say question mark when you read or comma when you read you know so the and there because of all those are sight words and you don't have to pronounce them by sound you pronounce it you do do them by sight and the fastest readers actually only sub-vocalize the more difficult words and so i'm not saying you really i know you just kind of skip through and just go through you go you you read all the words no you read all the words but you don't have to say all the words and so that that sub vocalization is my example of an old method an antiquated method that will keep you in that box of learning slow so let me let me do an example here's here's a sentence from your book part two about mindset yeah and if i were to read this i would read it slowly just because that's how i'm used to it i would say and i already get nervous reading out loud from my childhood fears of you're not you're not stumbling the deeply held beliefs attitudes and assumptions we create about who we are how the world works what we are capable of and deserve and what is possible yeah mindset so let me let me show you how to actually so so one example and um there's a link in my in my instagram for a free masterclass on reading like a whole like one hour tutorial in real time here when people are reading what i recommend is sub-vocalization the key here is first acknowledge that it's there and don't try to fight it not don't try to not sub-vocalize because if you you know this from your study of the mind you can't not do anything you can't not think of a purple giraffe because you have to do it so the more you try not to say the words the more you're going to do it plus you're going to be talking to yourself am i really understanding this and you're not going to understand it because you have two things right exactly and so the goal here is when you when you read past a certain speed 400 there's a sub vocalization threshold where you can't possibly talk any faster than that but you can understand it oh perfect example when you listen to your podcasts or audio books right many people exactly exactly and you can understand it but you can't speak that fast so that's proof you could think that fast but not understand it and so here one of the hacks that we teach in in the book is to use a visual pacer like when you use your finger while you read most people think this is an old antiquated method they say don't do that because that will slow you down but in actuality i challenge everybody to take that master class on that link and what you'll find is test yourself read without your finger and then read for another minute with your finger count the number of lines just underlining it that second time will be 25 50 faster and just kind of forcing your finger to go a little faster than you would normally you could actually go regular because what happens is you don't regress a lot of people have another bad method going back to limited methods and we want to unlimit their methods of regressing and back skipping you know have you ever found yourself rereading words or rereading something 25 of our time could be wasted doing that and that's a bad habit that we learned when we were kids why do we do that why do we repeat a sentence yeah the same reason why we sell vocalized because we were taught that remember back in school we were taught so public speaking when we got in those circles and we had to pass around that book and that book comes closer and closer and closer fear and anxiety exactly and that's where i believe we learned that public speaking was something to be feared and that's where it was imprinted on us and like some for some people and it was a good intention but people can be sincere teachers but be sincerely wrong and i got that i couldn't even read at that time so when i when that book came to me i would just look at it and it would look like hieroglyphics exactly and i would do that and i would i would like cry like it would be so embarrassing because everyone's looking at you and you have to perform and that's where i think my fear of public speaking why i wouldn't do the book report or speak on it and everything came from but the other thing teachers had you do is once they know you could pronounce it and you had to say it out loud to make sure the teacher knows you're pronouncing it phonetically right but later on your teacher taught you with the limit with subvocalization because he or she said all right read quietly to yourself or read silently to yourself and that's where you took that external voice and you're like in order to understand it i have to hear it if not outside then inside and it's been there ever since so this book is about unlimiting those bad habits of learning of rote memorization of bad habits we make about decisions like why are we always why are people dating the same people or making the same financial mistakes and everything else it's not insanity doing the same thing over and over again it's a bad memory and we weren't taught decision making so like in the book i talk about four super villains that hold us back and it's really because i talk about super powers four super villains and i'll go back to the model and make this very like aha to everybody four super villains that are holding you and your team back your children back your team back your employees back your spouse back number one and they're all driven by technology digital deluge digital deluge is this information overwhelm it's like do you feel nowadays like you can't keep up it's like taking a sip of water out of a fire hose yeah and here's the thing people buy a book but they don't read the book right it just sits on their shelf it becomes shelf help not self-help right and here's the thing buying a book is a different skill set than reading them i'm really good at buying yes i mean i'm not going to read it i can buy books all day long exactly but reading is a different skill set but digital deluge is a real medical condition they call it information fatigue syndrome higher blood pressure compression of leisure time more sleeplessness and this is happening if you own a business or you have managed a team that four or five hours a day on estimate are we spending processing information just think about your team how much they have the process a lot right that means half of their salary is being paid to process and learn and read so if someone's being paid 80 000 40 000 is just to read something like that so if i could double their reading speed that's like that's a huge that's a huge amount of time like if it normally takes four hours to read something and you read it in half the time two hours what's two hours of the course of a year that's like because that's another one of the digital challenges um because but but that's two that's even if you save one hour a day 365 hours a year all right 40 hour work weeks how many 40 hour work weeks nine two months of productivity we get back to saving one hour a day on something ubiquitous like reading that's why this book will help you read every other book okay save you time so digital deluge number two digital distraction with every ring and ping and and ding every app notification social media alert it's training our distraction muscles and we are so good at being distracted that's why so much in my morning routine that's that people do like something simple like brushing your teeth with the opposite hand right because it engages the opposite side of your brain which is good for making new connections neuroplasticity but it's also good for making you present you have to focus right it forces you to be in the moment so it's something you do every day that little things where you get novelty where it focuses you to be here as opposed to about everything else right and how you do anything is how you do everything so if you wake up first thing in the morning and touch your phone i think you should have a to-do list i think you're not to-do list don't touch your phone yeah don't touch your phone first hour a day it rewires your brain to be distracted and also it rewires your brain to be reactive i can't stress this enough when you pick up your phone the first hour a day and a lot of people talk about this and we have videos my video with simon sinek has 28 million views on just this thing on facebook it literally just says don't touch your phone because it rewires your brain to be distracted and reactive because you're fighting fires you're on the defense like why are you going to check your email and voicemail and takes you off tangent and you're not even focusing on what's most important like in terms of your win our friend brendon burchard says this exactly and you're like you have a lot of quotes that you remember but he says your inbox is nothing but a convenient organizational system for other people's agenda for your life boom wow brendon burchard your inbox is nothing but a convenient organizational system for other people's agenda for your life so don't don't go on the defense so don't pick up your phone because when you're wake up you're in this relaxed state of awareness you're very suggestible so you're it's training your distraction and your reaction you have to be proactive you want to be a thermostat not a thermometer a thermometer reacts the environment a thermometer sets the environment so digital distraction second third super villain that's driven by technology that's that's you know potentially holding you back digital dementia digital dementia is where our our phones become an external storage device it keeps our to-do's right it keeps our phone how many phone numbers did you know growing up a lot growing up yeah how many do you know now one like if there's one person my own it's one is there somebody who maybe texts and calls i know my mom's because i've had to like write it down it's like emergency contact exactly but if you don't if you don't have your phone with you or you you're the phone is battery's dead you can't now here's the thing nobody wants to memorize 200 phone numbers i don't want to do that but isn't it concerning that we've lost the ability to remember one or a pass code or a conversation we just had i believe two of the most costly words in life yeah in life our business i forgot every time you say the words i forgot you lose credibility you lose trust you lose you you don't show you care about the person you lose you lose a sale i can't tell you how many clients come to me saying look i forgot i called this person by the wrong name and he was so offended that he didn't do the deal with me i lost a million dollar commission like like those kind of things right and how are you going to show somebody you're going to care for their future their finances their health their family if you don't care enough just remember their name right so we do 13 14 tips on just how to remember people's names we covered in the previous episode also as well okay so digital dementia is where it's a real source i mean dr daniel amen has talked about it other people have talked about don't be over relying on technology to do everything memory is a muscle and it's use it or lose it that's why i'm such an advocate for mental fitness i remember i walked into the office one day i picked up the phone first thing in the morning and a woman's voice was like i love you i love you i love you i'm like whoa who's this she was like i found it she went through our online memory course and she she she was given a family heirloom a necklace by her grandmother it didn't go to her mother or her three sisters it went to her and she hid it somewhere in her house she forgot and she thought for three years she thought it was stolen she felt so much guilt and she got so much shame from like her family and she just passed on for generations and after going through this course and she she woke up at 2am in the morning ran down two flights of stairs went behind the boiler in her basement pulls out this crevice the necklace and i was like i didn't teach you a method on how to find lost items in this program she was like i don't know what it is but my focus i'm just remembering this without even using a method it's just he was like thank you for giving my brain back because she felt like her brain was 20 years younger because it was fit and that's what i'm talking about mental intelligence is very important yeah facts figures foreign languages you learn how to do that in the methods of the book mental fitness and mental health you know that's also very important yeah where if you're you're you're physically fit right so if you're going to go up runyon canyon or wherever if somebody is not physically fit they're gonna have to use more effort more energy because they're not trained and so if you're an athlete you could train you could help them as a coach in two ways you could show them the strategies like how to do a forehand or a backhand or hit up golf ball and you can take them in the gym and optimize their fitness you know their heart rate variability their their their foods and everything so get people mentally fit digital dementia and finally the last one that we talk about in the book digital deduction right i always iterate ddd so digital deduction is where we're our phones and our smart devices are doing the thinking for us because it just it literally because it's just spoon feeding you and i'm not just talking about fake news i'm talking about algorithms everything but you don't have to think anymore and we've lost our thinking abilities to the point where you look at a menu and you're like i don't even know what to eat because normally an app tells me what to eat or what what to watch next or what to do everything they're seeing kids they have lower ability to critical think critical thinking abilities analysis ability reasoning ability because of phones because our smart devices are making us stupid if you're looking for more greatness in your life make sure to check out this video right here and also check out our free pdf the three secrets to unlock the power of your mind to help you change your life download it right here and so those are the three dominant questions that you want to ask to take knowledge and turn them into power so as you're going through this
Channel: Lewis Howes
Views: 61,472
Rating: 4.914856 out of 5
Keywords: Lewis Howes, Lewis Howes interview, school of greatness, self help, self improvement, self development, personal development, success habits, success, wealth, motivation, inspiration, inspirational video, motivational video, success principles, millionaire success habits, how to become successful, success motivation, jim kwik, jim kwik interview, jim kwik speech, jim kwik motivation, jim kwik inspiration, jim kwik be inspired, jim kwik limitless, jim kwik speed reading, brain
Id: B_iJaX_at-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 43sec (1723 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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