I Will Hypnotize You to Quit Your Bad Habit | Hypnosis Through the Screen for Addiction

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in this video i'm going to hypnotize you through the screen to quit your bad habit or addiction whether you want to stop smoking stop vaping quit overeating to help you lose weight stop biting your nails stop self-sabotaging whatever change you need to make in your life whatever you need to overcome this video is going to help you do just that if you've never seen one of my hypnosis through the screen videos before i definitely recommend checking out another video first to give you an idea of what this is going to be like because again this video is going to be targeted to making that specific change now if you want to make sure you get the most out of this video i would encourage you to wear headphones make sure you're in a place a quiet place you won't be able to be distracted that you can commit to the full duration and length of this video to really make sure you get the most out of it so make sure you go somewhere where you can do that get your headphones if you have them if you want them make sure you lay down sit down put yourself in a situation a spot where you can focus on being on this video and let's jump right into it if you're ready to get hypnotized last thing that i'll say too is no the hypnosis is not mind control the things that i say in this video are not just going to magically happen as much as i wish i could just snap my fingers and make your addiction go away it doesn't work like that the thing is that i can't make you change anything but what i can do is help you help you make that change i can't change you but i can help empower you to make that change and that's what i'm gonna do through this video through hypnotizing you through the screen so if you're ready to make that happen lay back sit back and let's do this thing so as you listen to the sound of my voice as you focus on this video allow yourself to take a deep breath in let it out focusing on me doing great allow yourself to take another gentle breath in and let it out and that's right and for a third time take a deep breath in and breathe out and close your eyes now as you focus on the sound of my voice with your eyes closed that just means there's one less thing for you to worry about or look at concentrate on all you have to concentrate or focus on is the sound of my voice letting yourself relax letting yourself focus letting yourself go deeper into this amazing state of relaxation and focus relax every muscle every nerve every fiber from the tip of your head down to the bottom of your toes just let yourself relax that's right that's right imagine right now as i count down from five to one imagine you're standing at the top of a staircase in your mind and each number i count down you take a step down that staircase telling yourself how much deeper you're relaxing how much further you're going into this amazing relaxed state starting with the number five that's right even deeper even further take another step into the number four the more you hear my voice the more you focus the more you focus the more you hear my voice and the more you hear my voice the more you relax the more you relax the more you hear my voice the more you hear my voice the more you relax the more you focus the more you hear my voice as you go into three another number another step down that staircase even deeper even further every muscle nerve fiber focusing on me as you go into that next number as you relax even deeper and further all the way down this amazing state of relaxation in fact take all of this wonderful relaxation you're giving yourself now and i want you just to double that relaxation now relaxing even deeper and further focusing on me as you get ready to relax the deepest and furthest you relax this entire time at the final number one and now that's right so relaxed so focused tuning out any other noises any other distractions and you know you're not actually asleep when i say the word sleep it just helps you relax deeper and further sleep doesn't mean you go to sleep sleep just means you relax more sleep means you focus on me more sleep means you're less distracted sleep means you focus on me even further sleep means you relax and let yourself just sleep focus on the sound of my voice that's right and don't actually fall asleep if you were actually asleep you wouldn't be able to hear me but let yourself get as relaxed as you were if you were asleep letting yourself become completely immersed in this experience and on my voice because my voice is what is going to help you overcome this addiction this habit this thing that's holding you back the more you let yourself focus the more you'll be able to get the most out of this video out of this experience as you continue to relax continue to focus i want you to relax just a sensation just a feeling in your eyelids let your eyelids get so relaxed they feel heavy let them feel heavy they feel stuck let those eyes become so heavy and stuck that they feel like you cannot open them in fact let them become so heavy and stuck you feel like you can't open them in fact go ahead and try and notice if you try to open your eyes you find they are stuck and you cannot open them and they will not open and you can stop trying to open those eyes you can just let yourself relax even further and sleep even deeper even further relax focus on my voice whether your eyes opened or closed it didn't matter whatever happened either way it means the same thing it means you can let yourself focus on my voice even further even deeper you can sleep and relax even more focus on the sound of my voice that's right and as you listen to my voice you relax more as you relax more you listen to my voice and as you listen to my voice and you feel relaxed you feel good i simply want to tell you a story a story of a similar person just like you who had this habit they needed to get rid of an addiction if you will this thing they needed to overcome and they just could not they tried everything and they tried all these different techniques or methods or therapies and nothing seemed to work and they just resigned themselves to the fact that they could not change they could not quit and until one day this person was at home sitting at their kitchen table when their small little child comes bursting into the room bursting into the room crying her eyes out and she looks up at this person and goes i i i don't i don't want you to die and of course this person tries to to console their little girl and says oh honey don't worry i'm not going to die i'm not going to go anywhere why would you say that and the little girl is distraught and and she looks looks up at her parent and goes i don't want you to die i heard you on the phone with with the doctor and they said that addiction that thing is going to kill you and i love you i don't want you to die and they try to console their daughter even further and they say hey don't worry i'm not going to go anywhere i'm fine i'm not going to die until you go grow old everything is going to be fine and yet the little girl still distraught and looks up into her parents eyes the next thing that she says breaks their heart because she looks up at that person who raised her and she says you can't die because i want you to be there when i get married and at that moment that person suddenly quit from that moment on they never indulged in their addiction or habit again because they didn't really care how their decision was affecting them or the pain it was causing them in their life but you know that they cared about their little girl and as soon as they realized that their decision was causing pain to the person they loved the most they resolved within themselves that they would change right here right now that this was their moment that they had to make a decision and all it took was that decision because all change it's not a matter of ability it wasn't that they couldn't change it's that they didn't they didn't have enough of a reason until their daughter gave them that reason and they became free you see this thing that you're overcoming has nothing to do with your ability to overcome it has everything to do with the reason the reason you haven't done it yet and think about this if you knew that the next time you gave in to your addiction the next time you gave in to your habit the person you loved the most would die would you choose to indulge in that habit again no you would find a way you would make a way to make sure you never did it again so that the person you cared about would live and yet if in that hypothetical it would be that easy why can't it be that easy without that hypothetical you see through this process through this next visualization we're about to do i'm gonna help you find that reason find that motivation find that drive because an addiction is not addicting because you can't overcome it the addiction is simply addicting because you haven't decided to and some part of your brain doesn't think that it's that simple it likes to overcomplicate it but in reality it's far more simple than you realize this big thing we like to complicate as an addiction or a bad habit or something we can't quit all it is is a decision all it takes is a choice a choice you have to make and as you think about what it would take to make that choice i want you to imagine the room you're in suddenly starts to fade away and even though your eyes are closed and you're focused on my voice imagine the room fades away the walls the furniture where you're sitting or lying it all just fades away and imagine you now suddenly find yourself in what looks like an elevator it's a small little box a small little room looks like an elevator but this is no elevator this is in fact a time machine and in a moment the time machine is going to take you to a few different instances in time and the first i want you to think of is a happy memory a happy moment something in your life that was really pleasant a really fun memory that brings you joy that happened before your addiction or your habits started think about that time think about the people you are with how much fun that moment was how much joy that thing brought you as you think about that memory you notice the walls start to fade again and you suddenly find yourself in that moment from however long ago this memory was but you're in that moment almost as if you were a ghost you can see and hear the people around you but the people around you can't see or hear you but you can see yourself and how much fun you're having in this moment you can see the joy all over your face you can see the laughter the smiles how much fun people around you are having and you notice how alive you feel and some part of you starts to wonder as you notice this amazing memory how many more of these memories could you have had if you didn't give in to this addiction how many moments like these have you robbed yourself from by choosing to start this bad habit by choosing to not quit by choosing to stay stuck by not making a decision that could change your life by choosing to let this addiction control you instead of controlling it how much more of these moments could your life have had and now well your addiction may not seem like that big of a deal to you it has a bigger of an impact than you realize even little subconscious impact if you may think oh just this little thing that i do wouldn't stop me from having moments like these but the subtle subconscious sabotage that this thing has done to you is beyond your recognition it is subconscious and yet dozens of moments like these you've robbed yourself of and you'll continue to rob yourself off if you continue to indulge in this habit and this addiction this thing that's controlled your life up until now think of how happy you were notice the smiles notice the joy notice what was and think about what could be think about moments like these that could dictate your future could become your future if only you had the strength and maybe you even do but if only you could live with more moments like these as this moment around you fades away and you find yourself back in the elevator room back in the time machine and back thinking about what can be about what was but what is you think about those things i want you to think of somebody close to you somebody you care about somebody either close to your age or somebody younger than you someone who may even look up to you it could be a sibling could be a child it could be a friend a family member someone you care about quite deeply and i want you to think of this person as you think of this person i want you to imagine the walls around you fade away yet again and imagine you were suddenly in this person's home and you see this person sitting at the end of the room by themselves their back is to you and you wonder what they're doing what they're up to it brings you a certain amount of joy or pleasantness happiness to to see them because you care about this person quite a bit and again like a ghost you can see and hear them but they can't see or hear you and out of curiosity you walk over to them to see what they're doing to see what they're up to but you notice that they too are indulging in your addiction this habit that you thought was just yours has rubbed off on them because little did you know that they looked up to you and they still do and they see you as a role model and yet your decision your choice it's not a good one and yet they still imitated it they still thought it was a good idea and here they are just as stuck as you your decision to not quit your decision to continue to stay stuck just cause them to experience the same level of stuckness and notice just the sadness on their face as they continue to indulge in this addiction in front of you and you wish you could yell out to them to stop that it's not worth it that don't do it to quit the change that they don't have to continue this and yet they do because they see you doing the same and you don't realize how much of an impact you have on their life you don't realize how much they look up to you how much they imitate you and seeing the choices you've made have inspired the choices they've made you start to wonder that just maybe if you were to make a choice if you were to make a decision and then just maybe and hopefully they would model that choice as well and that if you were to end this pain that this decision has caused in your life you would not only be doing it for you but you'd be doing it for them you'd be doing it for this person you loved that you may not even have known the impact your decision has had on them but it certainly has and know that they care a lot about you and the decisions you are continuing to make continue to cause pain to not only them but to the other people close to you the other people you care about you have no idea the amount of suffering and pain your decision continues to bring them again even if it's subtle even if you may realize oh it's not that bad just this little thing that i do to myself how does it affect them it affects them in far more ways than you know this thing that robs your happiness this thing that robs your joy they don't get to experience you the same way that that they should that you would want them to and it causes them to suffer and even if you may not want to do it for yourself do it for them do it for the person who loves you the people who love you don't let them continue to suffer because of a decision you still refuse to make now is the time now is the moment don't let another day go by where your decisions continue to hurt those around you it's time to make that change as the walls fade away once again you find yourself once again back in this elevator room back in this time machine thinking about the impact that your decisions have made impacts that are far greater than you've realized impacts that have spread to the people around you that you are a beacon whether you realize it or not and when you feel joy when you experience joy it spreads to those around you when you feel suffering it spreads to those around you and you feel stuck when you feel addicted when you feel helpless that too spreads to those around you so do it for them change for them stop sharing your pain with the people around you it's time to break free but not until the walls fade around you and you experience one final scene and this time you notice yourself outside surrounded by a whole bunch of your friends and family people you care about your loved ones you notice they're all outside dressed very nicely gathered around looking at something but none of them look all that happy and you wonder why there's just a sadness spread across their faces and you realize that as all these people you love and care about it's a sad look on their face all dressed in black as you look to where they're looking and you notice them all looking down in a casket and you realize you're in a funeral and this is your funeral this is years in the future a terrible accident has happened and your life ended much shorter than you thought it would then you hoped it would and yet in this future in this reality you never overcame your addiction it plagued you until your dying days it continued to haunt you it continued to spread pain to spread suffering to yourself to your life and those that you loved and you notice you can see it written on the faces of your loved ones that as much as they wish they could they could smile and laugh about all the the fun moments and the joy that you spread all they can help but think about is how this addiction took you to the grave with it then it never let you go or rather you never let it go that it sucked the life out of you it sucked the happiness out of you until one day there was no more life for it to take and the reality of this reality they said it all could have been different it all could have been different had you made a simple decision had you made a simple choice had you just decided that this thing no longer would control you but you didn't but you didn't and it continued to hurt you and the ones you cared about until the day that you died rather than your life being marked by love by legacy by joy by fulfillment by making the most of your time on earth was marked by struggle struggling by suffering by pain do you really want this addiction this habit to be the thing that defines you to be the thing that people remember most about you when your time is up because it will you don't stop it will think about as you just look down at the casket that you know your future self is sitting in and you wish that you could do it over you wish you could go back and tell yourself to stop to tell yourself to change to tell yourself that it's not worth it to continue to tell yourself that there's so much more that you don't it doesn't have to be this way that if only you could do it again if only you had a second chance and as the scene fades away and you find yourself back in this elevator box in this time machine you realize that you do you do have a second chance because that future will not be your future unless you let it you see your past will not become your future unless you give your permission to be and although you can't go back and make a new yesterday you can make a decision today that we'll make a new tomorrow this is your second chance this is your awakening this is your realization that a decision must be made it is time it is time it is now the time for you to change for you to make a decision and you know what has to be done and you see this is only as far as i can go on this journey with you i can only take you up to this far but now it's your time it's your responsibility there's a decision you know must be made maybe that decision is simply just to say enough is enough and i'm done i quit no more my life is far too valuable the people in my life are far too precious for me to continue to let this thing control me maybe your decision is to tell somebody maybe your decision is to find somebody to be accountable with maybe it's to sign up for a rehab or a recovery program maybe it's to eliminate these things in your life if you're trying to lose weight then get rid of the foods that are causing you to overeat if you're trying to quit smoking get rid of the cigarettes get rid of the vape get rid of the devices that continue to allow you to indulge in this habit there's decisions you know you must make and now is when you know you must make them this is your chance this is your moment all change is not a matter of ability it is a matter of motivation it is a matter of reason what is your reason who will you do it for if not for yourself do it for your future self and if not for your future self do it for those you care about for those you love because today can be your day today is your day today is the day that you decide that enough is enough no more will you be defined by this addiction today is the day that this addiction no longer controls you but today is the day that you have taken control over it you have taken control over your addiction over your habit enough is enough enough is enough enough is enough and no more you're done and it's done hurting you haunting you stopping you holding you back from the person that you want to be you now have the power have the ability have the capability to change and you always have but you may not have realized it up until now that you can change and you will change because you must change you must you must you must change and you will and you have and you have you have as the walls of this time machine this elevator room they fade away you find yourself back in your room back where you are in the present moment finding yourself being faced with the decision faced with the realization of what's possible of what you can do and what you will do of what you might have already done because now it's the best time and when would now be the best time to make that decision make that choice because again there's only so much that i can do for you but the most that i can do for you is helping you do for you what must be done for you but only you can make the change only you can make the choice only you can make the decision to quit to overcome and in a moment i'm gonna count up from one to ten each number i count up from one to ten feeling not only less relaxed and less hypnotized but feeling more confident and more sure in your ability to make this change feeling more motivated when i reach the number 10 not only will you no longer be in the state of hypnosis but you will be the most confident you've ever been to go make this decision to make this choice to do what must be done again maybe it's just making a choice maybe it's making a decision maybe it's taking a step oftentimes the best decisions are the ones followed by action do what you need to do only you know what you need to do but do it one this change it must be made for you and those around you two make your life even better even more amazing through this decision three no longer letting it hold you back for no longer letting it define you five feeling full of energy full of confidence full of life less relaxed less hypnotized as you continue to focus into six feeling more alive more confident more capable than ever knowing you can make this change knowing the ability to make this change is within you and it always has been seven feeling amazing confident motivated you can do this nine today is the day enough is enough the decision must be made and it has been made now at the final number ten eyes open wide awake feeling amazing and incredible in every single way and i hope this experience was helpful for you i hope this experience was empowering for you and different people will watch this video and have different results for some of you you may watch this video and after one time watching it listening experiencing this visualization this hypnosis that's all it takes for some of you it may be helpful to watch this multiple times to really let this idea sink in but at the end of the day remember that my power is not really the power of anything i can do to you my power is me helping you untap your power acknowledge your power acknowledge the thing that's always been inside of you my power is simply helping you unleash your own so through this experience i hope it was able to do just that and i hope this truly helped you out because that's my goal in making videos like these is that people will truly be affected and lives will be changed by even watching a simple video like this so i hope you enjoyed this experience i hope you got a lot out of it and until the next hypnosis through the screen videos video wherever whatever i film next we'll see in the next one goodbye
Channel: Zach Pincince
Views: 58,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hypnosis, hypnotist, hypnotize, hypnotized, hypnotizing, get hypnotized, i will hypnotize you, hypnotizing you, hypnosis through the screen, hypnosis through screen, hypnosis for addiction, addiction hypnosis, hypnosis addiction, hypnotized to get of addiction, hypnosis to get rid of addiction, addiction, get rid of addiction, get rid of your addiction, bad habit, how to get rid of your bad habits, get rid of your bad habits, bad habit hypnosis, hypnosis for bad habits, quit habits
Id: t0UbYlPGDxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 35sec (1895 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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