Instantly Overcome Gambling Addiction with this Brain Hack!

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hi my name is barry neal i'm a professional therapist who helps people just like you stop gambling with the use of advanced behavioral techniques including things like hypnosis and one of the things that i do is to really take away the craving or the urge that people have to gamble um if you've been gambling for some time you know what that's like you you'll something will happen you'll see something like a race or you go past the bookies or you go to a casino or you hear the sound of the slots or whatever and you have this real feeling inside of the excitement of wanting to play them whatever it is and it can be very very difficult to control that urge well i'm going to show you something that you can use right now that's not hypnosis but in fact there's a brain hack that you can use right now to take away any urge or cravings whatsoever very very quickly now it does require you to practice this on a daily basis and if you do this for about 30 days you're going to notice a massive change in your behavior because what this does is it literally hacks your brain you probably haven't been aware of this before but from a neurological point of view any emotional state whether that be happiness joy or anxiety or craving from a neurological point of view can last for a maximum of 90 seconds now i know you're thinking how can that be because i've had feelings or emotions that lasted much much longer than that well that's true because what you've done is you've thrown more wood on the fire by by thinking about it but with the actual urge itself when it comes up and it rises up in your neurology can last for maximum of 90 seconds if left alone now if you interrupt that pattern then it completely dies out very very quickly and this process enables you to completely interrupt that gambling pattern so whatever the trigger is that's triggering that response you can use this technique to nullify that trigger and if you consistently practice this it will completely nullify that trigger and that those triggers won't bother you anymore but it does require practice so how does this work well you have two halves to your brain you have a left hemisphere and a right hemisphere these types of anxiety-driven emotional cravings tend to be a left hemisphere phenomena and the right hemisphere is pretty much doing nothing when they've done mri scans on people without things like anxiety disorders the left hemispheres lit up like a christmas tree right hemisphere's not doing too much at all and one of the reasons is because on this side of the brain is the language centers where you talk to yourself and this is where you start justifying where you're going to gamble and you know this time i'm going to get winning all the money back and whatever you start talk to yourself and that that hemisphere kind of takes over what we want to do is an exercise that balances out your hemispheres and by doing so what it would do it was lower the craving lower the urge very very quickly so here's how it works because you've got huge amounts of nerve cells in your hands the hands take up a lot of the brain capacity and there's proprioceptive areas over the top of the brain and when you start using your hands in a coordinated manner both hemispheres of the brain start getting activated instead of the just the one so if you do an exercise like this it will lower the that feeling very very quickly because we're literally hacking the brain we're not going to have to talk about some deep psychological thing or what may have happened to you in your childhood or anything like that all we're going to have to do is hack your brain so it doesn't think in the same way so all you need to do is to get yourself either a ball or a piece of fruit a bottle of water your car keys don't use your phone i don't want people messaging me saying hey i took your advice and i broke my phone because i dropped it no just get a ball or a piece of fruit golf ball something like that and what we're going to do is what's called a bilateral stimulation exercise a bilateral stimulation exercise will stimulate both hemispheres of the brain the blood will start to shift from the left hemisphere to the right hemisphere and what will happen is it will lower that emotional feeling it will take away that drive it will interrupt that pattern so here's how it works so if you can grab one now and play along with me and notice what happens the first step is to think about something that triggers you so if it's kind of like i don't know walking past a bookie going into a casino seeing an advert on the tv for gambling something like that and you think i gotta pick up and get my phone and whatever think about something like that think about one of these triggers and i want you to get the urge to gamble up as high as you can now i know that may sound counterintuitive when i'm talking about how to stop gambling but i want you right now to learn that you can control us so i want you to bring up that urge as much as you can and i want you to rate it on a scale of 0 to 10 with 10 being the biggest urge in the world zero being no edge at all so hopefully you've done that so think about the trigger rate on a scale of zero to ten notice how that feels and then what we're going to do is we're going to literally just pass the ball from one hand to the other like this so just want you to just pass the ball from one hand to the other and what's going to happen is as you do this your hands are going to be taking up a lot of the neural activity in your brain and they're going to be taking the bud away from the left hemisphere over to the right hemisphere and what's going to happen is your body and your brain is going to start to relax and that urge is going to start to drop now as some people do this they also notice a change in their breathing some people notice a shift in their their relaxation in their body some people notice that their internal voice quietens down just do this for a few moments just follow the key with this exercise is the hand that's got the ball in is the one that moves the hands that empty is the one that stays still right in front of you okay if you drop the ball fire pick it up it's very common for people to drop the ball in the early stages of doing this exercise okay now stop and notice on a scale of 0 to 10 where is that feeling now now if you're like most of the clients i see in my office who want to stop gambling with a huge hypnosis the urge has come down dramatically it could be from a 10 down to 5. what i want to do now is we're going to continue that so let's just do this a little bit more and what we're going to do is to add a few more things so just pass the ball from one hand to the next and then what i want you to do is i want you to look forward and kind of look up slightly above eyeline and we've got two ways we can use our eyes we can either focus on a pinpoint vision we're really sharply focused on something or we can expand our awareness so all you do is i want you to look up above your eye line and imagine you can expand your awareness so that you can begin to see all around you so although you're looking forward you have an awareness of everything that's on your left and everything's on your right you can see the ball moving in your hands even though you're not looking at it so you're going into what's called peripheral vision and this is something else you can do to hack your brain to calm yourself down okay and now stop and again rate yourself on the scale of zero to ten now typically it would have come down a lot it may have even gone to zero so what i want you to do is i want you to practice this for at least 30 days and the key is bring up the urge first and then do the ball bit if you're sitting there relaxed with not an urge in the world and think well better to practice that exercise it ain't gonna work you have to bring up the urge first what you're teaching your brain is not this this not this this so every time the urge comes up you're training your brain to bring you back down again bring it up bring it back down again now i promise you if you practice this exercise religiously for about five ten minutes a day every day for 30 days you're going to notice a massive change in your behavior because you're going to learn how to control and interrupt that pattern and this is one of the many techniques that i teach my clients who come in to stop gambling with the use of hypnosis and some of the other techniques i use we get tremendous success even people who've um really let gambling control their life and lost loads and loads of money they're able to take back control of their life stop gambling and get their life back together again this is just one of the many strategies that i use with my clients so if this is something you feel the need to to do you know just drop me a line send me a message meanwhile i'm producing a lot of videos like this with lots of tips and techniques that you can use right now for free so just sign up below remember to subscribe and like this video and you'll get similar videos that you can use at home to break this addiction to gambling and so please practice this i wish you well if you need any help you know where to come
Channel: Barry Neale Hypnosis
Views: 61,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Stop The Urge To Gamble In Seconds? Gambling Hypnosis | Barry Neale Hypnosis, stop gambling, How to Stop The Urge To Gamble In Seconds?, How to Stop The Urge To Gamble In Seconds? Gambling Hypnosis, gambling hypnosis, stop gambling addiction, barry neale hypnosis, stop gambling hypnosis, hypnosis for gambling, how to stop playing slot machines, how to stop going to the casino, how to stop playing the pokies, how to stop playing the slots, how to stop gambling online
Id: jOR_wuMbNK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2022
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