Hypnotizing YOU Through the Screen | Online Hypnosis

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I'm going to hypnotize you through the screen right now welcome to the video guys I'm going to do something a little bit different than I usually do I know it's here familiar as my channel you see that my videos are usually me hypnotizing somebody else whether it's on stage or on the street but in this video I'm going to hypnotize you through the screen right here right now so if you're somebody that's wanted to experience hypnosis or feel what it's like to get hypnotized you're in the right place or if you're somebody that doesn't know if they want to be hypnotized what's curious how I do my hypnosis and want to see my process of how I have attached somebody you are also in the right place if you are neither of those types of people well you might not get as much out of this video but hey the view counts are going up I ain't complaining so welcome to anyways but in this video I'm gonna give you the chance to get hypnotized now if you've never done hypnosis before no the hypnosis isn't mind control you're not gonna be controlled like in the movies but hypnosis is actually opening your mind up to heightened sense of control it's not me controlling you to me giving you more control over your own mind now anybody can be hypnotized but nobody can be hypnotized against their will or if they're not open to or they don't want to and it's not mind control you're not gonna be come on boys move zombie it's not that doesn't work like that no no if you want to get into ties all you gotta do is simply allow yourself to become open and give yourself permission to have the experience and create a positive expectation remember that our expectations tend to become self-fulfilling prophecies so if you have in your mind all this isn't going to work it's totally faking nothing's gonna happen you know you're probably right versions if you have the expectation in your mind oh my gosh I'm so excited I can't wait to hypnotize this is totally gonna work and I can't wait you're probably also right because whether you think you can or can't be hypnotized either way you're correct so give yourself the permission to have this experience hypnosis isn't sleep so you're never gonna go to sleep or fall asleep you'll always feel I really can hear the sound of my voice you just get really relaxed at the other any other distractions or thoughts just don't really matter in that moment but just like if you were to fall asleep this isn't sleep but just like if you were to go to sleep if you were to be in your own head and hang like why I'm not asleep in my phone sleep this is slowly working it's like really real this is sleeping actually happening you're not gonna fall asleep you're making it harder to have that experience if gnosis is the same way if you're trying to fall asleep and you just allow yourself to sleep just close my eyes and give myself permission to sleep same thing if gnosis just give yourself the permission to have this experience and that's it so if you want to get hypnotized what I'll have you do is make sure that you're sitting or standing somewhere in a comfortable position that you can give this video on your senator focus please do not attempt to do this if you're driving or cooking or doing something else it requires your partial attention hypnosis is a state of focus so if you're not able to completely focus it's not going to work if you're going to be distracted so make sure you're in an environment or position where you can completely focus on me and on the video and on the process of getting hypnotized so right now wherever you're sitting or wherever you're standing put yourself in a position that's comfortable for you if you're standing make sure your feet are shoulder-width apart so that your balance is Saturday if you're sitting you can sit back sit up sit in a position that feels right to you focus on the sound of my voice in fact I simply want you to just focus on the center of my index finger you can almost imagine it's like one of those pocket watches you might see in the movie but simply just giving yourself a focal point of something to concentrate on focus on my finger and all yourself to take a deep breath in and let it out focusing completely on the sound of my voice is your eyes focus on that spot your mind focuses on the sound of my voice of I yourself to become completely focused completely relaxed completely immersed in this experience as you continue to focus on that spot in the moment I'm gonna snap my fingers and what I do all I'm gonna have you do is simply close your eyes for the sake of focusing on the sound of my voice even further go ahead let those eyes closing now yeah that's right yourself to become completely immersed completely focused on the sound of my voice tuning up any other distractions any other thoughts but letting yourself go completely into this state completely relaxed completely focused almost as it right now my voice is the only thing that matters to you right here in this mine allow yourself to take all this wonderful relaxation that you're experiencing now all this incredible focus and concentration take that feeling now and double it now double that amazing relaxation that's right in a moment I'm going to count down from five to one every number I count down from five to one simply helps to deepen this state of relaxation concentration focus a lot of yourself to become completely immersed when the sound of my voice and imagine you're standing at the top of the set of stairs in each number I count down from five to one takes you deeper down those stairs signifying yourself how much deeper you're going into this incredible state of relaxation and focus starting with the number five going even deeper and further with another step into the number four that's right every muscle nerve fiber into the number three that's right doing fantastic amazing relaxing even deeper in to another number another step that's right every sound every word every breath it takes you deeper and it's incredible state of relaxation and the focus as you let yourself experience the most relaxation concentration and focus new experiences entire time down to the final number one that's right letting yourself become so immersed in this incredible experience now any time that you hear me say the word sleep anytime I say that word sleep you don't go to sleep you don't fall asleep you simply just let yourself go right back it's incredible feeling a relaxation that you're experiencing now even deeper and even further than before the proven show yourself how your mind works how this works so let yourself one-two-three a week eyes open doing awesome continue to focus right here for me focus on the center my hand if you will let yourself take a deep breath in and let it out let yourself sleep focusing on the sound of my voice going every muscle every nerve every fiber now in the state of complete focus and concentration and relaxation you'll find that any idea that I'd give you any suggestion begins to become your belief and the more becomes a belief the more becomes your reality and the proven show yourself how this is working don't you imagine right now it's your eyelids as they're closed and focus on the sound of my voice a lot of those eyelids to become so heavy and so relaxed that you feel like you cannot open them and once they become that heavy in that relaxed that you can't open them you can even test this up now and try to open your eyes and notice that you can't notice they're so heavy they will not open genuinely try to open your eyes and notice you can't they will not open you will not be able to open your eyes until I count from one to three when I reach number three of those eyes can open easily one two and three those eyes can open easily fantastic doing great it can focus right here for me doing great deep breath in breathe out let yourself sleep those eyes closed back down going even deeper even further in his amazing state of relaxation and concentration okay go up make yourself one two three eyes open awake doing great doing awesome what I'll have you do is take your two hands if you're holding your phone or your computer anything put it down so that you have your two hands-free focus on me bring your two hands together interlock all of your fingers including your thumbs don't you notice which thumb is on top and focus on the closest knuckle of that thumb don't take your eyes off of that spot that has become your focal point as you continue to stare at that spot on your thumb align your mind to focus completely on the sound of my place and as you focus on that spot look either squeeze your hands tighter and tighter together the tighter you squeeze them together the more they come together the more they lock the more they come together the more they come together the more they lock squeeze and tighter and tighter together in fact you finally become so large squeezed duct-taped together the more you might want to try to pull those hands apart the more you find they just come closer and closer together the more you stare the more you squeeze the closer and closer they get and even as you try to pull them apart you find what you can actually try to pull them apart and find they will not come apart they just want to come closer and closer together them try the more closer they come together stuck locked squeeze tight together a moment and count from 1 2 3 when I reach number 3 again those hands will come apart easily and you can let yourself go right back down then incredible state of relaxation and focus as you one-two-three sweep those hands come apart easily and you let yourself drop right back down an amazing state of relaxation in focus that's right even deeper even further to continue to teach you and show you how you can use your mind in this new and different way and I should imagine that you take your own first name and imagine you just forgot it imagine that name is completely gone from your mind the more you try to remember it the more you just can't them or you forget them where you try to say it more just gets stuck in the tip of your tongue just for a moment to prove to yourself how strong and powerful your mind is you completely forget your own first name the more you try to remember the more that you forget doing absolutely incredible amazing with let yourself 1 2 3 Oh Rick you'll nasim doing great now though this is simply just about creating a new belief when you get into the state of focus concentration relaxation it allows your mind to create a belief in a different way than it's used to and right now as your mind has an idea that it's currently focusing on try think of your first name and you'll find that you can you'll find that as you try to think of it of course you know that you know it but even as you know that you know you find that you don't know it in this moment because you're so focused on forgetting you find you do forget and you don't even know your own first name again I'll count from 1 2 3 when I reach the number 3 that and be more turn right to its normal spot in your mind and again you can let yourself drop down to that in credit relaxation focuses you 1-2-3 sleep that's right now all the way back down that name is returned to your mind you know what you always will be able to know your name what they want a final thing they have gnosis is to help you create an experience of positive transformation in your life I want you to think of something in your life that you want to get rid of whether it's anxiety insecurity depression shyness of fear and addiction name that thing in your mind hold the name of that in your mind I'm Jude imagine right now that you're holding your phone in your hand and you're looking at your phone screen you see all the apps on the home screen of your phone but instead of the ordinary apps that would be on your phone each of these apps has a name of a certain personality trailer characteristic of who you are in one of the app sets love monoi the app says kindness strength caring wisdom generosity all positive wonderful traits of who you are except that you notice one of these apps has the exact word of this thing that you wanted to get rid of in your life maybe it says anxiety or insecurity or a name of a fear or addiction imagine you see that app on your phone screen you know that hat might have served its place before but it has no more place being on your phone or in your mind or a part of your life anymore and what you can imagine you tap that app on the phone screen and you see a little red X pop up in the corner of that app know exactly what that means exactly that can do to this old habit this old part of who you are to reach again over a phone screening tap that red X on that app and notice the message pops up on your phone that says uninstalling the name of that thing you want to get rid of uninstalling anxiety uninstalling insecurity uninstalling your fear and as you see it loading 25 50 percent 75 percent 100% uninstalled gone removed no longer there on the phone or in your mind a film that represented your mind that is completely gone but to replace it something better I'm sure to think of what concern for a place that old thing that you got rid of whether you want to replace it with confidence state with security with love certainty think of the name of what you want to replace that old negative thing with hold that name of that thing you want to replace it with in your mind now simply want you to notice on your phone screen that you're imagining you're holding in your hand that empty space where that old app you just uninstalled used to be tap that empty space as soon as you tap that space you notice it's now installing this new app installing this confidence this piece is security this space whatever you decided to replace it with it is now installing in your mind 25 50 percent 75 and 100% this new feeling this new emotion this new part of you is installed it replaced the old the old has gone the new has come thinking right now just the possibilities that this can create in your life the possibilities of things that this can open up for you that's right feeling absolutely incredible and amazing the best that you felt in a moment I'm going to count from one to five every number I count it from one to five feeling the less relaxed so that's hypnotized getting them bring yourself back into your Norton ordinary normal state of focus and concentration starting with the number one gathering of all the wonderful positive energy your body into the number two feeling amazing feeling incredible into the number three feeling like you just had an incredible amazing experience in hypnosis with the number four integrating this new feeling this new change this new transformation into the final number five opening your eyes sitting up straight you tall standing up straight and tall doing great doing amazing now at this point I don't know how you did it that's a challenge of hypnotizing you over the screen without knowing who you are one of the key parts of hypnosis is calibration where can adjust or adapt to how you're responding if something's not working I can adjust as needed to help it work for you and when I do hypnosis either in person or over a private video call I can see and hear the other person and adapt as necessary now I don't know who you are as you're trying this or where in the world that you're trying this or how focused you're concentrated you were an experience the entire time that being said I'd love to hear what you thought did this work for you what worked what didn't work what did you enjoy what you not enjoy if this didn't work for you again remember it's not me controlling you it's simply you giving yourself permission to learn how you can tap into a different side of control you didn't know you had if gnosis isn't mind control it's not gonna happen automatically on its own but as a hypnotist I become the guy I say the right words in the right order to help facilitate this experience for you so whether you choose to give yourself permission to have that experience or not at the end of the day is up to you and not to me but I hope you enjoyed this video I hope you got value of it and if this was your first experience getting hypnotized congratulations maybe I'll see you at a show or on a street show performance one of these days and you can continue to do more in a hypnotized state whether it's some of the other things that you've seen in the videos whether it's me being invisible or celebrity or whatever it is I hope that was a great experience for you to sort of get your feet wet into the experience of getting in the test thank you guys for watching it can leave a comment if you liked it if you enjoyed it if you want me to make more videos like this I have a lot of exciting content coming out soon some really really great collapse that have been working that I'm super excited for you to see thanks for watching make sure you subscribe and all that fun stuff so you don't miss the exciting stuff that's coming up until the next video guys be great remember the only person you're destined to become as a person you decide to be until the next video guys we'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Zach Pincince
Views: 4,939,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hypnosis, hypnotist, hypnotize, hypnotized, hypnotizing, hypnotism, hypnosis 2019, hypnotizing you, hypnosis through screen, hypnosis through the screen, video hypnosis, hypnosis video, hypnosis over video, hypnosis on video, how to get hypnotized, get hypnotized, hypnotize me, hypnotize you, i will hypnotize you, experience hypnosis, hypnosis experience, digital hypnosis, online hypnosis, induction, hypnosis induction, induction hypnosis, hypnosis tutorial, hypnotic, zach pincince
Id: P1Tf33yqpxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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