I Will Hypnotize YOU in This Video | YouTube Hypnosis Through the Screen

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I'm going to be hypnotized you through the screen again so about two months ago I made this video that did way better than I thought it would over a million views after less than two months it's been my most liked video my most commented video and I've gotten a range of comments all the way from this is stupid and dumb and fake and didn't work to this was amazing and incredible and it worked and changed my life and so I've been getting so many requests emails messages every single day saying please make Morgan those videos through the screen and so this is what we're here to do if you didn't check out the other video I'll link it up here for you so you can go watch that this will be sort of like part two except that it's not sequential so you don't need to watch the other one first you could watch this one and then that one or that one or than this one it doesn't really matter we're gonna do different things in this video it'll be similar but still different and I'm gonna hypnotize you through the screen once again now my top comment or the top comment on my other video which I have to mention was something along the lines of who else is reading the comments and not listening to his intro and if that's you if you're doing this again at this video hey listen my eyes are up here make sure you listening to the intro apparently 16,000 people like that comment this a top common so a lot of you I guess skipped my intro and just looked at the comments to see if it was working and then of course know when did you comment hey this didn't work and it didn't work for me I wonder why the intro is important I'm not just rambling for no reason but I you need to understand you know sis and why it'll work and why it won't work so if you missed the intro you might miss the whole reason that this is going to work for you or the whole strategy or technique that you need to keep in mind for this to work so listen to me pay attention you can read the comments after the fact you can see it worked for other people afterwards but going with the expectation just give yourself an open mind say this is gonna work and don't make it happen hypnosis is not mind control it is not magic nothing mystical or scary or supernatural going to happen in this video hypnosis is simply a heightened state of focus and awareness where your focus become so shifted into a particular suggestion believe her idea you actually begin to experience it even though the idea may or may not be real you experience it like it's real just like in a dream when you're dreaming you know what's happening in the dream isn't real but your mind isn't focused on the fact that it isn't real it's focused on the experience and so it feels real in that moment hypnosis is the same way you allow your mind is shift into a state where the beliefs that I give you in this video feel real to you in this moment now hypnosis isn't meditation but it is similar and I get a lot of people actually ask what's the difference between hypnosis and meditation and I like to say hypnosis is like meditation with utilization the point of meditation is often just to get this really relaxed and like state and then be relaxed for a little bit then leave if those just utilizes a similar meditative state but then you do something with that state you give yourself suggestions beliefs ideas that are either fun and interesting and silly and cool or positive and transformational to help you create a real change and so hypnosis is like meditation but just like meditation you wouldn't meditate and then because you didn't follow the instructions say what meditation is fake and it doesn't work it only doesn't work if you don't follow along gnosis is the same way you could just not do anything I say in this video and then it will work but that doesn't mean hypnosis is fake it just means you didn't follow instructions so nothing magical is gonna happen if I say close your eyes your eyes won't magically close on their own but by following the instructions you actually allow your mind sort of go down that path go down that rabbit hole to experience what's known as they have not a transfer and you'll find the suggestions and beliefs that I give you in this video will start to become your real experience all right so without further ado let's jump right into it in the hypnosis if you read comments and skip the intro hey this is where the video starts please go back and watch the intro because it's important but otherwise here we are let's get ready to start so make sure that you are sitting or lying and position that is comfortable for you as we get started if you have headphones it's probably a good idea that way you can allow you to concentrate and focus and sound in my voice even more but here we go all right so what I'll have you do is as you focus and listen to the sound of my voice I don't you do look right at the center of my forehead I just look right there allow your eyes to zoom in right on the center of my forehead as your mind focus in the sound of my voice and as your eyes focus on my forehead I'm cuter imagine you're not just looking at my forehead but you're actually zooming in to the very atoms and molecules the very details on my skin and on my forehead just zoom in focus right there and as your eyes ooming on that spot let your mind zoom in on the sound of my voice focusing on my voice even further and even more and as your eyes focus on that one spot I want you to begin to create some tension in your body really tense up your shoulders tense up your back tense up your legs squeeze your hands into a fist if you can curl your toes just create as much tension in your body as possible and as you feel that tension you might be feeling so much tension you're shaking a little bit and that's good you want as much tension as possible close your eyes now no longer staring at that spot close your eyes but keep all the tension keep all that tension in your body as you focus on the sound of my voice more attention even more tense the most tense you can be in a moment I'm going to count down from 3 to 1 when I reach number one that you can then release all of that tension but hold it until then that's right just a moment longer as you focus on the sound of my voice 3 2 1 now that's right as you exhale just focus more on the sound of my voice with those eyes staying closed just relax all that tension that used to be there as now become relaxation let your entire body get as relaxed as possible from the tip of your head down to the bottom of your toes every muscle every nerve every fiber of your inner being and body relaxing deeper and further in fact the more you hear my voice the more relaxed you get the more relaxed you get the more you hear my voice to know any other thoughts any other distractions and the other noises taking all this amazing relaxation you're feeling and double it now you can more relaxed that's right that's right all that amazing incredible relaxation you're experiencing double it again that's even more relaxed as you find your entire body if it hasn't already you can allow your chin to get closer to your chest as you let yourself relax and whatever position feels most comfortable to you as you focus even more on the sound of my voice in this amazing incredible state that's right and anytime you hear me say the word sleep the word sleep doesn't mean you go to sleep even you're not asleep right now you can still hear me and focus in sound of my voice towards sleep just helps you go right back down to the sleek like state of relaxation you're experiencing now but even deeper and even more relaxed every time that I say it that word sleep just helps you get more relaxed and when I say that word sleep you can simply allow your eyes to close if they aren't already and focus on the sound of my voice did you let yourself get as relaxed as you possibly can sleep that's right even deeper even further all the way down an amazing state of relaxation focus keeping this feeling of relaxation your feeling I want you to just go ahead and let yourself 1 2 3 eyes open just go ahead and look at me look right up at me that's right right here keeping that relaxation of deep breath in and breathe out and sleep let those eyes closed all the way back down all the way back down that same feeling of relaxation but even deeper even further even more relaxed than before the most relaxed you felt this entire time now that's right notice how good it feels to be this relaxed let yourself experience this amazing incredible feeling of relaxation that you can give to yourself now and the more you relax the more you focus and sound of my voice and the more you focus in the sound of my voice the more that you relax that's right and in the state of relaxation as you continue to let yourself relax even deeper and further I want you to relax and pay attention to just how relaxed your eyelids are getting in fact I'm sure to relax your eyelids and your eyes so much so to the point that you feel your eyelids are so relaxed that they can't and won't open your eyelids to become so heavy and realize the more you might want to try to open them the more heavy and stuck in the lags that you get and as you relax them to that point go ahead and test it out and notice what happens if you try to open your eyes you find that you can't you find your eyes have become stuck and heavy and shut the more you try to open them the more stuck and relaxed they get you can stop trying to open your eyes just focus on the sound of my voice and let yourself sleep relax even deeper all the way down that's right even deeper the most relaxed you've been this entire time and as you continue to relax I want you to take the same feeling of heaviness that was in your eyelids and let it spread to the rest of your body now throughout the rest of your head down your chest your torso your legs all the way down your extremities your legs your toes your arms your fingers every part of your body feeling so relaxed in fact so relaxed and so heavy it's as if your body weighs 2,000 pounds feel this feeling of heaviness in your body right now that's right even a heavier even more relaxed as you focus on this feeling of relaxation feeling so incredible and in fact you found your body has become so relaxed and so heavy it's so heavy that you can't move it right now your body's so heavy and so relaxed and if you wanted to move it it just is so heavy it feels so good to let it be heavy it doesn't even want to move your body is so heavy it will not move next time you open your eyes and even with your eyes closed in this relaxed state but as you keep that relaxation going that yourself one two three eyes open eyes open just look directly in front of you if you will look directly in front of you but just notice how heavy your body feels and notice what happens if you try to move right now notice the feeling of heaviness you've created in your body your body's become so relaxed it doesn't want to move your legs your arms so relaxed and so heavy just doesn't want to move that's right you don't have to move you can just let yourself continue to focus and sleep close your eyes all the way down that amazing state of relaxation focus all the way down that's right doing incredible do an amazing and go ahead and allow your hands if they aren't already just to drift down seiyya tear labs you focus more on the sound of my voice that's right and as you focus on this feeling of relaxation and heaviness that's right I want you to focus right now on your left arm your left arm and your left hand and I'm sure to imagine your left arm your left hand is suddenly gone from being super heavy and relaxed to being a super light Soleil it's as if your left arm from your shoulder down to your elbow to your wrist your fingers have suddenly become infused and filled with helium it's as if your left arm has become lighter than air and your left arm has become so light that you might already start to notice it start to rise and start to float and as your eyes are closed and the rest of your body is relaxing only your left arm is starting to float and get lighter and lighter as it rises higher and higher towards the sky towards the ceiling lifting at the wrists lifting at the elbow lifting at the shoulder as that left arm just floats higher and higher you focus on that feeling of lightness your left arm getting lighter and lighter and the lighter it gets the higher it rises and the higher it rises the lighter it gets that left arm lighter and lighter and lighter and lighter rising higher and higher and a higher that's right that left arm - so light rising so high don't you to leave your left arm exactly where it is now but go ahead and open your eyes now open your eyes even notice where your left hand is look up to where your left hand is and notice how much you allowed it to rise by focus on it being so light you notice that it actually got light to the point where it started to rise all on its own because your mind was so focused on the fact that it was light weightless it actually became light and witness weightless through your mind but look right at that left hand to keep a look at that left hand wherever it may be look at that leg left hand just focus and concentrate on that spot and sleep close your eyes all the way down that amazing state of relaxation relax even further even deeper a lot of that left arm is slowly dropped down back to your side back to your lap and as that left arm drops that left hand drops you even deeper the more that left arm drops the deeper you go and the deeper you go the more that left arm drops until it falls all the way back down to your side to laughs now as it hits that spot you can let yourself go the deepest and furthest you relax this entire time that's right that's right notice how good it feels to be this relaxed let Rachelle relax even deeper now that's right and I do want a final thing in this state actually we'll do two more things as you focus and concentrate on the sound of my voice I want you to think of a really fun positive memory think of a time that just made you laugh hysterically it was so funny it was hilarious I want you to associate that memory to the word hypnosis and anytime you hear me say the word hypnosis it just gets funnier and funnier because you think of this really funny hilarious memory in fact the more I say hypnosis the funnier that that word gets with your eyes closed you can humbug giggle and laugh as the word hypnosis gets funnier and funnier making that memory stronger and bigger and brighter a word if gnosis is the funniest word you've heard in your life hypnosis is just the funniest thing and watch that word is no longer funny now just an ordinary word and now if I say hypnosis it's no longer funny but you can just focus on the feeling of hypnosis as you sleep even deeper even further that's right all the way down this amazing state of relaxation and focus even deeper that's right that's right feeling good feeling relaxed you do want a final thing to leave you feeling positive and amazing and confident and transformed I want you to imagine right now that you're staring at a piece of paper you're holding a piece of paper and you're looking at it in your mind and on the top of this piece of paper is written two words in big bold letters two words I am and underneath these words I am or all the words that you use to describe yourself and I want you to be completely honest as possible let your mind be as honest as possible as it fills in on this piece of paper all the words you use to describe yourself maybe they're confident and they're positive I am beautiful I'm smart I am pretty I'm loved maybe they're negative maybe I'm anxious I'm depressed I'm scared I'm lonely think of all those words that describe yourself and let them fill in on this piece of paper and notice maybe there's more positive than negative maybe there's more negative than positive but as you focus on this piece of paper with all these feelings all these identities that you've given to yourself over the course of your life what are you I am I am I am as all these words continue to flood and fill this piece of paper and I'm sure to take your attention right now to the biggest and most negative word on this piece of paper maybe it's I am depressed I'm alone I'm scared I'm anxious I'm insecure I'm not good enough find that word and as you look at that word I want you to notice the strangest thing starts to happen it's that word on this piece of paper starts to dissolve as if it was written in disappearing ink watch that word slowly begin to fade off of that paper until it's completely gone no longer on that piece of paper now and you notice as you take your attention to another one of those negative words watch that word start to slowly dissolve and disappear from the paper as well as you look and follow all the negative words on that paper slowly dissolving slowly disappearing as they continue one after another vanishing and disappearing and dissolving off of that paper until there's nothing but only positive words left on that paper no more negative identities only the positive ones only the ones that you want to reinforce only the ones that leave you feeling good and enable you to live your best life possible and as you focus on the positive words on this paper maybe there's still a lot maybe there's only a few maybe there aren't even any but as you focus on this piece of paper I'm sure to notice that in any blank and empty space on this piece of paper other positive words start filling those spaces where those negative words used to be I'm confident I'm secure I am loved I am good enough I'm just I'm smart enough I am pretty enough I'm successful enough all of these words start to fill this piece of paper until this piece of paper with the two words I am and all of these identity statements underneath have become 100% positive and the words and the identities that you want you need to live and be the person that you want to be in your life and the biggest one of all has actually been here the whole time on the back of the piece of paper as you take the piece of paper and holding and you flip it over and notice on the back is written three words in big bold letters across the entire piece of paper in still words I am enough and among all those identity statements you saw on the other side you know this one holds true more than any others that I am enough that you are enough you are enough you are good enough you are smart enough you are pretty enough you are enough and other people's opinions of you don't change who you are just because somebody might not be able to see your worth does not make you any less valuable then you truly are you are enough and as you see it written across this giant piece of paper you know it to be true not just on this piece of paper but in who you are and if you didn't believe it before your mind starts to believe it now even more than ever and you know that even after this experience your mind will continue to believe those three words I am enough more than anything else knowing the truth that you are enough that's right and as you direct your attention back away from that piece of paper to back down to the sound of my voice imagining that piece of paper fades away in your hands leaving you holding nothing but you know that piece of paper left your hand and went straight to your mind all those new identity statements that you've installed are now there those negative ones that used to be there and no longer there and especially that final statement of I am enough that your brain believes that and knows that to be true more than anything else you are enough and in fact even beyond this video beyond this experience your brain will continue to remind you of that truth and my voice will go with you reminding you that you are enough Today Tomorrow forever and for the rest of your life knowing the truth that you are enough feeling so good and amazing and confident in every single way feeling the best that you felt all day in fact as I get ready to count up from one to five each number I count up from one to five feeling less relaxed less hypnotized and releasing yourself from Asif notic state when I reach that final number five but keeping with you and any good feelings of confidence positivity and especially self assurance knowing that you are enough starting with the number one beginning to gather up all that amazing positive energy in your body feeling so good and incredible into the number two less relaxed more full of energy full of life into the number three feeling so good and amazing as you integrate even further this amazing new belief that you are enough into the number four feeling incredible feeling and fantastic and so good in every way as you get ready to release yourself from this hypnotic state preparing to open your eyes at the final number five eyes open wide awake looking at me doing great doing awesome all right and that's it thank you for watching this video hope this works for you second time around if it didn't well maybe try it again watch it again all you got to do is focus and follow along in the instructor let's get out of your head because the more in your head you are the less inexperienced you are so if you tried this and it didn't work for you try it again but give yourself the permission to just leave your mind tell any thoughts that come in that might distract disrupt you or distract your bother you to go away and let yourself become completely immersed in the experience just like you do when you watch a movie when you watch a movie you're so immersed that you're not thinking about what you ate for breakfast or what you have to do afterwards you're in the experience so the more in this experience you are the more this will work for you and if this did work for you awesome I'm so excited so happy that you got to experience getting hypnotized once again and if you like this video make sure you leave a comment and let me know what was your favorite part what worked for you what didn't work for you did you like this one better or the other video better what did you like and what do you want me to see in what do you want to see me do in future videos and please make sure that if you enjoyed this make sure you subscribe to your channel a lot of people that watch the first one didn't end up subscribing so if you like this video subscribe tell your friends about it tell your friends to subscribe I want to keep making more content like this for you guys and so thank you for watching thank you for all the amazing feedback that you gave me I never would have made this video if I didn't get all of the messages and comments and emails from you guys asking me to do this so here I am hope you enjoyed it hope you enjoyed it I said that already but anyways that's it thanks for watching the video like comment subscribe turn on notifications so you know when the next video is gonna be I'm a lot of really exciting videos coming soon that I can't wait for you to see so with that being said hope you guys have an amazing rest of your day and remember you are enough [Music]
Channel: Zach Pincince
Views: 3,393,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hypnosis, hypnotist, hypnotism, hypnotize, hypnotized, hypnotizing, hypnosis 2020, hypnotize me, hypnotize you, hypnosis through the screen, hypnosis through screen, video hypnosis, hypnosis video, hypnosis through youtube, i will hypnotize you, i can hypnotize you, can you get hypnotized, get hypnotized, how to get hypnotized, getting hypnotized, getting hypnotized over video, be hypnotized, will this hypnotize you, this will hypnotize you, youtube hypnosis, youtube, zach pincince
Id: 8oM34KZ5QVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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