I Will Hypnotize You to Eliminate Your Stress & Anxiety | Hypnosis Through the Screen

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in this video i'm going to hypnotize you through the screen to eliminate stress and anxiety and if you've seen any of my other hypnosis through the screen videos those are the videos where i do more of the fun silly hypnosis where i have you experience maybe the feeling of forgetting your name or feeling stuck or your arm floating or some of the cool interesting experiences with hypnosis but one of the neat things that i love doing with hypnosis is not just giving people cool experiences but giving people meaningful experiences and whatever you allow your mind to focus on can become the experience it creates whether that's something silly or whether that's something serious so this video is going to be one of those more serious suggestions that i do if you're experiencing any sort of stress anxiety or worry by the end of this video you will experience significant significantly less of that if not none of that so in order for this to work the best that it can allow yourself to focus completely on this video so get yourself some headphones go somewhere that you can't be distracted even turn on your notifications or turn off your notifications so you don't get any notifications put your phone on silent mode you get you get what i'm trying to say so let yourself just focus on my voice again hypnosis is not something that's mystical or magical or there's i have no special powers over you in this video it's just allowing yourself to focus on my voice the way our brain naturally works is that what we tend to focus on again we tend to experience so by allowing yourself to focus on me and my voice and the suggestions that i'll give you in this video it will help you to eliminate any stress anxiety and worry all right so let's just jump right into this i don't want to spend too much time talking at the beginning let's just go i know you're here to get hypnotized right so if you're ready let yourself take a deep breath in and breathe out focus on my voice that's right allow yourself to take another deep breath in and out focus on my voice take a third breath in breathe out focus on my voice and let your eyes close now that's right as your eyes are closed you don't have to focus on anything else but the sound of my voice as you continue to take a deep breath in let it out relax that's right from the top of your head down to the tip of your toes begin to let every part of your body relax every muscle every nerve every fiber of your body relax that's right allow every sound that you hear every word that i say every breath that you take to let yourself feel relaxed that's right and in this moment in this time in this video anytime you hear me say the word sleep that word sleep doesn't mean you go to sleep it doesn't mean you fall asleep it just means you continue to let yourself relax even deeper even further just like you're experiencing now but even deeper right now as you in fact sleep as you focus on my voice and let yourself relax sleep as you let yourself sink into that amazing feeling of relaxation and focus sleep as you let yourself experience this amazing sensation what you'll find is that in this state my voice just becomes louder my voice becomes clearer my voice becomes all that you focus on because that in focusing on my voice you'll find that you can give yourself this amazing amazing incredible experience experiencing hypnosis and as you focus on my voice and you continue to let yourself sleep i want you to begin to show yourself how relaxed you're already getting notice how relaxed it feels focus on that feeling relaxation feeling of heaviness feeling of tiredness in your body take all of that relaxation double it now in fact even more relax in fact i'm gonna count down from five to one each number i count down from five to one you find yourself even more relaxed as you start with that number five as you go even deeper even further into an experience that is for you to experience an amazing sense of relaxation into three times deeper than you were before focusing on my voice that's right into that state that helps you focus completely on every word that i say one the most amazing experiences you felt one of the most peaceful relaxing experiences that you've given yourself now notice that feeling that's right as you sleep even deeper even further and as you experience this i want you to just focus on the feeling focus on the sensation in your eyelids in fact i want you to let your eyelids get so heavy so relaxed that you notice they become so heavy and relaxed that they won't open they become in fact completely stuck and as you notice right now that you try to open your eyes and notice that you can't notice your eyelids and become so heavy so stuck that they won't open it's kind of interesting kind of neat but it's proving to yourself this feeling of relaxation that you're experiencing now but you can stop trying to open your eyes now just let yourself sleep relax even further even deeper keep those eyes closed as you focus on my voice that's right that's right let yourself sleep even deeper even further in every single way now as you continue to focus on my voice again i want to keep giving you experiences that show you just how deeply relaxed you truly are in this state in fact as you focus on my breath take a deep breath in focus on my voice take a deep breath in breathe out that's right that's right that's right let yourself continue to relax even deeper and further and back i want you to notice again this feeling of relaxation this feeling of tiredness this feeling of heaviness that you're giving yourself now in fact i want you to keep this feeling of heaviness and i want you to allow it to spread to your entire body right now in fact allow it to spread to your entire body so that your whole body in fact feels stuck feels frozen in place every single muscle in their fiber right now that if you were to try to move a single muscle you would notice that it just feels so heavy that you can't and even though some part of your mind knows that i guess you could if you want to it just feels so relaxed that you don't even want to move any part of your body right now because it feels so good to feel relaxed and notice that if you were to try to move it all your body just won't it's become so relaxed so stuck so heavy all it wants to do is just continue to sleep and relax and focus on the sound of my voice that's right just let yourself sleep even deeper even further focusing on me and only on me tuning in any other distractions and what you'll notice is that the deeper you relax the more you focus on my voice and the more you focus on my voice the deeper that you relax you don't have to focus on that feeling of stuckness no longer completely frozen in place but just letting yourself relax even deeper even further focusing on my voice that's right that's right every muscle every nerve every fiber relaxed every single way and now as you begin to allow yourself to experience an even deeper state and even more focus on my voice because again the more that you focus the more you relax and the more that you relax the more that you focus i want you to focus on an idea the idea of when you usually feel stressed or anxious you might even be feeling a little bit of that right now but you'll already start to notice that as you've allowed yourself to get even more relaxed that stress anxiety worry tension has already started to dissipate started to experience even less of those feelings you were feeling a moment ago but the reality is that anytime that you feel stressed or anxious it's simply because what's happening is you might be physically relaxed but your mind is not relaxed and so as you continue to allow yourself to relax not just physically but mentally tuning out any other thoughts any other distractions focusing completely on my voice you'll find that stress that anxiety already starts to begin to dissipate even further even more that's right and the reality is anytime that you feel stressed or anxious in your day-to-day life what's actually happening the subconscious part of your mind is that you're time traveling is your mind is time traveling to the past it's time traveling to the future it's experiencing a moment that does not exist that's already over or that's never even occurred and what it's doing is it's allowing yourself to get worked up to get stressed about something that's not even happening right now and what you'll notice is that the more that you tend to focus and get grounded in right now in this very moment the less stressed and anxious and worried you tend to be and you've already noticed this as you've allowed yourself to experience this state and as you continue to allow yourself to experience a state of relaxation in this very moment you might not have even realized it but the more that you let yourself focus on this experience the less you experience the stress and anxiousness and worry that you might have even been experiencing even just a few moments before you started watching this video and yet as you continue to keep yourself this fearing this feeling of focusing on now focusing on this moment i want you to just keep focusing on this moment in fact focus on the sensations that you're feeling now focus on what you're feeling focus on what you're feeling in your body not in your mind not in your emotions because those emotions can lie to you those emotions can distract you but just in this moment focus on the now focus on my voice focus on just the feelings the sensations in your fingertips and your toes and your face and your eyes and your nose your mouth your ears your legs your arms just notice those sensations and notice just being completely grounded in the very present in this moment and anytime in fact that you might feel anxious or stressed or worried at another time you'll notice that even just focusing on the now on the right now begin will already begin to help you feel less stressed less worried than before in fact continue to focus on the now focus on the moment focus on just right here this experience with you and me knowing that you're completely safe you're completely at peace nothing can distract you nothing can harm you nothing can stop you i'm continuing to experience this amazing feeling of relaxation and focus that you're in right now in fact allow yourself to focus even deeper focus even more as you continue to sleep focus on my voice that's right that's right that's right and in fact right now i want you to focus on a simple idea and not just an idea but a memory in fact i want you to bring up a really positive memory from your life think of a time that you felt so happy that you felt full so full of joy an amazing memory that always just brings a smile to your face whenever you think about it i want you to think of that memory but specifically i want you to think of the feelings the feelings you felt during that memory feelings of joy feelings of happiness feelings of love feelings of pride the things the positive things that you felt in that moment i want you to put those feelings into you right now feel that joy feel that positivity from that memory that felt so good in your life in fact think of another memory in fact another time that felt so good that makes you feel so happy that just brings a smile to your face when you think of it put those feelings into where you are right now any feelings of joy any feelings of love feelings of ecstasy put those feelings into this moment allow those feelings to get amplified allow those feelings to intensify in fact think of another memory another amazing positive memory those feelings that were associated with that memory put them in this moment now allow yourself to feel those same feelings remember what you felt but don't just remember it experience it right now in fact experience it even deeper than you felt in that memory initially let those feelings intensify those feelings of joy those feelings of happiness those feelings of gratitude because the reality is that you can't be grateful and anxious you can't be grateful and stressed you can't be grateful and worried at the same time those are two conflicting emotions and when you experience that gratitude that joy that happiness that you experience right now as you relive those memories you realize that stress and anxiety the word you're experiencing before just isn't there right now you just experience peace you experience calm you experience the bliss that you felt in those memories and as you let yourself sleep and continue to focus on the sound of my voice that's right focusing on every single word that i say that helps you relax and focus and living in this amazing state up just now just to focus this very moment that you're alive and realizing that right now you have so much to truly be grateful for even if it's just the simple things having a place to live of having food to eat of being safe in some ways you might feel unsafe but knowing all the ways that you do feel safe reality of all the things that you can be grateful for because the truth about your mind is that your mind just tends to focus on what you experience and it experiences what you focus on and is where your focus goes that your mental energy tends to flow and most of us just tend to focus on negative we tend to focus on the reasons to feel stressed the reasons to feel anxious when the reality is that those reasons are always within our control and we don't always realize it consciously but it's a decision to feel stressed it's a decision to feel anxious to worry because whatever you allow your mind to focus on it will experience in fact i want you to think of whatever you're stressed or worried or anxious about because there's always a subject to the stress and think about that reason that you might feel anxious or worried and now i want you to think of a different reason to not feel stressed a reason to feel grateful a reason to feel happy something good that happened to you today or even yesterday or even this week or even this year something good an amazing memory that you've experienced before if you want to keep going back to those positive memories that you've had a reason to not feel stressed even though you might there might be plenty of reasons to be stressed the reality is there are also plenty of reasons not to be stressed and what you focus on you'll experience and as you continue to focus on those reasons that make you feel good you notice that you'll feel good that's right focus on my voice focus on those reasons you'll find that what you used to have been stressed about has no power over you in this moment specifically but actually ever and part of the illusion of stress anxiety and worry is that we feel that we're powerless over it which amplifies that feeling even more and yet we're not when we allow ourselves to get into this state of relaxation a focus of clarity we realize that those feelings those thoughts those negative emotions are powerless unless we fuel them and we fuel them by what we focus on focus on what you want to feel if you want to feel good focus on the good if you want to feel bad and why would you don't focus on the bad focus on what you want to feel focus on what you're grateful for focus on what you love focus on what makes you proud focus on what makes you feel alive focus on the reality that no matter what happens no matter how many ups or downs this life may throw at you that you are loved that you have a purpose that there are countless reasons for you to be alive that you matter your existence matters who you are matters and that you are enough and you always will be enough and nothing and nobody can ever take that away from you every single day that you have breath in your lungs is a good day because you are a good person and sure you might have made some mistakes in the past we all have nobody none of us are perfect and yet we all are perfect in the sense in the way that our value can never change can never be diluted just like it doesn't matter how many times you crumple up a piece of money it's still just as valued just as valuable as it was before no matter how many mistakes you've made no matter what you've done you're always enough always have value you'll always have purpose and anything that you might have felt stressed about before you realize is simply just a distraction from the truth that you have opportunities to continue to make the most of your life to continue to feel alive to continue to be the amazing incredible special beautiful human being that you are and in fact you realize that as you continue to live your life in a way that makes you feel alive you find that you actually want to help others feel alive as well too because the best way to make your day is to make somebody else's day and the the gift that i've given you in this video of feeling good of feeling positive of feeling amazing is a gift that you can continue to share and spread with the world whether that's through something as simple as a smile as a compliment as a favor whatever it might be continue to give back because when you realize that you're enough you can live your life in a way that reminds others that they are too because the truth is that we all just want to be loved and when we realize that we are even when we may not realize it we know that we are it can allow us to understand that there's nothing that we have to be stressed or weird or anxious about that we are the ones that are in control of what we experience what we feel because what we focus on is what we feel and as you continue to focus on the sound of my voice you notice the feeling it's changed shifted a different feeling now than you might have had at the beginning of this video feeling a peace feeling of contentment feeling of realization that you are the one who holds the keys to your own happiness and that stress anxiety worry is completely powerless unless you decide to give it that power but why would you decide to give it that power when you could instead use that power to feel what you're feeling now to feel good and feel alive to feel loves to feel worth it because you are you always will be and nothing can ever will take that feeling away from you that's right that's right and as you focus on my voice begin to allow yourself to focus back on that feeling of relaxation you were experiencing that you're still experiencing now but let yourself focus more on my voice and in a moment i'm gonna count up from one to five each number i count up from one to five you'll feel less relaxed less hypnotized and completely releasing yourself from this hypnotized state when you reach the final number five however each number i count up from one to five intensifies and amplifies the good feelings that you're experiencing now any feelings of joy positivity happiness the more i count up from one to five the more those feelings increase and in fact when i reach number five you release yourself from hypnosis and just be full of those feelings ready to go out into the rest of your day starting with the number one gather up those amazing feelings continue to increase them double them now into the number two feeling less relaxed less hypnotized but even more full of joy full of energy full of life full of passion free of stress anxiety worry it's just all gone into the number three feeling so good again even better than you felt even a moment ago feeling less relaxed but more alive into the number four feeling the best that you have felt in days feeling incredible full of life full of energy as you get ready to open your eyes and completely release yourself from this hypnotized state feeling the best that you've ever felt at the final number five eyes open wide awake feeling fantastic all right i hope that you enjoyed that experience and i just want you to notice where you're feeling what are you feeling right now and notice that that feeling that you might have experienced before starting this vid this video of any stress or tension anxiety is gone or at least at a minimum significantly less than it was before i hope this video helped you i hope that you enjoyed it and the nice thing is that anytime that you're experiencing stress or anxiety in your life you can always re-watch this video this video will be live on my channel for i don't know forever that's how youtube works right so anytime that you're feeling stressed or worried watch this video take 25 minutes to give yourself this experience of feeling good come back to this feeling of concentration and i hope you enjoyed it if you haven't seen the other hypnosis through the screen videos again i'll link them down in the description or up above here make sure you check them out i hope you enjoyed it if you're not subscribed to the channel make sure you subscribe i want to start posting more of these hypnosis through the screens for some of these positive things like i did in this video so let me know what other types of hypnosis through the screens that you want to see in the comments down below make sure you like the video if you liked it thank you for watching and again remember that the only person that you're ever destined to become is the person that you decide to be so decide to be great we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Zach Pincince
Views: 254,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hypnosis, hypnotist, hypnotize, hypnotized, hypnotizing, get hypnotized, i will hypnotize you, hypnotizing you, hypnosis through screen, hypnosis through the screen, hypnosis for stress, hypnosis for anxiety, hypnosis anxiety, eliminate stress, eliminate anxiety
Id: RXiJH47t3cs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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