Hypnosis For Anxiety | Instant Calm & Relaxation Session

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welcome to this guided hypnosis session i'm andrew major clinical hypnotherapist this session is designed to help you calm your mind and body and relieve any anxiety or tension that you may have had so you can carry on afterwards in a calmer and more relaxed state of mind now please do not listen if you're driving operating machinery or doing anything which requires your full attention so as we begin just find a position that's comfortable for you maybe somewhere where you won't be disturbed perhaps you're lying down or sitting in a comfortable chair but just take the time now to get yourself really comfortable make sure that your head's supported and you're feeling warm [Music] so let's begin by separating your hands just separating your hands and let them lie loosely in your lap or by your sides if that's more comfortable and it doesn't matter if you feel that you need to move slightly now and again you don't have to be absolutely still but just be comfortable and relax relax the whole of your body as much as you can [Music] so as you begin to relax there start to become aware of the surface beneath you feel your body supported as your muscles sink down a little [Music] feel any areas of tension start to soften and drift away bring your awareness to the sounds around you relaxing sounds perhaps a bird singing or practical sounds of the world going on around you but just acknowledge these sounds let them go they won't bother you now because just for now the only sound that you're interested in is the sound of my voice and just allowing your eyes to close if they haven't done so already and take a few moments to notice yourself being supported and as you do take a slow deep breath breathing in through your nose and letting it out even more slowly through your mouth and on the next breath breathe in more slowly and hold it in for a few seconds [Music] and then exhale sinking even more deeply as you do so [Music] focusing on the shapes and patterns on your eyelids just taking a few moments to enjoy having nothing else to do except relax and now i'd like you to imagine that you can see yourself relaxing or maybe just pretend that you can see yourself breathing already so easy and steady becoming steadier still even as you think about it is as though you were sound asleep or pretending to be sound asleep pretending so well that you are sound asleep that you would convince anybody who could see you that you were pleasantly sleeping and while you pretend to be absolutely sound asleep you can imagine that you have a dream a dream where you're more relaxed than you've ever been at any time in your entire life more relaxed than you ever thought it was possible maybe you can find yourself lying lazily on a beach somewhere with your head comfortably shaded by the soft shadows from a palm tree palm trees that are moving just slightly in the gentlest of breezes with your body beautifully warmed by the rays of the sun and you're just drifting deeper and deeper your body becoming even more relaxed with every breath you take and every word that i speak every ounce of tension just drifting away from you so that your arms and legs begin to feel wonderfully devoid of all tensions your entire body beautifully free from all your cares and your anxieties so that you can just simply relax floating deeper now so you may even begin to lose touch with your hands and feet with your arms and legs and sometimes people can become so relaxed that they can lose touch with the whole of their body so they become just for a while just their thoughts a lazy easy calm sort of feeling where nobody wants anything nobody expects anything and there's absolutely nothing whatsoever for you to do except relax it might be as though you've been able to temporarily switch off all those muscles whilst you relax while you relax they're on that warm beach thinking about your left arm now if you can be bothered to find it and just letting the last tiny traces of tension float away and your right arm too just letting every muscle every nerve every fiber let go and allowing that same beautiful easy feeling flow across your shoulders and down into your body and into your legs just vaguely aware of your thigh muscles just letting go and your calves and it's even as though your bones are relaxing a wonderful sensation of the deepest relaxation that you've ever experienced just gently sweeping over and through your whole body into every fiber every cell every pore so you can now experience a very special sort of relaxation that some people manage to find with hypnosis and you can always find this feeling for yourself whenever you want this exact same feeling the most profound sense of relaxation where nothing matters where there's just this sense of calm a quiet sort of feeling or you have to think of nobody but you can always find this feeling simply by remembering warming yourself in the sun with your head shaded with those beautiful palm trees and whenever you think of this you'll be able to instantly find this very same deep relaxation this deep relaxation you have with this very moment and whenever you enter this special state of deep relaxation your body's self-healing processes can work more efficiently much faster than usual faster even than during the deepest sleep these processes work more powerfully re-energizing your entire body helping you to create a sense of real inner comfort and calm and this sense of inner comfort steadily creates an inner strength and inner strength that helps you to be fitter and healthier in every way your whole body's system works more steadily more easily than any other time allowing your body's natural rejuvenating processes to work more effectively each tiny cell being checked repaired and replaced when necessary in each and every organ in your body so you can start to feel good about yourself start to feel really good about yourself developing an inner strength that helps you to achieve your hopes desires and dreams and so feelings of an inner strength and resolve of a complete determination to succeed whatever success means to you now becomes deeper and more profound every time you experience hypnosis and you can be aware that within their channels in the body your nerves are just resting and relaxing too resting and relaxing and becoming stronger steadier with each and every passing day and now you're so beautifully relaxed nobody wanting anything nobody expecting anything and absolutely nothing whatsoever for you to do except relax [Music] i want you to let your mind and imagination drift feeling lazy easy and comfortable and i want you to imagine that you're standing at the top of a fine marble staircase with 10 steps to go down there is a firm handrail and it feels safe and secure nothing concerns you at all in a moment you can walk down that staircase as you hear me counting off each of the steps you can step down one step doubling your relaxation with each step you take so that by the time that i get to zero you will be as deeply relaxed as you can ever imagine while still being able to hear and respond to the sound of my voice 10. take the first step down relaxing and letting go nine feeling more and more relaxed no need to hurry plenty of time eight moving down easily now [Music] seven deeper and deeper six deeper still your breathing becoming slower steadier five really relaxing now just let go four becoming calmer and karma three karma still now two more and more relaxed one all the way down to zero as you step off the bottom step you find yourself in a place that's comfortable and safe for you to be a place of safety and security where there is no anxiety no fear just tranquility calm peace and this special relaxation enables you to feel so much calmer so much stronger more alive in every way your mind is serene and tranquil and you're filled with a deep sense of well-being and inner peace and as you drift deeper now these feelings will increase and will stay with you long after you finish listening here today so every day you become more relaxed more steady more settled mentally and physically your talents abilities all of your special qualities begin to grow stronger and more rewarding you feel much more self-confident your willpower self-esteem determination and self-assurance grow with every day you feel more comfortable within yourself and within your surroundings as day by day these positive feelings develop deep within you day by day life becomes more pleasant more fulfilling and you feel so much better within yourself and about yourself in every way and whilst you're here your subconscious mind has confirmed that it's helping you to relax helping you to cope so much better with life and giving you a confidence within yourself to deal with any situation that life has to offer and of course there are many times in life when you will need to deal with uncertainties some of these uncertainties are created by real situations and some are created by hypothetical what if scenarios and you can begin to notice more and more [Music] over the coming days and weeks ahead so much more able to let go of those hypothetical scenarios because you can change your focus [Music] with so much more ease and confidence now and if those uncertainties relate to real situations you can find yourself becoming so much more inclined and motivated to do something about it with an open and flexible mind tolerant adaptable and as you relax there perhaps you can bring your mind to an image or sense of yourself as confident as confident as you can ever wish to be feeling relaxed calm and confident self-assured knowing that you have the abilities and the resources to achieve whatever you want to achieve you feel great happy and content and it will be so interesting for you to notice how familiar that feeling is because you have experienced it before there will have been so many times in your life where you've felt confidence that sense of relaxed calm confidence that happiness that contentment and perhaps you can allow that image of you to grow larger and larger brighter and brighter and those good feelings to grow more powerful too [Music] now that's good that's it and just when that image is at its largest and brightest and those feelings are at the most powerful you say to yourself i can i will i can i will and those simple yet powerful words go into your mind every day reminding you to do the things that you want to do so now with every day that passes your confidence is increasing the confidence of knowing that you're capable of doing whatever you set your mind to with a positive attitude and quiet strength now more and more you become aware of a transformation taking place in your personality and you're adopting a more positive outlook on life you believe in yourself more every day and you're learning to act boldly realizing that you're fully capable of making the proper decisions and having the confidence to carry them through and with this new understanding and your new relaxed attitude both towards yourself and towards others you realize that you're gaining control control of your thoughts your feelings and your emotions and this gives you a tremendous feeling of satisfaction knowing that whatever happens you can deal with situations in a calm and relaxed way because you know the key to your good health is a calm relaxed positive attitude towards life because you are a calm person you act in ways that make you feel good you have new calm responses to old situations and your new responses will make you feel strong calm and free [Music] you feel good about yourself because you have new calm responses that are making your days more pleasant [Music] you are relaxed calm and strong feel yourself relax know that you're in control of your choices you have the choice to be stressed nervous or easily upset you also have the choice to be calm relaxed and at ease in your environment and so you now choose to experience life in a calm and relaxed way and to flow easily with life's ups and downs so from now on you make the choice to relax in any situation you feel yourself breathing easily and evenly now just let this new choice for peace and calm flow through every cell of your body each day with each new situation whenever you need to you take control calm your mind disregard troubles and you are calm relaxed and confident you go forth now into the world looking forward with a new and determined optimism for your arms now with new knowledge and understanding of the person that you are unique and special now your attention becomes filled with a graceful sense of your own centeredness of that calmness that beautiful calmness in which everything is easy free from reactions just calm responses and an easy flow and you're glad to find an easier way now and these new calm responses will become stronger and stronger and this is something you're going to feel very aware of because that calmness that perfect calmness that you feel now is going to remain with you and grow stronger as each day passes [Music] in a few moments i'm going to count from one to five and on the count of five you will gently awaken feeling refreshed relaxed and the best you can be [Music] one becoming aware of the surface beneath you two becoming aware of your surroundings again the sounds from outside three becoming aware of your body perhaps wriggling your fingers and your toes stretching your limbs four letting in a smile soften the corners of your mouth five ready to awaken now feeling calm relaxed and the best you can be well i hope you've enjoyed this session today and don't forget to like share and subscribe for more content to boost your mental and emotional health don't forget to keep listening to this video to reinforce the changes the more you listen the deeper it works thanks for watching and i look forward to seeing you in a future video [Music]
Channel: Andrew Major - Stronger Minds
Views: 413,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guided hypnosis, guided hypnosis meditation for anxiety, hypnotherapist, relieve anxiety, better sleep, anxiety
Id: cX47UAy4rmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 04 2022
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