How To Hypnotize Anyone Tutorial (Works Every Time)

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hey today i'm going to teach you how to hypnotize someone's sleep all the way down i don't want to wake i'm going to teach you how to do this quickly easily and simply it will work on every single person if you follow the steps correctly now for years for years i looked at videos i tried to learn from others and nobody could teach me properly because they were missing one key aspect that i think everyone should know so pay attention get your notes out and really focus if you want to be able to hypnotize anyone anywhere anytime follow my instruction the first thing you want to do is not just the induction most people focus on the induction can i see your hand sleep wide awake that's an induction the reason it works any induction works at this point in time it's because i've set something up called the pre-frame you see the induction begins before you actually hypnotize them so if you really want to understand how to hypnotize anybody you have to understand that it happens from the approach the initial conversation and the instructions and suggestions you give before you even hypnotize them so i'm going to give you guys a very basic one let's say i just met mufasa right i just met him this is what i'm going to say hey how are you hey would you like to be hypnotized maybe amazing so put your feet together for me okay now when i say the word sleep you're not going to sleep now the reason you want to say this is because a lot of people think when you hypnotize someone they actually fall asleep no they're going into hypnosis right when you're sleeping and someone's talking to you you're not listening so hypnosis is not sleep but we use that word so the mind has the instructions on relaxing and closing its eyes so you haven't put their feet together because that's a compliance test then you're going to check their arm if their arms nice and loose like this you see how loose it is that's amazing don't help me it's fine see how loose the arm is that means there's no tension in the arm you want it to be like butter right i want to be able to drop his arm and it'll be like a noodle so that shows me there's no tension he's following instructions that's a very good indication that he's going to go in now resist me don't go in okay now look at me sleep see he didn't go in now what you would say in this case because a lot of you might deal with that or they might kind of go in and then come out right this is what you say hey when i say the word sleep close your eyes and relax okay you did great you almost went in but i want you to focus and actually close your eyes let yourself go in okay sleep all the way down it's like that all the way relaxing your mind and your body eyes up wide awake now notice what i did after i induced him right i deepened him immediately i said going all the way down all the way deep you want to deepen them immediately otherwise you'll hypnotize them and then they'll kind of come out of trance right they'll go in and then come out you want to keep them in how do you keep them in you want to deepen them so let's start over i just met him right hey what's up man how are you how are you i'm good hey you want to be hypnotized sure awesome put your feet together for me can i see your arm amazing relax relax your arm perfect look at me look right here take a deep breath and sleep just like that all the way down all the way deep right perfect that's it one awake now if you really want to stack the deck and make yourself more likely to succeed wide awake wide awake wide awake cool hey what's up man how are you good how are you i'm good okay put your feet together for me that's a compliance test you want to make sure they're listening make sure your arm's loose when i say the word sleep memorize this when i say the word sleep you're not actually going to sleep your eyes will close your body will relax you're giving them instructions as to what is going to happen now if he's a big fellow and i can't hold him i'm going to tell him your feet are going to be cemented to the ground you're going to be glued to the ground okay your feet are cemented you're going to be standing on your feet okay understand good take a deep breath for me and sleep just like that all the way down completely relaxed well he still fell but either way if someone's really big and you can't support their weight you want to make sure that you don't do this standing up eyes up wide awake wide awake perfect so now that you've hypnotized them right that's the induction and there's no tricky stuff here you saw exactly what i'm doing there's no magic to it it's literally what you saw you follow those instructions and if they follow instructions back you'll get them in now what you want to do you want to deepen them right because the deeper someone goes the cooler the suggestions right you're not going to get off of just an initial induction you're not going to get everything you want but the deeper they go the cooler the stuff you could do so at the lightest stages of hypnosis you have something called catalepsy right and laughter and you can make them smell things so catalepsy is when they're stuck to the ground they can't move their eyes are stuck their hands are stuck right like you stick their hand onto a table and they won't be able to move their hand that's cadillac see the way it looks is like this put your hands together and your hands are stuck you cannot pull them apart your hands are now stuck try and pull your hands apart see his hands are shaking i'm not sure if you can see on the video but he can't and now they're unstuck good so that's catalepsy right now on a deeper level you have something called amnesia amnesia is like forgetting your name for getting your hypnotized forgetting you even exist right so sleep just like that all the way down all the way deep when you open your eyes i forgot your name is moderate what's your name it's back what is it it's mufasa amazing right but that's what happens when you go even deeper now at the deepest level you have something called a deep trance identification that's pretty much changing your identity making them hallucinate things you can make them see things that don't exist or make myself invisible sleep when you open your eyes i'm invisible i no longer exist i'm completely gone and when i snap my fingers again i come back eyes open what's up what's up man wide awake perfect right so that's that's the deepest level of trance now the hardest thing people have is to deepen people to this point now this is the best advice you'll ever get from any hypnotist i promise you it starts with small suggestions leading to bigger ones so a small suggestion you see them go in make their eyes stuck then make their legs stuck they make their hands stuck they make them forget their name then make them forget they were hypnotized and then make them something else make them oprah make them whatever you want right now i use this to help change people's lives but i'm giving you examples of how you can deepen them you always want to test because if you look at him whether you know it or not sleep right you cannot see how deep someone is you kind of get an idea based on how their eyes are fluttering and their physiology notice how relaxed his body is right you get an idea of how deep they are but you never really know and i can tell you've been doing this for years you never really know you always want to test right so in a moment when you open your eyes you want to always want to undo anything you've done and you want to make sure that they're way better off before than they were when you started when you open your eyes you're going to find everything i've said to you is gone except for this it's the best day of your life you're a thousand times more confident than you've ever been and you find that anything you want you will now get eyes open wide awake feel amazing there we go there we go so if you like this video give it a thumbs up comment and subscribe and let me know what else you'd like to know what things you haven't tried or have tried and look if you want to become a good hypnotist practice practice practice practice doesn't happen overnight but i literally just gave you the blueprint now if you want more details and you actually want to learn specific methods and tools that i have click the link below and i'll link my course for hypnosis 101 and invisible influence and that will teach you exactly how to hypnotize people not only like this but in depth i'll teach you several different inductions that kind of look like this hey what's up man sleep just like that completely relaxing i'll teach you how to do anything you want to anyone anywhere anytime is a wide awake i'll see you guys next time wide awake
Channel: Marczell Klein
Views: 845,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hypnosis, hypnotist, hypnotism, hypnotizing, hypnotize anyone, you will get hypnotized, how to perform hypnosis, how to hypnotize, is hypnosis real, real or fake, impromptu hypnosis, hypnotizing you through the screen, marczell klein, brain hypnosis, nlp, nlp techniques, mind control, stage hypnosis, influence, persuation, sales, motivation
Id: O7ydsKjTU90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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