I went to Italy, NEVER insult an ITALIAN!

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today I'm going to share with you guys my first time visiting Italy ever since I could remember I've always wanted to go to Italy and finally I was able to make that dream happen usually most people whenever they go to Italy they go to the most popular places like Rome Florence Milan but on this trip we decided to do something completely different because I am interested on food history and experiencing what it's like to live in Italy so we decided to go up North and the first stop was bologna now this is Wine Country I got to check out the vineers and let me tell you that experience was amazing I've never seen grapes on a vine before and I'll be honest with you I want to take a little bite and steal some you know but then my wife was like well chill bro chill out I didn't get to try it but I wish I did oh and I had no idea they grow olive trees there I've never seen an olive tree before I know if you have they're kind of weird everybody I mean this is what it looks like I literally thought the tree was dying but I was told that it's totally normal the scenery there is gorgeous literally breathtaking but right at this time I got hungry and it was time to eat the very first thing I tasted there was this it's fresh mozzarella with tomatoes and Pearls of olive oil now that is something fancy they use a technique called spherification I mean that's even fancy to say right I can't say the damn word purification you know it's like fancy Chef stuff so what happens is every time you take a bite these little pearls burst on your mouth covering your entire mouth with olive oil let me tell you it's not greasy it's delicious next was a tomato risotto with balsamic vinegar which was incredible tasted really really good a little bit strong but I enjoyed it followed by spaghetti and tomatoes this is what eating in Italy it's like it's literally fresh ingredients at its peak but you can feel the flavor when you're taking every single bite on tenure it's a different experience right after that lunch we went to town to experience this beautiful city as I was walking through the city and seeing small little streets I wanted to stop in every single shop I've never seen a dedicated shop just for vending machines it's pretty epic and I'll be honest with you it is mind-blowing how friendly and welcoming all the Italian people are it does not matter if you're hungry if you're not hungry they will feed you food every time you walk inside of the store Italian people so friendly we just walked in here and he basically said no you have to try this because you came all the way from Miami if I say yes of course honestly whenever I'm traveling it is beautiful to see the normal everyday things that is what attracts me to traveling the streets the mom-and-pop grocery stores where they have everything extremely fresh it is truly incredible the very next day we jumped into the car and headed north to a city called Modena because I wanted to see how the king of all cheeses made we're talking about Parmigiano-Reggiano I know my Italian is not that good but man I'm trying all right give me a little break over here buddy if you never had Parmigiano-Reggiano I'm sorry you're missing out this whole trip was literally just to go find the king of cheese now honestly this is one of the most controversial pieces of cheese in the world and for good reason they got counterfeits imitators but this this is the real deal Parmigiano-Reggiano is made with pure fresh ingredients now to obtain the dop of being Rio Parmigiano-Reggiano it must used only three ingredients unpasteurized raw cow's milk a mix of whole and skim rennet which is a natural enzymes from the cow's intestines and salt that's it wait I'm sorry love a lot of love and you know it starts here with these specific breed of cows they're called red cows I was like is there red wagyu cows I wish I filmed the face of my guide when I said that he literally wanted to slap me in the face like you're insulting my cows I was like I'm sorry and forgive me the interesting things is that these cows must be really close to the factory because the milk needs to be Super Fresh So the farm where they have them has to be really nearby they also eat a special feed that is only made out of grass and hay nothing else once the milk arrives in the factory they put it in this huge copper fats it's maintained at a specific temperature which is secret and it takes a crazy amount of milk to make one single wheel of cheese to be specific 145 gallons of milk to make one cheese wheel that's a lot of milk boy once heated they add the rennet then the milk coagulates and the solid curds are formed now they wrap them up like a huge baby cheese then they take them to the nursery where they then place them in a wheel size mode to keep the form and release more whey whey is the liquid remaining after the milk has been curdled and strained at this stage they imprint all of the information while it's still hot like the year and month of production now they go for a swim for about 20 days in a salt brine right after that they go into a sauna so here's the cheese sauna where they come in to sweat before the dry aging process quite impressive right before they end up here this is cheese Heaven also known as the Aging room just walking inside of this thing is an experience by itself the smell that comes through I don't know how to explain it it's like Heaven if you're a cheese lover like me it's where you want to be now this place is a humidity and temperature control environment kind of like my dryager that I have at home but you know just a little bit bigger a little bit now the wheel stays in here for a minimum of one year now after they're ready they're inspected and if the quality is not there they simply do not get the stamp of approval and they cannot be sold as Parmigiano-Reggiano so they literally just sent everything to my house I wish oh boy do I wish now I got to experience something that I've always wanted and that was to be able to tell how old the cheese is it's one of the coolest experience I mean just listen so this is one year old cheese sounds dense three years old wow I feel like a cheese meat six years old wow it sounds more like wood eight years old wow very similar to the wood 17 years old there's no moisture inside no there's zero this is crazy this one must be worth a lot of money oh yeah yeah oh yeah we cannot try that one no and after that came one of my favorite Parts which is tasting but first they had to open this wheel and I'm gonna show you how this cheese Master embarrasses every YouTube video that you've ever seen before don't believe me just watch it's going to engrave a circle online in order to a route to follow certain knives later it looks easier than it is oh no trust me I know oh he gives it a little bit of time yeah for the air to go in that's the mistake I made yeah I tried to go right away because it's the air that breaks the the cheese ready ready oh we are very ready oh it slams that wow impressive what did I say what did I say this guy is a true expert right after that it was time for the tasting we tried the 12 18 24 30 and 48 months and to be honest I prefer the 24 to 30. it's just wonderful it's difficult to explain but every time you take a bite there is like crystals inside that is formed it's an Umami flavor that is just Savory it makes your cheeks squeeze and it is literally the best cheese in the world I don't know how else to put it in words so this is my first experience in Italy so far there's more to come because I visit culatello which is one of the oldest ham you can find in the world that was insane and it should be coming up real soon there are many other things that I did in Italy as well which I'll be sharing with you guys I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did hit that thumbs up and I'll see you guys on the next one take care everybody bye-bye
Channel: Guga
Views: 597,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: italy, trip, vacation, fun, cheese, ferrari, italian food, recipe, cusine, parmigiano reggiano, best cheese, parmesan cheese, pasta, vinar, vineyards, modena, bologna
Id: 49DOSXkv9ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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