The Best Restaurant in the World (literally)

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We are in Modena. I am bringing you for lunch to a very special place. Osteria Francescana. World's best restaurant, Italy’s best restaurant. This restaurant was literally voted the best restaurant in the world. Ok. We are out of our depth. It’s time, we are doing it Ollie. Sunglasses. Sorry. Ciao. Is ciao not a bit informal? I don’t know. Somehow Mr Z has organised it so they have given us a private wine cellar room. Entirely for us to film in. Incredible right? What the hell is going on? We’re starting already. Why do I feel like I can’t speak? You can do whatever you want. That’s why we got the cellar you know. So Massimo is going to create this upside down scenario of Italy. So right now at the beginning already serving the end of the menu. Which is the dessert. So this is a dessert? Yes, that's a dessert. Is that normal? Massimo Vatura is the head chef the founder. He’s a Newton. An Einstein. He’s a genius. He doesn't live on this planet. They say the line between genius and madman is very thin. Correct. And doesn’t Massimo mean a bit extra in Italian? Correct, that's the one. Wait what? He knows. First taste of the best food in the world. This is really good. This is a great first bite. Am I wrong? You are not wrong. That is the nicest soggy bread I have ever had. This looks like a red prawn. Look at this. Wow look at that! No, all in mouth. This is amazing. The flavours! You know what that’s like? It’s like a prawn cocktail inside two communion wafers. You are genuinely an idiot. Alright, liquid salad. Liquid salad to normal people is a smoothie right. A hot smoothie. Oh this is hot? Yes. Geonbae. [Cheers in Korean] Salute. The flavours. I can taste the bread actually. Wow that is like a Willy Wonka concoction. You can taste all of the salad in there. If you just juiced a salad, the flavours would all blend together it would be genuinely disgusting. But it works. It’s remarkably good. It works. It’s amazing. Surely this is the peak of the crescendo. No. As I told you my crescendo does not descendo. You didn’t tell us that. So you used to work here? Yes. What was that like? Exciting, just working with excellency, working with this level of execution and training. Exciting. That’s a panettone. So now we’re going to another dessert. This looks incredible. But I love the heavy… I just touched it. You just touched it. Oh. Wow! It’s everything you want. And now I’m gonna teach you something. No no you don’t do that. Yeah man, in Italy we do that. Can I just dip it in instead, I’d be more comfortable with that. I’m dipping. I’m dipping. Are you serious? More. I feel like we’re gonna get in trouble when people watch this, this isn’t real. He dropped his panetone in his wine… He did not laugh, he saw it and left. You told me to do it. I told you to do this. You did say to do that. If they don’t kick us out I hope we have a good dinner. Do you think they are gonna kick us out? Italy is difficult. Shut up. Yeah it can happen. Bongiorno. Bongiorno. What’s going on here? These two gentlemen over here Josh and Ollie. Nice to meet you. Have a pretty important YouTube channel, and we're doing a tour throughout Emilia Romagna. We visited the best people from producers to parmesan to squacarone to piadina. Balsamic vinegar? Balsamic vinegar. You should come to Maria Luigia and try the 1910. After here you are welcome to try. That would be amazing. So I’m going to explain this dish. That you have to eat in a very short time because it’s a risotto. So risotto is all about creaminess. The thing that I see as Picasso was always saying. I was drawing as Raphael since I was 13. But it took my whole life to paint like a kid. So to me, we are playing like a kid. So I see everything upside down, from under the table. So that's why we serve panettone and baba to start. Caprese and spaghetti at the end. So I transformed the eggplant parmigiana into a broth. And I cooked the risotto into that broth. Ok. Leaving the most important part of the eggplant parmigiana. That is the crusty part. You break it, you go down. And you eat the eggplant parmigiana in the shape of risotto. Enjoy. Thank you so much! You’re welcome. He’s such a character. Let’s just be thankful that I didn’t have a Panettone in my glass. Guys, let's try this risotto. Dig down, dig deep down. Look at how thin that layer is. Delicious dish. Don’t take this the wrong way, it is reminiscent of pizza flavoured crisps. Stop right now. Pringles. That risotto is unbelievable. How good is this risotto? It’s unbelievable. Massimo, that's the man who just came in. To introduce his signature dish. You have to understand he, at the moment and for the past 5 years, Has been the most famous chef in the world. Any foodie knows him. Any. In the world. Any country. So here is the pasta course. Ravioli has always been a container of ideas. If you understand that, you understand what we are doing here. The top one is the landscape north and the flavours are almost dark. Because the north of Italy it’s all about work and work. The second one is the centre. The third one is the south of Italy. And you try to make a raviolo down south but the pasta crack. When I cook it, oops, I cracked the pasta. Because for the south of Italy it’s all about dry pasta. So start from north and go south. Start from north to south, fantastic thank you so much. Sorry I just want establish that he doesn't introduce every dish to all of the guests in the restaurant right? No, I don't think so, usually not. Let's start in the north. Amazing. I love the passion he has introducing these dishes. I wouldn’t want anything more perfect than that. Ok I can say honestly without a shadow of a doubt. That is the best piece of pasta I have ever eaten. By a long long way. Look at him. This is redefining pasta entirely. This one, tomato? Very good right? Oozing flavour. I don’t know what to say. Ok so this is southern Italy it is dried and cracked pasta. Intense. For me it’s too intense. Wow, very, very different. Can I suggest he doesn’t like southern Italy as much as northern Italy. I’m definitely getting that feeling. 100 percent, probably that’s why he did that. I’m gonna ask him a question. What? Can we hear the question before? You wait. Oh my gosh. I’m terrified. So here you have a turbot that wants to be a porchetta. It’s bread with suckling pig fat, mixed with some rosemary, some fennel seeds. Like all the flavours from porchetta. Can I ask a question? Yeah. Your food is storytelling right? Yeah. When you’re creating a recipe, when does the story come in? Do you start with the story? Our food since ever, first of all is the quality of the idea. Then the quality of the idea leads you to the quality of the ingredients. And the preparation that we create. Thank you so much. Enjoy the turbot. Enjoy the porchetta, sorry. That was a good question. It was an excellent question. You represented us well Ollie. I got goosebumps from him. You got goosebumps from that experience. Just him speaking. He’s so cool. I’m sort of in awe of him. Charisma explosion. So this is a… A turbot that wants to be a porchetta. He’s clearly had an influence on you. What influence is that? I guess the influence of someone that understands and respects ingredients. And to make a story for me is fantastic. And I didn’t think I took it from him, he was saying something I never thought. Do you understand that? Personally I’m really thankful that you were willing to come back here with us. And expose that personal side of you. 9 years later yeah. For sure. With us. Welcome us into that experience. I recognize that there’s a certain vulnerability to that. Of course. Thank you. Thanks Andrea. Thank you gents. I can’t believe that’s fish. It’s insane, it does not taste like fish. It doesn’t taste like fish. Wait, I thought that was pork. No, that’s fish. What are you talking about? It’s fish but he dressed it to be like pork. It’s turbot. That turbot was incredible. So incredible that he thought it was actually pork not turbot. I was worried about my question to you so I wasn’t really listening to your story. Well I have to say you ask a very good question. That’s the key question to understand our way of thinking, you know. Fantastic, that’s good to hear. This is another very very important conceptually dish. What we did here is that we used the most amazing part of the beef to create a grill juice. And we compress it inside a salad to give you the perception of eating grilled meat. In every bite that you have. This is fascinating. This is the first step of the salad. This is first step. Because we compressed all the side dishes inside. From the big bag, we go down down down. You arrive at the end and it’s like this. Because the use of the plastic is also extremely important. Amazing. Wow. Very good to be honest. It’s actually a very good dish. I can’t believe there’s no meat in that. There’s so much flavour from that. The only way to describe that is a cabbage that tastes like beef. I am energised, this is fantastic. Hey man you don’t eat anything. You want a plate of tortellini? They’re sharing the 4th course after filming. This is called vein green. It’s about the reflection about the quality of life of the cows. How they are treated and the milk and the quality of the milk gives you back. So I would love you to eat it like a cow. Chew these beautiful herbs, mix with the milk. That is like a creamy sauce of ricotta and yoghurt from this morning. Fantastic. Thank you so much. Smell that, it smells like freshly cut grass. Yes it does, yes it does. And I mean that in the best way. It does, yeah. This… I don’t even have a point of reference. This tastes like grass. I mean it’s absolutely bizarre. It’s so finely cut that you have to chew it like a cow, literally with your molars. You can’t eat it with this. This is fascinating. 3 star. It wouldn't be 3 stars without things like this. It would be a 2 star. This is above and beyond. Like the things we are eating here, we’re never going to eat anything like this. Precisely. So this is the spaghetto. Looks like spaghetti and tomato, no? But actually this is a plate that united Italy along the flavours. So we start from Piedmont, with a red pepper from Carmagnola that we grill. On the magic bus you go down and you stop in Modena with the sour cherry. You mix the soup and you have the juice. And you cook the spaghetti inside this juice as a risotto. You go down and you arrive in Sicily. And you have the bitter almond, grated as parmigiano. But also the sweet almond that goes inside. That’s why we serve as a desert. Beautiful. The stories that you tell are very connected to the Italian story. It’s about breaking rules. It’s about showing the Italians that Italy is a country. It’s not Modena or Bologna. It’s not the Amalfi Coast or Puglia. I's about Italy. It’s about the red pepper from Piedmont, but also the almonds from Noto. Italy is Italy. But everything seen with the eyes of a kid. So that’s why it’s becoming so interesting and so new. I think the responsibility for someone like me. Is to communicate to the world the quality of the soil, of the farmers, of the fishermen, of the cheesemakers. Because we work for that, we work for our dreams. It’s not about other than that. Wow. Amazing. Thank you. Thank you so much. This is exciting. Look at this! Weird. Weird really? Is it almost cold? He said it was cold right. You know what this is like? Strawberry laces. It’s like candy laces. Yeah I get it. I freaking love it. It somehow tastes incredible. Somehow?! Strawberry laces are amazing. I don’t like strawberry laces, I’m not a big fan. Strawberry laces are amazing. This is like the petit-fours. This is Venezian liver. This is a canolo, Sicilian style but with carbonara inside. And this is chocolate with a salad inside. So you have salad, Venezian liver, carbonara to finish, to end. I love it. We’ve been exploring the traditions of Emilia-Romagna. And then learning about the history behind each of these places. And coming here gives such a deeper understanding behind the inspiration of each of these dishes. And it's just fascinating how you’ve used that history and the culture to then make these creations. It’s the essence of what we do. Otherwise it would make no sense for me to cook and stay here every lunch and dinner. You know 7 on 7. I love it. Amazing. Ok can we stop and appreciate Ollie that you have been asking for carbonara on this entire trip. I have. X2 And here we are. In here in a cannoli we have some carbonara. We tried 40 macarons in Paris. Oh my gosh that’s true yeah. I saw that. We tried so many macarons. We didn't try a liver flavoured one. Is it better than other macarons you had? It’s incomparable to the macarons we had in Paris. The home of macarons! The carbonara cannoli. It smells like carbonara. What is this I’m tasting? What is this - lemon? Why did they put some lemon? Custard? It’s custardy. Again very good though. I’ll keep waiting for my carbonara pizza. Chocolate salad. This one can’t be good. I don’t even know what I’m expecting. It is like a mini garden built into some dark chocolate. It works. does? The bitterness of the dark chocolate. It works because the chocolate is at least 85, 90 percent. Yeah, very very strong dark chocolate. There is some caramel element in there. And a lot of greenness. Oops, forgot about the caprese. In every single place, every single pizzeria, every single trattoria In Italy, guys, what do you want to start? Tomato mozzarella and basil, so that’s what it is. Break the tomato. This is not a tomato? No, this is the tomato. This is the way you eat. It’s a desert you know. It’s the perfect way to...BOOM. It’s amazing. It explodes like crazy. Fantastic. It’s amazing. To end the story. Last chapter. Exactly thank you. Wow. He just fed me by hand. The flavour of the tomato is intense. I’m trying to understand it. It’s intense, it's creamy, it’s balanced, it’s acidic. It’s very creamy. It’s not what my brain is trying to understand of the meal. Yeah my brain can’t really handle it. You understand? Yeah it’s very different. Well this has been a dream. It’s been amazing. This is one of the best meals of my life,easily. You know what it’s like? It’s like going to an art gallery to see an exhibition. And the artist is there. And he introduces each painting. Correct, incredible. You couldn't hope for a better experience. Thanks for everything. Really thank you so much. This was amazing genuinely amazing. A privilege, thank you. Ciao. Have a beautiful rest of your day. Thank you so much. We will not forget this. It can be a bit bumpy, but don't worry, it's normal. Ok...... Is it just me or do the wings look really small? I can literally move this whole plane, just with a little push. Are we supposed to be doing this? Is this supposed to happen? We went full 90 degrees a couple of times. Woahhhhhhhh! Up again, the crescendo continues. Ok.
Channel: JOLLY
Views: 2,567,304
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Keywords: JOLLY, josh, ollie, British, UK, English, englishman, comedy, duo, food, react, try, tries, best, weirdest, craziest, series, online, guest, memes, Gentleman, Brits, international, spicy, spiciest, hottest, fire, noodles, snacks, fast food, best friends, infinite possibilities, gabie, kook, carrott, kendal, review, taste, test, steven lim, watcher, travel, sorted food, highschoolers, meme, tiktok, weird, rappers, actually good, paris, london, L.A., mcdonalds, michelin, crazy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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