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nothing guys how you doing back on the road again so today we're going to do a special trip we're off to coventry and we're off to ben lee mega chippy bingley mega chippy that's right guys so this place has gone viral and it's going absolutely crackers anybody and everybody school wallet is they're all down here they're queuing up for the bag of chips all right so i'm coming down to see what it's all about see what the big hype is is it because somebody's just strung the thrill things on guitar or is it because it's actually a decent bag of chips and piece of fish i don't know so let's get going cameraman to bindley mega chippy bentley mega chippy bindly mega chippy can you fill my belly i'm coming to try it out so we're here we've had a bit of a drive me it's all camera man huh you know i i find that this is the power of social media in it that basically somebody strummed on a guitar and now bin laden mega chippy is absolutely rammed out now we're very close i think it's down this road i'm hoping this qr traffic isn't that cute we're going to be in the mega chippy to be honest but i've already seen some people with magazine chips walking past so and i've obviously i've looked online i've looked at the tick tocks and all that and seeing that the queues are quite big so awfully i'm hoping that the queues have died down a little bit but i think as well what's done this good is that it's school holidays in it so kids are enough so people you know especially younger generation they want to do all these tick tocks they want to come to these places so it's like mom and dad come on we're doing a five hour trip we're gonna go bingley mega chippy we're gonna have some chips huh i mean what's it been it's been it's been a few days on it been nearly a week i wonder if they've changed oil might not have had time to change oil sweet i can see sand guys i bet all these a lot here they're thinking my god what is going on here huh cat you can't park up you can't do no where can we park up cameraman can we get here i don't know if we're going to be able to get in it looks pretty busy bindly mega chippy hey yup so there is a load of people here loads probably just hanging about fun of it to see what's going on all right let's see if we can get it car back i doubt it but we'll try it well so look so addy he's decided let's get trimmed so i've got a very courteous driver here that's decided to not pay attention to me on all road come on i don't think we're going to be able to get in here you know so there's a right kill guys is this all is this whole guy going here let's just wait a minute see what he's doing because if he's going we're in there i hope somebody's going here yes oh look at that for timing cameraman boom boom boom boom right on edge so guys that there must be there must be i bet i bet you there's like near on 50 60 people here telling you some people now are giving me eyeball they're smiling thinking i'm going to kill jump but i'm not i'm just going to joint you well we'll have a chat with people we'll see what's brought them down here to bindley mega chippy so come on cameraman let's go see what it's all about come on all right guys what else is he coming out this guy oh i'm gonna take the door off then all right guys so let's get out of here no knock a cracker away all right oh that guy saw we've got a bit of a q1 look at the state of this let's get table and chaired out and joint kill let's go for it hey up what's this yeah it's all dry he must have had a must have had a flat it's all bumping here come on that song he's doing my absolute napping let me tell you hey he's doing my head in all right hey oh don't you lost this fella come on cameraman all right let's try it back at cool with these guys oh there we go see what's happening all right how are we doing not bad all right where've i come from uh i'm not sure i've come from where you're not sure where did you live sorry i don't know near davantrish yeah daventry i used to live in dallas yeah yeah yeah all right well what i remember oh they moved out when about eight years old sorry i brought up yeah just what we've come up we've done about half an hour to get here so not far overdrive it's not too bad then is it yeah the queue might be a couple hours but you know it's how long it takes to get i think it all depends what people want in it i guess sorry yeah my god i want to worry about it closing before we get in because shutting times i think i think it's changed i think so i'm not sure it says on the google pages 24 now i'm going to say to be honest with you it should be 24 hours i'm anticipating that these guys are going to take more this this week than they've taken all year yeah definitely yeah as you can see there's people coming from all over the job to try out so let's see what's your name uh daniel daniel yeah oh you're on my youtube channel now so well my youtube so tell me again what you're doing down here today i'm asking people general knowledge questions and if they get it all right i've been paying for their food right you know some i am thick ass these little tell you on here sure you're not there one here um okay so do you think you're smart i am thick ass no okay no how many zeros are there a hundred thousand i know what how many zeros are in hundred thousand six six yeah so you've already got it wrong it's five there you go see i told you how many wives did king henry the eighth have two many yeah okay one two minute um so what's the chemical formula for sodium is that what comes out at sodastream i don't know no see i'm asking you a general knowledge question not applicable how many planets are in our solar system oh now we're talking about this one no i know that one that's like a mars bar mars yeah yeah there's milky way is that milk cute that's not our planet is it ah it's not a planet so you're on your own i'll tell you mate yeah i ain't going to call me okay we'll do one last one one last one what's the square root of 81 oh square root uh i've not got my map with me can't if that's google yeah i don't know um it's nine there you go you see i i went to school me in barnsley all right and they didn't tell us at square notes to taught us how to knit cars yeah that's about it um so i'm having a pair for me all now then yeah oh well yeah i don't mind i don't mind can we take a picture yeah of course you can have you had someone there now we just stood here huh have you had a bag of chips at all no no no no i've not had no food how long have you been here like now i've just been paid i've only paid for like two three people sued i'm waiting for someone to it's a good job you're not paying for mine because i'm having one of the menu oh god that'd have done you didn't want it that other than your college fund not bad not bad my mate was uh he ran me yesterday and said do you see him at my takeaway he's gone to uh somewhere in leicester obviously i went in birmingham the leicester ones might have just come on facebook yeah yeah yeah i went in birmingham last week so i went down there and then obviously there's up being a big hype about this place i thought well i better come down and check it out and see what's happening is it not the best like just average everyone in that's friendly yeah yeah you know what i i love the fact that social media can do this to a little chippy all right for a little while this this this guy's gonna get a bit of corning hopefully he'll treat his staff yeah all right if he's any kind of boss all right he's going to uh give his staff a bit of a bonus i'll tell you now yeah yeah you think so yeah of course you come here do you want him to take it for you um if you don't mind thank you all right paul nice to meet you mate nice to meet you cheers see you later man oh man gonna come out there and then get to get chipping i'll he's on youtube now what's your name charlie now then me and charlie bingley mega fishing is whatever it is chippy that's it i'm getting confused i can't believe so isaac you finlay maggot all right guys so it's 10 there's about 15 minutes to get from bucket kill bite tip front here so i'm right at front door oh my god what is that there oh i'll tell you something i can see some stuff on menu here but i'm gonna have to uh i'm gonna have to try some of this i haven't had some of this before what is that what's a batch is that liking a bread cake what they're talking about all right so they're back at you when we're in all right guys it's well for choices there's absolutely loads of support menu there's loads of fries battered sausages loads of fish going on here oh man we'll just have to see what they've got was a few things up manual that i didn't expect to be on to be there what's a batch that must be a big cake must be they've got they've got lamb lamb on it chicken donut down there that looks like i've not come for a kebab but i've got fish and chips so let's smash it out the back all right guys look at this we've got sausage fish we've got potatoes chicken sausages we've got what else is there oh scallops sabotage salad is that me yeah it must be me nice come on here we go i am it you're right right there can i have please fish and chips please and then can i have a peas beans curry and gravy small and then also can i try the uh and pea batch what's our batch is that ricky yeah i'll try one of them and a satellite please and then can i also have a uh i have a bottle of cork zero please mate fishing tubes uh in a tray please mate yeah guys there we go oh yeah you have a light well i love several of me i think i've had one on here before but i'll talk you through it when i get it but we're having a and be back oh now then a batch is a big cake all right so you know we've come over yorkshire bar don't we so he gets a bit complicated though uh but yeah putting it together fish and chips oh busy look at kill it he's still so we've come in and it is still queuing out onto the world it's absolutely nuts in fact it's bending around corner now yes please mate oh look at that bad boy oh yes that's great man i'm gonna go set a table up outside me you're right to bring it out for us is that okay yeah yeah how much is it i'll pay the bill now 1809 and just put salt and vinegar on and pee batsman as well if you can okay yeah lovely all right i'll see you in a minute thank you cheers paul that guy's it is getting busy out here right where we're gonna go cameraman where we're going where we're going to set up for this let's go down here that won't work all right guys look at this yeah people killing people filming it is all going on here that's old finley mega chipping what's your can guys are there shoes as well they are classmates i'm the socks and what is getting your trainers in here man it's getting them bad boys in a picture with you yeah of course you can make yeah well if you give him your phone he'll check it for you there you go guys all right i better get my table set up because i'm getting table service here all right let's get this out and then i'll picture with all my money the iconic team this is it and it's coming out it's coming out that's it still it's still got gravy on from last one i've not been able to wipe it down yet right here we go oh faster furious just pulled in there we go baby there we go you are you all coming out love not it where am i right let's start doing nothing huh here we go yeah yeah if you give [Music] there you go guys there you go hey oh it could be tomorrow yeah right get my cracker away let's get sat down we don't chair test boss make sure we don't get run over right there we go there we go cameraman we're on so we set it side up bin that'd been the mega chippy it's all going on here it's all going on i cannot believe the amount of people that are queuing up to come here all right obviously i've jumped to kill it's all happening the queue so it's took us to get served from the back of the kill around 20 minutes yeah somebody needs to take care of intake garage don't they yeah sounds like they've chucked bangers up the exhaust [Music] yes [Music] but other people they don't do they they don't you know they go to the local chippy but people i've been hearing people have been traveling down from scotland as far as scotland coming down four four five hour drive to come and try it out hey up pal cause she can't mate if you're giving me a format it'll sort you out he's got he's got a battery pack on that car man nick a bit of charge while what are you me and my son watch all the time on youtube oh thanks matt funny love it where are you from then where you come from so how long is it taking you i get here now in 20 minutes have you just come for this yeah yeah like everybody else yeah yeah it's just over two hours for us today so oh there we go thank you very much mate thank you thank you thank you cheers paul right guys so we've got big box of wonders so we've got told uh well let's just get into it never mind let's see here we go get this out you know what i forgot to reorder myself guys it's not all it's he didn't charge me for it because i forgot to reorder it we all know what assembly is we've had it before don't we okay all right let's get this out here bosh get my little table up my little table i'll put side let's go for it where we're going to put this camera man i'm gonna have to put it here uh don't want to be lit oh bins are full uh tall council i bet a bit there bit that off they're trying to come out here empty all this all right i'm going to whip the whistle because i've been studying queue i've been talking for quite a while so i've got a bit of a drive up a bit of a drive throughout right let's go for it let's see let's unwrap it let's see what's happening here oh come on mate look how many spiders that's it mate off you go bingley mega chip evenly mega should be oh but we'll we're going to get some of this on soul sticker top oh here come the beans so how much fish and chips and beans and curry and peas do you reckon they've been through in the past week i reckon they've done i reckon they've done a bit another i reckon they've got a bit to go so whilst we're stood in kyoto vampalden it's about now unloading yeah but they can't believe it business business is booming as they say see you later lads very nice oh have you not hit it yet no oh we're gonna go city park hey put some music on sit back eat your fishing chips see you later guys click that i didn't have to get up yeah stretch that's my stretching foot there oh right get it in here sorry guys you know me get this in sorted out that's it we're ready to go i don't think that's going to blow away come on if i just put it there is it right here we go already fish and chips all right well so we had to break me fish to put it in look at that yeah whacking fish and chips it's cost 18 quid for all this bottle of pop all right let's get these out curry oh here we go oh whoa oh bit of gravy beans peas there we go they're all here the awesome awesome they are here that's what we're going to call them right and then this is me and pea batch bush look at that bread cake look at that there it's all it's like a onion meatball bit small isn't it it looks lost it looks like uh like the man that landed on bone just plunked in the middle with a few peas and a little sludge of gravy on but so when i were a kid these were the main thing used to get these at school so let's have a look there you go guys that's made in it bingley mega chippy come on love jump yes yeah if you give him your phone he'll check it for you because he can't take it on his nice all right there you go marina's better so let's get to it guys [Music] do you know what i'm going to get straight in to this and p batch so let's pick it up so that the bread cake nice and fresh soft which i expected it to be because they probably got a high turnover of these so they're probably having to get them in fresh right i'm going to squeeze it to the edge so i can get a nice taste for it let's go oh if i'm on this top i don't want that whoa i'm not for that whoa all right guys of course you can oh i don't reckon much to that camera how's it going so far is it good i haven't tried it yet have you ever had a no no no i don't have one all right they're not actually but the fish and chips smell good right so oh no oh look at that guys that ain't for me that that's not how i remember them tasting yeah the brick cake all right i'll have another batch of that beautiful soft fluffy but the it's quite sloppy so when you're biting the texture reminds me of you know when i'm when i've been feeding it dog yeah that's not for me so there's people pulling in playing some yeah there we go a lot what could he sauce all right yeah yeah it's all down your top that's why i'm asking look at that guys look there she enjoyed the cuddy sauce bush there you go but spring rolls would to be honest i'm just having that that's the yeah it looks like cat food i'm honest with you yeah that's disgusting yeah the flavor's a bit sharp [Applause] of course you can but no thanks for that here we go come on guys jump in what we got fish and chips there you go guys there you go no it's a chip bat no it's a chip right guys what is it is it chipboard here chip batch what do you call it get in the comments tell us what it is because this last thing with a clue she's sat here she's got cuddy down the top yeah all right she's loving life with frozen spring rolls thank you yeah if you want cheers love if you want to take it out at case mate because you might drop it with case come on mate jump in i seen you do a chip in oh yeah nice one pal nice one mate enjoy i will thank you though no worries of course you can't make it yeah just give it i'll put on your comments to come here did yeah yeah you've got to listen to you yeah yeah that's it's a nice tracker away i did when it's gone i'm gonna try it now right let's get into it guys before we get before we get any more people jumping in saw piece of fish you know it's a long piece of fish let's go for it nice crispy batter nice white fillet in there all right let's show you [Music] smells good here we go right are you ready for it [Music] you know what it's a nice chunky fillet of fish what red up let's straight out flyer decent crispy batter let's try the chips so far so good you're laughing at me and i'll do it see you later enjoy your phone right so chips are all right they're not the best all right let's get the peas on you need a bit of moisture on it so proper mushy peas going on there let's try them with a bit of fish oh here we go now we're talking you know what we've tasted them what i don't think i've ever said this but they don't taste like peas looking off i don't know why right let's get some beans so there's a lot of bean juice in this get these beans out chips and beans no better than chips and beans well they're all right nice and soft what you expect from a chip shop to be fair they're not a branded bean should i say right now we're getting to the delicacy aren't we curry sauce here we go let's get it on fish whoa that then we dribbled it on all right guys so we've got the the curry sauce on let's try a bit of fish and curry put a bit more on who's in the morning here we go i'm not going to try it with a chip because chips and curry sauce it's a staple night in it again decent chip chop curry sauce so here we go this is where you all start cutting them slimy about bindly mega chippy and i'm about to tip their gravy onto the fish and chips do it as a cardinal sin all right how are you doing oh that's you well all right let's go for it look at this camera man thick gravy oh that's what i'm talking about look at that i absolutely dribble through all quick quick amazing right chop the end of this fish off bingley mega chippy that song is doing my nutting right here we go guys look at that crispy batter [Music] guys is it for people waving it's what people in the street people trying to get past in their cast right let's wet the whistle and get through it [Music] well you don't know it's way too good here no just just walk straight through love be all right we're not fussy i'm going to give my review now i'm going to give him the reel now i have to go and have a look then yeah you'll go and watch it right guys so let's check this out so this is the the and pea batch in a red cake if i'm honest with you i remember having him as a kid and last time adam was a kid and i don't know if that is why but it is just not my cup of tea the texture of it it's like when i've been getting dog food out but oh so yeah it might be our cup of tea no up north we don't have them at fish shops they probably hand them got rid of them right so we've got the peas the beans the curry the gravy they are your standard extras all right there's nothing special about them peas have got a bit of a weird taste to them to what i'm used to to be honest don't know why that is but it is a bit weird the chips you know they just stamped the standard chips the standard chips all right they're what you'd expect yes of course you can make of course you can if you want to give him your format it'll take a picture for you right guys so let's go for it the chips so look the chips are just the standard chips they're all different sizes if i'm honest with you you need to have the the beans the curry the gravy just put a bit of moisture on the befair then we come to the fish to be fair all right yep course you can mate yeah thank you right guys so let's get back on it the fish so to be fair the fish fill it it's a nice fish fillet you know it's it's a decent size decent chunky chunky fish and it's a crispy batter so 18 quid excuse so we've got 18 quinn all in with all this hype about this place billy mega chippy i've done some chippy reviews in my time and i've been to some absolute crackers all right you know cooked in beef dripping fish the size of my arm chips that are just absolutely out of this world i've had gravy that has just blown my socks off as this met it do you know what what it is all right and i think it's great that social media has put a little fish and chip shop on a platform people are coming and they're having a good time for me it is just your standard fish and chips there's nothing special about it but it's not horrible neither all right so for that i'm gonna give it a nice solid eight okay well done to these guys they're smashing it out i wish them all the success and you know it's been great coming down here today and speaking of people i'll see you next time guys burnley omega chippy [Music]
Channel: Rate My Takeaway
Views: 2,448,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MhRaaU9-Jg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 41sec (1841 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 02 2022
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