Travelling to Scotland to try a 5,400 Calorie Takeaway Munchie Box

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nothing guys how you doing back on the road again all right i'm dressed up this time i've got miata and i've got my little bit of a ginger wig all right you know why because we're off right at the top up to that there scotland over the hills and far away boom you've been telling us to go up there and try it out right so we thought you know what let's give it a crack so we're in the car we're on the road right we've heard of this this place called west east spice apparently they do this big massive box all right so we're going to try that out bit of iron can't go to scotland and not get iron blue all right so we're going to go up there try a bit of iron blue try this box out at wesley spice i'll let you know how it is let's go scotland here we come guys how are you so we're here we've arrived we've arrived at east west space all right we've heard about this place right it's been on social media before it's been in newspaper a couple of years ago for this big mun spots what they do basically they're going to deep fry a load of gear chuck it in this box and i'm going to sample it so if my waistline can handle it let's go and have a look now the mat you're right not bad mate not bad so i've heard about this big munch box that you do yes from the country box can i order one of them please so is it big then is it is it a big box full of stuff it's a big box got and pizza box right that's the box i will fill with the chips yeah the fish sausages hamburger pizza crunch my god and how much is that sir 13 there you go thank you oh i can't wait for this guys nice bit of old-fashioned chip shop factory in this box for me today thank you very much sir i'll just wait outside mate we're just giving this shout out here lovely thank you very much all nice fresh ingredients in here making a few curries we've got it all we don't like you it's going unlike donkey kong come on let's go outside it's a bit warm in here [Music] what's near them mate chips nearby a pizza crunch a single fish double sausage double hamburger chicken nuggets and onion rings and you get a two liter bottle of juice spawn thank you cheers thank you very much thank you guys right guys so i've been to west meets east all right spice spice up your life i've got to be honest with you it won't like seeing spy skills that didn't spice up my life in there all right for one well it would be hard to understand these guys i mean it's hard to understand me sometimes but this guy will ask oh my god any other crap to live on me making me laugh so they've done me this famous crunch box fat box whatever you want to call it is give me a bottle of their finest juice as he calls it all right so i'm sat on a bit of a slant here so if i roll down into this beautiful lake with floating crisp brackets please bear with me all right so let's have a look push and it hits you straight face right pure smell of grease fat you know this is good this ain't just going to put a little bit on maps this is going to i might have to be lifted out there cleaning for you tell us right so let's dig in so let's try a chip first off i'm gonna lie guys you can probably still see but the chip is raw all right it's it's not even cooked it's still a bit raw and it's got an awful aftertaste and i believe that's due to the the substance the culture i want to put in the potatoes to keep it from where black is still covered in it so it's giving quite a bit of a nasty flavor so the chips aren't really for me so this is a piece of fish with the looks of it oh jesus as you would expect absolutely dripping and swimming in greece let's give it a go it's not a bad piece of fish not a bad piece of fish at all onion ring feels a bit soggy to be honest big soggy probably been sat there for a while these look to be chicken nuggets oh my god yeah chicken nugget now this whole box here guys obviously these are the idea of these is to feed a family for 13 quid all right so i know just looking at that price tag it's not going to be the best ingredients on the block all right so here we've got deep fried burgers oh my god i'm honestly here i'll be totally honest now on this video i've just grabbed this one open i don't even know if i even want to put this in my mouth i mean it doesn't look well i mean i'll give it a go it might be the best tasting thing since sliced bread but there's somebody's finest this is absolutely cracking me down this sorry guys i don't like to spit it out but oh so glad i got a bottle of that stuff that burger that's not for me i mean if i'm honestly i won't even give that to my dog i mean i don't know what the heck i mean the only the only color of me i've seen like that is a peppered army and that's about it sausage so it's all beautiful sausages all right smells all right feels all right like a sausage again i know it's not going to be the top quality gear but that sausage is a bit so this is this is what sort of grabbed my attention now this is what they call up in a pizza crunch so basically they've been tested they've got cheapest pizza on shelf dipped in a bit of batter banged it in fire my god i've gotta be honest with you guys i'm struggling with this one all right guys so rating 10. i'm not being funny that piece of fish you know you're probably better off dragging one out of this pond that side of me yeah the sausage it's a battered sausage right i don't know about you but when i go to a fish shop and i take batter off it's a nice golden colour that looks like it needs to go on holiday abroad that can get a bit of a tan not being funny it's like a bleeding dead finger oh i don't mean the burger let's let's crack this burger up in here oh my god what is that i mean this one looks like it's got bleeding watts get that crap down at clinic look look at the state of this bit it's a fat whistle the pizza like i said i mean it's just a cheap test the pizza but watch this watch look but you can see why people want this look what's this once it's dripping down here look off my fingers it's just oozing with absolute crap horrible cheeky nuggets if i throw them at a window they'll probably break it somewhere 18 guys let's give it let's give it a one while being genius and trying to feed a family all right and and we'll give it two points for the beautiful bottle of juice as far as everything else goes even my mates here don't bump ducks they've stayed away i don't think they bothered about this all right so tell us what you think if you're into this kind of thing if this is what you like all right if you've been to this place and you've tried it let us know what you think let us know your comments all right again this is my opinion all right it just is not for me we've got dead fingers what infested burgers we've got some of that resembles a bit of fish i mean it's all birds i'd be kicking off with that right comment share it if you've been let us know what you all think if you want to brave it come down have a go all right but yeah we'll see you next time my takeaway also guys as well all right we know these are popular in scotland now all right and to be honest i think these guys put them up map all this crap map is beyond me but i know other places around the country now starting to do all these kind of things if you've got something near you and i think they're worth a try let us know all right send us some pictures in put them on group show us what it's all about all right see you next time
Channel: Rate My Takeaway
Views: 2,088,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Hb7a1kco9K4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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