We Rated Food at DISNEYLAND

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nothing guys how are you doing sure it's first day of mining the kids holiday and we're here in disneyland paris so yesterday was an eventful day with flights and travelling and it was a bit eventful this morning getting people killed i'll get on bus right yay so we're just walking from bus down to here the plan is lots of fun and a little bit of food so and i'm gonna blog it vlog it you'll like that what do you mean i like that cheeky huh he's on it look all right guys see you soon look at this guys all the kills to get in i'm doing all right let's get it killed [Music] come on guys look at this george huh real security good guys have fun have fun don't let anyone have fun it's looking good look at me i've got that bum what did i consider guys i've got my take away paris 2022 look at this very skylight on bottom there you see it we have front belly so kids have run off straight straight in straight off to spin brass all right straight into the shop so mickey as it is all i wanted is something to eat let me tell you i'm ready for it come on let's have it oh all that ears bow ties look at these bow ties look at them i reckon i should have that one what do you think yeah okay look at these guys all here so we've been into it shop george ain't got no apart from bottle pop yeah but these two look what he is they happen out there yeah come on then a little bit of fun so as soon as you walk in that's it fleeced out with 60 quid just for some years and a few bottles it's a money-making pit this place isn't it yeah because you're a fortune i get it i thought you want to get in won't you i mean i think for a bottle of water it's cost me three euro weight to put a bottle of water i should have known really i know i'll be doing tomorrow when i come back in we'll go into supermarket getting backpack [Music] i'm too fat to get on that it's too hard so they're enjoying themselves every night the other guys so i'm here in the islam paris bumped into some from manchester united my sister that's it man i'm gonna i want to try something around here barbecue [Music] [Music] [Applause] look at this [Music] can i go get myself a lulla right guys here we go so we've decided we're going to try out this barbecue place because it looks good it's got ribs sausage chicken you wanna know what i want a disney bikini okay like a minnie mouse one all right yeah okay fair deals never mind get that way right so we're gonna queue up here we're gonna go get this let's have a look here we go [Music] so [Music] oh and you want the cheeseburger fries and then another cheeseburger meal with fries and fanta nice ice cream yogurt ice cream ice cream please can i have one of them [Music] thank you very much thank you all very much have a nice day yeah can you grab that one yeah and i'll get the drinks got it all right george you'll follow us out thank you very much all [Music] and we'll get filming coming out with you top button george all right guys so this is what we've got a couple of burgers yeah they look alright cheeseburger onion ring put a salad on we'll take your salad off that don't worry look at george you guys don't like salad and we said no salad but we'll salt that this is my monster here beef ribs ribs don't look as big as they did on pizza but and then we've got a bit of chicken we've got drinks he can't fight for me nicely for you guys when you're done [Music] all right but here guys we're on me and george sat down wheels in there i've not got so you've got your cheeseburger and you're on to chips already i've whipped off his salad all right because you don't like that dear and girls they're not too bothered about being on with you won't be honest they're not they're not right no all right so how are you enjoying it there you go fun you're liking it yeah cracking it out right let me let me get rid of this onion ring with a lot of lettuce these chips are nice but they need a bit of sauce [Music] the salt very well oh yeah they're nice but they need a bit of sauce is that because they're just like plain dried chips yeah [Music] this didn't come in mine so i'm gonna eat it there we go stop it what it's all the onion rings that are inside the burger nice flavour grab that one get it do it literally all right we're wet in the whistle with a nice banter [Music] all right i've got rid of all your stuff now let's start with chips so i've got a bit of a barbecue sauce on my barbecue [Music] [Applause] yeah i get what you mean they're a bit dry out i need they need a little salt and they don't do much you didn't get here [Music] i might do once i get down on it so i'm going to crack on so we've got to smoke it a smoky sausage smoke it smoke it sometimes somewhere yeah yeah it smells it smells spicy a barbecue i've got a burger we've got so what's been over now just move it what did you say is it nice so i've just bit into this sausage that was your concealer look at that proper close ups there cameraman you're out the job doing it all on me on now it's a chunky sausage paprika [Music] so i hope they're all queuing up here they're all cute oh is it bloators important they give me a high five so what what does your burger taste like josh have a bite explain how it is so you've got a bracelet you took all your salad out on your sauce you've got cheese left on it how was the burger itself cheesy cheese cheesy beefy [Music] good [Music] after that right so i'm going to go up hot chicken now so you get a little like a little bit of thigh there oh look at this bit of luckiness here let's go for this let's take skin off [Music] [Music] always always share it with kids the skin is the best part of that thank you sausage nice bits of chicken it's not dry it's quite moist [Music] [Music] is it not your thing [Music] have a drink where you whistle all right go try a bit of chicken is that done you know right then we've got oh goodness beautiful two two ribs here two pork ribs nice bit of fat on there a little fatter me oh [Music] there is a knife and fork here by the way but you know me oh that's not bad now you know me dad [Music] there you go i saw that guys absolutely god just falls off the board it's got a beautiful flavor to it is it good what must have been here so you're not talking about sausage but you like your burger and chips that i like because they've got something yeah now in the park here this meal here that i've got which i'm reviewing it's the sheriff's meal right and it's 17 euros which to be honest coming with a drink you've got ribs you've got sausage you've got a bit of chicken you've got chips all right and then what we've got here he can buy something he can play and i've got this little pig campaign say a little it's quite quite a decent one so i'm going to buy this just to let you know something about grammar it's quite relaxing sweet pastry crust like a sweet sticky [Music] metal sauce in there with absolutely beautiful meat candles you know what [Music] i think coming to a place like this [Music] i'm getting that kind of food [Music] for 17 euro is all right so for me guys if you've been down there if you've been to cowboy out in disneyland paris let me know what you think if you're not bailing your ninja turn come on have a try see what you think but for me i'm quite enjoying it george so i'm gonna give it an isolation what about you just because we're holding it when we get it what do you think anyway it's been brilliant here all right we're having fun we're here in disneyland meet kids we're absolutely loving it and we thought we'd just let you in a little bit of a meal without him all right thank you there's someone special out there that they helped me and the kids get here today so i just want to say thank you to you all right it's absolutely amazing i'm a great time in their lives i'll see you next time guys me and george are going to crack on with this these two or something satiating their heads off summer's already scrambled there good luck she's scrambling she's happy let me know for your fruit chicken what do you give it are you ready [Music] i think me and george will sit to river because these two if it's not a slice of pizza and a lot of fit boys walking past they're not interested and someone says there's not enough cheese right guys i'll see you next time have a good
Channel: Rate My Takeaway
Views: 379,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ucTfghsQKJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 02 2022
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