This is 35-YEAR-OLD Home Cooked Food!

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nothing guys how you doing back on the road again well today something very special the cameraman is not here he's not here he's up home he's in bed is this hand to have a day off he's got man FL up BR told edit along how are you doing I'm all right how are you not bad maning a bit Croy today you hav't got man have you I am I'm feeling all right thanks for the invite yeah couldn't miss the opportunity so where are we going Barnsley Barnsley and what place are we going to this place you'll kept mourning at me saying about things that I was saying about oh yeah like my grma used to make and all that kind of stuff this one is perfect it's a whole Place Called Home Farm bakery there's a few of them dotted around barsley they're only in Bley I think don't know why it must be like a Bley exclusive thing but they do all homec fan Bakery so yeah I know about these and I have seen them dotted about and I think it's like old school with Bakers and they've got all your bakery products in there but I think they also do like homecooked meals breakfast stuff like that pie and chips so I'm looking forward to it and uh you know what man I might even give you some that' be nice yeah yeah do you want some I could do with some like like feeding him stewing dumplings like what my grandma used to question you always askes does the cameraman get fed editor will back me up here unless it's a protein bar or a water you know what I mean or scrambled egg he's not that bothered is he no he's very peculiar very peculiar gets it Jim all right he's you know he's not as good looking as me but whoosh anyway let's go eh let's go for it in a HomeTown got new here they're taking them for test drive round barsy they've got uh what they call them finger plates on so bu the new cameraman dealer plates yeah I'm going to call you camon today I don't like calling you editor should I call you editor or ceron what do you want to be called you can call me Ed Ed some people call me Ed some people call me Eder or could like could call you Call You Ed cam Ed cam Ed cam today Ed cam feels weird actually somebody talking back to me it does it you know that would have done this before for we it feels weird cuz usually I'm just talking talking to you guys on there and talking to camera you know I've got anal watch behind it holding it up like it's free I just like to keep it company there to be honest yeah no we have fun when we're out on road and I missed you I get to see you on screen but I don't get to see you in person and uh being sat .2 M away from you it gives me great satisfaction well this is it it must do your heading though look at this glow job in there for a some time all going on in barsley this is where T Tony is in it Tony barers is just up here remember back in day went to todler te H first Christmas song we come see Tony didn't we I remember he gives you a good cut like I remember that time you I W say the place but I remember you came back from another place I thought you'd been to be being a man I think I'm do there to be honest somebody off of me one other day but I didn't have time you know I can tell when I'm doing airut because all the Grays start to come through what's your favorite home cook meal I know chicken nuggets I always eat chicken but when I was younger I didn't really like chicken but ever since I've sort of like Associated myself with you and chicken burgers I've been quite a big fan but I'd probably say stew and dumplings my favorite be St pretty much yeah all staries you know what staries is what's that it's like a Scottish dish it's a bit like um bash but like more looks a bit like baby food be honest all right is it like a no no so in your stew what do you have in your Stew cuz I know you're a funny eater um I don't make stew myself cuz I'm not a good cook but I've i' like I get potatoes carrots and then some of the brown bits whatever they are some of the brown bits what do you mean some of the brown bits Brown FL bits hey P some of the brown bits well it could be like dumplings yeah or like onions and no like meat but I don't know I don't know if it's lamb or beef i' had a few different ones but you can't tell which it is it's just brown meat if I were reviewing food mate we would't really get far yeah well we don't get far with meat to be fair it's what a lot of people are saying I don't know what I'm talking about places that we always visit is recommended by people who who leave the comments yeah and for people to recommend a place which wouldn't be too Pleasant is highly unlikely however we have we have we have we have had a few we and they've being a bit uh a bit sus but I also enjoy I think you know doing this job it's not just rating the phood but speaking to you know the public and customers that come to these places and I just I just enjoy the chat did you know what I enjoy what I enjoy sometimes we get emails and from like people from the businesses and they say that since yourself actually come um have people coming in and order the same things that you originally ordered yeah it says it's a long here can we get in here should we park here look better Park here look cuz it says it's just down yes it's just there look and I don't know if we can get in there no we can't so it matters we' we've got here penos ohas and look we've got Mobility sked outside oh fam told you there's deal on them around here right let's go oh L it and let's go see all Farm Foods not Farm Foods is it it might be our um I was thinking might be one of your friends from scho that with Mobility score yeah it could be I need one I've been saying this to cameraman we might have to get one and put one in back at van and then I can strap table to it and bomb down Rob in fact we could get tandem like benad better film better the Cameran can sit up back be filming up that be class might see somebody that's got one around here you know proper film crew right let's go for it see what's happening come on oh there we go to ready it that's it kna cracker away have you put your kner cracker away better done way up we going going on take camera then woo smack te face right let's get ready to rumble let's get ready to rumble are you ready are you steady should have got Anon de on said this before they've got last last episodes of uh Saturday Night Takeaway you'd have thought that they got me on would you ultimate takeaway could have got on with to deck right batter table B table it's like me fish shop and got B let's Goos pianos pianos should have gone there it might have to come back and try this right home F Bakery I hope we've got some delicious grub going on let's get in oh it's a big place is it it's a big one right let's go in and see what's happening oh look at this oh what that look at them wo they look good them oh this looks like it could be my uh my dream place this oh my days look at this wrong person only come in every do you every day is it that good wow right so oh my God home cooked dinners all served with mashed chips veg roers York gravy right do breakfast well what do breakfast right do you know what I'm going to have to be I don't know I don't know right I don't know I don't know I don't know I love you thank you get you well I'd like to say everything off the menu but that'll be too much so I want a couple of the home cook dinners please so can I have uh can I have one that's the beef stew and dumplings yes uh and with everything mashing bed yep all the job blot uh and then can I have brazing steak can I have that with it all you get Roasters with that as well yep the same with that and then uh a breakfast as well please else would you like them all served at the same time yes please love well I'm going to put a table and chair outside if that's all right that's all I'll put them all together then and then I'll get a a bottle of water as well please yeah I'll perfect now if that's all right oh cameraman I can't get none of these can of no look just look at them though look you need one of them should I get one I'll have a bottle of water please love and can I also get one of these Tarts here as well please oh my look at them1 thank you very much love and can I get a receipt as well please look thank you little buffies here all this you get me a c t I'll get you one after I'm getting one after look at Li cakes lifter cakes wedding cakes thank you very much love thank you love thank you right let's get set up here ready to you see all that M allot sandwiches beef oh the job BL right let's go woo right told ready to camera man let's do this let's get set up here cuz I'm a bit bit worried that if I go there people are going to they trying to get past those scooters it's like scooterville around here so we'll sit next to this and somebody might join us for dinner right well look at this so mate ceran we had a we had a discussion at weekend cuz he was saying it's on its last legs I was say look at that woo it's holding up in it it's holding up it's taking some Amor but it was about tble being on last legs I was saying it's got a bit of time yet definitely got a few more I I can right St J Test MOS right so this is your typical old school Bakery home cooked meals cures lasagnas they've got your beef dinners your pork dinners your dumpl the whole shabam right but it smells amazing smells amazing I can't remember did I see sweet Con in that what dings I think they were hidden away but all I seen were like the hard Rocky like Cobble part the sweet Conn in it you're going to have to have it have a quick look well then have a quick look cuz if it isn't change it make you all what's up I just had a this recet in there oh he changed it you might want to change it for something else well you'll go change it for someone else what do you want you yeah you'll surprise me oh right have you sorted it yeah you're in for a treat am I you're in for a treat yeah I've kind of I know you would have really ordered it this way but I've ordered the way that I'd order it don't mind oh my days so do we own any more money or we all right um I'll find out I think we're all right we're 20 quid so we're all right aren't we cuz it's just a dinner so i' like to go still dinner is a 13 Quin so hold on you pretty much paid just over 20 l f how much food so we've got so two dinners at $6.99 each $13.98 we got breakfast we've got bottle of water and we've got a strawberry T 1£ 2173 it's C so we got three meals a dessert and a drink for 21 quid it's not bad that is it then they're on the way already they're like d is going to do you straight in they're like he here again keep going like that because I've got another one of these my Rugby one that's got a Pockets there it's aie I'm going to have to get another one of them cuz I like it this time of here warm me belly up people have been asking as well if they like them as well and people want them themselves but so we've got them coming to mer soon haven't we yeah we're getting it sorted out so we're going to have fing out pull my finger out not me it's you you out how business out know the hotels you can I just say one thing quick yeah you and cameraman right yeah together dely and [Music] Rodney cheers man take care what you got sprinkle BS oh sprinkle BNS I swear to God there's loads in there vanilla slice vanilla slice slice baby SL SL baby you know what time is be roll time be roll time actually get be rolling good [Music] meal [Music] are you looking forward to the rate my takeway challenge I am so we've set the challenge off we're now in round currently in round two aren't we people sending in videos so we've been siing through them windling it down and we're going to get it down to 16 people and that is it the challenge is on woo right explain to people who haven't seen the previous video yeah so tell them what it's all about yeah so what we're looking for is we're looking for the UK's next competitive eater all right so people first round oh excuse me first round will submit your application people have done that second round is we've got we've set up a challenge all right to video the themselves doing this particular challenge we're at the process at the moment me told edit to come on we're looking through these videos wiling them down we're going to get out to 16 people and those 16 people are going to go head to head all right and then we're going to have a live Grand Final and it's going to be epic I'm excited it's going to be epic and I'm going to be just like sort of like a a presenter a comp I'm not even going to get to tast F I might Nick a chipp do Nick a little chippy do hello all right how the picture of course you are mate of course you nice to meet you yeah nice to meet you mate yeah why the cameraman T it this is the editor today W is this the editor this is the editor yeah and he's actually talking on film today yeah camera day he's got man flow all right sound there you down at um down at L last week you yeah yeah it we good mate yeah we go there most Friday oh watch all your videos fantastic I'll tell you something I've been so somebody told me to get the chips Kebab meat peas and cutry sauce I did it I didn't think I needed it it's nice is it it's Mega is it oh I've been craving it ever since I know man it's Mega I have been craving it ever since only there I know what you having here then but it's closed Mond isn't it it is yeah what you having here then so I've gone for uh a couple Ed dinas and a breakfast cero I've gone for uh brazing steak Yeah and then I did opt for the sh and dumplings but then I found out there were S car in it so edit has picked me somewhat different it's Mega you'll enjoy have a good have a good see you later mate yeah course he is you're all right how you doing good mate good what you going for Danny what you having I'm having a brazing steak I'm having a breakfast and then a surpris cuz he's ordered me some that I don't know what it is what are you having yeah what are you having yeah good mate good why we sat like this waiting for my dinner it look quite tense today is it C we in your home town if I'm honest with you I'm hungry it's a bit wobbly isn't it is it things up at front I can't see them ah they be right be right what you looking at here s on my what me SE is if you oh we're here look at this two big dinners wow who yes you've G me night there lad woo look at this all my days I got your beans instead man that looks all right actually it's meat and Tey pie chips beans gravy we've got full on dinner here good match old school match like School dinner match yes mate this looks good proper broccoli cabbage carrots look at that brazing steak oh oh my days breakfast is coming water I haven't love knife that's all right oh yes it's got is that burger or sausage all right guys wow I don't know what to to go with first here so to go with din how you going to eat all that I'm not going to eat it all be it all day now it looks nice what have you had what have you had is it good yeah yeah oh thank you very much love see you later guys right let's start off with big dinner wow I'm going to go down like that I'm going to go down so we got carrots not tin carrots proper ones wow nice bit of broccoli it's not over cooked carrots have still got a nice bit of bit of toughness to them they're not too soft same with the broccoli so you can actually taste the veg that gravy proper meaty gravy meat juice gravy all right Paul we'll get a bit of cabbage in oh don't like a bit of cabbage oh yes mate oh look at this so when people say oh what's my favorite this could be roasting is Mash got three big dollops of mash here oh my days look at that this better not be smash oh my God oh my God that is absolutely gorgeous proper proper Mash salty buttery wow and then we've got brazing steak look at that guys braz and steak and onion just loads of it ABS oh pulls apart Oh my days $6.99 for this oh my God that is just absolutely wonderful Ed if I'm honest with you I don't want to start on no Wells this looks good M what do you think it smells really nice do we we that bit Shadow that's all look at that that is banging that Mash wow right should have started off with breakfast really so then we've got oh look at these chunky chips mate proper chunky chips nice bit of gravy they're proper chips them woo smells good oh well got gra on my top wow those chips cooked to Perfection the beans stewed well so they're not like bullets and then we've got the pie you know the way to my at you don't you at that nice big would you prefer uh beans and pizza with that no I prefer beans you prefer beans yeah a nice Crush there got a nice bit of TIY in there oh my God put the big bits of meat big chunks of meat inside there wow wow not bad M how are you they good mate ain't lying to you this this pie is absolutely the next level mate beautiful mix of soft potato meat you've got a nice rich gravy but then you've got nice bit of pastry on top it's flaky it's soft wow let me get that gravy off my top this is what I'm talking about you can come and get proper homecooked food look at this breakfast Oh my days what is this right we'll go in with beans cuz we've already tried them but same as them beautiful tomatoes woo I can D stop that pudding that that pudding is you've got fried mushrooms absolutely bang on serve with a bit of toast let's go with the toast first it's all right nice bit of butter on let's do the egg test these eggs look good to be fair oh mate look at them bang on them been sat here for a bit still got a nice bit of runny o to them hold look like a good dippy egg proper fried as well you know what I hav wet the whistle yet let's wet the whistle that eggs nice and then we get into business end at breakfast right there we go nice bit of black pudding look at that that like you said that's a wedge that's like a d stop is it proper piece of black pudding oh oh that is how I like it nice and crispy on the outside and then soft in the middle wow you get a big ass Brown oh it's nice and crispy is he eating all them as a challenge well I'm just trying each one of and so far so good very nice oh I'm not I'm not that good oh up Oh I thought that was an egg or some then see you later guys so we've got beautiful as brown nice and crispy soft in the middle watch this look at that chisty oh got a really nice crunch to it three slices of bacon wow absolutely bang on is it for this look at that oh quality bacon that oh yeah quality bacon decent thickness cooked well got a nice bit of crispiness on the fat got a nice saltiness to the bacon right what in the world is this sausage patty sausage patty sausage Burger Mak it look at that oh yes that looks good that o smells good oh yeah oh yeah this is so we have a discussion about food and I'm always saying food that my grandma makes and this is it roast inners pie chips and beans prop a little fry up with a nice bit of toast that is absolutely banging it's every single bit that I want for a fry up right shall I try it pudding oh yeah going to have to do aren't I we bought it we got a nice little cake here think it's a strawberry tart I'm going take chocolate diamond off oh wow W look at that M it's the pl to polish it all oh no I'll be taking some of this home let me tell you I'll be polishing it all off now see you later PA look at that let's just bite this bad boy let's go for it open up oh my [Music] god oh got it it at that oh wow i' got have I got cream with me no you fine mate get away I can smell it right oh my God that is absolutely gorgeous that right cameraman editor don't know where to begin so we started off big meal here bra in steak carrots broccoli cabbage mashed potato I've got to say this is is is one me over I'm having another bite every bit on there cooked absolute perfection The Taste in the meat absolutely gorgeous soft succulent you got a nice meaty gravy the mash absolutely gorgeous it's salty it's buttery the fact that it's all you know none of it's frozen it's all freshly cooked none of this Frozen stuff that is what you want from a homecooked meal absolutely spot on we then moved on we've got the meat and potato pie look at the crust there the crust on that pie is absolutely gorgeous full of meat and potato you've got you know proper home home style C chips you know what I mean nice bit of gravy beans oh just what my grandma ordered the breakfast beans tomato mushrooms absolutely bang on eggs cook perfect delicious ash brown you get a nice wedge of black pudding that's got a nice crispiness to it nice and soft in the middle three slices of quality bacon absolutely gorgeous but the sausage for me I thought is that a burger nice sausage patty lots of flavor got a nice bit of saltiness to it and then you get a bit of pepper is coming through absolutely bang on whip that down with a bit of toast who then I finished it off got myself a tart she's got a bit of cream on her and it is absolutely gorgeous absolutely bang on Strawberry Tart went down like an absolute treat this guy is 21 quid that is worth 21 quid anyone's money that a it it is but what am I going to order now well you're going to have to have some of this I'm going to have all of that but then well you can't have that cuz I'm going to finish that off I'm going to take some own yeah so guys if you've been here to Allan Baker and Bley let me know what you think if you've not been come down try it out there all right guys if you've been here let me know what you think if you want own cup food to eating or take away for me barsley this is the place to be this is one of the easiest solest tens I've ever given M tast muds are on fire it's exactly what I wanted all right guys it's a solid 10 from me I'll see you next time let me get back in this Mash this meat mate is amazing oh all day long
Channel: Rate My Takeaway
Views: 228,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oKo1FZhoRJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 17sec (1757 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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