I Went Missing For YEARS After A Game Of Hide And Seek

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amber make sure your little brothers and sisters wash up after breakfast and get ready for school my mom screamed over the noise of my irritating siblings i was the eldest child my brothers and sisters were all between the ages of three and ten so of course i was a permanently annoyed 16 year old i honestly believed my family was the lamest in the entire world because of my age i was also like the third parent in the household the parents were always working really hard to ensure that we were all comfortable so i had to do almost everything for these annoying brats whenever i had a little bit of time to myself i'd lock myself in my room to try to unwind but within a few minutes someone would always come banging on my door asking me for something there was always a spill to wipe a mess to clean up or a crying child to comfort before i finish my story please don't forget to give this video a huge thumbs up and subscribe to this channel you're the prettiest girl in the world my boyfriend earl would always say to me even when i felt ugly overwhelmed and tired my parents knew nothing about him and if they did i was sure they'd kill me he was a high school dropout and was two years older than me every day after school i'd meet him at his house i told my parents i was part of a study group so they never asked questions about where i was my boyfriend was part of a heavy metal band he played the guitar and he was really really good his garage was like their studio and practice room they rehearsed there almost every day i found peace when i watched them practice because it was a break from my chaotic life at home after practice we'd always grab a drink and go somewhere to make out he was my life but one evening he revealed something to me that would change my life forever amber honey i have something important to tell you he said what i asked sean's grandfather is letting us borrow his rv for a year we've decided to go on tour we're tired of this old town we don't get any gigs or attention here he said my heart broke so do you mean i won't see you for a whole year i cried well yeah unless unless what i asked well you could always come with me he said i gasped my parents didn't even know he existed so how would they react if i told them i was going on tour i didn't respond to earl instead i walked home sadder than i'd ever felt in my life when i got home i opened the door and it looked like a literal tornado had passed through my house amber thank god you're home clean this up quickly the kids made a mess and i have to make dinner my mom said no how are you honey no how was your day dear nothing it's like i existed simply to clean up messes i've got to get out of here i thought after dealing with all the chaos i went up to my room and texted earl i let him know i decided to come and asked him when we'd be leaving tomorrow 3 p.m sharp he instantly responded whoa already i replied shocked i didn't have much time to prepare i grabbed the backpack i used for school and began filling it with things i thought i need i wouldn't be able to sneak out with a suitcase so i need to stick to the basics to make myself look as unsuspicious as possible the next day was saturday my parents went out to brunch because they were just tired of their noisy children i still hadn't figured out exactly how i'd leave until my little sister came up to me excitedly amber let's play hide and seek that's a great idea i thought sure i replied she gathered all the kids and they ran towards me happily okay you all hide first and i'll count to 20. i said they ran off chuckling i counted then went to look for them after i found them all my little sister said it's your turn to hide amber yes it is it's going to be very difficult but keep trying okay guys i said we'll find you don't worry my little brother said they turned around and began counting to 20. i ran up to my bedroom grabbed my backpack and quietly snuck out the back door i ran as quickly as i could to earl's house that was too easy i'm finally free i thought when i got to earl's house the rv was already parked outside earl was in front of his garage you came he said while smiling from ear to ear we hugged and he squeezed me very tightly i'm so happy you decided to come we're gonna have a great time together he said i've never been more excited in my life after a few hours all the other band members arrived and we got onto the rv and drove away as i looked out through the window i wondered for a moment whether my parents were back home and if my siblings were okay don't worry everyone will be fine my boyfriend said almost as if he could read my mind he handed me an orange fanta my favorite drink and kissed me on my cheek i stared out of the window for hours just looking at the beautiful scenery eventually i fell asleep when i woke up later i checked my phone and had dozens of messages from friends and family they wanted to know where i was and if i was okay i texted my mom i'm fine you won't see me for a while please don't try to contact me i just need a break from all of you and i switched off my phone i'll need a new sim card i said to my boyfriend i didn't want anyone at home to be able to contact me when we reached the next date earl gave me some money and i bought the card and a few other things for myself their first gig was in a little bar that night we all had a wonderful experience and the small crowd loved the band the first few months were thrilling i never enjoyed myself so much in my life i traveled to many new places discovered new things and made new friends the best part of it all was that i was with my loving boyfriend earl i was so happy that we went to sleep and woke up in the same room and for a long time i felt like he was all i needed that feeling only lasted for a short while it started with the little things like when he woke up he wouldn't smile at me or make me breakfast then he stopped calling me the cute little pet names he used to have for me he just called me by my first name i thought it was all in my imagination but it really hit me when he started this conversation one night have you ever thought of going back home he said what no i want to spend my life with you i haven't been this happy in like ever i replied well your parents are still searching for you and they're very worried in fact the police have questioned all your friends and everyone is trying to figure out where you are i don't want to get in trouble for this he said coldly i thought you wanted me here i said he completely ignored what i said and went on besides you dropped out of school for me are you just going to follow me around for the rest of your life don't you want to achieve anything for yourself i was crushed was he really trying to get rid of me i scowled at him and ignored him for the rest of the night the next few days he grew colder with me and i became sadder because i couldn't believe this was actually happening i tried to tell myself that maybe he was a bit depressed because the band wasn't getting as many gigs as before reality kicked in one afternoon earl had a big show that night so i decided to go to a supermarket as we were low on food i took care of most of the errands when the guys practiced anyways when i was about two blocks away i realized i had forgotten my purse i ran back to the rv and as i stepped inside i heard him on the phone yeah babe she just left you can come over now and he hung up he couldn't possibly cheat on me i thought i heard him walk to the bathroom so i snuck into one of the bedrooms and hid under the bed a few minutes later i heard a knock and earl opened the door hey steadmuffin i heard a female voice say hi gorgeous i couldn't wait for you to get here he said he walked with her to the bedroom and i could see their feet from where i was under the bed i missed you so much these past few days meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me i just have to find a way to get rid of amber and we can be together he said then it sounded like they were making out i started crying after they left i stayed under the bed and i cried and cried i couldn't stop eventually i left the rv and went walking around aimlessly to think i needed to leave earl there was no doubt about it but how could i go back to my parents i didn't want to do that either i was too proud i also couldn't survive on my own because i hadn't finished high school and there was no way i could get a job that paid me well enough to survive so i made up my mind to stay with earl and pretend i didn't know that he was cheating on me a few more horrible weeks passed the band wasn't doing well at all so we had less and less money some nights i went to bed hungry and other days we had nothing but mac and cheese in the box as i tried to fall asleep one night i was startled by the hushed voices of some of the band members i didn't know who was saying what because they were all whispers we have no choice it's a crime we have no money okay so when do we do this right now there's a convenience store around the corner and it's still open earl then shook my shoulder trying to wake me up because he thought i was sleeping we're going to rob the store around the corner we need you to be on the lookout he said you're not even asking me if i want to do this you're just telling me what to do i replied aren't you hungry just hurry up and get ready he said i got up and followed them we got there in a flash they put on their masks and i was shocked by how scary they looked i stood outside like i came on my own then i took out my cell phone and pretended to be occupied after waiting about 10 minutes i began to suspect that something was wrong i looked inside and didn't see any of the guys i walked in and when i got to the second aisle of the store i saw all four of them including earl handcuffed and lying on their bellies on the floor apparently there were three cops and plain clothes in the store when the guys tried to rob the cashier they were instantly forced into handcuffs and arrested i walked out of the store quickly now i had nowhere to go i had no choice but to return home i stole the little bit of money that was still left in the rv and i paid for a bus ticket back to my town when i got there my parents embraced me crying tears of joy they promised never to make my life hell again and to employ a babysitter to take care of the kids so that i could enjoy the last bit of my childhood i wished i'd never run away it was a huge mistake now i'm so glad i get to enjoy my life with my family
Channel: Story Time Animated
Views: 480,853
Rating: 4.8928843 out of 5
Id: v6onukXJwdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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