Mom Forced Me To Become A Parent At Age 13

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hi my name is alexis and when i was 13 my mom forced me to become a parent you probably think i'm lying but it's the truth if you want to find out how i ended up looking after a day old baby then make sure you stay tuned until the end of the video also be sure to like and subscribe and hit that notification bell so you don't miss out on any of our crazy stories growing up i remember having a pretty normal life i went to school hung out with my friends did homework all the usual stuff but then when i had turned 12 my whole world came crashing down my parents were getting a divorce i first found out that they were splitting up by accident it was around midnight and i was really thirsty so i headed downstairs to get a drink and when i heard my parents arguing in the living room i can't take it anymore we're through we need to get a divorce i heard my mom say honey please think about alexis dad replied she can't have divorced parents well i can't live with someone who has cheated on me snapped mom that's when i entered the room and they realized i had been listening the whole time they immediately tried to comfort me but i started crying because a i didn't want my parents to split up and b i was so confused as to what was going on later as i got older i realized that my dad had cheated on my mom with some other woman and that was why they were getting a divorce dad had moved out of the house and i could only spend time with him on the weekends i lived with my mom most of the time too i found this change so weird for starters no one wants their parents to get divorced but mine were and secondly i felt ashamed of my dad for cheating on my mom but things got even worse when i had to meet with dad's new girlfriend i was over at my dad's place for the weekend and i sat in the living room of his apartment while he got dinner ready the doorbell rang suddenly who's that i asked dad looked nervous and he quickly washed his hands then went to answer the door i was focused on the tv so i didn't see who it was that came in but when i heard footsteps behind me i turned and gasped she looked like a model the woman a young woman i could guess she was about 20 years old or something had on a nice dress and her blonde hair was tied up in a bun she looked gorgeous like angelina jolie level gorgeous and i was so confused why she was here in my dad's apartment and why dad had his arm around her shoulders dad who is this i asked in confusion alexis this is dad cleared his throat this is maddie hi maddie i said smiling oh dad is she my new babysitter i asked dad cleared his throat uncomfortably um no she's my girlfriend actually my jaw dropped your girlfriend i yelled in surprise yes he said how old are you i asked rudely to matty but i couldn't help it i was so surprised i seriously thought my dad had hired her as my babysitter or something maddie looked young enough to be my sister um i'm 24. replied maddie but that doesn't matter i'm just so happy to meet you alexis your dad has said such wonderful things about you wait dad i started to realize something is this the woman you cheated on mom with maddie's face fell and she looked at dad awkwardly um alexis why don't you chat to matty for a while said dad i'll make us some dinner we're having tacos tonight your favorite he hurried into the kitchen while maddie and i looked at each other uncomfortably maddy sat down beside me and tried to make small talk but i just felt really bad like i was betraying my mom or something so i didn't make much conversation the rest of the evening was terrible dad tried to act like nothing was wrong whereas i felt so uncomfortable the whole time maddie tried her best but i just found her so annoying and boring even though she was drop dead gorgeous she didn't have anything interesting to say and i had the feeling she was partly with my dad because of his money since he is quite rich when i got back to mom's house the next day i told her all about it mom's face was blank when i told her about my crazy weekend with dad and his new girlfriend but i could tell she was on edge well i'm glad he's not on his own said mom i don't know how he's gonna look after himself otherwise you know how your father is he'd forget his head if it wasn't attached to his body i nodded i guess that was one positive of dad's new girlfriend but i had a suspicion that this was the woman dad had cheated on mom with and so of course i wasn't going to like her that much for a few more months things kind of continued like that i would spend time with dad on the weekends and maddie would always be there i think at some point she had moved in with my dad and i also noticed that maddie seemed to be growing fatter each week i would notice her belly kept growing and growing i didn't say anything though because i knew that would be rude but then one evening i was in my room at dad's place when dad knocked on the door and asked to come in he soon entered with maddie next to him he noticed that maddie's stomach was even bigger this time hi dad i said hey alexis dad replied there's something we need to tell you what is it i asked well dad looked at me then at maddie then back to me maddie's pregnant he said nervously i froze then it hit me like a truck maddie wasn't getting fatter she was pregnant pregnant i exclaimed more in shock than joy you're gonna have a little brother maddie said also nervously brother i said i was so shocked i felt like a parrot just repeating things that i was hearing i'm pretty sure i stayed silent after that for about five whole minutes then eventually i remembered my manners and managed to say my congratulations although pretty weekly when i returned home i told mom about the news and she didn't seem surprised i guess dad must have told her before he told me pretty soon maddie's due date came up and then mom got a call that maddie had given birth mom and i were going to visit maddie and dad at the hospital and see the new baby i thought it was weird that mom was coming to see the child of her ex-husband and his new girlfriend but i guess she was just too nice to refuse dad's request when we got there i was surprised to see that maddie didn't even seem interested in the baby at all she kept muttering stuff like i'm too tired to hold him and i didn't even want a child once i swear i heard maddie say he's so ugly though maybe that was me just hearing things dad looks so stressed out but when mom got there he seemed to calm down a bit mom and i came home but then we got a panicked call from dad mom put the phone on speaker and we listened to his panic speech maddie has run away he cried what do you mean i asked in shock she said she can't handle the pressure and so she took off said dad she left to who knows where and i don't know if she's serious but i'm here alone at home with a day old baby and i don't know what to do mom and i looked at each other seriously this was bad news dad couldn't look after a baby on his own i'll call you back said mom and she hung up the phone then she turned to me alexis you need to help your father you need to look after that child what no way i immediately replied he's your brother but no butts young lady you're looking after that child but mom come on i'll drop you off there now she grabbed me and hauled me to the car then drove off to dad's apartment i stayed silent the whole time i was 13 years old and yet my mom was forcing me to become a parent why why would she make me do this eventually i started crying and begged my mom to reconsider and that's when she explained her reasoning even though your father and i are separated i still care for him and he needs help you need to help him alexis i won't because well it's not my child it's the child of my ex with the woman he cheated on me with but you can help him alexis please just do this for me it won't have to be for long just a few months until your dad gets the hang of it a few months i said in outrage alexis he's your little brother come on sweetie do this for me i sighed and then i nodded i guess mom might be right but that still didn't mean i wanted to do this any less what 13 year old would want to look after a baby we arrived at dad's place and that's when my days as a parent began i would help change the baby's diapers and play with it i would take it out on strolls outside through the park the baby hadn't been named yet but dad said he wanted to name him alex after me i agreed and so for many weeks i found myself spending a lot of time with alex i actually discovered that i liked being a parent alex was really cute and he could really make me laugh with his funny faces and giggles the only thing was people started to get suspicious whenever they saw me with alex in the stroller they found it strange that a 13 year old was walking a baby and i guess for good reason and so to avoid their stares and suspicious looks i dressed up in clothes and shoes that made me look older than i really was i wore sunglasses wrapped a scarf around my face wore heels and put tissues into my chest to make it look like i was more mature once i did that i didn't get any of those suspicious glares anymore which was a relief i was starting to fear someone would call the police on me meanwhile dad wasn't handling it too well he kept in his room most of the time and whenever he emerged from the darkness he looked a lot like a zombie i tried to cheer him up but i think he just felt down in the dumps for some time life continued like this i looked after alex dad stayed in his room and mom kept treating me to nice stuff because i guess she was proud of me for looking after alex one time she took me on a trip to the spa when we got a sudden call from dad that alex was missing we immediately rushed to his apartment but as it turned out alex wasn't missing dad had forgotten that alex was at a daycare right now mom and i were so annoyed with dad especially me i told him he needed to pay more attention to his son but then something happened that none of us saw coming something that changed the course of my life forever i was at dad's place with alex on the couch i was playing with him and we were drawing using color pencils when a knock came on the door dad answered it and asked who it was and then i heard a voice reply a man's voice and it said i'm here to get my son what dad asked in confusion suddenly the other man appeared and he stared at me and alex i stared back at him and i grabbed alex and held him to me before the man could do anything that's my son the man said again i was confused was this guy crazy or something no that's my son said dad he stood between me and alex and the strange man who are you i asked the man i'm maddie's ex-husband he said that baby is mine alex is my son you lunatic exclaimed dad oh really are you willing to do a dna test to prove it the stranger taunted dad lifted his chin of course i'm willing i have nothing to fear next thing i knew we were at the clinic getting the dna test this all had happened so fast i was still trying to keep up with this sudden turn of events maddie had an ex-husband i felt like a fly caught in a spider's web there were so many strings and relationships and x's that i was starting to get confused together we all waited for the test that would determine whose child alex was it seemed to take eons but was probably just a couple of hours eventually the nurse appeared with an envelope of the results are you ready the nurse asked we nodded and he read out the results alex is your child the nurse pointed towards the stranger not dad and the stranger jumped up in joy i told you the man teased that baby is mine does that mean maddie cheated on me mumble dad meanwhile i clutched alex who was sleeping in my arms i didn't want to say goodbye to alex i would miss him too much i was contemplating running away before this strange man could take alex from me when suddenly mom arrived at the clinic too we had called her beforehand but she was late because she had to work when she arrived and found us she froze in her tracks the stranger too apparently alex's real father also froze lucy he said in disbelief darling what are you doing here asked mom lucy i said darling what's going on here mom glanced at me and her face threatened well alex please meet my boyfriend tyler your boyfriend my heart couldn't take this many sudden realizations lucy this is your daughter cried out tyler then he looked at my father this is your ex-husband mom nodded we all stood there all frozen like statues as this information sunk in i was struggling to comprehend all of this and i wondered was alex still my brother since he was my mom's boyfriend's son if you think that sounds confusing imagine how it must have felt actually being there want to know what happens next hit that like button and if we get to 10 000 likes we'll post part two of this video in the meantime got any predictions comment them below
Channel: Story Time Animated
Views: 747,651
Rating: 4.9268131 out of 5
Id: DNE7bmPjc64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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