I Wasted My Time So You Don't Have To | Palworld

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hey there Hunters welcome back to the Gunners Guild I guess I did have some ideas for power videos that I wanted to share with you all so we're going to start with those today I'm going to be taking a look at the power world teams that consist of two Pals that hover around you and attack while not being active those being Daydream and dazzy the idea here was pretty obvious from the GetGo like as soon as I started playing power world I wanted to make a team revolving around Daydreams uh because I mean they're great they just fire Magic Bullets constantly without being able to die as they're not actually active I thought that'd be a great idea and at the early levels performed pretty good and I wondered how well they'd scale to like level 50 and trying to get them like minmaxed cuz I was hoping it would be just like Unstoppable so that's what I've been working on the past few days sadly the I server I'm playing on is one times rat so leveling Pals kind of takes forever so it takes a bit of time to get the teams together but I finally wanted to talk about the pals and whatnots cuz I finally got this stuff set up so finally bred the Daydreams and the dazzy to be as best as I could for kind of what I want them to be so I mean I kind of minmaxed their IVs but only really the attack stuff is what I cared about anyway on the Daydream side I went with Lord of Shadows legendary musclehead and ferocious for the passive skills on the Daydreams which you can do by Chain breeding down like the necromus pal and his abilities cuz he's got two of them and then you just kind of move the pals over to any combination of Pals that end up with Daydream now for breeding I did find getting three out of four abilities on one pal with like no other fourth skill and then your last skill that you want as like one out of four on your second pal with no other abilities and then breeding those two had huge success rates for getting the four out of four skills that you want I've tried breeding with like three out of four and three out of four with the two parents didn't work out three out of four and one out of four seems to be like where you want now obviously the Magic Bullets that Daydream shoots are dark damage because they do get resisted by dark Pals and deal more damage to normal Pals so because of that we do have to get the Lord of Shadows perk and so alt together we have about 90% increased damage now with the Daydreams made and leveled up I pump the pal souls to increase only their attack because when they're not going to be active anyway so like their HP and defense doesn't really matter in the end they're going to end up around you know 1,000 to about 1,300 attack power which will vary kind of significantly depending on your IVs which are indeed a thing in power world now I also decided to make my last slot a h crate which has the passive ability to increase the attack power of dark Pals which means that all their four Daydreams are going to get a slight damage boost now H create only really increas es your damage by about 10 to 11% so it's probably better to just run a fifth day dream if you wanted but I wanted to test this out a bit of a side note regarding their passive abilities for Daydream and hot crate when you use the pal condenser to upgrade their passive skills I know they get better but I think it's only like very very slightly like hook crate's power boost with a default zero star hook crate bumps my Daydreams power from 1,117 to 1,189 that's 72 power a little more than 6 % but the fourstar hot crate grants it up to 1,261 which is about a 133% increase now if you check this against the lower level pal it's supposed to be 10% for zero star H crate which it does show there and 20% for a four star H crate and it adds up properly like you go from 203 attack to 223 to 243 great but this means that it's only increasing the base stats of the Pokemon and not taking into account the additional damage stats from the passive skills so really we're only bumping up our damage by about half of what it's supposed to be doing so like an 11% more damage for four Daydreams isn't worth it you should just go with five Daydreams I just don't want to breed and Mel the fifth Daydream cuz you know it takes forever but that is definitely the better option now Also regarding Daydreams passive obviously it increases the damage of the bullets slightly but it doesn't actually increase their fire rate so Daydream only shoots their Magic Bullets about once every 10 seconds or so which is kind of disheartening I was hoping they would do it more frequently but I had them in Max anyways so just pump up their star ratings and so where do these Daydreams actually end up how effective were they is it worth breeding them and grinding them and leveling them uh well personally I'm not impressed now that impression may change in the future cuz right now I don't have like very many other teams that I've tried to like minmax I don't really have much to compare to but I feel like this isn't really the way to go I'm not going to claim like this is a lot of damage like sure the damage is okay 700 to 1,000 damage per Magic Bullet on the last bosses seems pretty good I only wanted to test use against the 50 bosses cuz that's like the only way to get a good feel for the damage without levels making the difference so like they put in work and it is passive damage cuz you can still use like your guns to one other active pal so I'm not saying that they're trash but honestly I was expecting them to be a bit more effective than they are like I'm going to still use them but they don't fire their bullets while you're riding a pal which is kind of a let down because you could just do some crazy Shenanigans if that was the case that'd be fun and they don't really deal more than like two shotgun shells worth of damage to bosses so it's not a ton of extra damage but if you want they will eventually solo the bosses if you just keep running around so that's kind of a plus and like it just kind of sucks you have to be really close to a boss and kind of keep attacking the boss in some way for them to keep attacking because they just kind of stop after a while it's really hard to get their AI to you know just keep attacking and again I don't have any other teams to set up to completely compare them but I feel like the effort to breed these and spend the pels isn't really worth it thankfully we can get the piles back though but it was a good test and a good way for me to learn how to breed and you know do all this stuff so I'm glad I did it I wanted to try it since the beginning of power world and now I figured out that you know I don't really like it but anyway we're going to move on to dazzy next who does exactly the same thing but rather than shoot dark orbs they instead call down lightning bolts now unfortunately these kind of end up being in the exact same situation as Daydreams in that they hit for about 700 to 1,000 but their bigger issue here is that the lightning bolts take a second to drop and it's really easy for bosses just to walk away from the lightning bolts and just avoid them all together flying bosses also don't really seem to get hit by them if they're too high off the ground cuz the actual hit occurs on the ground the lightning bolt coming down doesn't actually make contact so it's really hard to actually have these land consistently so without going over too much about the same thing with the dazzies I bred them out in pretty much the same way using ozerk for Lord of lightning and then getting Legendary from jet dragon moving it down and so this kind of took a while to do and so these dazis ended up with Lord of lightning legendary ferocious and muscle head and again I pal sold them up just the attack cuz I didn't really care about their HP and defense and stuff and again they do perform fine it's nothing crazy it works it's just not as effective as I was hoping for unfortunately now you can still let them solo some bosses eventually and it is kind of a cool gimmick to have like your four or five Pals running behind you just bolting stuff down I just don't think this is an optimal strategy for how much breeding was involved and ultimately your guns and probably just going to deal more damage than these Pals ever will so all in all don't really recommend it but here's the results in case are wondering they're kind of slow but yeah I got it done I can check that one off so thank you all for watching good luck out there Hunters I got a couple other builds and you know teams I want to set up and try so stay tuned for those anyway peace and good luck
Channel: Phemeto
Views: 13,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Phem, Phemeto, Gun, Gunners, Guild, Discord, Twitch, Stream, Streamer, Youtube, Palworld, Pal, World, Monster, Hunter, Monster Hunter, Cratopia, Developer, Early, Access, EA, Early Access, Gameplay, Steam, PC, Review, Lets Talk About, Lets, Talk, About, Pocketpair, Pocket, Pair, New, Dazzi, Dae, Dream, Daedream, Team, Comp, Build, Guide, Tutorial, Breeding, Abilities, Passives, Boss, Fights, Battle, Gym, Syndicate, Leaders, Leader
Id: m60ceeRCtP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 13sec (433 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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