I was voting for Biden but this changed my mind to Trump

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THIS guy!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ITrCool πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Bravo, it’s uncommon for people to think for themselves these days. This dude broke it all down in a concise analytical way despite the media and community telling him to believe otherwise.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DrClaw9 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Maybe Hunter Biden would be a better person if he had experienced the diversity of a β€œracial jungle.”

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tatan54 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/whiskeypatriot πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great video.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/IDKJessMaybe πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This needs to be shared a reposted alot

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kaji8787 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Only one word needed. Inspirational!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Gawen1298 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Damn at least someone got the opportunity to try and post this. I literally tried to post this 4 days ago to no prevail and tried posting it on r/trump but I don't have enough karma on my new account. This mans speech is literally one of the single greatest things I've heard come out in the hope for Trump's reelection. Concise and to the point with, in my opinion, extreme accuracy on all the bullshit we are dealing with being spouted out by the left. Let's get this man's voice heard!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/j03yk_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/VTXGaming πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
all right y'all so i'm back we're up here registering people to vote and i got my brother man i've known him for a long time love this dude to death man he's a really good dude right so i say hey bro you got you registered to vote this year and he's like yeah i'm voting i say who you voting for he was like you already know i'm like trump he's like hell no hell no i'm like bro you serious so he's asking me he said cash why why vote for trump okay before we get into it because i'm gonna break it down to you why are you voting for biden i think you're a better person why because what's going on now in the situation with trump what trump situation what's going on now she just fucked up i believe he could come in and do a better job you really do i believe what has he done you know he's been in politics for 47 years what has he done in 47 years what has he done in 47 years i'm not like what i mean i just believe he'll do better than did you know that biden in 47 years of politics has only been a racist said racist things about you and me personally as black people and made a bill to incarcerate black people with bill clinton the crime bill look it up the man just said you ain't black unless you vote for him all right he also said he didn't want his children going to school in a racial jungle didn't want integration he was for segregation also not only that he also said that poor kids can be just as bright and just as intelligent as white kids meaning they're black brown red yellow are poor when he thinks poor he doesn't think white at all he's thinking about you and me the dude ain't did nothing but hurt black people and then his running mate kamala harris she's got a career of locking up black people a career now let's move over to trump you ask me why i'm voting for trump before trump was the president did not everybody love him in their music videos rap videos all the magazines he got awards from black communities in the naacp everybody loved him but then when he came to president they said he's a racist why gonna tell you why because when he came into politics he started what he said drain the swamp he started taking out all the politic not just politicians the evil corrupt politicians fired him took him out made him go away and put in his people did you know that since he's been president on the the economy has been better than it ever been unemployment at an all-time low more jobs created than ever before he stopped making uh uh people and made us an exporter to me that means we make more money people talk about the wall that he wanted to build over there in mexico do you know why he wanted to build a wall and remember they said that he was racist because he said that that my brothers and sisters as mexican is murderers and rapists and stuff right that's not what he said if you listen to the clip he said that the ms-13 the gang are rapists and murderers not mexicans not mexicans but they twisted that to make everybody around us believe that he's a racist okay then they say make america great again what does he mean when was america great when you talk about make america great again what he means is make america like what i just said an exporter again have jobs again have people believe in the american dream again that they want to come to this country and they know that they're going to make it had nothing to do with race all right not only that the man gave funding for the next 10 years this has never been done for historic black colleges and universities the hbcus barack obama didn't even do that he did prison reform meaning which directly affects affects us as black people because we fill up the prisons you feel me he said if you're a non-violent offender and it's just like drugs or something you ain't killing nobody or pull the gun on nobody you get the call you can come home man there's a program set in place for you to be able to come home he did everything he could to show by his actions that he ain't a racist and a damn good president he did all that yet we still running around here the people that only watch the news we're saying hell nah we've on forbidden because bob was with obama or biden did so much great but nobody can tell you none of the great that he did but they could pull up every single thing that he's done to the black community specifically hillary clinton called the super predators matter of fact if the man isn't if the man isn't a racist why did he speak at the kkk members eulogy and said that he was his uh hero or inspiration or whatever so why does he deserve your vote and not the man who's actually showing you that he cares about you the president has done more for the hood black community hispanic community than any other president since lincoln you feel me why would you know me bro i'm i'm a hood nigga you know me so why would i be telling you that bill clinton is the one that did that that the crime bill but they pushed it exactly he knows this stuff he know his stuff see like something he's going to bring the giants back he been bringing them back and that's why they did this corona virus shit you say the export now will be the biggest export instead of china exactly he bought steel manufacturing the automobile industry they said that that was dead and look at us now booming they hit us with coronavirus you notice that when coronavirus hit they said everybody got to stay in the house nobody could go out but yet if your black lives matter antifa you could go out and protest and burn shit down and nobody's going to say nothing but the coronavir is so bad we out here standing with masks you feel me why it's an agenda so bro the reason why i'm having this conversation with you is because it's important your vote is very important this year they've been getting the black vote you know lyndon b johnson said that i'm gonna have these niggas voting democrat for the next 200 years and we do blindly latinos and blacks we vote democrat blind as hell don't even know why we do we just do did you know that the black people are the ones that started the republican party did you know that we were republicans they crippled us with welfare section 8. they kicked us out the homes bro made the woman look at you like i don't need you i'll go get i'll take care of about a state i'll go get food stamps which led you to be upset me to be upset go out and sell drugs because we're trying to prove to our family that we can provide even though they ain't giving us no jobs then we get locked up under that crime bill and then we're locked up and we're stuck there that was under biden 47 years bro in politics and they did nothing for us trump people have already loved trump for forever why would you want to be the president of the united states when you're already a billionaire you have every woman that you could possibly want at your feet you don't need the fan because you got the fame already right so what reason would he have to become the president of the united states did you know that he's never taken a check since he's been in office one dollar yes one dollar every other check he's donated while being president he's the only president in history for his net worth to drop to go down by law that's why i'm asking you if you registered to vote bro so you could vote for the right person who's going to help us out man who's going to do more for us not just even us as black people because it's not about that we need to even stop calling each other black we american bro you feel me we are american straight up so can you do me a favor will you come in here with me i haven't feed you a slice of pizza register to vote come kick with me and my kids for a sec make sure you register to vote and then think about it just just you know make sure a little update update all right for sure can i count on your vote i'm out here for a reason bro you know i ain't gonna lie to you i never have you been my dog you feel me you been my dog bro you always to be my dog i'm trying to tell you i if you want i'ma give you my my new number [Applause] i'm trying to tell you brother i'm trying to tell you you fucked me up they they the real racist man they tell you trump's racist can't give you nothing to show that he's a racist but can you i can give you everything to show you that he's not but i can show you clip after clip after clip after clip after clip in its entirety of biden saying some messed up racist stuff bro and then his actions the bills that he's passed through that was he got behind were racist directly targeting you and me so why the hell will we give him our vote they think we're stupid they think because he was with barack obama why do you think he chose kamala harris as his running mate she wasn't even qualified they didn't want her in the primary when she was running to be the the candidate against trump they didn't want her then so why pick her now after she called you a racist in the debate think about it because they think we're stupid we're going to see a black woman be like oh well he and she could be the female barack obama well let's vote that's why trump been did a lot a whole lot not just for the hood bro not just for for black communities but for america which is what a president is supposed to do not single out one or the other because of their color all of us are american and that's how he looks at us as americans not as niggas not as black not as none of that that's why he said what he said he said look what do you got to lose you've been voting the same way you've been voted for these people for how long and look it so what do you really got to lose give me a chance and he's shown you he's showing everybody so i'm counting on you man and everybody else that you know if you could when you get to talking to people bro tell them exactly what i just told you trump 2020 trump 2020 can i get that my brother my brother that's what it's about that's what it's about right there trump 2020 he voted trump he already registered he was running he was gonna vote biden didn't know none of the stuff i just told him right now and everything that i'm telling you you could look up you go if you want i'll show you right now while i get off the phone and i'll show you that's what it's about y'all you want to make a difference get out there and talk to people and start right there in your own hometown man where you from so people know you your credibility ain't in question i ain't got no motive this is my boy this is my boy man that is my motive to keep america great because he already made it great again now we're trying to keep it great all right so get out there if you haven't already man and talk to people talk to your neighbors let them know bring the facts to them not your feelings not your opinion present the facts say what you know to be a fact so they can verify that and then they know yo you won't lying you know what i'ma switch my vote this year that's what we need to do and i'm sure you're going to talk to everybody else about it my brother i appreciate you straight up i'm gonna get in here with my babies bro you have a good day all right that's what we're trying to do out here y'all unite don't fight be a street light it's only you can be the change that you want to see in the world and when you get too stressed out remember to pray america trump 20 20. yeah brother
Channel: Bedros Keuilian
Views: 4,653,331
Rating: 4.771647 out of 5
Id: WbozDBM67lY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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