Kirstie Alley joins 'Hannity' after receiving backlash over Trump support

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I’m a 45-year-old lesbian, one of my very first “dirty thoughts about a girl” was watching her on the TV show cheers. That was way too much information and it wasn’t necessary for me to say LOL

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Ouchglassinbutt 📅︎︎ Oct 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

Look who’s talking.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Cretin001 📅︎︎ Oct 20 2020 🗫︎ replies
now emmy award-winning actress kirstie alley is facing intense backlash tonight from the left after she announced her support for president trump joining us now to explain is actress kirstie alley well first of all you're brave to come on this show i give you a lot of credit you will be hit hard uh prepare yourself welcome to my world you know it's it's the water's warm you should rot in hell um you don't have a brain they've attacked your deeply held and personal religious beliefs um why why do you think it's that vicious they really you know they always attack the same three things that you know i'm a fat irrelevant scientologist so but you know this has been going on for 40 years so i i'm sort of prepared that really is basically all they they have to offer so i honestly don't take it too personally because i feel that people are angry and they have the right to say what they want to say and i have the right to block them if i don't like the way they speak but and why did it happen you know it's funny because i've been talking about trump now for several months and uh the other night i i put out a tweet that simply said that i voted for him the first time in this time because he's not a politician so then i got all this flood i think thousands and thousands going do you know the definition of politician do you know what a politician is do you know what he does and i do and i know they know what i meant and what i meant was that he's not a career politician and you know we have a history in this country of uh of people not as much currently but of people of different occupations like farmers and tailors and oil men and businessmen and generals coming in and servicing our country as the president of the united states and even many of them when they left they went back to their their other job so i like that trump has a lot of energy i like that he he has more energy than any human being i've actually ever seen and i think that the big thing that i was mentioning in that tweet was that i'm really tired of career politicians i'm tired of paying people to do nothing and take way too long to do it and i feel like they have a this is what i would do to solve this sean they have they should have a base salary and then they uh they should be paid if they uh have any accomplishments like they should have a base salary and for every accomplishment yeah free don't hold your breath a performance bonus kind of like a talker you you you spoke out very i read your twitter feed you know you're against socialism you're against career politicians you also said something you took on joe biden which very few people will take on and that was on the issue of race he praised as his friend and mentor a former klansman he partnered with that former klansmen to stop the integration of schools because he didn't want his kids going to schools that were racial jungles why does hollywood accept that if you're a liberal democrat which they'd never accept from anybody else i don't know i that's it's why i you know have to just think for myself because you know when your gaffes are constantly you know when he said you know um what did he say you ain't black if you're not voting for me and then these constant gaffs that have these actual racist overtones and i'm like no maybe you get one where you accidentally said something inappropriate oh it's not one it's pretty constant let me just say this biggest deal with i mean it is constant isn't it those are race racial slurs let me just say you have a lot of courage i admire you for doing it and i can accept liberal views they ought to be able to accept our views but they can't thank you kirsty best of luck
Channel: Fox News
Views: 2,763,510
Rating: 4.8205261 out of 5
Keywords: Kirstie Alley, hannity Kirstie Alley, fox news Kirstie Alley, Kirstie Alley trump, cnn toobin, Kirstie Alley fox news, donald trump Kirstie Alley, donald trump election, Kirstie Alley biden, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network, hannity, hannity tonight, sean hannity, sean hannity reacts, sean hannity show, sean hannity tonight, 2020 election, 2020 election polls, trump 2020, president trump, kirstie alley twitter, kirstie alley trump tweet
Id: 8Ji8OzFQ-bU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 49sec (229 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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