The Candace Owens Show: Adam Carolla

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so not true we were poor i was poor my dad had a page but we got from work i think actually there you go all right you ready i'm doing soft open that introduce you are we speeding okay ladies and gentlemen we are rolling into another episode of the candice owens show and i literally just found out that i am not the holder of the guinness book of world records most downloaded podcast that means you the listener the viewer you are not doing your job but i do have the person that holds that record here with me today adam carolla is the author of i'm your emotional support animal available on amazon he is also the host of the adam corolla show adam welcome to the candace owen show i'm delighted to be here what is the magic behind it i'm very disappointed that i'm not number one what are you talking about on there you know it's a male dominated space obviously i have privilege and so i used my privilege to go right to the top i figured it was like a white male thing oh a heterosexual in particular yeah so it's kind of one two and three for me and you're kind of oh for three and so obviously the guinness book reflects that right and i can i can now add that to the list of ways that i am systemically oppressed well i think i want to grow up in a world where all children own a guinness book record for most downloaded podcasts i mean that's my dream i won't sleep until everyone has world class health care no child goes to bed hungry no child where's my camera no child is left behind every child has world class education access and has a guinness book of world records it's right on their wall i would describe it as a right in canada everyone gets a guinness book a world record in in the netherlands i'm not kidding in sweden and uh switzerland everyone holds the record for most downloaded podcasts and for longest fingernails i do believe i gotta check that one yeah it's impossible i mean for kids to be happy and to thrive in a society if they're not given um you know automatic access to being number one on the guinness book of world records which is why i wanted to have you on the show because this is something that you know you don't get to enjoy that you get to enjoy but people like me who are black and who are are women especially i mean being a woman instantly probably put me at the way below you on the list and these are sort of the things that society is suffering from but at least you acknowledge you know if you'd like to apologize for being white it would probably be a good way to start you know my feeling is is i want these voices to have a seat at the table that's right but i want it to be a smaller children's table not the main table where we're doing thanksgiving you know what i mean because that's yap yep yep and i'm trying to enjoy a scotch and a turkey leg and so my feeling is is these are marginalized underrepresented people and they do need a place at the table but the table needs to be smaller and be not so close to my table where i can enjoy my uh my bounty you sound like bernie sanders yes yeah i don't want bernie at my table because he spits when he talks i don't want him with his shirt off and he's waving a drumstick around and he's pontificating about castro or hugo chavez and mouse that spittle you have a spittle there's a spittle and a dander thing with him which is not a it's not friendly to a buffet you don't want to be behind bernie at the golden corral i figure like you're gonna once you get the spittle and the dandruff oh no i got the ambrosia oh maybe yeah you don't follow bernie into a golden corral i'm glad to know that now you have to tell me what is this book about the title and let me tell you why i love this title i'm your emotional support animal because i i rant about a lot of different things but honestly this this uh emotional support animal thing on planes has gotten completely out of control i mean they're forgetting that humans have real allergies like i i haven't who has real allergies not emotional allergies well i'll tell you one thing you're not allergic to hot provocative talk no i that my friend no epipen for you that's 100 true i go there no no from the doctor to get right into it you got to get into it yeah um i'm with you 100 um i sort of have this theory which is all roads lead to narcissism so this whole breakdown is people just want to travel with their dog and they want to travel for free and they're not that interested it's a golden rule thing it's it's a breakdown of the golden rule like well how would you like it if somebody showed up with a menagerie next to you on an airplane and it's like this is what i want to do it's a kind of a societal agreement we have that is completely broken down because of the narcissism that is now running rampant and i it's this book is a follow-up to a book i wrote right about 10 years ago called in 50 years wall b chicks and i just all these predictions that i made yeah except for i said 50 years and it should have been nine years so we're there we got to the 50 much faster than i'd anticipated so this is sort of a follow-up to that now we're living in this place and uh dogs at the airport dogs in the airplane i'm telling you louis c.k did this skit it's so funny if you haven't seen and you're listening go go look up the skin of him talking about just how people are we've gotten to a point where we're so privileged and especially america like people sue for things that are just absolutely absurd like like why are you the fact that you're even in this circumstance is a sign of your remarkable privilege like you know i was on i booked my flight on united airlines and um uh i was assuming we were gonna have wi-fi but the wi-fi router went down we went in the air so i'm suing united airlines because i didn't have wi-fi and cbck is like this amazing thing just happened this this device this spaceship just took you into the air and like you're complaining because you can't send an email for two hours right but that is sort of where we're at in society where people are just so remarkably privileged that um when things go wrong in circumstances that are just amazing these amazing human feats they're like i'm gonna assume i'm upset i can't even believe that i lived through this that's america i i hope that's exactly what your book's about you know you know yes i just i really just transcribed louie's act and put it in a book i'm sorry louis whatever they canceled him you're good no you know you know as i think about it you know what we need to do like really philosophically because people do that thing where it's like we're all guilty of it you know the power went out in my house the other day was out for 20 minutes and i was like i was devastated you know it's like oh what do i have to do talk to my kids or play a board game this just you know or the phone when it's like no the voice command on the phone is misinterpreting you know no you listen to me siri yeah what we need to do i think what everyone needs to do is somebody needs to build a time machine and they need to build the time machine not so that we could go into the future and cure cancer everyone needs their own time machine everyone once a week needs to get in their time machine and go back to 1972 and just live in a house with a rotary phone that was bolted to the wall and have three channels of black and white tv and the remote doesn't work and the handle's busted so you gotta use needle nose pliers to change the channels and you don't have central air but you got the oscillating fan in the bedroom and it's hot you just go do one day in 1972 you know your the car won't start because it rained last night the distributor cap got wet and dad's got to take a hair dryer to it you do one day in 1972 and then you come back and appreciate the hell out of everything you have and then right by the right about the time you're done appreciating it it's back to 1972. can i have a question just one question can i bring my emotional support on in the time machine oh in the time machine because i can't travel time unless i have a dog with me you know i understand that but i saw the movie the fly and in the movie the fly jeff goldblum is traveling in his pod and there's a fly in the pod and he turns in to the fly so it could be you could turn into a schnauzer right or whatever your dog make is you know what i'm saying all right so because of the movie the fly i don't think that'd be a good idea then like just saying the time machine industry is probably going to get sued but that's that that's neither here nor there a lot of liability so you told me that you had a conversation when i was saying talking to you about off off camera about the collective sort of coddling of society and the direction that we're going into you said that you had a conversation with dr drew and you guys sort of had a theory about what's going on in society where we see all of this uh yes dr dr drew and i have a podcast we do together and we also have many theories cause dr drew and i've been working together for like 20 some odd years and he's very interested on like what's going on and how are we getting to this place and who's propelling this and the theory though going way back was dr drew when i was doing love line with him in the 90s late 90s we're doing the radio show he used to constantly say to me that the woman's perspective and the woman's uh approach was more evolved like we should we should become essentially more like women because the man's world is aggression and sexuality and like all these things we don't want and the woman's path is a much better path it's a more evolved path and like i kind of get it like the old days caveman dragon by the hair all that stuff we want to evolve and so he would always say like we need to evolve a little more toward the women's way of thinking and i was like okay i i it's hard to argue with that but what happened was we just kept going and now that's the new way of thinking and politicians and pundits on tv it's all they've all sort of have you ever seen so many guys wearing bracelets i've never looked my entire youth i never saw one of my friend's dad rocking six bracelets now all the guys are wearing bracelets and you go what's that have to do with anything it's an indicator the more guys who wear bracelets the more that we're going to have and so i believe that women are more feelings based and men are a little more nuts and bolts in numbers and that's probably why there's more women who teach kindergarten and more men are mechanical engineers that's that's our wiring we've got a lot of the mechanical engineer guys to kind of push over toward the feeling side of the world and that's where all this craziness is coming from but it's only uh it's only a disease of the west um so you have to be out of problems yeah right yeah you've got a problem no if you have problems then we need the engineer guy building a dam i literally just said that in my book i talk about that that conservatism everybody's a conservative is a conservative when there's actually real problems right like nobody's debating bathroom signs when uh there's actually a war going on or a great depression everybody's suddenly counting their pennies financially aware everyone's a conservative it's only in times of remarkable privilege that liberalism and leftism can find a breeding ground um because then you can go oh i don't have any problems so let me just kind of you know complain about things that don't really bother me but like you know i need something to fight i think that actually has something to say i think there's something natural that happens like the human spirit if you look at human history men need to triumph and i say men i mean men and women are you know using the term i'm not going to say humankind right but men need to triumph um and and if we don't have anything to triumph right this weird arc of like uh over civilization happens where you're like well now that everything's okay we we still need to feel like we triumphed something right we're not the generation that ended world war one we didn't world and world uh and world war ii everything's kind of been okay here for a long time which is why everything is suddenly not okay it's because things are peaceful people don't know how to be peaceful in society and i think that what's what makes me nervous about that is then you start getting these conversations like um uh with what dr drew said years ago how long ago was that he proposed 20 something years 20 years ago right someone says we should start you know looking at the way women are and men need to be a little bit more like women but that's a that's a western idea that is not being adopted in the east and people have a way of not looking at the global stage right so while we are teaching our kids to pick their genders have you ever seen a chinese kid with a calculator at five years old because it scares me they're like i'm like what are you doing is calculating that quickly like what's what what's she doing what's doing what he's doing because they're they're they're becoming the you know the male calculating quickly competitive spirit and there is this this um this fallacy there's this idea that because we're dominant now uh we're always going to be dominant that's just not how it works not how that's not how if you know anything about human history people are on top and then telling they're on the bottom so it's it's it's important for us to hold the line in times of peace uh to make sure that we don't start weakening ourselves and i think that that's kind of what we're seeing today people are just weakening our society because we don't know what to do with peace we just want to go out and kind of just bash things overhead or triumph something yeah i agree with that we're out of problems we have a part of our brain that needs to solve problems fear problems negotiate with problems and no problems means not no problems to a lot of people it means let's create problems synthetically so that we can occupy this part of our brain and you know anyone who's ever studied anybody who was really wealthy um and oftentimes kept like if you are wealthy and you are out there earning money every day and you're running a business then those are your problems but if you take that person's husband or wife or whoever the part of the couple is that doesn't have to go out there and chew up that real estate every day and get the make that money and pay the employees and account for the bottom line and everything you take the rich person that's at home and doesn't have anything to do then you'll say how's your day going and they'll go oh my god the florist was late it was a disaster and it's like the florist you have a florist so the florist was late was that's a disaster like they're the people that are subject to the hyperbole those are the that their dog walker didn't show up on time and the guy who was supposed to break in your husband's italian loafers got sick and it's all a disaster right you know and so if you take human beings you remove responsibility obligation and real gravity from their life they will then create their own problems to fill that in now if you take you know but it's kind of like when i used to do love line um i used once in a while i talked to a dominatrix and uh on the show you know not off [Laughter] those conversations very personal private but i always had this theory when they talk about you know how expensive it was and the guy you know was always like he wanted me to come in and then i put him in a diaper and he crawled around and i smacked him with his huggy boo key you know and i'd go these are all rich white businessman right and she go yeah every time and i'm like yeah i said never have a poor mexican guy in there like no and i'm like you want to know why because that guy that guy's life is getting his ass kicked you know i mean that guy's got a foreman who's a douche and he's got to go to work all day and he's got to pay bills and the rich white guy he's in charge of the whole place and so when he wants his outlet he wants to be smacked in the ass with a bungee cord and be a drink out of his bottle so people people will go into their modes depending on what the stimuli is and you give a person unlimited money and zero problems and they're going to go on a hunt to find problems right i always said when president obama was going into his second term as a president i'm like okay now it's time for all the people who claim we live in a racist nation you guys got your work cut out for you now and you better work overtime and all those people started working harder at finding racism because i'm old enough to remember that the first black president was used as a as a yardstick to measure our society or a finishing line like people would go well there's still racism but we've made you know made a lot of progress but if we ever get to the point where we elect a black president that'll be the finish line and then we did for two terms but the people who have to find problems everywhere needed to ratchet it up and so there was more what a racist culture we live in talk after we had a two-term black president than you know the 90s when like clinton was in there no one really talked about it yeah that's so true it got way worse i said that you know i said that plenty of times i don't remember people being this sensitive about race problems everywhere microaggressions i saw a young girl that i used to babysit um and she's a young jewish girl in new york city goes to a private elite private school she's 16 years old 57 000 a year is her school and there's two of them they're twins so a hundred and fourteen thousand dollars a year for these kids to go to school show me first day there's a they point to them 16 years old where the safe space is you know and talk to them about like what the safe space is used for at their school and they're all required to take a diversity class and what this diversity class is that they're supposed to go around the room and share with one another why they feel bad for their skin color you know obviously this is a majority white school and why they why they feel bad for being white and what they understand um is the problem what's problematic about their about their race and she they learn these terms microaggression and she said there's this class diversity class is dedicated on making them understand what a microaggression is which is when you might not realize you're an internalized racist adam you might not realize it but you've thrown at least 20 microaggressions at me since we've been talking oh really yes you're going to need to take i try to average 25 every quarter what are we at we're going to one we've only done 20. that's correct so i'm supposed to be at 50 at 30. so many i just i felt micro aggressed well just constantly but since this is not gonna be good for my image i gotta ratchet this up sorry i'm i'm sorry i'm just i came in i don't know it's raining outside like this whole corona you're off your game you're off normally i'm a microaggression machine man i'm a phalanx gun 20. exactly 20. okay boy but to think that that is what could you imagine first off shelling out the cash fifty seven thousand dollars to send your skin to school to school to learn about what's wrong with their skin color to learn about how they could be offending somebody when they don't know what they're just language and then this is the worst part she said on um during a black history month so just this this past month they allowed they had a school assembly and and they'd have an assembly every day and the black kids were allowed to stand on stage and just yell at them and say you don't understand what it's like you don't get it for me to be a black woman adam and you're sitting there this is happening at an elite private school in manhattan 57 000 a year and i'm just thinking i wasn't in school that long ago i graduated high school in 2007 and i'm thinking this is absolute lunacy these these kids are crazy they're you're literally actually now fostering race problems right you're telling the black kid they're a victim and they're being aggressed and you're telling the white person that they're problematic how do you how are you expecting society to get along better because of this oh well you know i said to someone recently in terms of lawsuits at you know fortune 500 companies on sexual discrimination or race discrimination these symposiums that you're forced to attend which by the way i don't think you should like my feeling is is we have somebody and you have to it's like you have to sit down with them for three hours and have to explain to you is it okay to compliment a co-worker on her appearance or whatever first off screw you i don't have any history with this it's like saying you've got to go to an aaa meeting it's like i didn't get a dui wait till the guy gets a dui and send him to the aaa meeting i don't have any history of driving drunk so i was saying to somebody all these corporate speakers who have to come in and explain to you about diversity or about women's rights or spaces or when this is a microaggression or when it's okay to compliment you may compliment her on her hair but not her outfit i i reckon that lawsuits discriminatory lawsuits about you know either sexually based or race-based lawsuits has to be up ten thousand-fold so did these lectures help anyone did it leave this problem did we fix this problem did see normally when somebody wants to come in on earthquake preparedness and they come in and they give you a lecture on how to be prepared for an earthquake then you stock away some money and some canned beans and some clean water and then the next earthquake hits and it actually helps these people bring experts in and the problem gets worse i mean exactly let's think about this we are now at a time in society where a if a white girl wears her hair in braids it's called cultural appropriation because braids were created by black people so you're taking something that's black and turning into something that's white so people can be micro-aggressed by how you do your hair in the morning okay i got it i mean like well guess what you know what's wrong with that you're you're micro-aggressing jewish people when you wear your hair in a jufrow is that good for sex it's cultural appropriation she's trying to catch up i'm so far behind it is a 30 minute mark and so here's the thing so if you're telling me that somebody's hair okay can be his hairstyle can be something that you know they're offended by the hairstyle they're offended by um having to wear their hair and look presentable even i've seen the things of saying that somebody asked somebody at a business uh you know we really don't want you coming in with your hair all crazy and stuff or whatever and they were like oh that's my natural hair i wake up like this you know and so now people are getting sued because they're being asked to look presentable um and uh on the other side you've got woman here's somebody taking a compliment sorry i wake up with a boner but i rarely bring it into work that's got to be good for like 17 right it's amazing well i don't i wake up that way but i don't walk it into work it's not my hey man you miss how i roll this is me naturally i know i'm wearing some loose-fitting sweatpants and i go commando so that's as god made me it's so true it's the idea of just like basic respect now basic respect being presentable uh you know getting a shower and getting dressed everything it seem as this offense this is well this is just how the the white man wants it the patriarchy wants it and i'm like this is crazy being presentable and looking good that's that should just that should make you happy right like why do you want to look sloppy or look crazy and then there's the other element of this and i believe this i i if i was a man and i'm not a man but if i was a man i wouldn't hire a woman i wouldn't do it and i said all the time and i say that and that's something that women need to consider when they're talking about this stuff when you're saying that a man complimenting you and saying oh i really oh i really like your outfit today um is a form of sexism what is the if you're a man why hire women right so you've got all this time to be able to get into the workforce only to say these are going to be the rules you know if you say anything even if you compliment me if you if you look at me anything i'm going to have a reason to fight you and by the way you're going to want to settle and pay me because even just the stain of an accusation is enough to ruin men so what is what if you're if you're a guy right in this society in this me too environment in this in this litigation litigation-rich environment of misogyny and sexism and all these claims what is the value add what's the the risk you know the the benefit and the risk i just i can't do the analysis and say i'd just be like no i'm still hiring give me all men well i agree that's me i mean if i was a dude i'm a girl so i hire women but if i was dude i wouldn't do it but if you're running a strip club you have to hire a few ladies that's true i tried that yeah yeah it was a disaster no look first off one thousand percent all of this stuff that we're talking about is unintended consequences so what happens i run a business i've had attractive young women are like this is the new whatever i don't want to mentor them to the point where we're in an office and i'm doing one-on-one stuff because everyone is looking for this impropriety you know so it's like if that was a guy and he was a young guy and he was like a new hire i would say to him hey let's go get a kebab on thursday and tell me what you want to accomplish with this company or what your background or your goals or experiences are which i've done many times i haven't done it with the girls with the women because i who i don't want to go out to lunch alone with the 24 year old attractive girl now the unintended consequences is that person now may not be mentored the same way that the 24 year old male may have been mentored and then it's but it's a byproduct of this environment and that's what it is i mean i look at it and i say everything women are fighting for right now i'm telling you if if we win half of these battles it's going to hurt women a case in point i'm a small business owner and we have women that are fighting for you know mandatory six months leave for maternity leave do you think small business small business owners can afford if they hire six women and they all get pregnant and i got to pay them for six months and then by the way it shows many of them just don't come back to where they take the six months and then they quit right right and people can't afford that so if i know that this becomes you know mandatory that every business now has to offer uh six months by the way they're fighting for men and women six months for men and women what is that going to do to small business owners what is the incentive for me to hire a woman if i know that just because she works here automatically it means that she can if she gets pregnant she's been here for one week she gets pregnant i'm on the hook to pay her for six months people like goldman sachs will survive that right they've got the money to do that but small business owners well look you're not going to get your entryway you know in society it's usually small business owners that get people their first chance so i'm just like be careful what you're fighting for i'm not saying that people you know obviously understanding the differences in our biology and and women we can give birth and that that that is you know obviously disruptive if you want to be a person that climbs the top of a corporate ladder but when you start demanding all of these things and more and more and more and want a year of this and a year of that it's just like guys people are just going to say i don't want to hire you because it's just a lot of stress and a lot of extras that i really can't afford to do right now and i also don't want to get me tooed yeah and it's the same with the 15 minimum wage or exact same whatever they're proposing like wouldn't it be a great idea if everyone made 15 an hour and it's like yes except for here's the problem and i i've had it as a as a business owner like i you really experience it like there was a guy and he worked for me he was like one of my shop guys so i do like broadcasting podcasting make documentaries stuff but i also do a lot of car racing and car building and things of that nature more just sort of mechanical stuff and i had a guy and he was always a little bit slow and off and he was just one of those guys that just didn't have the production that some of the other guys had but he got a lesser rate and so it was always fine and at some point we got to the end of the year and he said oh uh can you cut me a check and i said like yeah what are you getting are you what are you getting 18 an hour and he goes oh no i gotta i gotta raise i'm i'm at 23 an hour and i was like oh okay okay and i wrote him the check and i i gave it to him the next year i remember i was like uh is bob coming in monday it's like oh yeah bob's coming in right i was like we don't have that much just tell bob take monday off and come in on tuesday because i was up in my head about now i'm paying this guy this high hourly rate and i know all he's doing is kind of pushing a broom and putzing around a little and it was real clear to me and i have guys i have fabricators and welders i pay them 60 bucks an hour but they're doing really meticulous craftsman fabrication work that would cost me more if i outsourced it and i don't care what that guy's doing he's in he's doing his his work with his tigger's mig welder but this other guy kept thinking about and i realized oh yeah that's what small business owners are going to do if you naturally jack it up to 15 or 20. i can't afford it so you're going to get fired you know what i mean or they'll just cut back the hours yeah and you'll go you'll go home with the same paycheck because you'll go from 13 to 15 but you'll go from 40 to 33 hours and it'll be the same it'll wash out actually that's kind of one of the biggest problems in society when you hear these arguments a lot of people don't understand business like we're really not teaching business we're not teaching economics we're not teaching you know what what what the free markets really means and that no matter what you you cannot force the market right like you can you can try to you can say something like we're gonna do we're gonna raise it and make a minimum wage but you cannot then force um business owners to say okay i've got two employees i was paying them both this much but now the government's doubled it well then they're just going to let one go or give one less hours so you can't force that and you have kids that think that you can what what people don't understand is that business owners are smarter than politicians like you know i'm in la we got garcetti and gavin newsom anybody who runs a chain of burger kings is going to be 10 times smarter than those two buffoons right right so you go okay here's what we're going to do we're going to force that guy to pay a 15 minimum wage and then we're going to add a surcharge every burger that helps pay for wind and solar and we do this and that and the other and then that guy's going to pay it but that guy's smarter than they are so that guy goes no i'm moving to texas and i'm starting an offshore account the cayman islands and then the mayor and the governor like what what happened it's like well you guys are dumb and by the way you're dumb of course you're dumb you're career politicians these guys run businesses so they're by nature much sharper than you are and it's their money so they're they're highly motivated and they figured it out and they moved so they sit around and they go where's all the affordable housing and it's like you guys jacked up the regulation through the roof you made it impossible for affordable housing to be built in los angeles and you want to know where all the developers are they're in texas or they're in north carolina yeah but we said we needed more yeah but you guys are dumb and they're smart right so there's they're just out you're out to take money they're out to make money and they need to turn a profit so thus we have none of that i mean look at hollywood look at runaway productions look at all we got to get a permit we got to get more money everyone just went to atlanta and opened the studio in atlanta they went to prague they went to new mexico and people don't understand that you cannot you cannot manipulate you cannot force the market to do anything the market will get up it will leave it will move it will adapt right it's totally fluid and and the most progressive people on the planet will happily take their entire production to new mexico and give them all the tax revenues because you're too greedy in los angeles right breaking bad was supposed to be shot in the inland empire they got greedy and they went screw it would go to new mexico and then they did five seasons and then all the ancillary businesses all the tours and the catering and the restaurants and all the stuff that trickles down the problem i mean part of the struggle is that because the rich people and wealth people have been demonized so much people don't understand why they need them people don't know why it's a good thing if a lot of rich people live near you they don't they don't get it and and so you have these economic collapses that happen because you have the politicians who know nothing who are getting voids from from people who are typically impoverished and have very little they have no business experience they don't own or operate businesses so they just understand the social justice arguments of i have less they have more they're appealing to that they're getting the votes and then you create this economic bubble where the rich people say okay that's enough i'm from connecticut so this is exactly what happened to connecticut they said okay um you're gonna keep throwing the taxes up all of the businesses left it was literally like overnight aetna left ge left and then the wealthy people abandoned their mansions put them up for sale and they flew south to florida right and in california they're they're flying they're flying east to texas because they're not going to stay here charles schwab just announced that he was leaving uh he's now building his campus there's a massive sprawling campus i think in san francisco uh it's texas right charles schwab i mean the guy who created peanuts oh oh oh the financial thing i i'm sorry a snoopy the song is so awesome yeah okay yeah the one guy is dead i didn't want anything to wrap i was like that guy died like 17 years oh charles charles it's crazy it is great and i'm just like and i'm looking at people here and i'm like it's like watching people that still live in in california i'm just like it's like watching like the titanic movie in slow motion where i'm just like where when is this gonna get turned around or like is everybody going to just like stay in their cabins it's feeling based stuff which is they could afford to pay they could have well first off yeah everyone can afford stuff but they don't have to like i was driving through beverly hills once and uh back before we had all the homeless guys in it you have a couple of like bums like hey man can you spare some change or whatever and the guy like knocked on my window at a red light and i rolled it down and he's like hey man can you spare a little change and and i was like yeah okay and i gave him five bucks and he goes hey man like i recognize you from tv you could afford more than that and it's like i could afford 500 000 but that doesn't mean you're getting 500 and it doesn't mean you're owed 500 yes i could afford it but why am i under any obligation morally or beyond to give you that money we have the most privileged uh homeless people ever by the way i mean we are producing homeless people like and by the way thanks to the politicians right they're they're living a great lifestyle right now and they want more and more and more because you have politicians that are offering them more and more and more i say now uh we don't have people that are are homeless people that are living on the streets because right you can now live on the street it's a lifestyle now right so you can choose to live on the streets versus before where it was like you're just you're just homeless and right and you're traumatizing you're going through this it's like no this is actually a better lifestyle because they're they're giving us free handouts uh they're giving out needles you know they're supporting our lifestyle they're taxing rich people more and more more um and unfortunately if people don't wake up to it and it's sad because places like connecticut i love i love connecticut you know i grew up in connecticut i go there i don't recognize it i don't recognize it the roads aren't paved um you've got sanctuary cities there uh crime has gone up and um taxes have gone up and people are moving out this is this is where we're headed yeah it's a it's a pretty simple equation and the people who aren't living on the streets but who do have money you know they call it upwardly mobile and mobile means you can move like if you're upwardly mobile and everyone's doing business all you need is a computer these days why can't you do whatever you're doing in a state next to your state that's more friendly and more hospitable to your business and the answer is for sure you could so you know back in the day if you had like a big mill a big textile mill you couldn't just pick it up and move it to texas or move it to nevada but anyone can go anywhere now including full productions i mean i drove brian cranston to the airport to burbank airport he did my podcast and then i said oh you don't uber i'll i'll give you a ride and you're going to new mexico it's entire groups of course i don't know i'm not sure why politicians don't do that math it's it's so abundantly clear i think they do a different kind of math i think what they focus on is just votes i think all they care about is themselves and it goes back to your earlier point about narcissism we live in an incredibly narcissistic society um and typically you find that narcissism is rampant when you're talking about politicians i mean they are they really are um a lot of them not all of them are are just career narcissists um and for them just winning votes is what they what they think about they don't care about what's gonna happen society it's all about winning votes and it's an easier strategy nobody ever won um on the slogan be more responsible right right hey uh here's what we're going to do elect me we're going to make you guys be more responsible that's not a thing right so politicians to win have to be angry at someone and then they have to appeal it's they've got to go back to the old communist style proletariat um you're a little guy these are the big guys and you elect me and we're going to go out we're going to go after them because saying you're a little guy is because you made really bad decisions in life and you're gonna have to get a job and be better but i'm gonna create this amazing economy where there's gonna be jobs and you can get it is not always a winning message yeah i think it was uh on dennis prager's radio program i was listening and he was explaining something about uh one of the founding fathers or one of the folks of yore just said the second the voters figure out they can vote themselves money it's all over and that's essentially i'm going to offer you free health care and free college tuition and it's like well i'm going to give free college tuition health care and i'll eliminate any debt oh okay maybe that guy now and it's like that the experiment is over and the politicians have figured out that it's like you got two kids in the house and i'm running on a platform of scrambled eggs and oatmeal in the morning and my wife's running on a platform of reese's peanut butter cups and nobody needs to go to school on mondays and they go we're voting for right and then i'm going but that's unhealthy and in the big picture it's not going to be good you know your dental hygiene is not going to be good there's early onset diabetes you're not going to be properly educated when you enter the workforce and they're like yeah okay we'll be enjoying our peanut butter cups over here that's such a perfect analogy that's that's what it is and the politicians have been like well let's just offer them peanut butter cups and that it literally reminds me of an elementary school we had um we we had to elect a president for our class or our grade um and there were two people running at each other and one of them just ran you elect me it was like a mock election free we're gonna have free lunch and blah blah blah free this and free that and they went and they got really glittery nice posters and that person won like no one cared i mean about the economics of it he said there's gonna be like we didn't actually get it it was like a mock election but the kid that one was the one that offered the most free stuff so really fundamentally what you have on the left is people that have adopted um an elementary elementary fifth grade um you know election style you know how am i gonna get elected in a group full of people that don't that can't help themselves a um don't wanna help themselves be but love free stuff yeah that tends to be the majority it's a steady diet of free stuff mixed in with your victim and i'm gonna fix that right and victim's easy by the way and you always wonder why people love all these different categories of how to be a victim because was easy life stuff right saying hey you know what life life's really tough and it's tough for everybody it's not it's not an easy thing to be a good human being to be a productive human being every single day day in and day out so it's much easier to offset all of your problems and say you know what it's not my fault if i fail here i forget getting back up right forget getting back up and trying i'm gonna say i failed because of this it's an easy pass right to say i'm actually yeah i know i haven't done anything in my life but it's because of the white person the tall person the rich person the whatever person that's all me wait did you did she say ruggedly handsome or did i just hear you you just heard ruggedly handsome tall white rich matinee idol good luck we'll check the tape wait was that a microaggression that's your problem because you're tall and wealthy and white and heterosexual like that's like the last thing i want to be inside if i could pick i'm so happy i'm black and a woman i'm like gosh it's not a good time to be a heterosexual white male in society right now you guys are catching all the heat yeah well you know you know so as a as a white guy you get pulled over by cops for no front license plate and the guy's a douche but you don't go oh it's because i'm white you go the cops a douche you know and you you i do deals all the time it's like the bank's not going to lend you the money you got to put up 40 percent i'm like why do i need to put up 40 i have such a good the rule is but i don't go oh it's because i just go those are the rules or i have a neighbor who's being unreasonable and if i was black i might go well that old man's a racist but i'm white i go that old man's just a douche so my real privilege in being white is not really getting privileges it's just knowing that the whole world is basically this way right and it's true that's 100 true and it's it's almost like the lens of racism um is is preventing people from being able to accurately assess what's happening they don't know that that bad exists people have a bad day you get a police officer just be having a horrible day you never know maybe he's been up since on the road since 3 a.m and his boss is coming home everybody has a bad day right including police officers we know society is not perfectable but the left sort of sells black individuals to site this idea um that it's like anything bad that happens to us because of your skin color not because this is like you know just the life welcome to life condition of life there are people are people suck people are mean people say mean things um and you can have a bad day and for some reason black people have started to adopt this idea that we are special snoke we are special snowflakes we are literally society's special snowflakes anything that happens bad to us it is because of systemic oppression systemic racism and we're seeing that being perpetuated by people like al sharpton jesse jackson who have race hustled this society they've been allowed to i mean they've been allowed to go decades with shaking down corporations shaking down people they've been proven to be verifiably wrong on on on plenty of the cases that they've gotten behind but if there is a race element involved they will they will splinter society have white people wanting to kill black people white people because they can make money and they can fundraise and they can they can raise more money for their 501 c3 foundations if they prove that racism is too ugly and still exists they need racism to still exist it's not their fault though because they're essentially hustlers they're hustlers yeah and they're going to do what they're going to do it's the fault of all the people who just cave to them immediately you know they put them all over their tv stations they go to them whenever there's an event or like ferguson or whatever comes up they never question them they never ask any of the hard questions they never bring up any of the tuwana brawley past or any of that stuff they just sit there because they're they're cowards and they're under this sort of umbrella of okay we got al sharpton on our side we're kind of covered everyone is so scared to death of being called a racist that the people that know better and know who these guys are they prop them up and they feed them a paycheck and they give them a platform so i don't i don't blame them for just trying to make a living off race-baiting i mean it's it's reprehensible but i get it there's there's people that do many things in our society you know what i mean it's like there's there's always going to be pimps there doesn't have to be john's you know there's always going to be making some money off of this young girl but you don't have to patronize you know what i mean not that al sharpton's a pimp although if you see pictures of him from the 80s i you know he wore a velour sweatsuit with a medallion outside of the velour sweatsuit so i have not seen anything oh he was big he had uh had a hot comb kind of bouffant and uh he had a medallion outside of a velour sweat running ensemble so it was definitely a good look yeah kind of look like a man of leisure but uh i don't really blame them they're just hustlers they're trying to make money i blame sober news organizations that look to them all the time as the voice of the black community they're not sober they're drunk media news organizations and media personnel because they know i don't don't i cannot be fooled into believing that these news organizations believe that these people are serious they should be taken seriously they don't i think it's i think the media is actually a part of the problem and making people hate each other right because you know why hate gets clicks that's that's true talk about business incentive hate gets clicks you put something ridiculous on and say this happened horrible this person got almost got killed people click it immediately because they need to know oh no this horrible thing that happened right so it's it's it's good for them imagine if the headlines every day read like you know kid selling lemonade makes twenty dollars and donates it to veterans and uh this if it was all nice and peachy they wouldn't make as much money no no it's it's at absolutely a tacit agreement between what these guys do and what they do and what gets clicks and politicians are the same way and it's it's sad because turning someone into a victim is the worst thing you could ever do to them and it's it flies in the face of what this country is about anybody who ever has a child who has a disability you know bona fide confined to a wheelchair or a abnormality every single parent works overtime explaining to them that they don't have this disability that it's not going to hold them back that they can accomplish anything they want as long as they work harder than the guy you know you're in the wheelchair and you're that guy's able-bodied but you're going to outwork him little johnny and you're going to rise up the corporate ladder well that's what we do with people who have actual disabilities and you would be the worst parent in the world if someone had a disability you're like yeah you're pretty jacked up dude maybe you shouldn't try right because the world hates you well then you'd be a horrible parent so why doesn't that hold true for cultures and groups so true that is such a good point why is it hold true for cultures and groups and it doesn't and and you so you if you predicted um that okay once obama won the second term that was your prediction of like they're gonna have to go overtime with this race narrative what's your prediction for the future now because they've gone overboard i can't i don't see how they could go more extreme than like the kkk's back which is where we're at right now right they're like i i'm trying to think of like what would be the most kkk came back you missed it charlottesville and so now there's every time white people convene for anything it's it's because the ku klux klan skinheads and white supremacists are back i normally get a text from the uh yeah grant yeah i don't know what is the first update number wizard or something yeah you gotta update your num your your number oh i'm just a meeting i'm missing anyway i parked my horse in a green zone i don't know if that's unlocked text that went out to everybody like get yourself i don't have my phone on me yeah yeah yeah how many aggressions are we up to now the clan reference there we go near 50. uh yeah well i i i we're at a saturation point you know with this stuff he's a racist i've always said uh recently said there's never been a better time to be an actual racist i know because you can just hide you know they're calling dennis prager a racist so they call it candace a racist right right so you could be an actual racist and just stand in between you two or anyway it's true it's true so i i might i mean are you optimistic about it like you think that like now we've kind of like hit peak i i think i think there's the boy that called racist it's like they just be they the the thing about the racist or anything is you can't throw that card out every single time somebody disagrees with you because it just doesn't mean anything anymore and we're getting to the point and the news agencies got so drunk off of that oh we'll just call someone a racist and then we'll whatever that it no longer has the effect that it had like i'm older than you considerably and i remember when you'd open the newspaper or turn on the news like so and so made a racist remark and be like oh my god what did and and sure enough they said something horrible now it's like well he called the coronavirus the chinese coronavi and he's like okay all right everyone's racist all right i got it i got it yeah yeah now if there is something that's actually racist i tend not to listen anymore because i'm so saturated with all the allegations of racism from the past i actually have fun when i speak on college campuses sometimes i'll start my speech and i'll say just to start you know in this room how many people in this room have never been accused of being either racist sexist misogynist homophobic or some some other thing and like no one's hand goes up i'm like okay so like literally on the way that we are at right now in society like i'm standing in a room full of horrible human beings right and that's just sort of a great way to it's a great entry point to let them know just how ridiculous society has gotten where you think i mean do you realistically think that you go to a school filled with horrible irredeemable human beings or have we maybe uh taken language twisted twisted words to me something that they're not anymore and the sad part is that you're exactly right when they're actually as a racist like i mean like i i'm immune to everybody's immune to because everybody's been called a racist you know when you start calling the black people to racist you lost you lost the plot you know when the black people are racist now too you've completely lost the plot um but um i think about how think about the actual sort of racist concept of ben carson's not really black because he doesn't agree with us it's like boy is that a racist statement that is a legitimate or candace owens is not really black like you just take away your entire like it's totally crazy like you say like you're not it's like being like oh you're not really a woman if you don't if you didn't vote for hillary clinton or if you don't believe in the media movement like you're just not you're not really a woman i'm like what am i like what exactly am i yeah right dave reuben's not really he's not really gay if he doesn't support every these these tenants these ten commandments of being gay these ten commandments of being black these ten commandments are being jewish um just let me verify that i did the reuben report oh he's gay i i i actually i did some field work i can tell you right now i'm not proud of it but i i i rolled my sleeves up and i did some digging around and he is gay where's my camera i'm here to verify he knows it but i had to check yeah you you've heard it here on the canis owen show dave was that a microaggression would you count that as uh i'm seeing him this week and i'll be sure to let him know if you tell him then it counts as a microaggression 100 like 100 counts so this is the society that we live in a society of microaggressions a society of safe spaces a society where literally everyone is a a racist uh literally hitler you hear all the time these expressions um where it ultimately which dennis breaker talks a lot about cheapens evil um and that's that is he always says the greatest sin of the left is that they've cheapened evil they've cheated they've cheapened what it means to be a race is that they've cheapened what it means to have been an evil dictator to have done horrible things um but i'm always optimistic about it and uh so we wrap the episode on an optimistic note where we ask you to leave a face message for the world you can say anything you want actually and you have that bigger audience yeah i'm super popular people like me it's the entire planet well they actually they just watch it because if they don't want to be considered racist so they oh okay mandatory watching on sundays um my message to the world yep on your mark get set world i give you mr adam carolla uh stop fussing with the purell don't use soap get in the dirt you have to get a little dirt on your fingernails in order to build up a little immunity to life and fight off all these horrible viruses so the reason i never get sick is because i eat cashews off the ground and i don't use soap so please suck it up go out press the flesh no more elbow bumping and uh get a job and fight to keep it you heard it here first ladies and gentlemen put some hair on your chest and toughen up and that's a wrap thanks so much for coming in yeah my pleasure thank you guys for watching the latest episode of the candace owen show i hope you guys enjoyed the conversation as much as i did as many of you guys already know prageru is a 501c3 nonprofit organization which means we need your help to keep all of our content free to the public please consider making a tax deductible donation today i would really appreciate your support
Channel: PragerU
Views: 425,901
Rating: 4.9361668 out of 5
Keywords: prageru, prager university, adam carolla, candace o, safe spaces, social justice, sjws, sjw, coddling of america, microaggressions, emotional support, victimhood, victim mentality
Id: M5gcbqJvem0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 34sec (3394 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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