Mark Levin: Pelosi’s Unhinged Meltdown Shows Just How Much She Hates America

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But she 'represents' them. And feeds them.

Can you believe that? I sure as Hell can't.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/unRealityEngineer 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
we have a special clip for you you've seen little pieces of it over the last few days of wolf blitzer uh they pulled him out of the crypt and here he is and nancy pelosi who's a nasty old lady and i like to call her eva pelosi since she keeps making references to the third reich well in that genre there's always eva braun so eva pelosi who calls our police stormtroopers now i'm going to play a clip for you why because i love it is it newsworthy not really it's just great and of course we all know cnn's in the back pocket of the republicans of the president right of course not but nancy pelosi is such a lunatic that's what she'll decide that's how she'll conclude this that wolf blitzer must be working for the trump administration i'm telling you this has everything if i could have scripted it i couldn't script it this good so you've seen little pieces i know but it really goes on for like five minutes and we're going to take it all in and enjoy it ready go they really need the money right now uh and even members of i have said that but but even members of your own caucus madam speaker uh want to accept this deal one point eight trillion dollars congressman roe connor for example let me just let me just quote row connor man you know well i assume you admire him he's a democrat and he just said this he said people in need can't wait until february 1.8 trillion dollars is significant and more than twice the obama stimulus make a deal put the ball in mcconnell court so what do you say to ro connor what i say to you is i don't know why you're always an apologist and many of your colleagues apologist for the republican position hold on now so cnn is an apologist for the republican position i'm telling you she's a crackpot go ahead that's nice that isn't what we're going to do and nobody's waiting till february but there are millions of americans who have lost their jobs they can't pay the rent their kids need the food that's right and that's what we're trying to get 1.8 trillion dollars the president just tweeted stimulus go big or go home he wants even more right now so why not why not work on a deal with him and don't let the perfect as they say here in washington be the enemy of the good yesterday i spoke to andrew yang who says the same thing it's not everything you want but you know there's a lot there honest to god you really uh i can't get over it because andrew yang he's lovely yo khan rokhana he's lovely they are not negotiating oh is she angry you're not allowed to question the queen boy oh boy better be glad that we don't have guillotines or something because she'd be lopping heads off left and right 1.8 trillion is way too much as far as i'm concerned but it's something the president of the republicans have offered now i want you to think about that these trillions of dollars that we've been spending it's enormous all we need to do is help people who are unemployed help small businesses help some big ones like the airlines that doesn't cost 1.8 trillion dollars there's hundreds of billions of dollars in there and she wants hundreds of billions or more to help subsidize these cities and states and things that they did financially including their reckless pensions long before there was a virus long before there was a virus so she is holding out and she's putting a gun to the head of the american people in this economy that unless she can bail out cuomo and pritzker and murphy and newsom and all the other hardcore democrats and their outrageous pension programs that she's not going to help the people who need help that's exactly what's going on here 1.8 trillion dollars is crazy you could do that with one trillion dollars and her 2.4 trillion dollars hundreds of billions of dollars for school districts no no not because of the virus that takes about five billion dollars i read no she just wants to give it to them now why does she want to do that well because of the teachers unions three-fourths of the money that school district gets go to their employees the teachers union so she she's using this as an opportunity for massive spending to help her constituent groups to empower the democrat party and i hope not but in the in the proposal they may they say oh we already passed a budget to help people they would destroy our electoral system they would force california style voting on every state in the country mail-in early voting all their practices there which have very little protections this is what she's about so she's a very nasty contriving a power hungry individual go situation they have no idea of the particulars they have no idea of what the language is here i didn't come over here to have you so you're the apologist for the obama and excuse me madam speaker she's lost it she doesn't know what the hell she's talking about so she strikes out she's never been challenged before wolf blitzer finally woke up from a stupor of 40 years and here he is now actually acting like a reporter this is a rarity this is why i'm playing what he's doing is a rarity what she's doing is exposing herself as the crackpot that she actually is the power-hungry crackpot that eva pelosi is go serious questions because so many people are in desperate news right now let me ask you this when was the last time let me respond when was the last time you spoke with the president about this i don't speak the president's speech why not call him and say mr president let's work out a deal it's not going to be everything you want not going to be everything i want but there are so many americans right now who are in desperate need let's make a deal you know you can tell from just a few minutes here truly what a shallow human being she actually is truly i mean the way she's putting her head down i'm watching her very very carefully as i assume you folks are too go ahead what makes me amused if it weren't so sad is how you all think that you know more about the suffering of the american people than those of us who are elected by them to represent them at that table let me remind you she and her husband are worth anywhere from 120 to 150 million they won't release their tax returns even though she demands that trump release his despite the fact she's second in line to be president and is an enormously powerful speaker of the house they have several mansions she has a vineyard uh non-union by the way for your union folks and uh remember that episode that embarrassing the foolish episode where she was standing in front of her twenty four thousand dollar freezers with her fifteen dollars uh a pack ice cream remember all that go ahead letter to house democrats madam speaker and i ask these questions only as you know so many millions of americans are suffering for you people who know nothing about the agreement well there is no agreement but what the suggestions are as if there's some authority on the subject please give equal weight to 12 to all of the chairman on the committee who have written this but so many of your fellow democrats in the house they want a deal right now the problem solvers they all want a deal right now and here's what they're complaining about because you wrote a letter to hospital boy oh boy wolf is relentless he must have had his wheaties this morning i don't know what's going on this is the kind of wolf we like to see unfortunately he is a wolf in wolf's closing as the great scalia once said about a particular case go ahead and you said this let me read a line from the letter uh you wrote the president only wants his name on a check to go out before election day and for the market to go up is that what this is all about not allow the president to take credit if there's a deal that will help millions of americans right now he's not that important but let me say this with all due respect with all due respect and you know we've known each other a long time you really don't know what you're talking about it's the plural of anecdote only only eva knows what they're talking about she trashes the president she trashes him she's trashed two people including one in her caucus a democrat you really don't know what you're talking about because i'm eva pelosi i know everything i know what i'm talking about she still hasn't told us what she's talking about go ahead yes there's some people who said this or that overwhelmingly my caucus wants what is right for the american people tomorrow will be five months since we passed the bill at the same time the small because there was no resolution mitch mcconnell said let's pause the virus didn't pause and now we're at a place she's rambling on like a buffoon because she is a buffoon mitch mcconnell's basically given the store away 1.8 trillion they've gone up from i think was one two to one four to one five to one six one more shot 1.8 trillion and it's not enough and notice throughout this she doesn't explain why it's not enough she doesn't explain what she wants the rest of the money for because that's more than enough money to get into the hands of people who are suffering the money they need to get into the hands of small businesses the money they need to survive to get their hands into the airline so they don't crash she won't do it because of the rest of the money she demands now wolfe is okay but he's not saying well what is it that you want to do with the rest of the money i read that you want to use it for basically political bailouts of blue states you know the republicans aren't going to go for that it's not appropriate given a pandemic that he won't say but that's what's going on and she won't explain what the rest of the money would be for will she go we need more money for ppp for our small businesses we need more money for our airlines all that money is in the 1 trillion and certainly the 1.8 trillion that's on the table all of it go ahead more money for our schools so we have absorbed all of that's in the proposal as well and when she talks about our schools as i said earlier she's not talking about the pandemic and what needs to be done in our school she's talking about a massive subsidy for schools basically teachers unions many of whom don't want to work despite the science the science remember the science the schools can be open but most of them are not particularly in the blue states go a half a trillion dollars more of expenses still within i understand all of that and i have only the greatest respect for you do the math madam speaker i have only the greatest respect one point i just want to say trillion 1.8 trillion dollars 1.8 trillion dollars is a lot of money the american people need that money asap because they're suffering right now and i'm i'm not saying it's perfect but i'm saying you don't personally call them up and say mr president let's get a deal tomorrow you know why she won't call him because she hates him i've been told by republican leaders on capitol hill she hasn't talked to the president for over a year he's tried to reach out from time to time through intermediaries she is so obsessed with his destruction so obsessed with removing him from office as she was with the outrageous impeachment and the outrageous abuse of the house intelligence committee the outrageous abuse of our tax dollars being used by the house to go after a political opponent that she is so obsessed with defeating trump she's not going to agree to the funding that's necessary for relief for so many americans that's what she's about go ahead let me say this the president has sent mr mnuchin to negotiate that's what we've done with other presidents this isn't unusual the science should call the shot and when they do let's all trust it and let's hope they get more treatments let's hope they get a vaccine and madam speaker i i certainly respect you but i also respect ro khanna i respect andrew yang i respect members of the democrats who are members of the problem solvers they want a deal because so many people right now the problem solvers by the way don't have any earned income tax credit or towel tax credit in their proposal either but let's not go into it what does the earned income tax credit have to do with getting money into the hands of people who need it right away to pay their bills put food on the table nothing nothing so their agenda's way too big and she's trying to push it she's trying to leverage it and now when you watch this discussion with wolf blitzer you can see what the president's surrogates are up against mnuchin mark meadows the chief of staff this is what they're dealing with they're dealing with somebody who's basically saying well let the country collapse i'll blame it on you it'll be on your watch the president i'll say we can't get anything done during a pandemic it's on your watch i'll bring up schools i'll bring up the people i'll bring up the usual propaganda the media other than this fella at least for now wolf blitzer the media will back me she's not used to this that's what makes it so exceptional go ahead do not respect the chairman of the committees i respect i respect i wish you would respect the knowledge that goes into getting uh the meeting the needs of the american people but again you've been on a job defending the administration all this time with no knowledge of the difference between our two bills and i thank you for giving me the opportunity to say that to you she's nuts want to see more sign up for levin tv
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Keywords: TheBlaze, blaze, the blaze, the blaze tv, blazetv, blaze tv, politics, news, political news, conservative, conservative commentary, Blaze Media, mark levin, levin, levintv, levin tv, mark levin show, mark levin america, mark levin show today, mark levin youtube, levin youtube, mark, levin videos, mark levin videos, pelosi, nancy pelosi, nancy pelosi unhinged, pelosi unhinged, pelosi rant, nancy pelosi rant, wolf blitzer pelosi, wolf blitzer, trending news, blazetv youtube
Id: DU_ZlOcgs7Y
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Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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