EX-Occultist Reveals Hidden Knowledge: The Master Key - Law Of Attraction (33rd Degree Knowledge)

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I haven’t listened to any of this guys stuff before but I liked this video.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SafariJim 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

Mark Passio’s work is good.

As he says in multiple lectures. It’s not even his work. It’s an amalgamation of many occult and philosophical works, aggregated together through attached meaning. I encourage people to make their own assessment.

However I highly recommend his three part series on Natural Law. I’m working on reading through some of the reference works he cites. Right is might, and would very much recommend it.

As for Mark Passio and his lectures. By their very intent and nature cause people to question deep seated beliefs and that can often enough bring forth anger and toxic behavior in people. Be self-aware and use logic and reason. use resources available as references and ask yourself ‘even if this makes me angry is it true?’. I think you will find yourself often enough coming to the conclusion that Mark Passio is correct.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Deadfox7373 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

Mark Passio is full of shit. I wouldn't take anything this dude says as true. He obviously knows a lot about occult but just because he is bringing up what idiots do trying to be "evil" means nothing. There is vastly more good and love in Occultism than anything. Even true Satanist probably ok people. Anyone doing anything otherwise is just a idiot trying to be edgy who has gone fully into ego and stupidity.

I'm sick of this sub letting this stuff through. It's 100% disinformation and exactly what turns people away from spiritual evolution.

Stop fear mongering and actually learn for yourself so you can stop listening to people who are purposely misleading you. Which there are many and it's because they want money and know you're dumb enough to believe what they say and never find out for yourself. Move on.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/kjdflskdjf 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2020 🗫︎ replies
longer an occultist i'm a d occultist i'm attempting to take this information out of hiding it's been hidden the hiding of it is destroying the fabric of our society and putting us into bondage it needs to come out and be non-hidden it needs to be unveiled and shared widely and freely with anybody who's capable of accepting it and comprehending it now because we're we're not in a position where we could wait longer we're not at the precipice okay there is a moral obligation to bring this information to the public now because this place is a garden full of weeds of poisoned ideologies and completely erroneous belief systems that have no bearing on truth whatsoever and cannot get us what we say we want until that cha those thoughts are changed don't expect the results you want here's what that principle is it's what i call the lost principle and it's the thing that has to be present in order for any change to manifest itself and it is not what most people think of it as even when i tell you what this is i guarantee you there will be a inaccurate connotative meaning for what people think this means okay here's what the eighth principle is it is known as the generative principle or the principle which governs creation which actually is the causal factor that goes into effect and generates the result that we say that we want but what's the real term for it who can guess what the actual term what the generative principle of creation actually is no it is not action it is okay now most people will say it's love i want to distinguish it from the concept of love okay the generative principle is care now this is different than compassion people say why don't you use the word compassion because that's not what i'm talking about it is a different concept than compassion or even what i would describe as love care all uppercase care distinguish this from care with a lowercase c okay this means what are you giving attention and helping to grow what are you focusing upon because what focus you're focusing upon that's what's ultimately getting generated getting created and growing and this doesn't mean be ignorant of what's going on in the world and don't look at anything that's negative because you're going to feed that and give power to it that's not what it means okay that means you know what you're feeding in that instance if you want to do that you're feeding ignorance and that's what's going to grow it's the exact opposite that the new agers want you to believe that it is by ignoring the negative you are ensuring that more of it occurs you are fueling it by ignorance ensuring that it grows and takes over okay what care has to be looked at here as is this is what you're giving your energy to this is what you're focused upon this is what you actually care enough about to do to spend your time on to put your attention on to manifest in the world that's what i'm talking about as care okay that's what generates our experience in the aggregate most people don't care about what's really happening therefore it is an impossibility for us in the aggregate to change the direction of energy to change the direction of consciousness and ultimately to get what we say we want that's how the real law of attraction works all right here's how it actually operates the lost principle is the dynamic of care what we care about on a day-to-day basis acts as the driving force of our thoughts and actions what did i say we need to develop the heart mind guts right heart mind guts in that order care comes first you've got to care enough to know to develop the knowledge okay then you got to act on it and put it into practice apply it so that's the order heart mind guts care knowledge action those are the steps okay and all three of those have to be in place all three that's what unity consciousness is it's unifying faults emotions and actions the three aspects of consciousness such there is no contradiction between them what we think how we feel and how we act are one and the same there's no contradiction that's unity consciousness okay therefore since care is the driver of our thoughts and actions it ultimately can be seen as the generator of the quality of our shared experience here on the earth care is what generates the whole thing hence it has been called the generative principle liken the heart to a pump in the body well what does a pump do it's a generator it provides energy it moves the life force through the blood in the body in every ancient tradition they talk about the life force being in the blood the heart is what pumps that through the whole physiology and enables us to continue to sustain life okay the heart is the generator it's the pump it's the center of the being as important as the brain is the heart is ultimately what's generating the experience because what we care about determines what we think about on a daily basis most of the time and therefore how we behave all right so [Music] is anybody familiar with the compasses and square symbol of freemasonry with the g in the middle well that's what the g stands for at the highest level they'll talk about many many porch masons these are the exoteric masons that are given the teachings of the profane and they think they're in the know okay they're given the the informational this only means geometry it only means god etc okay one of the things they'll tell you it means at a slightly higher level is that it means gnosis knowledge at a higher level at illuminated levels of freemasonry which are above the 32nd degree they will give you what the real meaning of the g inside the compasses and square is and it is the generative principle it means genesis creation okay and yeah you can tie that right back to god i'm not saying those things are different and the forms that get created in the physical manifested world are geometric forms so it is geometry as well it's all these things but at the highest level it's the generative principle that's what that g really stands for in esoteric freemasonry okay it's called the generative principle because that means to create it comes from the word generative comes from latin the verb generate means to create the generative principle is what we create through and it's lost because people don't care they don't have care hence it's the lost principle okay here's how it works folks what we care enough to put our will behind okay so again heart mind guts guts is the will the action the masculine principle that's what gets gets things done ultimately in the physical domain what we care enough to put our will behind and that's driven by the care that's the generator or the pump that drives the will okay what we care enough to put our will behind is ultimately what gets created or manifested in our world the world is the way that it is because most people do not care enough even if they say they pay lip service okay and say that they want things to be different they don't care enough to actually change it through their actions because when again when it comes all down to it that the thing that is ultimately generating our reality is behavior action is what's generating the reality that gets generated through what we care about because our cares and our desires drive our actions okay so most people will say they want things to change but then when you say what are you doing to make that change happen not a word silence comes back on the other end they don't care enough to change it through their actions that's what the generative or lost principle is about until that principle is regained and people get out of their laziness and if people are going to make real change happen the idea that it can be done without taking actual real world action has to be purged from human consciousness reality does not work like that period the end
Channel: Motivation Manifested
Views: 331,940
Rating: 4.8872871 out of 5
Keywords: law of attraction, the law of attraction, law of attraction explained, law of attraction motivation, law of attraction love, the law of attraction the secret, the 7 hermetic principles, lost hermetic principle, mark passio
Id: xlmmtsIiKTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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