The Hyuga's BIGGEST Secret REVEALED?!

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so I was just going about my Mery way today Meandering my way through my emails when I got hit with a rather simple yet weighty email see every single day I receive a Litany of two different kinds of emails the first kind of email is a grouping of emails of people pretending to be the CEO of fortun 500 companies reaching out to me to advertise their product which is like a it's a weird scam I've never really emailed them back to see what they're trying to pull but they're like hello I am the CEO of Proctor and Gamble and we want you to advertise our products it's easier if I just read one for you okay I just got an email from somebody contact Jazelle at and their name on their email is just Voss as in the water email goes greetings YouTuber space comma reaching out from the team at Voss waterer our team is excited about the prospect of a collaborative opportunity with you could you please confirm that this is your preferred way to reach out for you for upcoming collaborations space question mark many thank what's the grip there but the other kind of email is emails about anime things and well plenty of the emails are emails about anime things that I've answered thousands of times and usually I'll just send them the YouTube video of me answering their specific question because instead of typing out a whole answer why don't I get another view out of it but occasionally and I mean occasionally I'll get emailed a question that genuinely I've never answered before and well if I've never answered the question before I'll go out of my way to answer the question for the person asking me usually that's where the interaction ends somebody asks me a relatively simple question I go huh never thought that and then I think of a possible answer and I answer their question because genuinely it's really hard to extrapolate one question into a whole video however today that's not the case see because today while I was asked a relatively simple question that had a relatively simple and straightforward answer the more I got to thinking about this question and its respective answer more I realized there's a rabbit hole here what is this relatively simple question and what's its relatively simple answer and more importantly what's the rabbit hole well let's start with the question the question asks why can ow and for those of you who don't remember a was the mizukages aid the one with blue hair and an eye patch who was able to look at yagura using the Byakugan he stole during one of the wars I don't remember which one probably the third and was able to tell that yagura had been put under the spell of again jutu that he was subsequently broken out of that led to yura's death yeah that ow they asked why can a activate and deactivate their Byakugan when no other person who has the dojutsu of a clan that they don't belong to has the ability to deactivate said dojutsu and genuinely for some reason I'd never thought of that Al gets introduced about halfway through chapua and for some reason the idea that Al was able to activate and deactivate his Byakugan when people like Kakashi donzo and shin aren't able to activate and deactivate theirs never really hit me as weird possibly because one of them is using a byaku gun and one of them's using a shing gun but still technically is a is not a Huga Clan member he shouldn't be able to activate and deactivate his Byakugan if anything his Byakugan should be constantly activated kind of like how Kakashi danzo and shin Sharingan are always activated and honestly while they the answer to this question might seem obvious from an outside of the universe perspective possible in Universe explanation set me down a rabbit hole that I wasn't entirely prepared for a deep and winding rabbit hole that somehow explains why the Huga have a main and side branch family system yeah yeah while stumbling for the answer of the in Universe explanation as to why a was able to activate and deactivate his Byakugan I realized that 's variability to activate and deactivate his Byakugan explains why the Huga have their incredibly cruel Side branch family system and while I'm not endorsing the side branch family system now that I understand what I do about the Huga the Byakugan and what happens when a Byakugan ends up in the face of somebody not with the last name of Huga I'm beginning to understand is why the Huga would feel as though the presence of a side branch family would be a necessity because without the side branch family system the Huga would have disappeared Generations ago in fact Generations might be kind the Huga may have never even risen to power if not for the side branch family and the key to understand ing all of that the 2,000 years of Huga history lies in the one simple fact that Al can deactivate and activate his Byakugan and that is what we're going to be talking about today cuz today we're talking the Huga cast system was the right thing to do before we get into the relatively deep water of explaining the moral obligations of a cast system guys please for me like the video subscribe to the page and hit that noty Bell and if you guys want to hear me make profound statements about some of your other favorite anime go ahead and follow my other channel the weeb commander or instead of talking about Naruto and boruto I talk all other anime if you guys just want to hear me make incredibly non profound statements about anime go ahead and follow my anime podcast so talk to Anonymous where me and Danny ma break down everything happened in anime this week it's available on YouTube Spotify and apple podcasts or if you want to look like somebody who just talks profoundly about anime go ahead and me enter into my merch store talk is anonymous. net where you can pick up some of the greatest anime t-shirt sweatshirt and sticker packs known to man before we get into all that today we got to talk about a brand new sponsor to the page Sky tech gaming Sky Tech has you covered when it comes to All Things pre-built PCS or custom PCS Sky Tech has options for every level of budget and experience it doesn't matter if you're brand new to computers or a seasoned vet Sky Tech has got you covered and if you go the custom PC route Sky Tech even gives you the option to watch your custom PC be built live on their twitch Sky techgaming official and everything that you get from Sky tech gaming comes with a one-year guarantee and a lifetime customer service guarantee they also offer easy pay overtime financing options and an affiliate program where those of you with communities of your own could earn 6% on sales to those in your immediate circle and 6% of a custom PC build is pretty good and you can sign up with this using the link in my description so if you're looking for a great PC make sure you visit Sky tech gaming today so when you consider the question why can a activate and deactivate his Bagon the answer might seem fairly simple especially if you're looking at the question from an outside of the universe explanation standpoint see because to me at least least the reason that a has the ability to activate and deactivate the Byakugan is because if he didn't him having a Byakugan would be more of a curse than a blessing in fact if he didn't have the ability to deactivate the Bakugon he'd be dead by now he would have been dead hours if not minutes after transplanting that Byakugan into his face unless of course he proceeded to yank that Byakugan back out of his face because like as we all know if somebody ends up with a shingon that's not theirs like Kakashi danzo or Shin they have the ability to cover those shingon and because technically those Shang Gan aren't looking at anything the chakra Jane associated with having them activated is substantially lessened and this is why Kakashi wears his headband over one of his eyes why Dano wears long sleeves and has wrappings over one of his eyes Shin's a bit of an exception he is an insane amount of chakra because he has Hoster cells crafted onto it but then again so does danzo and this is why shin and danzo are able to have multiple activated Charing gone constantly however as we know though just covering up the Shing gon doesn't completely erase the chakra expenditure associated with having an act activated Shing gun but the lessening of that drain is what we're looking for here unfortunately that is not the case with the Byakugan covering a Byakugan would accomplish a grand total of absolutely nothing Bagon when activated is able to see in all 360° for up to a kilometer I don't know if you guys know this but if you want to see in all 360° that means you have to see through your own skull which at least in my case is a fair bit thicker than any piece of cloth you're going to wrap around my eyes because of this regardless of how much cloth you wrap around your eyes you're still going to be able to see as the Bagon function a lot like the six eyes Gojo is able to see through his wrappings he just sees better when they're not on or should I say that the six eyes operate like the Byakugan cuz they came first and this is corroborated by the fact that when how ever activates his Byakugan he doesn't remove his eye patch he just looks through it because the Bakugan is able to see through trees rocks houses and if he can see through all of those much denser than cloth things from a kilometer away yeah putting a bandage over your eye isn't going to fix anything and thus if hypothetically 's Byakugan was activated constantly he would just die of chakra drink and thus the only way for a to stop this chakra drain would either be to destroy his Byakugan or take it out which would make the inclusion of a character with one Byakugan that they stole from a Huga Clan member that they either killed or just plucked the eye out of impossible so from an outside Universe perspective yeah it makes a lot of sense that Al has the ability to activate and deactivate his Byakugan as the constant activation of the Byakugan would either kill him through chakra drain or simply just blind him cuz activating a Byakugan is not only incredibly draining on your chakra it's also very stressful on your body as in order to use a Byakugan at the height of its powers you have to funnel a ton of blood to your eyes and this is why whenever a Huga Clan member activates their Byakugan all of the veins around their eyes pop out so if the chakra expenditure didn't kill him the constant redirection of all the blood in his body to his eyes probably would have now like I said obviously this isn't the case with the shingun but that doesn't mean that there isn't an Associated constant chakra drain that comes along with having a Charing gun you can't shut off as we learned for Kakashi after he lost his shingan in the fourth great Shinobi world war that hok Kakashi and after Hokage Kakashi has a chakra pool that's borderline incomparable to the chakra pool he had in the fourth great Shinobi world war that is to say that it's massively larger so much larger that Kakashi is able to maintain a lightning resistant mud wall around an entire Village for 12 hours in mind you this lightning resistant mud wall is under constant barrage from cannons that shoot lightning and Earth release is inherently weak to lightning release and therefore Kakashi had to line the wall with quartz which cost him even more chakra as the quartz made his mud wall invulnerable to lightning attacks and the specific reason cited for the fact that Kakashi was able to pull off a feet like this was the fact that he no longer had the chakra drain of having a shing gun however Kakashi pulling a feet like this off showed us that Kakashi has always had one of the largest chakra pools in all of Naruto because the list of people from Naruto and narut shuttin who would be able to pull off something like holding up a mud wall for 12 hours is less than 10 in fact it might be less than five and thus while Kakashi's choco pool technically didn't get any bigger when he lost his shangan he now for the first time since he was 13 had access to the entirety of his chakra pool which is show us that even though a shingan was covered the majority of the time it was limiting his chakra usage pretty substantially and this is important because of Kakashi one of the wielders of the largest chakra pools in the entirety of Naruto was that handicapped by just having one shingon that mind you he kept covered most of the time then it's safe to say that the drain of having a shingon as a nonua member is probably too much for anybody outside of people like Kakashi meaning that only people in the top 1% of the 1% of the 1% of chakra pools are able to wield a shingon if they're not in U and thus the uch kind of had a built-in deterrent to the concept of people trying to take their eyes and use them against them because of hypothetically I was a ninja of fair to slightly above average strength with fair to slightly above average chakra and I killed a decently strong uch one might assume that the first thing that I would do was snag their eyes and shove them into my face because now as a fair to slightly above average strength ninja I'm now way stronger through the usage of the shangan except of course that I can't deactivate them see Not only would I not want two shingan because I'd have to cover them both and then I couldn't see but as somebody with a fair to midling amount of chakra even one Shang Gan might make me entirely useless which is why even though the ucha have existed for thousands of years and have died in droves for thousands of years we weren't seeing your average senju yank out their eyes and toss one of them into their face because more likely than not people understood that if you weren't in U A Sharingan was a Lo too heavy for you to properly bear and thus the UIA technically had built an insurance to make sure that people wouldn't steal their eyes postmortem or wouldn't try to steal their eyes while they were still alive and this would explain why the UI never technically took any precautions to make sure that their eyes weren't stolen there was no side branch families there was no Cur seals there was no political maneuvering the Y just simply knew that other people knew that they wouldn't be able to use the shingon and thus they went about their days but the same very obviously can't be said about the Huga see because the entire main branch and side branch system is predicated on the defense of the Byakugan and more importantly its Secrets is at least what they say in the show in the manga but how does the system work and how does it protect the Byakugan well as we all know there's a side branch and a main branch and quite frankly you're either Born Into the main branch or the side branch with really the only differentiator being that if the leader of the main branch family has two children then the oldest stays in the main branch and the youngest goes to the side branch and this is what happened with Hayashi Hinata's Dad and hiashi niji's Dad but other than that if you're born into the side branch family you're the side branch if you're born into the main branch family you're in the main branch the side branch family's entire role in life is to protect the main branch family but how do they do that and why are they qualified to do that well every single member of the side branch family receives a curse mark in the form of a mangi on their forehead and these curse marks are placed on the members of the side branch family when the next head of the main branch family is born so when Hinata was born all of the members of the side branch family that didn't already have curs marks were given curse marks oh wait I'm sorry it happens on the third birthday of the next ER era not when they're born but regardless that means that Nei got his Curse Mark when he not a turned three and these curse marks allow main branch family members to control Side branch family members but how basically these curse marks give the main branch family members the ability to impose a massive amount of damage and pain to the forehead of any side branch family member so it's controlled through the fact that they have a guaranteed way to hurt the side branch family members if they disobey and this can lead to death in fact it leads to death more often than not because if hypothetically a main branch family member imposes too much damage through the curse mark it fries the brain of the side branch family member so members of the side branch family live under constant threat of either incredible damage to the frontal LOE or just straight up death and while this is an important aspect of how the curse mark Works technically if you asked any member of the main branch family what's the most important aspect of how the curse mark Works they would say it's that when the side branch family members die their Byakugan is instantly sealed as when a side branch family member's heart stops beating the curs mark stretches over their eyes and seals their Byakugan away forever and this is why hiashi Huga after the Huga incident after the conclusion of the third great shobi world war was killed in replacement of Hayashi because his body when sent to the hidden Cloud wouldn't be able to have the Byakugan extracted however because Hayashi and Hayashi were twins the hidden Cloud didn't know any better and thus by sending the corpse of Hayashi the hidden Cloud weren't able to get their grubby little Ms on the secrets of the Bagon and since this system is in place usually members of the side branch family are the people out on the front lines of wars and battles as if a member of the side branch family dies it's not that consequential I mean obviously nobody wants any of the Huga dead but at least the Byakugan can't be stolen from their faces however this doesn't mean that members of the main branch family don't fight they absolutely do however they'll only ever fight with other members of the side branch family present as the side branch family members have to guarantee that the main branch family member either doesn't die or at least can get away usually giving up their life in order to usually giving up their life in order to ensure that goal because the main branch family members who don't bear the Cur seal once they're dead can simply have their eyes popped out and apparently with the knowledge that we've learned from the fact that a was able to activate and deactivate his Byakugan and therefore use it just as effectively as any member of the Huga Clan outside of gentle fist obviously it's possibility that the Huga also knew this see because well it's clear and obvious to us how a Byakugan works in the face of somebody not named Huga the Huga had been around for over 2,000 years and I doubt that the side branch family and the main branch family was Ham's idea and thus it probably came abundantly evident to the earliest iterations of the Huga that whenever they lost the Huga somebody was able to not only take their eyes but use it just as well as them and while sure they didn't have access to things like the gentle Fist and the Palms techniques they would still be able to access the massive visual prowess of the Byakugan at next to no cost and therefore the earli iterations of the Huga realized that if we lost a couple of people maybe two or so dozen Ander rival Clan were to take their bodies and steal their Baka gun we as a clan would technically lose all relevance Not only would they lose all relevance they'd lose any advantage they had in battle because well the Huga had the ability to be a kilometer away from somebody and still see them and track them that person also has a Byakugan and they can be tracking you right back now any political or battle advantage that we might have had previous is erased because the one thing that make the Huga Clan the most powerful clan in Kona and therefore by extension probably the most powerful clan on Earth is their byaku God but if anybody can use the secret Ace in their sleeve then it's hardly a secret Ace unless you do everything in your power to make sure that nobody else can ever get their hands on it and here's the thing in Universe people being able to activate and deactivate the Byakugan actually makes a lot of sense if you think of the activation of a Byakugan like the activation of an MS see we all know that Kakashi and danzo and shin are able to activate their shangan from a base form to that of an MS which is perplexing giving what we know about dojutsu because that's not their Kai and therefore why are they able to activate an MS the the best reason we have to explain this is because when all three of these people received these msis they most likely weren't activated into their Ms form that to say when donzo popped out shisu's kotto matsuk Kam it wasn't in its kotto matsuk swirly form when Kakashi received Obito's eyes Obito hadn't even awoken Ms yet and the MS that Shin had was created by Orochimaru and therefore it wouldn't be activated until placed in shin and therefore because they didn't receive the shangan at their highest level they never had to worry about deactivating an aspect of a k Gen Kai that they didn't own however since there's a fair amount of possibility that all of the eyes that danuk Kakashi and shin put into their body at some point or another were in their base form when extracted as all of the eyes that donzo had he collected on the night of the massacre we know for a fact that Obito's eyes were activated when Kakashi took it because he was just in a battle against a hidden stone shobi and once again Shin's eyes were made for him by Orochimaru so who really knows and because the shangan were activated when they were extracted they could never go below the form in which they were extracted that doesn't mean that they wouldn't be able to go above see because well obviously shis was the person to awaken Koto matsuk danzo very clearly has access to Koto matsuk and while it's kind of hazy as to whether or not Kakashi awoke Kami simultaneously with Obito or Obito just aoke kamoi in both eyes at the very least Kakashi was present for the Awakening of kamoi as an MS and thus if anybody would technically have a better shot at being able to use an MS that is to say step up their eye from a bay Shar and gun to the MS form that would be Kakashi but since Don to Kakashi and shin can all oscillate from the base form of the shangan to the MS form of the shangan if we think of the activation of the Byakugan like the activation of an MS from a base form Charing gun then it's deactivation in the hands of somebody whose last name is in Huga actually makes sense and really why shouldn't it be like that Bakugon has no higher form at least one that's accessible to humans than its simple activation and one could say the same thing about the EMS well obviously things like the EMS exist technically your average human doesn't have access to anything above Ms Andor EMS now obviously if your average human gets access to haguro chakra they'll be able to awaken a renegon but one could make the same argument for the evolution from the Byakugan into the ton because one of the most prevailing theories in Al aboro is that because himawari has utki chakra she'll be able to awaken the ton and let's not forget that homo is very much an utki and also not the only utki with renon on top of this the activation of the Byakugan brings a considerable amount of strain to the eyes and so does the activation of the Ms and while activating the Byakugan doesn't make that Eye Blind it's still not super fun on your corneus and thus the similarities between the activation of the Byakugan and the activation of Ms are pretty glare and if you were to compare the two of these things it would explain why the Byakugan truly never gets a power up until the last and thus the real reason that the Huga set up their separated family structure is because they knew that their Byakugan was quite literally ripe for picking and if they were to continually lose members of their Clan who lost their Byakugan to the enemies that killed them all relevant strength and political power they had would disappear showing them in the rest of the world that there was truly nothing special about them outside of the fact that they were born with a Byakugan but the Huga could have just become a Byakugan farm for other more powerful Clans as they in the rest of the world could very easily figure out that the byaku gun can be used by anyone and therefore anybody would be able to achieve the level of power that your average Huga Clan member has and ow is a Living testament to that fact but this raises an age-old question that I've answered multiple times well then how did Al get his Byakugan and while we don't know for sure the two convention accepted theories is that either he killed a member of the main branch family which is a possibility in the third great Shinobi World War for sure as it was one of the deadliest conflicts in ninja history and the second possibility is that he just pulled the danzo and plucked the eyeball out of somebody's face while they were still alive be they main branch or side branch family because the ccal doesn't kick in until the person dies and therefore if you pluck the eyeball out of a side branch family member then you get the eye but all that really matters is that ow ended up with a Byakugan and he has the ability to use it technically as well as any Huga Clan landsman outside of obviously the exception of gentle fist which is a Tai Jutsu you have to train in for multiple years but does any of this excuse the existence of the side branch family now the side branch family basically lives indentured servants to the main branch and the cruelty and wrongness of that system is one of the major talking points of OG Naruto in fact it's one of the most compelling plot points of OG Naruto well then Nick what should the yugu have done in order to protect their beak gun uh it's actually incredibly simple just put the Cur seals on everybody and don't include the whole thing of oh hey a couple of people can melt the other people's brains if the other people are acting up because if everybody's got a curse seal then the second they die their Byakugan are sealed away and now there's no cast system it's stunningly simple we set up the system to stop Byakugan from being stolen why do half the people not have the thing that stops the Byakugan from being stolen it's probably how Al ended up with one in the first place just it just it's it's wildly idiotic but what do you guys think do you believe it was people like Al that made the Huga set up their two family system tell me in the comments below and why you guys are down there please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noty Bell imagine being the guy who's just like placing the Cur seals on everyone he's like man it's crazy how they stop them from getting their eyes stolen I'm going to go melt somebody's brain [Music] now of
Channel: NCHammer 23
Views: 114,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, Anime, Manga, Naruto Shippuden, Boruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, Sharingan, Rasengan, Nine-tailed Fox, Shinobi, Jutsu, Hidden Leaf Village, Akatsuki, Ninja War, Naruto vs Sasuke, Naruto vs Pain, Naruto vs Madara, Naruto OST, Naruto Opening, Naruto Ending, Naruto AMV, Naruto Review, Naruto Analysis, Naruto Theories, Naruto Explained, Naruto Characters, Naruto Moments, Naruto Best Fights, Naruto Best Scenes, Naruto Top 10, Naruto Top 5
Id: asLdvmJe7sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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