I Got a PARAGON in the BTD 7 Mod?!

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that's right everyone your favorite mod is back the bt87 mod also known as the roguelike mod a mod which you get to choose your base starting Tower and hero and then every 10 Rounds you get to pick a new set of towers with predetermined tiers having to fight bosses every 20 rounds and of course it's better than ever my friends alright you can now re-roll your Tower options so every few times you get to re-roll to hopefully get better options you also now can choose bosses and the phase boss has been added in today's video we're going to be fighting exclusively the FaZe boss seeing if we can beat it getting randomized lucky Towers so obviously you all know we play on the hardest difficulty here and of course this is where you can actually choose your boss which is really cool so we're gonna do phase only game and of course we need to pick a hero that can like just inherently pick hit camos because the phase does work a little bit strangely so I don't think Adora works really I feel like it's Gotta Be solder right or does it have to be Quincy I think it has to be Quincy Quincy or Sada I'm gonna go with I hate to pick Quincy I hate it but I'm gonna go with Quincy now I feel like it's always an option just to go Super Monkey and man I'd really like to get a banana Farm but I don't know if I can survive that long it would just Quincy like there's no way Quincy can do it on his own can he I don't know but I'd ah but like that's that's really risky I'm gonna do it oh wait we get to pick one more all right I ended up actually changing my mind uh instead of Quincy we're gonna go with Sada because she can hold her own for a lot longer in the early game and she can hit camo anyway so I think that's gonna be fine there we go and she's just gonna be off doing her thing right like she's just gonna crush it right off the bat I love this mod and if you love this mod too make sure to hit that like button and subscribe to the channel if you're new reality begins to distort that's right so you actually get warnings of what boss you're gonna have to go up against which is really nice so it's not really a surprise anymore so you can actually try to plan and build up to whatever you're fighting which is so nice that it just doesn't come out of like nowhere and surprise you and shock you right like you actually be like oh okay I'm going up against red balloon maybe I should get some extra towers and some lead popping abilities right oh I'm going up against FaZe you know now I need to get camo detection it'll be really interesting seeing that we're gonna be going only up against phase because now we have to focus around getting towers that have camo detector so we might get some really good options like darling Gunner's not bad like Village is kind of worthless right because we can't get camera detection ice monkey has camera detection but I I mean darling Gunner one darling Gunner I feel like is the play here I mean I do want to make sure I just get increased production and greater production is it best to just get the darling Gunner now and place him down I don't think so I don't think so I think just I think being greedy is the play all right or I'm just gonna be greedy and just wait to get a Super Monkey like I think that's I think this is what I must do we have one more selection of towers before we fight face now FaZe at Round 20 is like come on he's a big chicken 25 more cash is it worth spending a thousand dollars so the banana farm would have to make four thousand dollars in order for that to be worth it and it's already made 600 by around is it worth it to pay off in 40 rounds to get like an extra thousand dollars I don't think so I think I actually wasted some money there I think that's a bad idea but that's fine because I could have gotten a Super Monkey and not lost not leaked balloons and gotten the money from popping them but Sada just leveled up and she can slice through two layers of balloon so she just became exceptionally stronger all right now we can go ahead and just get a Super Monkey at Round 12. getting Super Monkey is the play right like getting super Monkey is 100 the play with banana Farms I feel like that's the strategy right there there we go but we are gonna have to deal with camo balloons I'm just gonna wait I'm gonna wait and see what we get at the end of round 15 and if I wanna have to re-roll but you only have a limited amount of rerolls and I don't want to waste my re-rolls right like that seems oh oh super monkeys yeah I think that doesn't really I [Music] oh yeah I just get another Super Monkey getting another Super Monkey is definitely the play and we just put the Super Monkey we're so strong now this is crazy I don't want to like waste my Super Monkey but like there we go oh but they're gonna be oh man it's gonna be so expensive I need three thousand will I be even be able to have I should not have put down that Super Monkey because now I will I be able to get ultravision just barely all right I can just barely get ultravision but it costs like 1 000 to put down so I could have gotten laser blast so that kind of can he hit wait can he hit face please tell me he can hit face okay and Sonic and hit phase two are we gonna be able to oh are we like all right there we go we did a little bit more damage to it he's got his warp okay we are super Monkey can hit him which is nice keep going Sada please laser blast 2500 I could I get darling gun I could get I'm gonna get my darling Gunner and get Advanced targeting and focus fire I mean it's not a lot right okay that's the second the reality Warfare the boss is so cool FaZe is so gnarly it's such a cool boss I love it all right there we go especially when he does that warp jump it's so good he's like out the eyes he's looking around oh man I love it all right there we go all right easy peasy we can go ahead and put this guy here we're about to get some stuff in five rounds I would love to get some more banana Farms again we're gonna be going up again phase for all of them just because it's the new boss and I really want to see how it changes up the strategy when you have to go up against only phase I think it's definitely a lot easier when you're only fighting one boss when you have to fight all of them it definitely puts a damper in it right because it's like man this is way more difficult so this is already made three thousand dollars so our valuable bananas might have been paying off actually we've got five thousand dollars so we're doing pretty good and our super movie is knockback which is so good oh lead balloons lead balloons uh luckily Sada is a boss okay uh these are all bad well these two just can't hit cameras so it has to be the wizard like it it has to be the wizard and Arcane Mastery is not bad like it's not great right it's not great I wish it was fire breathing but I cannot be greedy and I should not be greedy tense magic monkey sense he actually has a lot of rain and he's not doing too bad maybe I underestimate him this guy's gotta hit Ultra Vision like what am I doing not having my other Super Monkey have camera detection and then do we just get Plasma Blast I'd like plasma blasts okay this wizard monkey is kind of crushing he's got 1500 pops already he's about to pass he's already passed the Super Monkey wait what okay Arcane masteries kinda goaded it's kinda really good I always just like downplayed it because it's only 1 300 but man like he's he can't pop blood balloons all right just get just get plasma black I'm done I don't want to deal with lead balloons do I just get plasma on this no because then I have problems then I can't hit purples I'm gonna get laser shock and faster barrel spin because right now purples are kind of our worst nightmare because we've got Wizard and plasma luckily we do have Sada and we have darling Gunner to kind of deal with any of that stuff I'm surprised Arcane Mastery can't hit lead balloons I feel like arcade Mastery should be able to hit lead balloons all right am I crazy for thinking this also I have come to the conclusion got the valuable bananas was indeed worth it it was indeed worth it we've already made six thousand dollars so five banana Farms yeah yeah yeah definitely and then we can get banana plantations yeah definitely this is the play uh will I be able to defeat fate oh my gosh there's so many moabs it's only around 37 I got sent like six moabs they need to calm down good sir is there anything else that I can buy or spend my money on I can get an I can upgrade the Super Monkey but I don't even think I need it like I think I'm so good for this round that I think I can just I think I can just keep I can Splurge here and I can just get all of my banana Farms I'm gonna be so rich I'm gonna be bawling in the later rounds all right when you're playing B27 mod oh here he comes I'm literally just gonna get banana plantation and that's how like confident I am okay I could get plot like oh yeah we're destroying this boss okay maybe okay maybe we're not like destroying this guy all right never mind look at this guy he's getting dish he is getting pretty whacked he's getting beat up let's go this guy's got ten thousand pops what he's gonna die twelve thousand all right I've changed my mind Arcane Mastery is insane that's crazy that's so good I'm sorry I ever doubted you I'm sorry I ever doubted you okay for my hero give me a hero that can hit camo balloons please and thank you I'd also be good with Benjamin because Benjo makes me money so Benjamin just um these two can't hit camo bullets Geraldo has an ability that can give them camo but that's a camo buff so it doesn't count so Benjamin it is and we'll throw Benjamin over here and so benjamin'll help just get us like tons of levels right I wish we had banks that would have been a pretty cool thing we're at 17 000 I hope we start getting more expensive Towers I feel like if we could get some really expensive Towers up in here that would be amazing like come on give me I think we can start getting T4 Towers now maybe maybe we can we're about to find out at the end of this round we're gonna select from a couple of towers and hopefully we get something just absolutely gnarly right something just Epic oh three plasma accelerators over an Apache dard ship oh my gosh those are so good plasma accelerator's so good but Dart ship but a patch that's 20 000 that's like forty thousand that's pretty expensive and that's really good on cubism but the Apache oh man these are this is difficult I'm gonna go with the heli pilot I think that's the proper thing to do here and then I have to make sure I get IFR and then Apache Dart ship that still leaves me with twenty thousand dollars though so maybe I should have gotten the more expensive Tower but I don't know I'm I'm I made my decision okay in life it's important to be able to make decisions and then live with the decision you made all right it's very important just make the decision with the information you have and then never look back never never be like oh I could have made a better decision or you know I should have done you can't do that you make a decision and you move forward with it all right so that's the decision I'm sticking with my heli pilot look at that we're already at 16 000 pops and we still have so much extra money too so it's not like I needed to spend that money like at the end around 55 hopefully we'll have a pretty cool thing because we're already up to t4s now so now that we're up on t4s we should be able to get some really cool stuff I don't think we need any banana Farms like these guys are making us a lot of money right now I wonder if it'd be possible to do this without two starting Towers could you imagine you have no starting Towers at all that means you'd only have two towers for the boss that'd be rough but really fun I would I'd kind of be down to give that a try has everybody been upgraded and leveled up they have and I'm chilling at 75 000 this is why banana farms in the early game makes it a little bit more difficult but if you can manage your chilling foreign these are all really bad I guess I'll get wizard Lord the Phoenix because I can get camera detection with that I will get that so I'm going to just go ahead and get this guy this dragon's breath summon Phoenix and then intense magic but I'm still just chilling on what am I supposed to do with my 72 2 000 all right next level will I be able to deal with it I think I'm pretty confident in this actually I think this is gonna go very well for us like we got fire fire breathers the phase is starting to get a little bit strong okay wait the phases oh he actually gets quite a big jump here all right Sada let's see sada's 27 000 Pops that is not too shabby how's this get 52 000 pops all right um look at this wizard monkey 31 000 that's actually not bad uh we I think we're doing okay here I'm glad that I got the heli pilot and I don't have to because if you get the plasmic sellers I have to like aim it at it and I'm just not about that lifestyle you know I'm just I'm not oh whoa okay he's actually getting kind of far he's actually getting a little bit further than I wanted him to which if he had it my way he would he would instantly get popped I like how it please tell me he doesn't have another HP is he gonna go even further please don't oh oh wait is he gonna pop or is he gonna like jump forward I think we're fine yeah look at the Apache these okay we were able to pop him nice very very very nice we're gonna get some towers and a couple rounds and we'll be good to go so far so good if only I could get something expensive to spend my money on we're around 65 right like and I have a hundred thousand dollars if I could get something like amazing that would be real cool that would be oh oh snap Flying Fortress or six sniper monkeys oh man okay hear me yeah hear me out everybody or an ultra boost okay Flying Fortress is amazing and I want to get a flying fortress right I do I do but the sniper monkeys will give me so much money I'm going sniper monkeys I'm going sniper monkeys I'm telling you this is the play [Music] this is definitely the play these snipers together just will do so much and they can hit camos look at how many bombs they're getting there we go and now we just have a small army of them that they're not going to be doing as good as a flying fortress they cost well it was that like sixty thousand dollars seventy thousand it was probably seventy thousand dollars to buy all of them but look at this oh whoops I didn't I needed to use all of it I didn't get them all down in time look at how much money they make and then please round 75 let's get us something something really juicy because we low-key struggled on that last boss and these snipers alone are good but they're not good enough to be able to deal with all the good I think right like they're not ready to deal with the whole the whole King caboodle the whole shebang you know what I'm saying all right ready and so we have 76 000 85 000 we get ten thousand dollars every time we use that ability that's a lot of money they're going to make a considerable amount of money for us and we can just like spam that ability so very nice actually I'm just gonna get it Tech bot and I'm gonna link it to that guy so every time his abilities all cool down wait wait wait wait wait ddts at Round 75 that's crazy oh two Comanche commanders oh wait we can re-roll we have two I forgot about re-rolls oh my gosh okay let's totally reroll then all right come on give me something good re-roll oh three Prince of darknesses [Music] mortar monkeys I guess we'll go Prince of Darkness I don't [Music] oh man that seems so bad though oh I could get I could get these guys which are better for Boss balloons but they can't it can't neither of these hit camo boots so literally that's worthless so it has to be the wizard monkey wait can these guys hit camo balloons if they're in the range if they have advanced Intel I think they can that'll be the biggest waste of money if they can't though like actually the biggest waste of money but this guy's not gonna do anything anyways I'm just gonna go with that we're about to find out [Music] I mean we also get sub Commander subcommander look at this look at this look at that money money armor piercing all right let's see this I I'm I'm still waiting for an expensive tower that we can get okay we can put this guy here there's no way I can't fit another Sub in here no oh I saw it I saw it I saw it okay thank goodness I was about to rage to it there we go all right let's find out if this these guys can hit phase boss I will be really upset if they can't like I'll actually be livid if they can't hit face boss they should they should be able to hit face boss in the range of camo boys okay they should I'm not saying they will can they they can yes thank you thank you they don't do it oh yeah look at how much damage they do okay let's go and look at our sniper monkeys yes yes very good calling in reinforcements cash drops thank you look at this fifteen thousand dollars I'm gonna they've almost made as much as our banana farms and they've gotten a ridiculous amount of oh no I accidentally picked Striker Jones no I wouldn't want Striker Jones it just popped up on my screen oh that hurts that hurts so bad I've got no bomb Shooters I've got no mortar monkeys I've got nothing I've got nothing he can't even hit the boss all right I that's so sad I I saw there was like a Dora I don't know what else there was it just hurts it just hurts okay just let me suffer it hurts my soul it makes me so very sad okay the ddts are getting a little bit too far now this is what I'm talking about okay never mind these are really bad I don't want any of this do I waste my re-roll these are so bad I'm gonna reroll please Ninja Kiwi gods when I re-roll please give me something good give me something absolutely dank and I will be very happy thank you three two one boom I don't like awful these are absolutely I guess I'll guess I'll get the village I the I guess this is okay because I can get Homeland defense and then increases everyone's attack speed and then I can get jungle drums so everyone will attack faster too it could be worse I've just been sitting on like 70 000 all game with nothing to do nothing to do I've had give me something crazy okay give me Rey a doom give me an mad give me like what else can I get what else is just super good like even like I feel like a paragon it could be cool okay I don't have enough money for a paragon actually I might like if I sold some towers and sold some stuff I might be able to get it look at this 27 000 he's actually made more than my banana Farms now this guy has definitely paid off what what what a Paragons you can get Paragons okay okay okay okay wait wait how though there's no way I'll have the money to buy these two but I might be able to get the Apex plasma master so if I just click it what happens so they just give me wait it says oh it's a free Dart monkey so wait it's 325 000. can I get 325 000 is that possible is that a thing that'll happen I don't know but that would be kind of crazy we could try to get an apex class an apex plasma Master getting a paragon in btd7 roguelike mod would be epic how much does this sell for that sells for fifty six thousand these all sell for five thousand it would be close it would be very close I'd have to sell a lot of things in order to make it work if I sold everything I might be able to make it happen do we dare try do we dare try I don't know I think that would be I kind of want to but can it solo the boss that's the question I don't want Ninja monkeys they're just I just don't want it all in a nice monkey but I also don't want the ice monkey so I'm just gonna put this guy down and we can upgrade this guy to crossbowmaster I just get two I could just get like two crossbow Masters that would be kind of cool I guess I can also just go ahead and get Ultra Juggernaut I'm leaning towards wanting to try to get that it's possible it's certainly plausible plausible I think it can be done to get the Apex plasma Master the video this we just destroy it it got demolished okay we got 20 rounds to get the Apex plasma master I feel like we gotta try which we gotta try I think that would be so cool to get a paragon fortified bad eh that's not super brutal look at biker bones he's gotten 5 000 pops get it together microphones okay I need 325 000 I have a hundred thousand I need two hundred and twenty thousand dollars two hundred and twenty thousand dollars all right so 10 20. 30. so there's thirty thousand dollars so a hundred ninety thousand dollars there's 56 so that's like a hundred and forty thousand dollars and then I can sell all of these for so it's like eighty thousand dollars left it's gonna be really close I gotta wait a little bit but I think I I think I can get there uh none of these work none literally none of these will work I have a reroll though I'm gonna reroll ninja monkeys I I don't care about any of these I guess I'll just get the ninja monkeys because that's kind of cool I want to try to get the Apex plasma Master I've won it's gonna be like a zero degree paragon it's good is it even worth it though like all of these towers are so strong oh this sells for 20 000 as well we can definitely get it we can definitely get it if we like if we if we like scrunch around and we really really work for it I think it's possible I I've played this game for like four plus years and I have no idea no almost five plus years I have no idea how this ability works it downgrades the balloons you make more money but like I don't know exactly how like I have no idea I don't think anyone actually knows like if someone tries to tell you it and they try to explain I don't think they know it's the talk they have no clue they're just making things up they're at 179 000 we're gonna be able to get a paragon in roguelike which I think would be so epic we are really close I just want to see what our last Tower here is gonna be if it's going to be anything like really good right none of these are that great I have a I have my last re-roll might as well banana Farms uh is even worth trying to get a bank at this point it's not it doesn't it doesn't it's getting banana forms it's five rounds right so like that's not gonna unfortunately I don't think that's gonna happen well you won't be able to make your money back in in time all right we just have to get ready for the phase and then sell all of our banana Farms sell the village wait I wonder if we I don't think we can like use the Boost and then sell that but we're gonna be really close we only need about a hundred thousand dollars anyways so we're very very very very very close 235 I didn't need a hundred thousand dollars ninety thousand dollars that is very reasonable to get 119 240 all right let's see let's sell sell sell sell sell sell whoa slow down there Cowboy all right here's the boss here's the boss sell and then sell 300 we got it Apex plasma master let's go we actually got a paragon in ptd6 roguelike let's go that's so hype oh we just destroyed the final boss 2. absolutely annihilated it let's go thank you guys so much for watching if you enjoyed please hit that like button subscribe turn on notifications and we'll see you guys tomorrow for some more gaming content peace
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 144,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BTD 6, Bloons TD 6, Bloons, Mod, Hack, Rougelike, Btd 7, Challenge, Paragon, BTD 7 Pragon, BTD7, Dart Monkey Paragon, Phayze, Phayze boss, Phayze paragon, Phayze BTD 7, Tewtiy, BTD 7 update, rougelike update
Id: VXetR82e5vU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 16sec (1576 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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