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lot of the forest family games I played not so great but this one is oh is this fence gonna like this gate gonna drop it looks like it could drop you know like a castle castle Gates dropping one of the best oh my what is that oh dude it's a flood yo this is oh no this is bad hey everyone it's your friend think noodles and welcome back to Roblox where today we're playing a Roblox or two uh there's a fan game obviously uh but you guys have been asking me to play it and pointing this one out specifically as one of the best doors uh fan made games we've tried some before that weren't really very good some of them that literally called themselves bad this one seems to be the best one so far uh specifically you guys have called out the seek Chase as one of the best like Recreations or fan-made games I rock bottom what do you mean Rock uh oh okay just pull out the elevator wait what oh oh right of course so this is a continuation of floor uh after we went through door 100 and got in the elevator now we're going down to floor two we're riding the elevator down um I assume it's gonna crash is it gonna slow down do we got breaks uh okay so oh loading entities okay we've got a we got a game pass crew effects crew effects what is that is that this is like the pre-run shop I guess oh no no no starter crucifix no we got a Guiding Light candle we've got vitamins and an unbreakable crucifix oh how much does this cost is this nope no no no no oh oh yep we crashed I knew I figured we would okay and and it was you know the door's elevator music just a little bit remixed okay so we crashed here we stayed alive and we are very far underground in a uh a green cave that's cool okay door door one wait wait a minute wait a minute okay first of all there's no sound second of all that's not quite Outdoors work but the door opens maybe okay are they all like this let's see do they all oh right okay okay so that one opens weird too so what do we do here we have to okay I shouldn't touch it fine I'll just go past it that's fine oh geez what you've died to chime [Music] why what did I do [Music] I noticed you tried to exit room before the oh before the clock stopped no it did and then but it it stopped it was like you cannot must not go anywhere because it was chiming oh maybe it goes more than once we didn't no well I don't want to revive I want like two rooms I don't think I I think I need it we can skip this cutscene right yeah there we go one of one all right I don't need any of this so can I skip this part and we can just ah chases him oh loading seat chases on bosses setting up a room generation system loading successful finalizing just trying to get me to buy stuff it doesn't let you skip this does it so I need to study up on my doors fan made entities here yeah the door is always open the wrong way oh that is gonna annoy me okay okay it's like a humming noise it's kind of like the back oh hide where am I I'm like hiding in the middle of the floor I thought you guys said this game was this game is like I don't know man oh there we go we got sound okay oh this is a big room here I feel short so oh can what about this can we High yeah oh now that see now that's hiding that is hiding okay I think I broke it uh what else dude so I don't I mean I guess it considers you hiding because you're crouched we crouched no we can't all right besides the height oh what's that ah hide hide hide hide what is it are you kidding me that was it how do I get out of here why did that break that scared me man okay there's a fence or a gate here so probably this way I hear like a fire or something oh okay not there so we're looking for like a lever or a switch or something hmm ah here we go Wait f why why wait are these F no it's like e right oh I don't like that it should be like the same action key on everything because you're just gonna fumble the keys because like if everything's got a different action key like there's no I don't think is there a reason for that I don't I'm not a developer I have no idea but I would I would as a player I want it to all be the same key um okay it's nice like a Subway tunnel sort of all right um nothing like I mean besides that clock oh and so it is procedurally generated because we haven't seen that clock again so that was one oh look at the spiral staircase uh one of the things about a lot of the doors butt games like doors but bad doors but Kawaii and all those ones is that those were like pre-programmed to do the exact same thing on the exact same room everything uh this one at least so far appears to be random oh nice okay uh so you won't get the same run every time just like doors which makes it interesting uh but we haven't really seen any entities besides chime and we're already on door 10. okay why did that happen oh we have to find a switch over here wait um okay uh uh oh here we go okay all right one one okay that's that's definitely something okay that's Rush flashing no that's death oh my goodness that's death it's like Ambush he goes five six seven what eight okay he goes like eight times uh so he flashes so uh that's that's like yeah this Games version of Ambush I'm betting that they're the like when I said it's rush there's not gonna be rush or Ambush or any of the actual characters in this game it's gonna be all like fan made ones because they don't want to get copyrighted [Music] oh this is cool I like this room man well it may I think I've seen this room kind of but the lighting is different here okay oh so oh that blocks our way there's a door over there we can't get through this right yeah okay so we're supposed to go this way and then make our way back around uh uh oh wait oh that's cool okay so we go up this and then we go back around to the wait no because it was see it was blocking our path that way so what it should be is what is that I saw something purple for a second there I don't know where that is now um so it show it should like make us go back that way to actually exit the door okay so there's stairs here what's down here can we go around it are we supposed to go on the top of it we look inside it are we not supposed to go down there it's like a black hole dude all right let's Okay so I feel like there's a reason for that let me go on this like no let's not let's just go I got through whatever that was oh okay does not want us getting in there I don't see a key so I guess we can't actually get into that one okay um there's a lot of variety in the rooms I like that uh weird so that one didn't count as a regular huh why why is that room like not together with the other oh this one's cool too look at this like the broken uh Archway oh can we go in oh cool if we could go into some of those detours you know uh oh it's this one so I'm just gonna go around right see I'm already learning my rooms without learning to recognize them already that's my dope I cannot see a thing okay I'm just does it come back do we have a flashlight what was that an entity so okay I couldn't see anything so I I just I was trying to do a flashlight we don't it doesn't seem like we have one and there wasn't one in the pre-run shop so maybe when that comes you just don't what oh no seek we're on like door oh my what is that yo what is up with seek dude why does he look like that I am lost dude I don't know what I have a slowness this isn't fair oh come on it stops breaking why am I so slow this is like literally like slowness of Minecraft bruh do I should I look back am I gonna make this dude it's definitely not so their version of seek is like slow motion bro oh is he gone now so weird and you can go back through it which is also weird should we be looking like in this room because like there could be stuff in it like vitamins or I guess not can we find vitamins and crucifixes and stuff in the in the in the game or do you just have to buy it in the pre-run shop with Robux okay see but this is what I'm saying right like the door can I can I get up here is the door oh wait you can go through it look so the door is right there it's just door 100. so I don't think I'm supposed to do what I'm doing right now oh look you can push them dude wait I want to go through that door can I can I do it because if I can oh oh no oh oh this was not not really that smart hold on let's see if I can get all the way through I should be able to continue pushing it and get no I'm off oh no I am I am I am I'm continuing to push it there okay so wait let's see if we can push oh no there's an invisible wall here ah I was thinking I could like I could get in there just to see what happened if I open that door because like I push this well I can push this one but I still don't think I can make it okay let's oh no no no no okay let's go let's stop being stupid but it should go here and then go up and around and then back to the like back back to the other side there and come through that door but because that's the door we were technically heading for right anyway 121. okay um also about ooh can we nope all right just for looks not for touching oh this one's cool oh oh is this that's gonna like this gate gonna drop okay it looks like it could drop you know like a castle like with the with the with the castle Gates uh that that looked like window kind of but not it's smile I guess um I don't know window doesn't do that oh is oh so it's always on this side okay I should all right just some just some stuff stuffed 28 oh two rooms in a row exactly the same all right what was that sound like a machine gun you want to keep going here am I not supposed to go through that door what just happened I I can't get in here what what do I have to like twirl my way in okay what was that oh there's like weird like rush through it oh no no no wait how do I get up there oh right here okay oh this is that purple thing again um wait a minute oh geez hide hide hide okay you cannot have two entities at once or maybe that's not even an entity in that well there okay depth just you know what's funny is if like you could stand in the middle of the room and just have like go right through his mouth because it's like it's it's it's transparent like that okay I'm just gonna do exactly what I did before and go this way yeah like this like this so I don't know if that's an entity I'm oh I got a crew of things nice all right what was that what is oh that's the lights going out okay so how do I use the crew effects well this is a long hallway oh is this this could be sink like another oh it is what how many let oh that is so Derpy the way you spell it okay is this sick he's got no eyes the other one had like six eyes this dude's got no eyes I don't know how he's chasing me okay oh yeah it's sick oh it's sick okay so go to the right oh nope oh go off this yeah that's cool all right here we go that's cool oh this is a this is great oh this is so good so okay you just gotta okay that's like the doors what is this oh see this is what I was talking about no dude oh I gotta keep going I thought yo I thought that was it yo something fell on me I thought that was the end okay he's not that fast let me out [Music] you guys are right that was really good [Music] that was really good now wait I don't understand though What entity was that I mean I know these are all fan made but oh cool yo there's a hatch that is that's cool but you can't go back if you forgot something what was the entity that was like super slow-mo and then what was that entity like what were their names I mean I know like that was supposed to be seek the other one that I thought was seek I don't know what that was glad I had the crucifix although I didn't really need it I wish these doors had opened the proper way here uh oh this is that room that went dark before okay so now we can get a good look at it it's pretty cool wait oh yeah yeah up here only 39 I feel like feel like it's been a lot longer so this is yeah this is that hatchback oh can we go up here no babe okay all right so I have to wait for it to stop uh chiming right foreign how do I know when it's done okay oh okay so it does do it twice do we have to wait for the thing to go all the way around back to 12 o'clock and it'll stop like like uh the The Hourglass the pendulum will stop uh pendulating all right I think I've waited long enough I do have this just in case so oh [Music] so just stay still right [Music] oh this is blackout I I saw it referenced in the uh in the in the game page also if you guys want to play it I'll put a link to it in the description just because it is kind of hard to okay again it's kind of hard to find games when I play them especially with something like doors floor too because everyone names their game that so I'll put a link in the description so you guys can try this actual game if you want to all right uh oh this is a big room here with like broken doors let's go straight across no more crew of fixes oh okay oh hi hi okay yeah it's uh it's uh what's his name again yeah yeah so you know what's interesting so there's no rush uh entity so far it's just this like Ambush one my goodness look at this screen it shakes so much I mean I'm sure there probably is a rush entity it just seems like depth is the most common one uh but once you like jeez this one actually is becoming more common than uh than depth okay door 50. so this is gonna be like figure of a not figure right because oh oh I know this edit this is silence um I don't know what to do okay so it drops those oh okay so it picks those up it's out of here I don't know what it's doing uh what if I okay okay so [Music] okay I think as long as I don't move when these things are levitating because it's like looking on the floor for me there we go go go what are we looking for what are we looking for oh oh yeah we got it okay okay we got oh we got numbers wait what three L three what is that three seven or L3 I don't know um sure is there anything over here no I do not like this okay I'm good I'm good uh so there's definitely a code of some kind um I don't know if that's to do with letters or numbers or both oh here it is here it is right here 151 so there's two there's three five maybe two and three uh oh okay okay there's there's another paper there anything okay over here this says either nine one one or or two six or eleven six I don't know how many are there there could be a lot probably though I think I think there might be five because it said that there was like three and then two and I'm there oh there's one here oh this is one one four so yeah one four this is the only one that makes sense so if if I take that as one four then the one I just saw was two six and then the first one was not L three it was three seven okay so it's four six seven go go go go go go go go go go should I I'm not I'm not gonna I'm gonna yeah perfect so let's see okay um okay oh four six seven oh here's something hey I got it I am not gonna move [Music] there we go yeah okay all good all good all good oh it's this room okay yeah let's get actually let's take the oh no let's take this back out we don't know what's coming next man oh wow oh two entities at once you know this reminds me if you guys remember when I was playing some of the knockoffs of doors uh one of them was a floors to knock off before Hotel plus came out um and it was really hard and it would sometimes spawn like four enemies at once and you just didn't know what to do that's what that just reminded me of because that can definitely happen in this game it's the second time I mean assuming that that purple one is actually an entity we gotta wait for this thing to you know time out or whatever okay keep going oh wait oh no no no no no no no no no no no no I see this again it's another one with two entities and like I almost like I thought it was blackout I don't know what I was doing man this is chaos we good look you could hear both of them because it's back to back it's all driving me crazy if we get a third one I'll be mad oh geez so many of these like it's non-stop death that's three depth no uh was the first one no the first one was uh The Dark One and then it was uh two of these steps in a row well this is gonna take ages if we have to stop like this for every room okay oh check this out so this is like this is similar to this with these like pipes and stuff okay oh cutscene was this a boss fight or like okay there's switches on the walls there's one there I saw one like right as we came out this year why'd that happen wait oh dude it's a flood even though the back door the door behind me is open it's flooded oh do we swim yo this is oh no this is bad I was gonna say this is cool but it's not I need goggles okay oh wait see this is what I was talking about then okay oh so okay my oxygen is going down okay so I don't like how it's a different uh button to press like it's F versus uh e it should always be the same Button Man uh okay I don't know how many of these there are usually and things like this there are three okay okay that is okay that's that I think that's the pipe we have to go out oh okay here it is okay yeah there's three oh this one's not bad at all got it that's not it okay never mind starting to get a little bit nervous here uh we're down to about 50 now bro where is it oh dude I I'm sort of turned around too oh oh wait wait there's one here there's one here okay there's not many other places oh there was four there it is yes drain it that was cool I like that so oh yeah but the water fights are still putting out water but yeah we've got puddles now right kind of oh yeah they're like flashing I think these would short out if it flooded that much honestly wait are all the pipes they look all connected now oh no yeah they are putting out water yeah see that open door would have let it out but you know yes we don't have to be that accurate let's go because I don't like the flashing lights oh cool we're in the sewers now oh well actually we're on the same level I was gonna say it lowered us a little bit but no and then now we're going back up so whatever wait what 100 no no no no no no no we were at like 67 or something 167. what what oh yeah there okay 165. I'll take that I was like wait a minute no no we are not starting over here I got way too far through this to have that oh man I'm going I'm going I'm going again that's not an entity that's just scary lights machine guns fairy lights whatever oh it's this room okay bam okay give me some light okay 168 so we should have at some point soon a second seek Chase all right I hope it's actually like a different sequence because a lot of these games just recycle their seat Chase uh and just reuse it but uh you know I mean which doors technically does but it's okay hide um I am out in the middle here I don't like this okay I'm just gonna hold that out there and you're just gonna go right past it but the one indoors is slightly different okay I mean it's actually it is very different wait did I go the right way here ah okay it's that guy against the slow motion again or oh no he's fast now oh it's a God I need this I need this okay I everything's on fire what am I doing what is this pick up pick up the pickaxe what what what what ah he's coming let me out I got it yeah bro dude oh go through the stupid Wall go okay wait where did he I don't even know where he went I don't know where I am bro why are the walls forming oh my goodness I'm on fire bro okay go this way oh my what is happening dude okay that is nice the crucifix didn't maybe it worked on him I get to keep it I don't know dude oh yes what is this song I Love It okay what is this at least is there be careful you wanna not go to where the hands are okay this way oh nope not that way not that way how did he get in front of me bro okay okay uh uh oh yeah yeah go put it in 100 hundred I don't care bro okay I'm gonna go pee because there was a dude here where was he oh these things can they slap you because like I went right under it he was right like I got under this okay and then there was a dude right here oh he's gone now that's weird uh ah man I I I I did not deserve to get through that either by the way because I screwed up that little pickaxe thing I didn't know we're gonna have to grab it and like switch to it and then like oh gosh um and and uh like switched to it and like like pick it up with f and hit the wall with the I don't know man I just got discombobulated maybe I actually crucifixed him and that's why I didn't die it didn't show an animation oh I almost went through that door I didn't wait long enough it's 75. so I feel like everything from now on I don't know they could throw one more thing in before Oh I wonder if there's like um Greenhouse uh on door 90. you could see that uh we're getting close to 90 here let's see if there is a greenhouse I I don't think there is gonna be but there's definitely gonna be like something at door 200 where we have to like okay ah come on don't make me do this all right here we go let's see if 90 has a greenhouse or anything different or if it's just the the other doors oh no it's just the other doors repeated all right let's get to door 200 and uh see if we see silence again I mean I feel like we should because technically uh figure is in 50 and 100 so you'd expect it all right 99 so we've got one room left oh oh never mind okay whoa come on I didn't have the cruise to fit oh wait wait wait what huh wait oh geez get okay hold on hold on hold on okay if Cruise if it's out there's something is that ain't no it's not a 16 what is that okay I seriously thought I died by not having the crucifix out whoo ah that would have been so stupid okay what do we Okay so there's something in the pathway here I'm supposed to go get this it looks like oh he doesn't like that so it looks like oh okay so there's multiple paths and if you are like up on the curb it's like being on the sidewalk he's like a car uh as long as you don't get in the road oh iron shards to grab the key I'm not even looking at the screen idiot okay here we go here we go three okay get on the sidewalk okay I can't tell actually oh they're lit up like there's like a Guiding Light because it's not so bad so we have to get you get 10 of these things four or five well I think there's one in there too four oh yeah there is there's there is okay up here up here okay oh there's one there so that's six and seven it's not too bad oh and then we just unlocked the door to key required 100 oh Lord thundering what is this man we we started on door 100 is that a loop six this isn't too bad like uh how many times I think I only died that one time right in the very beginning on chime right did I die it's the only time I died oh yeah let's be careful let's stop patting ourselves on the back uh before we beat the game here oh yeah it always puts him in the track too there's one there's eight oh I see them nine and ten all right here we go I'm gonna wait because he comes I think he starts from there so what okay I don't know where he comes from okay here we go nine here we go 10 10 10 get it oh got it use your key to unlock the door and get out of this place nice okay so I've got to be careful uh where's the doors up off this way okay I just want to stay make sure I'm on a curve now is the door in a path because we might have to like wave that out soon because I don't know how long the rage key it says also is it a skeleton key it kind of looks like a skeleton key from the side also how do we craft it do we know how to craft things from Iron okay I'm gonna get right on the edge here and then because it might it might be one of those things we have to hold to open and I don't want to be stuck down here a lot it's raging do whatever okay do it do it do it all right we hit door 200. well kind of I wonder what's on the other side um oh look I guess there's only one way to find out that's it I won oh dude it's showing silence there oh yeah I think that was an entity oh no maybe I it had to be right I feel like you could fall into that or something um if you get too close to it really good actually you guys are right I'm actually impressed by this one a lot of the Doris fan-made games I played not so great but this one is one of the best uh if not the best I've played so far if you guys know of any other fan games that are on this level okay gotta be good like this let me know in the comments so I can play them like or send me a link on Twitter uh because that'll help me find it a lot easier for three coming soon because I do enjoy playing this doors type of content but um but yeah some of the fan games just aren't very good and yeah I really don't enjoy them but this one I definitely did if you enjoyed the video as well click the like button subscribe and I'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course noodle line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 3,199,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thinknoodles, thinknoodles roblox, roblox, roblox doors, doors new update, roblox doors new update, doors all new ending, doors roblox, doors new update ending, doors new cutscenes, roblox doors update, roblox horror game, doors update, doors update thinknoodles, doors new update gameplay, thinknoodles doors update, doors shears, doors challenge, thinknoodles roblox doors, thinknoodles new doors update, doors floor 2, roblox doors floor 2
Id: tc9aFlBtg5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 32sec (2072 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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