Having a hard time cleaning BEESWAX? TRY THIS!

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this is a bucket of excess beeswax that i scraped off of the top frames of the hives as i went through and did inspections some of this may have been bur comb it's just basically waste comb that was in the hives in the past i might throw it on the ground but i've started saving it especially after encouragement for some of my viewers i always knew i probably should but just didn't take the time and now i just try to keep a bucket with me and just throw it in there as i scrape it off and that way we can utilize it to produce something kind of like this this is beautiful a bar of beeswax can be used for all kinds of things and so this is a one pound block i want to take you through that process if you like what you see if you would just hit the like button i'd appreciate it just down below let me show you my process here's my setup you can see here of course is the wax that i have not yet processed notice there's a tarp underneath it's very important that you protect whatever surface you're on it might be a good idea to do it like i'm doing in the garage or outdoors if you spill any like in your kitchen or anything it's very difficult to clean it up and so i just put a reasonable amount of the beeswax in the crock pot this is actually a pretty big crock but it's a 9.5 liter i think is what the box said over there and i don't put just a ton of beeswax in there i just like to have a decent sized block when i'm doing this trying to get as pure as i can i just you know do it a little bit at a time and so i guess you could pack more in there if you want to so i use a paint strainer these are the same paint strainers i use when i strain my honey and it works really well it gets almost all the particles out of the beeswax except for the really fine stuff and we have a process to take care of that a little bit it does eliminate some steps to this process i like to make sure the crock pot is on low i don't want the wax to get too hot and burn and you can just leave the lid off but i usually put the lid on it especially if i'm here to kind of watch it that helps melt a little faster you can see over there i have the first block that is hardening right now okay so this is melted now see it's got that they call it slum gum that's kind of the waste on top that's what that filter is going to grab and then we have some muslin right here some material you can use just muslin or any type of even like a t-shirt or any kind type of fabric works well so what i do is just pull this out like this get all the junk out of it all right i'm gonna set it over there with the other previous waste and now let's take this and gently pour it into this this right here hoping that it won't fall in which of course it does could put like a rubber band or something around it to hold it in place but as long as we get the wax in there we'll strain it out in a second got a beautiful wax i think it's going to be fine let me just take this [Music] and strain it through like that i'm actually going to set this over here we can reuse this for the next batch like that so let this cool it'll look like this that actually looks like it might be a little bit dirty we might have to re-filter that one i used an old piece of muslin on that but i think this is going to be really clean with that fresh new piece of muslin that we used okay so we let this set overnight and the wax is totally hard now looks like it's gonna be a beautiful block of wax what we're gonna do now is we're gonna dump it out on the grass here see what it looks like sometimes this can be a little challenging look how pretty that is this is cleaner than it usually is sometimes you'll have a little bit of propolis on here which can easily just scrape off all right so there's a beautiful block of wax and now we're going to the next step to actually get it in the mold into those beautiful one pound blocks of wax i'm up in the kitchen and we're going to finish up this process here so this is a crock pot here that's dedicated to only clean wax we keep clean wax in here and then we melt it down whenever we need to for any type of project and then we just let it harden in there as you can see it's starting to melt a little bit now it's getting warm here's our mold this mold is a one pound mold get it from any beekeeping supply company here is our beautiful block of wax i can't believe how clean that was normally a little bit dirty on the bottom especially for maybe some propolis that leaks through when you strain it but boy that one turned out perfect this is more typical what you see over here i've already worked on this one a little bit but it'll usually have a thin layer of stuff on you just kind of have to scrape off and clean off and i'm still working on this to get it perfect so i'm gonna go break this up and we'll put the pieces in here let them melt down and then we'll pour that's a block of [Music] wax the wax is melted now so we're going to just use this little cup here you can use a ladle anything you want but this will work fine i haven't done it since last year so and there's a perfect size for one pound so you don't have to worry too much about it it'll just wait it'll just be perfect just gotta fill it all the way up to the top let's just try it there it is and now to cool and in the morning we'll check it it should just be a perfect block of wax i intentionally poured a little wax on this parchment paper so you can see what happens check it out just peels right up look at that perfect piece of wax just peels right up so it's so easy to clean up nice little pieces of wax right here like this i just slide right off so it's not a bad idea if you want to mess with wax put a little parchment paper down underneath it and you won't have the mess that you otherwise would it's one of the coolest things to me about waxman star secure it's neat stuff [Music] okay it's hard now we're going to take it out there it is beautiful block of these wax how about that okay take care and be safe
Channel: brucesbees
Views: 16,457
Rating: 4.9857144 out of 5
Keywords: beeswax, processing beeswax, cleaning beeswax, natural beeswax, filtering beeswax, bees wax, how to melt beeswax, melting and filtering beeswax, melting beeswax, render beeswax, make beeswax, beeswax processing, beekeeping, diy, beekeeping 101, brucesbees, beekeeping for beginners, beekeeping vlog, beekeeping equipment, apis mellifera, meet the beekeeper, beemanbruce, beekeeping 2021, things to consider, how to make beeswax
Id: kTu6MyZ5rl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 38sec (458 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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