How To Render Beeswax // EASY and SIMPLE

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[Music] this is michelle with perma pastures farm and today we are going to be rendering beeswax from our hives to use to seal our logs that we're going to inoculate with mushroom spores here we have some beeswax that came from our hives when we harvested honey this last summer late summer so we're just going to put it in some cheesecloth that's the first step okay so as you can see there's quite a bit there's quite a bit of honey in the bottom of there and it's also there's some dirt and just some just some particles that we want to get out of the wax so that we can get it as clean as possible so we're just going to wrap this in cheesecloth and put it in the boiling water and all the impurities should stay well the big pieces should stay in the cheesecloth some of the smaller ones are going to get make it out into the wax okay so now that we've got the the um the wax all wrapped up in cheesecloth we're just going to use our tongs and put it in this hot water so the wax is going to melt away from the cheesecloth and all that's going to be left inside is dirt and impurities and then we're just going to throw the cheesecloth away [Music] all right so we're going to do the last half of the bag and just repeat the same process okay so the next step is to take the pot and we're gonna set it in an ice bath in order to cool it we're gonna cool it down so that the wax rises to the top and the water is on the bottom and then we can just lift the wax top out of the pot [Music] okay so our beeswax has hardened and we let it sit and then it uh it hardened into the solid piece of wax and here's one that i've done before it's just a solid chunk of it's a little dirty so now we're gonna clean it up a little bit we're gonna take this out of here and re-melt it in a like a double boiler setup and then clean it a little bit more what we're gonna do next is melt down the the beeswax so to do that we have a double boiler set up which is just a pan full of water and we're going to bring it to a boil and put our bowl on top and add the beeswax once it gets hot and melt it down [Music] now that our beeswax has melted we're going to run it through a a strainer with a layer of of cheesecloth cheesecloth over it to get out the larger particles okay so now we're just gonna let the wax solidify and if you need it to be cleaner you can just repeat the process and run it through like a smaller filter more levels of cheesecloth to get it even more purified here's our finished product it's a solid chunk of wax that we're going to use to inoculate our logs tomorrow so stay tuned and we'll show you how to do that process thanks for watching
Channel: Perma Pastures Farm
Views: 8,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beeswax, render beeswax, how to render beeswax, rendering beeswax, render, how to render beeswax from honeycomb, how to clean beeswax, beeswax rendering, filtering beeswax, melting beeswax, natural beeswax, processing beeswax, beeswax candles, how to pure beeswax, beeswax for candles, how to render bee wax, cleaning beeswax, how to clean and render beeswax, best way to render beeswax, render beeswax from honeycomb, how to process beeswax, process beeswax, perma pastures farm
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 52sec (292 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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