I WANT A COBBLE STONE PLAY BUTTON! *NEW* Family Feud* vs Crainer and Thea! in Minecraft!

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Yeah, so that's show family feud on the TV. It's such a joke I was watching it last night And they asked, what is one of the first things that you do when you wake up in the morning and not a single person said that they shampoo their ankle hair. I mean who the crap doesn't do that? Hey what's going on guys Ssundee here and welcome back to family feud this time like you guys asked we have Invited Mr.thea. Yes, Mr., no, wait, Krea, Krea. Mr.thea. So dudes last time we played this family feud as myself versus Madeleine that, Crainer that video We asked if they wanted us to continue that's this series, that video has over a hundred thousand likes dude. And it almost killed Ian it was so close. A hundred likes! Crainer, go jump in a lake filled with poo. I'm goin' , i'm going now bro! I'm going now! Thea have fun cleaning that up. Eww. Welcome back Crainer glad you could make it. I smell. We know. So dudes again welcome back to family feud if you guys are new around here of course hit the subscribe button down below Turn on notifications and okay So this round last round was all about Pokemon this round is all about gaming Youtubers Are you ready Steve Harvey? We're one of those, we're one of those. it's all about gaming YouTubers like myself like a PopularMMOs all the games Okay. Like me me. No Crainer not not you Crainer, Crainer you.Just named all the Youtubers I know. Crainer you are Barney You are not a youtuber, You are a Barney get up here. I'm not Barney! Okay, here we go come up here Crainer first question by Steve Harvey Aka Neo, Let's do this. No, I'm Steve Harvey. Okay sorry sorry Steve Harvey okay, okay, what is the? So remember who ever pushes this button first answers the question, and let's do this, okay here we go what's the first question, What do ya got? First question, name a YouTuber who would do a good cover of Jake Paul's it's everyday bro song. I got it! Crainer. Em Crainer would, Crainer would. Crainer Oh, he's, okay okay So since we he's number five I get to answer to right, and if my answer is higher I get to choose, right and that how how the game works okay, okay, okay, okay, I'm going to choose who would do a better cover of it's everyday bro Disney channel flow uh..uh me me Ssundee. You're not even on there. It's everyday bro. Oh that must feel bad. you're not hip enough Ian, you're not hip and cool enough. He just dug himself a little hole, he's hiding. Alright so, Crainer wins this or you get to choose whether you're going to play or pass to us, and also since you won the first part you and uh thea get to choose a gun from in here. No! You don't you just get a good gun because we start with a crappy Pistol you get an actual good gun if you win around so go ahead Okay, okay, okay? So what are you gonna? Do you gonna play, or are you gonna pass? What do you got? I think I'm gonna. What do you play play? Okay, Madeline think of a question think of an answer in case they miss all three okay here. We go here. We go here we go Okay, I'd to back together right Steve Yes, biggest a I'm steve harvey okay, so tia Yeah, I'm a youtuber who would do a good cover of Jake Paul's it's everyday bro song She knows go away Jamie you say game of Youtube yes very good beauty 500 cutie pie so Real quick for your new guys to this game They have to fill out the entire board without getting three exits If they get three exes we get one chance to steal okay. Go ahead. Go ahead Steve It's on you my turn now that craner's turn came in to say good cover of Jake Paul's Heiress everyday, bro, so Dan the Diamond Mike and Okay, better we have to sue we have to think of a gaming Youtuber we have to seal this it okay, okay? It's on to you. She's gonna get this one wrong hundred percent. Yeah, okay, if they miss it though were loved we work together Yeah, you know one more game in Youtube I believe you I do Do you know another one okay? You remember we talked to him sometimes. Maybe you should text it to me or something okay? so mine better their tickets before anyone I know that's strike one, okay, a Little more careful now. I don't gaming YouTuber and and jacksepticeye jacksepticeye So yeah, I don't know if you know any more gaming youtubers now alright So there are two left on that board you have one strike. Okay, okay? Okay, YouTuber to do a best cover of Jay Paul's everyday bro song this is really important to you left Just end it wrong Captain Sparkles, oh We're gonna have to run. We're so gonna get shot at they're just two more xs to get that last answer crater Wait last one Can you get it? Markiplier my game Markiplier Okay, okay. We could still bitch if she gets this wrong, okay? Wow We'll see if they do open. What about you for any edge me? Crater Okay, okay, okay? Mallos. We have to work together We have to work together um can they take all of it say a name that you said? Jane and everything I don't know Yeah, we can't because we're trying to steal you can't when you're trying to steal. What do you think? Okay, I got a music. So isn't that that ant venom? Guy a music guy and enemy, but does he play is he a gamer or is he he's a gamer but I? I want to go with somebody else. That's kind of more popular Okay pat passages Popular popular Mmo's wife gaming with jen because she's a girl girls can sing good all girls can take good What do you think Madeleine do you agree? I should enjoy singing before and I would not stand by that you sound like you sound like a beautiful angel That's so sweet We're going to go JB. No special Katie with Teddy moment He didn't do it We just got so many boys okay, so we got to add up those points, okay? We got Thirty one twenty seven twenty five five and three that's like 2,000 foot. Dang it battling a guy 2001 And they're gonna try to kill us Okay, neo got a change number four. What is it oh? What is that? Oh? He's going down to the hole again now I'll have you I'll help you hang up knowledge of these people right? He just put Lava in his own home. Oh any fallout of the world Madeline I am sorry. I think you should add in a good way it just brings tears to my eyes hi Madeline. We gotta run Okay, every time we saw or if we die that's 50 points per kill, Neoplasia Life do we run again? No no, okay? Metal or Steve harvey Steve. It's our duty What the cast out of murder begins? I can't join you the three? Got it. I play play Cyber My fifty boys they got an extra fifty points for killing you Madeline I didn't know how to reload And there was yes, all right. Let's go die. Let's go to round two All right router so it's Kenya and Madeline go up there. Go ahead Madeline Kahn you get that Alicia brit bring us home some good stuff with it just Gonna show you again, okay. Steve. It's on you here. We go. Okay. All right our second question is 50 Million Subs gives you a ruby play button. What would the hundred million subs play button be made of Maddie whoo, Cobblestone don't even up there So the question was so 50 million play button is made out of ruby the 100 million Okay, okay. Yeah, can't you see? I'd say where you got a play button So it's like a little plaque What do you think the 100 million won will look like what will it be made out of? what material oh I don't like like time yeah Okay, I guess diamond Okay Battle-Ax do we want to play or pass or play? We want to play right? Yeah? I can't say it's all on you okay. So we're gonna play we also We also get to choose a gun what gun do you want that one um? When I use last time is what gives oh yeah the aughh the odd. What's get the aughh. Oh there we go We have a scope now No, okay, so we're gonna play. I'm going to say that 100 Million play button is going to be made out of emerald emerald it's got to be emerald emerald I already said that was one dang it. I'm making a button. Okay, battle it aside you oh I have no idea emeril. There's already about it ones. You said there's already a ruby correct sapper sapphire You guys so good again. That's my heart stone Okay, we got enzo sapphire and Cobblestone. I'll take it I'm gonna save the Cobblestone one. I'm gonna save Platinum platinum it's Gotta be platinum platinum. Oh Okay, okay No strikes two answers left the 100 million. Just play button. I think I'm gonna miss this one and get an x It's getting hotter now it is Okay Thank you. Yeah know What you're trying to say something? I said opal. I didn't hear you. I didn't hear you. It's opal It's like a whole areas in color. What is it opal? Okay, okay, okay, okay? We get two more x's on this, so we got emerald sapphire platinum and Cobblestone Uh-Huh? So much, I see you come on this name first stone over silver It's kind of like so oh yeah, 100k one is silver the silver place. What begging Girl, I know that the last ash is on you, please don't fellow don't why don't I know more birthstones? But I don't even know any I wished well. No you comment, Cobblestone. Isn't a birthstone. No I couldn't that was up there What is a good? Oh? Oh, sorry battle and I did help? I don't know what else could this be just just say anything battle-Ax anything Oh my God think of endures, but how is that Gonna be above Cobblestone? Did you say dirt yeah? Yeah, what let's just go down first. Go ahead. Is there something you want to tell her? Dirt better not be up there. I quit Minecraft dirt I'm mad, and I'm happy. I have a mix of ocean okay, so now Crater Heart Crater is - you get this steel Okay, please don't steal people still single truck with one antler what's like it really really precious stones. Yeah, come on Do you know some some stones, right? What's that? I'm a precious stone. That's made in water you said copper Say copper been all right, okay? Yeah Holy crap that is so stressful Let me get the points first before we look at that. We got we got 34 1959. So loud. I got a good woman Zoey So we got 77 points now. What are these last two answers number five? Good guys keep in mind These answers came from you on Twitter. Oh my God I love you like we're going to get very cold throughout this entire series aren't we so all logic out the window What is the next one and number four? Yeah, don't smile. Okay, no Stop it. Stop it Hey, don't shoot. Don't shoot the host assistant At least we hit 77 points and the chance to shoot at crater until we will kill both of you over and over again Hey, I will be your shield Must you do this. Thank you alright neo, and matt only get down here get down. Here's your cheaters out here One of us Steve aside, you're just copying you give us a countdown murder begins in three What the crap guys? How did you kill us in three seconds nothing? I should have been using this a long time ago. I Think they chose and really opie gone. See I need whatever Did you feel at all? Oh my goodness what? Well, we just got we just got a hundred points Why I was gonna do horrible with this gun. Oh my gosh We try to avoid as well, but you guys are straight up a pot at me dude. Oh, thank you That's an extra Hunter points around second Fuck no, I crater let's step up round three here we are bidding you by 36 points, yeah what has you so am I allowed to press the button as soon as I want to bite after you finish asking good question it's Got to be as soon as he finishes the question. That's when you hit the bow okay you can interrupt I just oh really when you had we Want you, okay? Got it? Okay? You know you know what I'm about to ask your welcome dinner up Go ahead say that - what's your quick run you got Final question we asked people on Twitter the farting contest was held what Youtuber would be crowned the winner Red Sunday? Why were you so fast I? Have an issue where I fart a lot. I'm gonna say me That's what I said himself by quickly 9.2 Dude I don't think you should be proud of Madeline I am sorry that I am the parking I'm sorry - I think I'm not So since I got number one I get your shoes right, so this is the number one answer crater can't be anyways, okay? I'm going to choose to play and Madelyn we get a new gun What starts one that's just a first one let's get this saw this thing can hold a hundred bullets per round Okay, steel this one. Yes, alright. Go ahead. Go ahead Steve It's on you so again. We ask people on Twitter the farting contest was held what Youtuber would be crowned the winner? Oh? Obvious all sacred That's a good thing yeah okay, okay, okay, so someone that would fart on YouTube don't offend anybody years um Pewdiepie hundred percent Pewdiepie 100 percent Pewdiepie, I'm pretty sure he inspires a father Yeah, I think he's actually lying. He's actually farted in videos before Yeah, it's a pun as well right? Yeah, nice pulling you out good. That's it Okay okay, so who Would be a farter just don't mention any female they'll get mad I did um Popular MmO Popular have a mose He was fart a lot. I keep her out of those protein shakes because he works out all the time oh Working out makes you far too, right? Yes Ok ok super get one more x we get one more extra answer this question So very careful now. I'll be careful. It's probably I'm Gonna Say Mmm. - yep - Kai, it's got to be jacksepticeye it has to be jacksepticeye you got Septic tank in his name Septic tank is something that holds poo It made sense, but all logic it south window. We enjoy the water this mission remember Ok Gonna walk over here. Yes, ok what answer to steal Ira every don't Get it wrong. Ok atm were you thinking I'm kind of thinking There are four chances to still Yeah Okay, you know what we were here a two-run Good have a guess, but this is just because he's like a big outdoorsy thoughts a lot edward. I'm in my God No, no, no in general is just really messed up alright, so I my cart We won so that means we get Sixty dot plus 9 okay, so we get those all right, so who is number two? I want to see who these answers are who is number two? I want to see it number, two? Mark I was gonna say Marshall slaughter is such a jacksepticeye okay number four for Book okay. I spooky to die nate. How's that guy? Okay? Okay number five? Stampylongnose, what okay? So true number six? oh My God hector your boss a lot the people have spoken. How did I know? Why are you on the list but not many and not me? all of their loot oh How long have we? Win this round which means we get the points and we're already ahead so we win fam with you We don't have to kill you if we don't want to but you know why not I? Mean Charlie rink anyways, you just got to kill us twice, ha ha ha ha anyways dudes We're going to end this episode here if you guys Enjoy this hit the like button down below also hit the subscribe button. I know take it away get away You're farter can't wait. Go fart on me. Get away. We were in First Place. I Feel bad for you. See you will see you dudes next time. I should smell you come over here. You smell see how Super See I'll be your friend
Channel: SSundee
Views: 4,647,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Family Feud, Youtuber, Gaming, Gameshow, steve harvey, edition, SSundee, gameplay, mod, modded, Lucky Blocks, guns, Meme, war, crundee, funny, kid friendly, child friendly, family friendly, no cursing, no bad words, 2v2', no cussing, Minecraft SSundee, Lucky Block, lucky block, lucky blocks, lucky block mod, blocks, modded minigame, challenge games, items, minigame, games, mobs, map, lucky block race, pickaxe, craft, challenge, crafting, minecraft lucky blocks, Game, Popularmmos, DanTDM
Id: qTUFr3FBaCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 26sec (1466 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2017
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