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in today's among this video I'm the king and I've got to use my recruits to win it among us but who are we gonna choose as a recruits let's find out the First Act is I have to choose my Cadets and I'm gonna choose first Sunday I had to choose him I had to choose the best person I told Sunday first as my first option I have to choose between K and Biffle okay if that's easy obviously it's Kate I kissed the boys let's go that's right guys we have to train for exp all right I need you guys to get out there the more things you do the more XP we earn and the faster we level go go go get off my Throne what I want to see you work I wanna where are you going where are you I know I know the greatest exp the greatest experience okay we have zero XP right now 100 okay before I need to get to work no you can't do the same thing no you have to do more work you watch me stab some mice yeah stab the mice stab the mice there we go okay you know what Sunday because of your hard work you get a promotion that's right is now a knight you can promote me look eat this Gary I made that um oh God he's trying to kill me you're trying to kill me get to work get to work I better see you guys working wait a minute that's a fake pickle hey come here it's look up it's looking in Disguise people just died people just died we lost some XP because of it oh God I need you as a knight to get to work you have to get out there wait a minute I can disguise these people I'm gonna go this guy's done look at this do I look like an idiot guys I look so dumb all right let me go kill them all let's go see what they're up to now I can cross this border you see but Biffle and Sunday cannot cross this line This is where the fights take all right go ahead and train here no train train I told you to trade I'm not done okay where's the other one there's Kate oh no this is awkward I am now buried he's gonna go after my people I need my people to work harder we need we need more XP once I'm ready I can start a fight in between me and lookham which will put Sunday Biffle versus K enzod guys that's a fake one wait there's two Sundays oh my okay don't worry it's fine it's fine where's before I have to promote Biffle I have 170 ex save it for me wait save up oh if I get 300 I can promote Sunday okay I'm gonna do that okay this is perfect this is actually perfect start training you start training before you try let me try let me see I got this ready watch that's why I pay the big bucks watch this okay one more time oh I got this watch watch it's gonna go in the middle boom all right I got it easy yeah oh back to back baby three times look at that dude look at I can now get a bishop promote me Gary I can promote you I'm promoting you there we go all right and I just unlocked summon rats oh my God you know people just died no I just summoned rats and okay okay that's bad that's very bad you know what because of that we're going to war that's right everybody if we win this we get 500 exp why don't you have anything to use that bow if we oh geez oh oh okay this is bad my live Bureau didn't work my live Barrel didn't work here I'm very bullied no I think they just killed Sunday and now it's only me and I'm stun people you have to win it we can't lose our first war this is embarrassing okay Sunday's dead legitimately we just lost shoot them shoot them I have no more arrows that was so easy by the way hey it's best of three luckily it's best of three he's in the bottom right we're now in round two okay what happened hey Gary why didn't I died you were the strongest and you died first what is this I need to send more rats I'm sending rats go my minions we don't have any XP dude we need 100 XP you know what I think I have to go work too I have to go kill some stuff let me just kill some stuff let me get XP how much you get for killing rats I got 10 for killing rats what the heck are we supposed to do with that let me camouflage out of this okay we gotta kill more rats are you the people you can't eat that food it's good for me it's not good for you it makes you throw up okay let me use this let me try it okay there you go you see let me show you how it's done before you train hard like this you slash this thing you hit this bad boy like that Bing Bang Boom and that's how you win you see I've been done Gary you finished before that's why you're the king what fake Sunday oh my let's shoot arrows shoot arrows stop right there he's dodging everything okay he literally dodged all the air okay that's awkward I'm setting stuff up there's nothing oh I gotta Dodge his arrows now I don't have any more arrows back up oh no I'm doing jumping jacks oh geez okay it's fine the king needs a workout but we need to upgrade before we cannot lose back to back people's dead okay we have to make sure Biff will respawn there he is I found bitful okay I'm gonna send some raps out of their tape there you go guys yeah okay Biffle I'm gonna promote you because you've been such a great companion to me uh chocolate everyone keeps dying but luckily don't worry we might be losing the small battle but we're gonna win the war look him you aren't gonna win this okay we are gonna oh nice I'll save you yeah save him there you go take this and we're gonna borrow them we are looking good for the next War oh my God to upgrade you the next level 600 XP what about you Biffle 300 let me think let me think if you go Bishop then Sunday will be what is Sunday right now Bishop as well a bishop wait no he's a rook I have to get more okay I have to upgrade you Biffle thank you if we're gonna go to the next War this is what's gonna look uh the rats killed Sunday wait both of you are oh this is bad oh my God they're both Rooks they're both Bishops I mean we need to get a rook guys get out there I'm gonna get one of you guys to be a rook we need 600 XP wait I'm gonna do the air Archer I didn't see the rats coming it's fine I'm doing really good right now this is how we get the most amount of XP from this alone we get 30s which is pretty good guys now we need 600 total if we get 600 then that means we will get one more upgrade and then we should be ready for more people that don't work what is Biffle doing down there he's not even working dudes he's not even working look at him Biffle go do something Gary watch this what's up dudes yeah all right now this is perfect now there's no one in attack they can't level up wait we have enough we have it okay Sunday You're Gonna Be the driver go straight into war we're going straight no come on come on come on come on come on yes okay this is perfect this is perfect if we win this we get a thousand XP I'm saying rats I'm saying rats all right I'm gonna hit start with that nice hit with the Slime oh I missed the Slime perfect this is perfect nice down guys we're looking good throwing grenade throwing grenades okay Kate still has 130 HP we can do this we have to win both back to back this round and the next oh she's invisible I'm gonna hit I'm gonna hit him sending rad setting rad she's right there in the middle nice George oh we win these we win these oh oh no we got this we got this this is where we win this is where Champions remain oh geez oh geez she's invisible again I'm gonna play glucum no this is actually intense some someone's right next to me sending rats go rats go nice last attack right here nice one more round guys we can win the whole thing we can win the whole thing we just won a thousand XP this is so good this is so good wait a minute I can upgrade to either a queen or a rook why don't we just do both we could do both I can almost upgrade you guys both but for now I'm gonna upgrade Sunny to a queen and then next I will have enough to get Biffle as a rook you're looking kind of like a peasant right now yeah you look a little weak we need 250 XP if we get 250 XP the next War we should be able to win unless lucum cheats now he's known to cheat he technically tries to go for the chief so he's gonna be careful I'm just shooting arrows at random places am I gonna hit so I hit him I hit him twice okay perfect perfect you just killed my queen I'm sending my rats after I'm just gonna shoot arrows where I think they are dude I just killed both of them with my arrows they have no idea this is me hey look I'm looking what's our next line of attack our next planet attack is to kill you okay Kate should be responding oh no Kate should be here any moment now it's not good oh just upgrade her to a queen okay there's an arrow for you and where's where's uh where's the judge running shot oh come on you know what look you want to play his game back on our side let me go camouflage as dead oh dude I am a causing Havoc we almost have enough throwing grenade throwing grenade nice okay we almost have enough to promote Ripple work harder I'm working harder I'm gonna slice this guy up I have to work hard too apparently okay go get Naya go get knighted oh we need 20 more rubles there if you get knighted here Biffle then you will be able to go ahead and level up oh hey come come I can promote you right here boom you've now been promoted to the next level I could promote you to Queen okay looks like I might need a new Queen Sunday's dead but it's okay because guess what we can start the battle if we start now there's the last round all right boys come on well I guess Madame Queen Sundee come on all right I'm gonna send rats right after Kate right at the beginning it's gonna go kill her right and then we're gonna start the battle and hopefully yes okay this might work this might work this is the final battle all we have to do now kill them all they have a queen they do states the queen get ready boys three two one I'm not nice okay grenade going out guys work together we're nice fire get him trap nice nice good guys good keep it up keep it up I'm buried oh we buried each other this is not good it's up to you guys mukum is buried I'm married John's low Kate's low Sunday's low Biffle it's all up to you buddy okay play nice I am done sending rats after John the dude this is getting intense oh god oh gosh guys shut down it's only Kate left go for Kate go for Kate finish her something I can use guys do it do it do it let's go oh my gosh dude I just unlocked check mate yeah [Applause] yeah that's right you guys lose well well well look um any last words while your people get obliterated because guess what it's my turn to beat you up we are the winners dude that was insane Sunday and before the best teammates ever
Channel: GarryBlox
Views: 620,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Among us, among us mod, among us modded, among us imposter, ssundee among us, among us ssundee mod, funny ssundee, among us tips, funny moments, funny, sabotage, how to win, crewmates, ssundee, sunde among us, among us sunde, mods, modded, sigils, biffle, henwy, new among us mod, new among us map, best among us mods, among us update, among us dlc, among us modes
Id: 0HOWP_1rX_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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