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I think worldwide there's what I think I do listen I always do this I never know if I'm live-streaming you guys have probably seen a lot of okay I think this says we're life if we're live stop saying lights a cringe okay I think we're alive so welcome back to the live stream we're all good if you guys are new around here we do this from time to time we load up a live stream we play some bed Wars we got Madeline Tia Colton and Craner all on discord we're gonna do what we did last livestream which was the castle defenders but this time we're not just gonna have one attacker we're gonna have two versus three defenders and last time dudes that was a crap ton of fun the castle defenders in bed Wars was a lot of fun so if you guys are looking forward to this random livestream weekend of course hit the like button down below show some love also hit the subscribe button turn on notifications you guys know the drill let's do this okay so this time metal in Skype is all messed up so you won't be able to see her and Colton this time I am sorry you're gonna have to stick with my ugly face so I apologize for that but let's do this let's unmute ok hora let's get in here so hopefully they're not speaking Danish I think it is okay he's not thanks Craner you're not speaking Danish right no Danish speaking okay so we have Craner we have hello Tia hello Madeline and Colton Colton can you yell hello okay so what we're gonna through the first round we're gonna be playing castle defenders we've already explained the rules to Tia but we'll explain them again okay let's go in so we're gonna do myself and Craner versus you three first um let's be blue let's be blue let's be blue okay you're okay you guys pick your own color okay I'm gonna pick up okay hold on I'm gonna pick a different map I want to pick a different map no you don't have to go to a lobby you don't have to go to lobby let's go to map selector let's do what's math you guys want to do um I'm looking let's do like this okay I just I picked the same one you know I'm special crater you know this you know okay okay let's - okay um let's do this way okay arc way I did our quake crater okay oh this is a good this is a new one I think this is a new one okay okay yeah we'll be blue Craner let's be blue they'll be yellow what big blue okay so the rules of this game for your new guys to this what we're doing is crater Tia and Colton they're defending their base they cannot leave their face aside from going to the two diamond spawners on both sides of their base they cannot destroy our bed they cannot get emeralds what my well I meant to Madeline and Colton so it's so it's man Craner AKA dad master x i just saw that we can get any materials we want and we can do anything to destroy their bed but here's the deal if they defend until the timer goes down to where all beds are destroyed then they can leave their castle and kill us crater we have to be fast we have to do this get everything should I make our way to the Diamonds should I do that what do you mean we don't meet diamond no we need we need everything okay okay so crater you get all the emeralds I'll get all the diamond what good Maddy just died she just died to death what did you get a boat get a boat get a boat not okay no no no I have another idea I have another idea save those for something save those for something else I have an idea I have an idea so crater well you're getting those let me know when you reach two times four of those so I'm gonna use those to dismiss yeah I'm pretty sure I have never played this map on yeah we have we I don't know this is a pretty secret thing I know okay let's do this let's do this so they're over there it's got two times four okay okay they're right there so get 2 times 4 plus 2 2 5 4 plus 2 okay this is just a waiting game at this point dude I am getting all of the things that are good okay good dee dee Simone wolf you maybe maybe maybe okay and also buy things with gold yeah you know what I need things do you know what I mean keeps the doctor away yes okay move a deleted tear please don't hate us oh yeah crater crater did you see my name sleep on the couch okay times 2 times 2 times 4 plus 2 2 times 4 plus 2 they're girls they don't you saw what I just upgraded right keep that in mind okay okay let's upgrade okay let's grab that grab that okay plus new Craner 2 times 4 plus 3 just keep that in mind you'll see okay let's grab two of those there we go and then let's grab a bunch of that okay okay crater let me know when you have do you have it okay come back to the base okay crater take this take that upgrade your armor upgrade your armor yeah we just get the basic just get the basic I'm gonna give you something in a second okay grab that and then this okay okay this is what I want you to take that and then take half of this what oh okay here take that take that take that take that take that as well should we should we get a better one of those two after you can stay up okay okay yeah you don't want to say it um um um if people are attacking you and you block yourself in they can attack you that was very good okay great you're coming to me come to me come to me I'm gonna bring you something but but I have I had I have something for you I have to we don't want to use all of our resources right now just in case it fails you're here take that are you ready are you ready oh yeah they get the going back gate the doctors away there you go there you go all right so let's go over to that Island yeah let's go get more well screw you more diamonds okay okay okay okay let's go let's go get these diamonds over here and then let's upgrade once more let's upgrade that I knew I told you [Music] [Music] greater I was on their bed okay okay okay okay that is why okay over here we got that okay I'm gonna upgrade that I just upgraded that and you saw that right he's your son okay okay over here crater what could our strategy we keep upgrading things we have to keep attacking I'm just translating man I'm not a main that's true I was grinder I have no part in this okay what's let's think of a new plan let's think of a new place leader play so what we're gonna do what we're gonna do yeah I'm all right all right [Music] okay we're yet oh good that upgrade dad there we go okay so you take this you take that you take that we're gonna have a different strategy your job I know but our goal is to not okay okay hold on hold on you take this you take this you take this the point of us getting green boxes so that we can get the blue stuff I know but here's the deal we have to try - okay I have a better idea okay okay I got my idea I got one okay okay hold on this is so difficult we can't communicate rocks for okay good let's grab dad okay let's keep saving those let's go try this look let's go try this suit your should I buy one yeah I'll buy one so your goal is to keep people off of you your goal is to keep people off of you trust me Cramer just trust me just trust me okay come this way come this way come this way okay okay okay let's go I don't have to drink that's fine that's fine that's fine okay okay okay okay okay crater crater would my plan failed so it's on you what do we do what are we doing they have three of them and diamonds so if we can do it okay okay okay okay we will follow we will follow you you call the shots my plan failed twice now it's your turn now it's your turn nice say get credit you're doing your job was to keep them off of me no no we got this we got this we got this crane you just gotta believe you see what is upgrade do you see what you're separated in the chat so how can we do this dude [Music] upgrade what are you guys doing are you guys okay okay keep going away from the diamonds diamonds I need one more I need one more green I need one more green let's put that back in there you are going how are you sounding no are you drowning we can't lay down anything in the base oh yeah and I think set up for themselves now so should we did you come in here you're the only one safe out there should we should we just go ahead in there and kill him how do you think what we could do here okay wait crater I can upgrade I can upgrade I can upgrade I can't get out wait did you use those emeralds on a bow okay grab that upgrade that crazy what do we do here this is so difficult what I have look at me look at me look what I have look what I have okay okay you need four more green thingies four more green things four more years crazy okay okay okay you do that you do that okay okay are you guys still stuck in your base no I think I fixed it fix it okay oh I felt with two diamonds dang it okay great are you good no no what are you talking about no way work on the aim bro are you just sitting there shooting them okay good okay so I'm trying to think how do we do that how do we do this Craner I think we should drink the drink the drink go to another ayat and sneak up on him instead of just I have said too much you have said too much but I see where you're going okay okay I'm getting this there we go Ian doing pretty good now now I'm gonna get the doctor okay I need I need to think that makes you think redder we won't need it okay yes we will trust me I'm not sure if I trust you when you're talking like that Ian crater find me crater find me crater hide me okay okay great where are you unit bring blocks you always bring building blocks crater okay okay so 509 shot Oh what she fell down she's down there okay craters did you bring up did you bring go pickaxe no you you are welcome crater you keep or you keep him at bay keep him at bay how can we do this grab that grab that grab oh here we go here we go grab that why not - okay oh no I messed one I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry sir sorry sir I'm sorry get out sorry I need you to get out okay you safe Duty is firing fireballs at me dude sheis fireballs yeah but she doesn't know I can just shoot it back with my ball okay Craner craters don't die don't die we go back to the base oh credit okay shot okay okay here we go here we go if someone can get Diamond armor whoever wants to okay yes I can I'm dude what do you want you want diamonds or emeralds yeah five doctors okay five doctors got it right right I need fireballs I'm trying I can't find it where did you put all this stuff I mean in the chest oh there it is okay crater I'm coming back home coming back okay okay okay you gotta keep defending [Music] okay okay [Music] did we win how did I my iron golem kills you there we go crater we finally broke through with our diversions [Music] okay so now we're gonna change things up a bit it's gonna be me crater and Colton defending versus you two let's be yellow let's be yellow defenders are yellow attackers are blue so then we'll be on the opposite sides of the map hopefully you guys don't have to protect your bed you guys are the attackers yes blue be blue and we are yellow you can't get the elbows everything your friend you're playing bed Wars just like normal aside from defending your bed okay I mean I'm gonna go I'm gonna go to the right right yeah yeah but crater we can buy what you like to buy and just snipe them hunting season is open [Music] especially if it means I can bowl my girlfriend out oh no we can also take their diamonds no because we will stop you I kill you that's great new crater is a very friendly person wait what color you guys what color you guys oh great that okay okay oh you can't build this map is so glitched I remember this map you can't you can't properly defend your bed really yeah the most recent update the hypixel they brought the map okay okay just keep bringing back diamonds keep bringing back time is upgrade the forge upgrade before don't you're the man okay okay there we go I know okay I'm gonna use this diamond just in case they get any wild plants there we go now we have that nope not a trap I was talking about why would you teacher that kind of stuff do you know it's got a backfire crater we have to defend this like that's all we can do what's rush oh yeah what's rush forge upgrades yeah do you and a bunch of upgrades - I think right yeah probably combat what are you talking about we've got mad skills what do you mean I think I can beat the bulk of their like full upgrades and I did know what you guys make it out over they know we can we're defending the castle do we can do anything like we can't leave past these to Diamond Islands okay I know this really needs to be a game mode it's fun this is actually a lot of fun to play I put all my diamond sit there I'm gonna take some of the gold now and I'm gonna buy some upgrades okay but do you think just keep grabbing just keep grabbing diamonds okay over there Colin's breaking their bridge okay yeah just keep upgrade you just keep upgrading the forge I mean we don't have enough to upgrade it yet we need okay twelve times we need I think did you get a bowl are you talking about what are you talking about not the bow guy I'm just collecting all the resources from the other places how many diamonds you need okay we need 12 we need 12 diamonds I have 12 can I have can I have them dude when we get an emerald forge I think it's 16 okay we just got a kid grabbing them there's we just got a cute grabbing them so far we're doing good on defense okay but we got ten diamonds now okay okay I have an idea of something I want to do in case they get a good bow I'm gonna try to make our stuff safer okay okay okay oh that's let's go let's see yeah I don't like it they're quiet Katie don't have a bow - Oh stupid do that what the glitch on the back of the bed where you can only put one block there to cover it I was talking about I'm talking about [Music] I'm not a girl greater look at the chat did you say that okay okay save up six of those Oh white what are you guys building they can't shoot us down now dude you guys are crazy okay also Colton cannot fall down no matter how hard he tries okay should we do that no we probably shouldn't because map is all glitched out cold I got some more wool for you right here homie I know we are teammates over here you know unlike you guys who argue all the time yeah okay we need 16 diamonds she literally turns into flipper [Laughter] we should probably crater Colton you were just what are you doing to this path oh that's you I thought Colton was dad master just make sure that when we place water down we're not making the same mistake as Tia I'm sorry I just I I have I have issues with dolphins they scare me you told this like making the most acute breach ever oh my god but you guys are making it out of thick ooh this is our diamonds Madeleine you better get the freak back successfully defended look in the chat look in the chat look in the decorator and it is maxed there we go diamond do can I please can I please get my boat if you want to it's up to you I mean Harry Potter okay back you she messed up her bed fix your bed fix your best fix your best quick quick I don't like this I don't how do I change okay diamonds oh nice upgrade about they're not gonna be able to kill us in old face now Ian nobody makes us bleed our own blood okay om roll upgrades oh no that's not good that's not good okay do you have any time is here inventory just giving you protection yeah well you just on your way over here no I would never I don't believe you okay okay okay okay ooh somebody's into a fireball they're breaking our wall they're breaking our wolf stop it okay I got like insane right now I don't dude we've got so much good gear they're destroying our walls on fire our walls on fire rebuild the castle walls there we go we got a GUI bill [Music] crater I just took ten diamonds from that ore I just took ten diamonds you took six emeralds this is beautiful okay okay okay we just need to keep upgrading we just need to keep upgrading oh they finally built a wall they finally learned my god access to so much but can't get to it okay I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do this there we go and there we go just remember once the time runs out and there and the beds are destroyed all walls come down we can attack back there we go we need some haste nice nice Craig diamond Dharma Colton get diamond armor got it counted the point we have to kill you know anywhere they have to kill yeah let's get you wanna save over 20 diamonds say over diamonds yeah okay I feel bad I just want to put them out of their misery no try [Music] [Laughter] hates losing we just got to defend just keep defending Oh Mike okay okay okay okay I'm trying to think of a plan because the feds are gonna do the beds are gonna be destroyed soon I'm trying to pick up a plan for once it happens I'm not telling well maybe a greater base or base [Music] [Laughter] she and her world right next to our little friends and got one shot I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure my minecraft name right now is gonna be happening I am sleeping on the couch okay oh my gosh you guys are so mean you're just camping that is so mean I mean it's cold I'm not doing it you guys are so evil at least give them a chance exactly okay okay we're giving them a chance then thank you just gonna wait until we have emeralds and diamonds in her shoot you guys anymore I promise oh my god Colten said he's the one shooting what do you thought about donating we need our Oh Harry Potter Harry Potter to us ok ok so Creina yeah let's save up those we'll save up those oh nice odds grave ok I'm gonna save up those we all have [Music] so what are you guys doing yeah what do you we have was it I see you trying to shoot me uh what are you talking about [Laughter] here we go [Laughter] great are we horrible people I think this is how you teach people how to play Mike okay here you go here you go kata here you go this is for in house to the middle oh she did get killer ooh [Music] crazy did you see what I gave you any inventory look at looking your Vittori I threw it at you there you go we're gonna save up for another one for Colton okay [Laughter] I forgot somebody in chat just told me okay okay that's a good idea that's a good idea hold on hold on hold on I'm gonna do this just in case there we go okay okay let's all show it crater it's becoming time it is becoming time here you go Craner cool come back here come back here let's split this shop split this up there we go there we go wait where did that go did you get did that drop yeah you got that okay good good so as soon as the time drops okay what happened I heard explosions I don't like explosions wait how is she dying [Laughter] [Music] emeralds crater look at the right side of the screen look at the time okay okay we got this well how they don't know what's in it once they have some like elaborate planning we just get rekt I'm sorry I'm just being honest here all right with that up there put that up there put that up there grab that but I think you guys are very good at Minecraft compared to how long four minutes left dudes if you think we could win this hit the white boy guys if you think the girls can win this um what what do they do I say cringing the chip this block right here on their side go for this one first [Music] okay okay crater here here here take this take this take this there you go take that Colton oldest take this take this there you go this come three minutes and twenty uh everybody spamming prints in the chat I don't like this crater they don't believe it I'm gonna grab that and that there we go [Music] that's our big destroyed in three minutes oh they defended their bed with obsidian there's nothing else to do you're gonna upgraded your armor to diamond we got two minutes left two minutes I just got six emeralds from killing TIA did you better you can use those six arrows to upgrade your armor [Music] we have 12 emeralds okay I just got a diamond sword I just got a dive inside there we go I have so much stuff I don't know what to do with it all one minute left you guys think we can win this against the girls hit the like button if you think they can win this see they can't win in the shack okay guys guys come back here come back here come back here we have to watch a full-blown attack okay go back here come back here come back here come back here come up here come with us come up here come up here I just killed Tia again somehow and she gave me six more emeralds okay so we have successfully defended against the girls now all is open are you guys ready what say I never have to sleep on the couch again say it [Music] not even on the couch yeah you can get all the spiders in your ears I was beautiful so you read the title husbands vs. wives I believe the husband's won and I'm sleeping on the couch oh if you guys have enjoyed this lives too of course hit the like button down also hit the subscribe button turn on notifications you guys know the drill Craner we are uh we want to be a good husband don't do what they did we are horrible human beings that's why we were single until we were 22 years out sights an idea [Music]
Channel: SSundee
Views: 9,909,704
Rating: 4.9320731 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, SSundee, Bed Wars, Sky Wars, Wife, Sky Block, Teaching, Noobs vs Pros, Son, Couple Challenge, Couple Battle, Survival, PvP, Minecraft 1.11.2, No Bed, Egg Wars, Challenge, No Bed Bed Wars Challenge, no friends, alone, 1v1v1v1, FFA, Minecraft (Video Game), PG, minecraft videos for children, kid videos, minecraft videos for kids, kid friendly gaming, crundee, Minecraft Vanilla, Final Boss, Kehaan, Crainer, Crundee, 4v4, Kid Friendly, Team Battles, 2v2, Castle Defense
Id: EXSRimpNBbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 34sec (3454 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2017
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