I used Leonardo AI to create stunning children's book illustrations | ChatGPT, Canva, Amazon KDP

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hi guys welcome to my channel Sarah's canva Studio I've got a really good response from all of you on my recent videos which have compelled me to keep making them if you're new and haven't subscribed to my channel yet I would really appreciate if you hit that subscribe button it will help me grow on this platform and also ensure that I keep churning out unique ideas so please like this video and don't forget to subscribe without further Ado let's get started in today's video we're going to be using three tools to create a stunning children's book for ideal generation and content of the book we're going to use the good old chart GPT for image iteration we're going to use Leonardo AI this is a free tool that I'm going to tell you about in a bit and lastly we're going to use canva to put it all together we're then going to upload our book Amazon KDP and wait for our sales to come in I'm also thinking of making a video on how to create a sellable Amazon listing let me know in the comments below if you'd like to know about some marketing tips for selling your Amazon Books Okay so let's get to our first step open chart GPT if you're not sure about the theme of your book give a give a prompt to charge gbd to generate you some themes so over here I've written I want to write a children's book please give me a few things I could write on once that's done choose a theme that you like um I've decided to go with environmental awareness um I chose this one because it's a topic that I'm sure a lot of parents are eager for their children to learn about and early on we need to save our planet and the awareness should start from Grassroots um okay so then we're going to give Char GPT the prompt to write a poem for us here I've given it a prompt that you can see I want to write about environmental awareness write me at least 25 pages with four lines on each page they should have Rhymes no specific character different scenes from each page write in a way that is easily understandable by a preschooler uh the reason I've told it to not have a specific character is because we're going to use AI for image generation and AI creates a different set of image on every prompt even if you give it the same prompt it'll generate something else each time so to save the hassle no specific characters is what we're gonna do okay so now that we have our story and Rhymes let's create images open the website leonardo.air this is a free tool that creates stunning images from text prompts the best thing about this tool is that you can get about 150 tokens every day so you can create a lot of images per day without having to worry about running out of tokens if you're finished your tokens you can wait it out and start again the next day you can of course buy a paid version of this tool it's only ten dollars per month but if you don't want to pay that's fine too please find the link to this website in my description so let's get started we're going to click start using Leonardo you're going to uh write your name here and your email address and Count Me In click Count Me In and after that you're going to click yes I'm white listed I've already made accounts I am directly clicking on um yes I'm white listed and as you can see it has opened this is my account and you can see it it has already filled in my 150 tokens and over here on the question mark it says that these will be reset um in 14 hours um one thing I would like to mention is that these do not carry forward so if you don't finish them up in your day they won't be carry forwarded to the next day um it would still remain 150 so I would suggest you to use them up and yeah over here you can see a lot of different models on which you can create images you can also see images and prompts other people have used and if you like something you can also copy their prompt and tweak it to create your own image and that style for instance I really like this 2D illustration of a cat I'm going to check uh what prompt this person has given so it's a pretty simple uh prompt but there are a lot of um details that this person has added so that you know the image that uh is created is you know accurate from the description uh we're also going to see the model this person has used with this green shaper V7 um you know they're the preset as illustration if we come further down we can still we can see okay this is a very beautiful um illustration um you can also see that this person has added a negative prompt and uh this is extra fingers as we all know AI loves adding extra fingers this is just the prompt we need to add if you want a human in the image um okay so let's start our own whenever generation for that we're going to kick AI image generation from user tools and this is how we have um you know this is where we've reached I already created a lot of um illustrations from our children's uh from our um poems that I created I'm going to show you um the ones that we now are going to create so we're gonna head over to GPT and we're going to um copy our poem and we're gonna go to this and I'm going to be replacing listen you know I'm gonna add this poem here um and I'm going to right here watercolor Style and um um yeah and now I'm going you can choose a number of images to generate I'm only going to choose two and the other thing that I'm gonna do is um I'm going to choose this ratio which is uh one zero two four and do seven six eight and um so you can see that you know it says this was this will use 20 tokens um but this is because um of alchemy you know if you switch it off you can see that the image will only take five tokens um we're going to use the cream shaper um model and you know if we click Alchemy then we'll have a bunch of other options you know here but let's just keep because we want to generate a lot of images so I'm just gonna you know turn off Alchemy for now and this way you'll also know um the quality of images uh so you can you know if you want you can turn to Alchemy if not you can um just stick to um the you know non-alchemy version but you know what you know what let's just uh see how this looks let's go for it but yeah let's you can also yeah so you can see it has created this stunning image for us I like both of them so I'm gonna be and they're pretty nice high resolution images you can zoom them and you can see that they're pretty hybrid resolution so um you can also you know upscale it and you can uh crisp up scale it this is for images that are Illustrated like this one this is for those that uh you know 3D renders and all so I'm not gonna Upstate it I like this image I'm just going to download it and I'm going to download this one as well and they're pretty nice images so I'm gonna do this for all other um bones that we have okay so once we've generated all our images we're going to head over to canva so this time we're doing some things differently I always use the size 8.5 inches into 8.5 inches for my books this is an Amazon KDP Chrome size for their large trim sizes additionally what I do is I add 0.125 inches to the width of my book and 0.25 to the height of my book this is for bleed which means that images that cover the entire page need to be extended to at least 0.125 inches beyond the width and 0.25 inches beyond the height of the book so that when the book is cut no white edges are there today we're first going to double the width with EE so we're going to choose the size 17.25 into 8.75 inches so once we have our R code ready we're going to upload all the images one by one and we're going to start designing our book okay so our first poem is the morning sun so for the for that our image is I'm gonna choose this image and I'm going to be um adjusting it to the whole width of this book um yeah and I'm going to keep doing that for all our poems okay so now we're going to save all of these as images we're gonna go and download them as PNG foreign again and we're going to go for our custom size which was 8.625 into 8.75 inches now we have our artboard ready and now we're going to start creating the book so now that we have our artboard ready again we're going to compile the images that we just downloaded uh we're gonna go into uploads and we're going to upload these images now now what we have to do is that we're going to leave the first page over here we're going to add the title of our book and let's go ahead and generate the title also please give me a title for this book Nature's Guardians arriving tale of Earth's BB okay let's um just give this a title let's go ahead here and heading in yeah and we can change the font I like this font this is Beth Ellen I'm going to make this a little smaller and I'm also going to increase the ninth spacing so this is that I'm going to adjust it in the middle of the page and we're going to come here again and you know maybe change this bit but yeah let's just go ahead and go to our second page and we're going to be starting our book from this page which is page number two so over here we're going to upload our image and our first images this one and what we're going to do is we're going to um set this image as background and we're going to adjust it here we're going to so the reason that we um so the reason that we first made these images was that we were going to adjust them um on our on these pages and these pages are um sort of half of these images right so this is what we're gonna do once this is done now we're going to go to the other page and we're going to upload the same image again or you know what we're going to copy this background and we're going to paste it here but we are going to do this like this there you go so this is how it's going to be I'm still going to adjust this for a little and just seeing if that there are no white spaces here so that's that and same with this I'm going to okay let's do this for all the pages one by one foreign so now that we've added all our images we're going to be adding copy pasting our poems one by one um okay so we're gonna do two lines per page and so our first one in the morning sun soaked right nature wakes from its Slumber light so okay guys I am done adding all our homes two lines per page um so this is how it looks um yeah so I'm just going to do something about this page um maybe right something here maybe subheading a children's and yeah I think this is fine let's um let's save it so there are about 51 pages to this book you can add one more just for the sake of it over here um and we're gonna save it we are going to download this as a PDF print we're going to crop Master bleed Platinum PDF and we're going to download this okay so now for the book cover we're gonna go for the same size that we went for earlier which is double of the width of our book and the height is going to remain the same so we're gonna go for the size 7.25 inches into 8.75 inches for our book and and we're also going to generate an image for our book cover uh we're just going to be copying other book title and let's just let Leonardo do its magic um yeah so I'm gonna add a negative prompt I yeah sad and darkness should not be there I am going to um keep the dimensions um Square um yeah and maybe I'm going to increase it to uh switch on Alchemy for this so we get a really nice um resolution high resolution uh image for our book cover um okay it gave us this it's cute but I feel this is um it doesn't convey uh the message we're giving so I'm just going to tweak this a little I'm just gonna write a tail of Earth's Beauty and let's generate okay I really like this one so I'm going to be downloading this let's paste it here let's also um drag this to add these half of the page so that we know how much we have to zoom our image um so this is how much I'm gonna zoom out and yeah that's about it thank you and we'll change the font to this and I'm going to change the color to White that's about it I'm going to add some back of the text here back of the book text please write me a free back of the book text I'm going to be saving this as a PDF PDF print and I'm gonna download this okay guys now let's upload our book we are going to click create we're gonna of course come to our Amazon kdb profile we're gonna click create and we're going to either choose paperback or hardcover so I'm going to choose paperback and I'm going to um paste the book uh book name here the title that you've just generated with chart GPT we're going to do that we're gonna paste it here and I'm also going to be adding more keywords like children's book on environmental awareness um I am going to add the author name which is my own and I'm going to add a description here and I'm going to uh ask strategyb to help us please write me uh um description for this book to add through my Amazon qdb this thing okay so I'm just going to be copying this you can you should uh definitely proofread it and uh you know tweak it if you'd like to I'm just going to be pasting this um I'm going to select I own the copyright and hold publish a necessary publishing rights and sexually split explicit images or title no um reading ages is optional so we're not going to limit it here um our primary Marketplace is going to be amazon.com now we're going to choose the categories so this is uh really important and we're going to be selecting children's book maybe science nature and how it works you know and we should go for environment or let's look for another subcategory nature and let's go for General or is that another subcategory environment yeah fiction and non-fiction so let's go for that and let's save and uh large okay so let's ask charging to generate about seven key phrases that people may use to find a to search up search for a whatever book like this one on Amazon okay so let's let's use this this thing like uh good keywords we're going to be um copying them and pasting them to our here then we're gonna click save and continue now that our details of our books have been saved we're going to uh you know um do our paperback content so we're gonna click assign me a free KDP ISBN and we're going to choose our publication date which is today uh and in the last video I think that uh you know mistake I made was I um you know chose standard color interior with white paper um but you know if you choose this you need at least a minimum of 72 pages in your books so we don't have that many about that many pages we have 52 pages in our book so we're going to be selecting premium cutter interior with white paper this is more expensive to make and you might if you price your book you know on the low end you might get less profit however the minimum requirement for this category is 24 pages so uh since we have 52 Pages we're going to select this but feel free to add more pages uh to your book if you'd like to select this option the minimum requirement is 72 so you know I'm gonna click this and and we're going to select our trim size which is um 8.5 into 8.5 inches um there is bleed since we have like images that cover the whole page we're gonna select this and I'm gonna go for glossy finish since you know this is a children's book glossy finish books um really look good in children's books now I'm going to be uploading our paperback manuscript and this is it I'm going to be uploading this here now we're going to upload our cover we're going to select upload a cover you already have and I'm going to select this and I'm going to select the cover that you made and we're going to let it upload and hope that there's nothing wrong with our cover and our manuscript now I've clicked launch reviewer so this is just going to load our files you know process our files and our and it's going to show how our book is going to look so let's just wait for that okay so we have an issue over here which is which states that your expected cover size is 17.372 into 8.75 inches and the one we submitted is 17.250 into 8.75 so you know we're just gonna go back to our book cover and I'm going to resize this and uh you know this option is available in the paid version of canva I'll link down um my you know the so I'm going to resize my book cover into the measurements given by Amazon which is 17.372 into 8.75 so I'm going to do that and I'm going to resize it and I'm going to save it again if you don't know this in the meantime we're also going to check how our book looks and this is how it looks it looks pretty dope okay so now that I've just seen all the pages I'm going to upload my cover again with the revised measurements and let's see if that fixes the problem okay so as you can see um there's no problem with the cover now now we can just you know check the book out again to see if it's all fine we're gonna also look at it as thumbnail View and this is how it looks looks pretty nice you can see the images are very seamless and I hope you had fun making that and we are going to save and continue so this book cost us five dollars 16 cents to make now we're going to price it according to this price so there is still a minimum price uh that we need our book to be for Amazon to get a profit of this which is okay so over here it says eight point six dollars is the minimum price that we have to keep uh but that would give us zero profit so as you can see if we keep this price we have zero dollars of loyalty um so we need to at least be something above 8.6 so let's um make this twelve dollars I think that's a fair price um and if we keep our books price twelve dollars the royalties we would get are 2.4 and that's 60 of the profit 40 goes to Amazon and sixty percent goes to us yeah let's publish our paperback book so guys congratulations we've um made yet another book this was this one was a little different from the books I've done previously uh I'm sure you've seen tons of videos on how to create children's books uh you know on YouTube um and I hope I was able to give you something different in my video um I hope you had fun making this and please tell me what you did with your book and if you were able to create one or not if you enjoy this video or you know anything that you would like to tell me please comment below and please subscribe to my channel it would really mean a lot to me and I would love to um you know hear something from you guys so take care bye
Channel: Sara's Canva Studio
Views: 17,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to write a children's book with ChatGPT, Children's book writing tutorial, AI-powered storytelling for kids, Illustrating a children's book with Leonardo.ai, Easy children's book illustrations, Compiling children's book layouts with Canva, Self-publishing on Amazon KDP, Making money with children's books, Step-by-step children's book publishing guide, DIY children's book creation process, Amazon KDP, Leonardo AI, Free Image generation AI Tool
Id: kyI88k4NLus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 29sec (1709 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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