Create a Coloring Book to Sell on Amazon KDP using Canva - Step by Step Tutorial (2024)

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[Music] hi everyone welcome back to my channel in today's video I'm going to show you step by step how you could create a coloring book whether you're brand new to Amazon KDP and have never published anything before or you have published a few journals in the past and looking to expand into coloring books then this video is for you my goal is to give you detailed enough instructions so that you can easily follow along and actually walk away from this video with your very own covering book published on Amazon KDP so if this is of interest to you make sure you stay until the very end because you wouldn't want to miss out on any of the tips and tricks I'm about to show you and if you end up enjoying this video please don't forget to give me a big Thumbs Up And subscribe to my channel for more and let's get started let's assume we want to create a cute animal coloring book which will be both fun and educational for young children and it's going to have the following specs in terms of the idea we will have one animal on each of our coloring pages with the name of the animal written either beside or beneath it and we will have the animal Pages placed in alphabetical order so for example our first page can be of an alpaka because it starts with an A and in the second page we'll show a bear because it starts with a B in terms of Dimensions we will make our book 8.5 by 8.5 in which will make it a square coloring book but you can really choose any Dimension that you prefer you can make it rectangular but in our case we're going to make it a square in terms of a number of pages we're going to make it 54 Pages the reason for that is because we plan on having 26 animal pages and with coloring books you want to make sure that you don't have print on both sides of the pages so if we have a coloring page we want to make sure the backside is actually blank so basically you would need to multiply the number of pages by two because you're going to have 26 Pages all of those pages will have a blank page because this will prevent when people are coloring it won't bleed to the The Backs side so you don't want to have anything on the back side so 26 * by 2 is 52 and then you want to add another blank page as well as maybe a page at the beginning to say this book belongs to like a little title page and then in terms of binding we'll have it as paperback as supposed to hard cover which is common for most coloring books and then for interior Pages we'll choose black and white because we're making a coloring book so there's really no reason why we need the book printed in color just remember each time before you create a new book whether that is a journal or a coloring book you should already have decided on these specs that we just discussed this is because you will require them as inputs in order to generate the correct book cover size and interior margins for your book you definitely don't want to start designing your coloring book and then realize at the end that all your margins are off and then your text or designs will end up getting cut off when it gets printed later let me now show you how to get started with creating the interior of our coloring book the first step step is we want to come to the KDP website under their help topics they have a page that talks about trim size bleeds and margins this link I have also linked Below in the description section of this video so you can easily reference it when you go ahead and make your coloring book interior so what we want to do now is scroll down from here and the section we're looking for is the section called bleed and there we go so when we say that the interor has no bleed that means there is a little white space all around each of your pages essentially creating a border around your graphic and text elements on each page when we say that the interior is with bleed that means there is no white border around your page and your graphic or text elements essentially bleeds to the edge of each of your pages so in the context of a coloring book what that means is in the case of no bleed there will be a white space around your page and then if you choose with bleed then your graphic elements essentially fills the entire page all the way to the edges the page I personally prefer choosing wi bleed because that gives me the option to have certain elements go all the way to the edge of the page if I choose to but either one would work okay so what we need from here is once we decided we want bleed or no bleed then we'll come down here to the tables we want to pick the one that says examples of page size with and without bleed for KDP because the one below is for Japan so likely not applicable for most of you as well so we're going to expand this and you'll see a table down here so what this tables tells us is the page size and dimension that we'll need to put into canva later to help set up our interior Pages because we want to make sure that we set up the page properly so that we don't run into issues when we upload it to KDP for printing later because we had HCK with bleed we'll have to look at this column here and if you recall when we had originally talked about the specifications of the coloring book that we're going to create we were going to make a square coloring book that is 8.5x 8.5 in which is this one but we won't look at this column because we had chosen with bleed we'll need to look at the corresponding column colum on this side so we will have to put in this number into canva later so now let us hop on over to canva to put this in okay so what you want to do is log into canva which I've already done so here and for those of you who are not familiar with canva this is basically a very powerful online design tool with a huge selection of Design Elements templates and features that you can use to bring your Creative Vision to life for anything from notebooks to posters to social media content or even children's story books so first of all make sure you log in and if you haven't already gotten your account set up you will need to set one up I have included a link below this video where you can sign up for your canva account and there are basically two options when it comes to canva there's the free account where there's no time limit but you don't have access to as many creative elements and then you can also sign up for a 30-day free trial of the pro account this will give you access to Canvas entire library of design elements and features and after the 30-day trial period you can decide if you want to pay for it on an ongoing basis or you can also choose to downgrade back to the free option okay so now that we're in canva we want to set up the page and we're going to use the dimensions that I had just shown you from the KDP page earlier which is the 8.625 in X 8.75 Ines so let's go ahead and put that in so we're going to put create a design and then we're going to put custom size and then we're going to have to change this pixels to inches this is a very important step so please don't forget that and then we're going to put that in 8.625 8.625 by 8.75 and we're going to say create a design and our page is set up with the right dimensions now we're not completely done yet because we also need to Now set up the margins just to make sure we know where the margins are so that we make sure whatever critical elements we have do not get cut off during printing so we're going to come back to the same page that I was showing you earlier and now we're going to go to margin instead so we're going to scroll down to where they talk about the margins here so there we go so under the margin section you'll see a table here so under the table you'll see page count so this is where we want to look for so right now if you recall the number of pages that we plan to have for a coloring book was 54 pages so our book will fall into this category which means we will need these margins but then again remember that we had asked for with bleed so for outside margin we'll need to use this column as opposed to this column and an inside margin will be the same regardless whether you use bleed or no bleed so basically we need 0.375 in on the inside margins and also 0.375 in on the outside margins so remember that number and now we're going to hop back over to canva to put those margins in as you can see I already have rulers here some of you when you load your page if you don't have the rulers yet you can press the shortcut which is shift plus r and that should bring the rulers out so what we want to do is to try to drag the margin out to around 0.375 which was what the table had asked for and it doesn't have to be exact it's better to be slightly over than be slightly under so I'm going to do 0.376 and I'm good with that and so what we can do is also zoom in a little bit more and I'm going to come to elements here and I'm going to come to shapes and I'm going to grab a square so I'm going to take this square and I'm going to make this size to be equivalent to the first margin that I had created that I know was accurate and now I'm just going to take the square copy and paste it and I'm going to use this to help drag my margins and I'm going to move the same square over here and I'm going to drag that margin over here to match that square cuz then I know this will be 0.375 and likewise for the bottom part I'm going to drag from the ruler another margin down here to match the square and now I have all four sides of my margins completed so now I can delete these squares CU I don't need them anymore and as you recall we have 54 pages so what we want to do is duplicate this 54 times so what we can do is come to the grid View and we can just copy and paste it 54 times you can see the page number is going up we just want to get to 54 so there we go so now we can go back out of grid View and you'll see that we had all these Pages created so what I plan to do is to have the first page as a little title page so we can have this coloring book belongs to and then so that the little child who receives this book they can put their name in I'm going to put it there and we can make it prettier later I just want to show it as an example what we're going to plan out for each of the pages and then that's where they put their name and then on the next page which would be the back side of this page page we're going to leave it blank and this this will be the first page so page three will be the first page of our coloring book so now I'm going to show you in the next step the really fun part and that is how do we generate the coloring book pages with the graphics that we want so there are actually many ways we can design and generate the coloring page Graphics that we need I'm going to show you two of my favorite ways in this video the first way is to leverage the elements that we can find within canva so you'll have to be patient with this option because you may or may not find exactly what you want but it is definitely worth a try because that way you get to stay within canva just use the canva elements and everything is just a bit simpler the Second Step I'm going to show you leverages a bit of AI which is also really cool but let's see what we can do just within canva for now so what we want to do is come to elements here and we're going to search for black and white coloring page and because we're trying to do animals I can do animals and see what happens so as you can see here we have some graphics we can do see all and not all of them are animals but you see a pig here you see a cat there so that could be used for our page for the alphabet P we can put Pig we can put cat or we can be more specific and see if we can get like a bear for example and so uh there's a bear here but more like a gummy bear oh there's a bear here so let's say for page two because that's going to be B I want to use this so that is the first way and it could be anything like in this case I'm searching for animals but you could search for something different just search black and white coloring page and then add whatever it is that you want to search for and then you can see if canva may have those elements for you to just use what I want to do and label these animals so then I'm going to go to text here I'm going to put maybe add a heading and I'm going to put bear it anywhere I want and because this is a coloring book I want the letters to be kind of like a coloring book style too so I'm going to come to effects and I'm going to go to hollow now you can actually color these letters in as well and you can obviously change the font if you don't like it I would recommend something thicker because you're using it as a coloring element so this is not bad like if you do something too thin then it might be hard to color in so there so now I'm going to show you the second way to creating your coloring book elements and that's by using chat GPT which is an AI option and it's really really cool and actually very very easy so now let us hop on to chat GPT and you will have to upgrade from GPT 3.5 which is a free option to GPT 4 in order to use this it is around $20 per month but it is absolutely worth it if you plan on creating a lot of coloring books because it is so easy to create what you want to do is once you have chat GPT 4 set up you want to come down here to explore gpts press on that and what you want to do is go to the search public GPT section and put in coloring book hero so you'll see a lot of different ones you want to find the one that says by chat GPT click on that one and all you need to do now is to tell chat GPT what kind of coloring book page you want to create and it will automatically generate it for you so for example maybe I want simple alaka with black and bold lines just to make sure that the lines are not thin and there's not a lot of gray scale in the generated graphic so let's try that out and this looks awesome so what you want to do now is assuming you're happy with this you can go to download it come back to canva here go back to my first page and I am going to go to uploads and I'm going to go to upload file and I'm going to open up the one that I had just downloaded and then bring it onto the page so one thing actually that you might want to do as well is you would want to upscale this image that we generated from chat GPT and I will put a link at the bottom of this page which will show you the website that I usually use to upscale it that basically make sure that they upgrade the quality of this image before you put it into your book and it is absolutely free to do that and it's very simple all you need to do is upload the image and then click you want it two times the size and it will generate it for you you download that and then you use that version to upload onto your canva here in the interest of time I'm not going to show you all of that it's actually very simple and I've linked it below so just make sure you do that step before you upload it to canva here because it'll make sure your quality of your coloring book is good and that the lines won't be fuzzy let's say I've done that already and I put in my alpaka here what you also want to do is because you can see there's a bit of shading behind this alaka which is not necessarily white and I don't want that so that's a very simple fix all I need to to do is click on it go to edit photo and I'm going to remove the background with this background remover so click on that and now you can see it's all white you don't have that gray scale anymore and so this is our alpaca and I'm going to come down here and grab this put alaka okay and the other important thing I want to mention is once you have all the pages you don't have to do it right away but let's say you have all 26 Pages completed now what you want to do is to make sure you insert a blank page in between each of them so you can just shift them over you can shift some of the blank pages in between them and the reason for that is because this page basically represents the backs side of this page and as mentioned earlier we want to make sure the backside of each of the coloring pages is actually blank so that way when people color in it's not going to bleed onto the backs side so now I've gone ahead and created the animal elements for each of our coloring pages using the two options that I had shown you earlier and we have basically animals all the way from a to zed if we're happy with it then we're pretty much done but I just wanted to show you a few more tricks so that you could leverage them as part of creating your coloring book as well so what we can do is also select a few more elements just to fill in the page a little bit for example I found this Leaf element which I think right now is in white I want to change it to Black and we can just make that first page a little prettier and I'm going to bring all the way to the edge of the page and then I can also actually change this I think is a little too big B but I'm going to change it to the same font and I'm actually going to make this hollow as well so they can color it as well if they want to and I'm going to leave the line so that they can fill in their name and in here and we can really do anything we can basically add some finishing touches to it for example if I find a leaf here I can put a leaf here on the bear just to make it a little bit less Bland in this case I want to flip that leaf horizontally and then put it right here and that could be another page so just some creative touches you can add to the pages depending on what your theme is it will be very different I just wanted to show you a few tricks so that you can leverage them as well so once you're happy with these Pages then we can go ahead and download this file so that we can have it ready to upload to KDP later so what we want to do is come down to download in file type make sure you select PDF print and what we want to do is click on flatten PDF and select pages all pages all 54 pages so that's correct because we want to download the all of the Interior pages that we have in terms of color profile I typically pick CMYK because that's best for printing but this is only available if you have a pro canva account so if you don't you can definitely select RGB and it will work just fine for the purposes of creating a coloring book but in my case I'm going to select this and I'm going to hit on download and we're pretty much done before we start designing our coloring book cover we will first need to set up the cover template in canva what you want to do now is Hop on to Amazon KDP cover calculator and I will include the link in the description section of this video so you can easily reference it later so this is basically where you would want to enter all the specs that we had decided on earlier like the number of pages the size of the book Etc and once we have all this information in the form it will basically help us generate a book cover template which we can use in canvas later so let's go ahead and start putting in the information so for binding type we're going to select paperback for interior type we're going to select black and white just because we're creating a coloring book paper type I'm going to pick white paper page turn direction basically is usually left to right which is when you read the pages you read from left Page to right page and then measurement units we're using inches interior trim size as you may recall we are doing an 8.5x 8.5 inch book which is a square book and in terms of page count we had said 54 so now what we want to do is calculate dimensions and download the template so it will automatically download into a zip file that contains three files the one file that we need is this PNG file right here so let's open up the PNG file and you'll see the cover template we had just generated when we hop back into canval lator we will need to enter these overall dimensions here which is the 17372 in by 3.750 in this is what we will be using to set up our canva cover template so let's hop back over to canva and do that okay so in canva we want to go to create a design and go to custom size again and once again make sure you change pixels to inches and then we're going to go back to our little cover template and copy in these Dimensions so 17. 372 and 8.75 click on create new design and there we go so now that we have the template created in canva what we also want to do is go back to the cover template we had just downloaded click on copy and we're going to paste it right into this canva template and we're going to drag it out so that it fits exactly now that we have the cover template all set up in canva we can start doing the fun part which is designing our cover what I want to do is start by putting on a background over the template and you can really choose any background you wish this case I just picked this green background once we have the background setup what I also want to do is come to this checkered box part on the taskbar on the top and that's for the transparency so I want to bring the transparency of this layer down so that I can still see through to the cover template that will still be be able to see all the margins where the barcode is just so I know I won't put any critical elements over those areas because otherwise there'll be blocked or cut off during printing so I'm going to leave the transparency a little lower just so I can see through and now we can just start decorating so given our Coloring Book theme is cute animals also with some alphabets I'm going to start putting in some fun animal elements going put a sloth somewhere here too and we can really use our creativity in terms of how we want to do this we can even put some in the back cover later but I'm going to start off by doing the front cover elephant here maybe move the sloth I'm going to move the layer so send it backwards and then I will have the Lama maybe I can put behind and we can adjust it as we see fit we'll have a giraffe as well or maybe we'll put the giraffe in the back and we'll have the narell and we can really just play around and if we don't like it we can always adjust it we'll put the turtle at the very bottom here put a dog somewhere maybe in the back and Cat and I'm going to maybe add a little spine here just for some color contrast so I'm going to go to elements grab a square I'm going change the color to maybe a sharper color or I can grab from one of these colors just so I know it matches I'm going to take the yellow from the giraffe and I'm going to size it so that we make sure both sides on the front cover and the back cover has the same amount of yellow color showing I'm going to drag it all the way down and now I got to remove some of these elements so they're not being covered by the spine and the reason why the dog is on top is because the barcode will show up here once it's printed so I don't want it to be covered by the barcodes can put some ABC these here let's see maybe we can use white cuz once we move the transparency back up it'll probably look nicer with white and I'm really just putting it here because they're going to be able to learn their ABCs as part of this coloring book as well and now what I want to do is to add a title animal coloring book I'm going to change the font something a bit thicker llama is not cover this llama around just so here and I'm going to turn this into white and maybe I can add some effects as well if I want to that one I can adjust the font size to be a bit bigger and then on the back cover what we want to do is put some example of what the inside Pages look like so how we would do that is we'll have to go go back to what we had downloaded previously which is our interior and I'm going to zoom out a little bit and just find a few pages that you really like I'm going to screenshot it copy and then come back here and I'm going to put it right here just so people can see what some of the pages actually look like inside the book and basically you're going to repeat the same process okay so now I put in my example pages and let's say I'm happy with the way that the cover looks I'm going to just quickly bring down the transparency one more time just to check all my margins are okay so as you can see I don't have any critical elements that are on the margins or being covered in this case the legs are cut off here so I can move it up a little bit just so we make sure it doesn't get cut off okay so once everything looks good to you you can bring the transparency back up and we're done with our cover so what we want to do is to actually download this cover so that we could upload it to Amazon KDP later together with the interior that we had created previously so I'm going to go to share go to download again for file type you need to go to PDF print and then we want to flatten the PDF and again color profile I usually pick cmk which is best for printing but again if you don't have the pro account you can definitely just use the RGB which will work just fine so in this case I'm going to click this and click on download and that looks great again there will be a barcode here so the jog won't be flying in the middle of nowhere once it gets printed and awesome so now we're ready to upload our Creations onto Amazon KDP so once you have completed your book cover and your book interior and have downloaded those files from canva onto your PC we're now ready for our next step which is uploading and Publishing it onto Amazon KDP right now what you want to do is log into your Amazon KDP account and if you don't already have one you will need to set one up so once you've logged in what you want to do is to come down to this create button and click on it and it's going to ask you what type of book you want to publish and in our case it's going to be a paperback so we're going to click on create paperback and now it's going to ask you a series of questions regarding your book so that it can properly publish it for you firstly language we're going to keep it in English but there are other options depending on what type of book you want to publish in terms of book title we want to put something as relevant as possible to the actual book that we are uploading giving our customers a good indication in terms of what this book is about so in my case for the book title we're going to put cute animals coloring book for kids and for the subtitle I'm going to put educational coloring pages with animals and alphabets for preschool children ages 3 to 5 so it is really up to you how you want to craft your book title and your subtitle a lot of times subtitles they'll give a little indication as to who the target audience is so you might want to add that as well you can also take a look at some of your other competitors or other books that are on Amazon and get some inspiration in terms of how similar books are naming their book titles but you definitely do not want to copy anyone exactly because that would result in copyright infringement you want to make sure you make the title your own but you can definitely get inspiration from other books as well so we're not creating a series so we can skip past the step addition number we actually don't need to put that in either in terms of author you can put your real name most of the time people put a pen name or a publishing company name that they made up in our case let's pretend we want to say let do cute and fun and we can skip past the contributors part in terms of description you want to put together description that is engaging and also describes your book so so that the customers know what they would be buying so in our case I'm going to put this as our description so we have a little high Lev description saying this coloring book is a fun and educational activity for preschool children they will get to color in all their favorite animals while learning the animal names and the alphabets from a to zed and I have a few bullet points below it saying educational every page has a unique animal accompanied by their names it's also single-sided printing each page is printed only on one side to avoid bleeding through when you color them in and then the other specifications would be the size of the book as well as the type of paper and the cover that we're going to be printing it on so we're going to pick a glossy cover so I wrote that there as well and you can be really creative with your description this is just an example make sure you don't copy it exactly when you upload your book because you don't want Amazon to flag that you're copying another book that already exists so try to be as creative as you can this is just an example which you can leverage as you build out your own and here we want to put I own the copyright and the necessary publishing writes because you had created this book and this part would be a no okay so in terms of reading age we can select three and I could do six or maybe I could say you know what like maybe kids up to 12 could also enjoy coloring in that book then I could put 12 but it's really up to you and dependent on the book that you're planning to publish in terms of primary Marketplace I'm going to leave it as this is basically the location where you expect the majority of your book sales to come from there are other options that you could choose from but I'm going to leave it at and then now we want to pick three categories where this book best fits into so I'm going to go to choose categories I'm going to go down there's a number of options I think in our case we're going to go to children's books and then subcategory I'm going to put activities crafts and games under that there should be more activity books and then we're going to pick coloring books and I'm going to pick fiction and I'm going to add another category after that let's go back to children's book again we're going to go to perhaps animals and our books is filled with animals and given with a number of different animals it's hard to just pick one I'm going to go to mammals and I'm going to do fiction and I'm going to do another category children's books again we're going to try education and reference since we're teaching them how to read and alphabets for each of the animal names we're going to try to put in perhaps reading and writing and then vocabulary and spelling but you can really choose the categories that you feel fits your book the best these are just examples that I chose in here and now if I'm happy with these categories I'm going to save these categories and so now you see them listed here and then one thing I wanted to mention here is low content book so this is not a low content book because a low content book essentially relates to things like journals and notebooks line journals where every single page within your book looks exactly the same so they're just lines for example in our case we actually have different animals different words on every single page of the book so it's more like a medium content book so you wouldn't need to check off this low content book option here and so we're going to scroll back down and we're going to look at keywords so for keywords what you want to do is to put in seven keywords that you think customers are most likely to search for when they're looking for a book like yours so in this case we want to think of Search terms that are highly relevant to the book that you're selling but at the same time we also want to check that it is not too competitive there are actually many different types of tools out there that can help you pick keyword for the books that you are looking to publish but in today's video I'm going to show you one of the easiest and free method to do this keyword research so we're going to hop back over onto Amazon and just make sure that you're actually signed out because if you're signed in then it's going to remember all the things that you had previously searched for and it's going to make sure that whatever you see coming up is actually catered to you and we don't want that so right now we're going to try to think of words that make sense to us so for example cute animal coloring book let's see what that looks like so as you can see while this is a very relevant keyword there are over 10,000 results I think that is way too competitive so we want to narrow it down a bit more and when you click on it you'll see that there are a couple of suggestions from Amazon and these are actually based on previous search terms that customers would have put in in the past so let's try to Niche it down a little bit and put for kids and now you see that the results are slightly less still 8,000 which is still quite competitive um let's see if we can do a bit better kids ages 4 to 8 I know we were catering towards 3 to 6 but let's see 50,000 this was even worse maybe we can try toddler also pretty bad so maybe we can put cute coloring book for kids simple and big okay this is much better so this is just 1,000 results so I'm going to take this because this is actually a very relevant keyword for us we do have very big pictures that are simple for kids to color it in so I'm going to do that and and we're going to keep finding it that way until you get your seven keyword it's not to say that you cannot use words that are over 10,000 or 50,000 you can certainly do that it's just a lot harder for you to stand out because there's so much competition already on that keyword and you're likely not going to be on page one right away okay so in the interest of time I have used that method to populate the rest of my seven keywords like I mentioned there is no right or wrong answer here you really want to try to focus on getting the most relevant keyword that has high search volume and so you don't want to be too Niche that no one ever searches for it but you also want to make sure it's not too competitive so once you have your seven keywords you can now move on to the next step so now we move on to publication date so the publication date and release date are the same meaning that this is the first time you're ever publishing this book if your book was previously published in the past then you would pick this option and say when it was previously published in our case we're publishing it for the first time so we would pick this option and in terms of the release date you can either schedule your books release for a later date or you want to release your book right away as soon as Amazon approves your book so even though you're uploading it today your book might not be live right away because Amazon needs up to 72 hours to make sure that your book is okay there are no issues no copyright infringement before they make it live so in our case we're going to release my book now so once Amazon is okay it'll become live okay we're going to continue on so for ISBN Amazon will actually assign one to you for free or if you're already have one you can say use my own ISBN in my case I don't have one so I'm going to say assign me a free KDP ISBN and say yes and there we go now we're going to have to pick our print options so whether we want black and white interior with cream paper or black and white interior with white paper cream paper is more like a yellowish paper that more often used for novels so in my case I'm going to use white paper and black and white because we're doing coloring books so there's nothing in our content that requires it to be printed in color and then in terms of trim size we have to pick the trim size that we had which was 8.5 by 8.5 and then we had originally selected bleed so we need to pick bleed and then in terms of the cover I'm going to choose glossy but it's really up to you so now this is a fun part we get to upload our paperback manuscript which is the interior that we had generated from canva and have saved onto our PC so let's go grab it and then now we can go ahead and upload our book cover as well we don't need to use a cover creator because we had already created our cover from canva so we're going to go to upload a cover that we already have upload your cover file come to book cover and click open and there we go so check this box if the cover you're uploading includes a barcode if you don't check the box We'll add a barcode for you so the cover that we had uploaded doesn't already have a barcode so we won't check this box because we want Amazon to add a barcode for us so the next question relates to AI generated content depending on how you created your coloring book you will need to answer this question accordingly for example if you created your coloring book using just a canva element then you can click on no because you wouldn't have used any sort of AI technology to assist with creating your coloring book however if you did use for example the chat GPT example that I showed you or even any other AI generating tool such as mid Journey then you'll have to click on yes so in our case because we did have a few Graphics that were generated by the chat GPT coloring app we will need to select yes so once you have selected yes it will show you whether it was the text or images or translations where you had leverage AI in our case we did not use AI for any of our text so the answer would be none in terms of images this is where we need to pick the correct category here we did have a few images that that were generated by AI so I think it would either be this or this so we didn't have many maybe one or few so one or few AI generated images with minimal or no editing if most of your pages and most of your graphics were generated using an AI tool then you'll have to select many so in our case we had a few so let's just put one or a few now we have to decide whether it would be with minimal or no editing or with extensive editing in our case once we took it from chat GPT we put it on our page we also added the words of the animal and we also added some sort of background and other elements from canva like the flowers and leaves it's kind of a borderline whether that is minimal editing or extensive editing perhaps just to be conservative I will say with minimum or no editing also the other thing I wanted to mention is that a lot of people have concern as to okay once I click that I have used AI would they not allow me to publish my book the answer is no they will still allow you to publish your book but right now they just want to be able to collect and understand the books that are being published on Amazon KDP are a lot of them using AI if so what's the quality what are some of the reviews that come back but there's absolutely no ban on using AI so I just wanted to clarify that at least at the present moment and so now you'll need to answer which tools did you use to create the AI generated images in your work for us it'll be chat GPT in your case if you had used mid Journey or any other tools and you would list those out and translations we had none there we go and now we can launch the previewer which will put our book into a preview so that we could take a look at it before we hit the publish button so let's go ahead and launch previewer and there we go as you can see they'll also show you the margin so that you'll make sure that nothing is actually on the margins the barcode has actually been added for us and you can see the dog is on top of the barcode so we're good nothing is being covered by the barcode and then we're going to try to flip through our pages and so we have this page which looks great Paka bear I'm just going to quickly flip through them and if we're happy the key is just just make sure none of the critical elements are actually crossing any of the borders or the margins and I think it looks great so if you're comfortable with it you can click on approve and and this is a summary so basically based on your the dimensions of your book whether you're printing in color or in black and white in our case is black and white Amazon would calculate the printing cost per unit for your book in this case it's $284 and so you'll just need to make sure when you price your book in The Next Step that you price it above this price so that you make a positive profit and margin on your book with each sale I'm going to save and continue okay so now for territories we're going to leave at all territories for primary Marketplace we're going to leave it at which is what we had previously picked and so what we want to do now is to price our book and so once you price it for your primary Marketplace it will automatically do the currency exchange to populate the rest of the pricing for the other marketplaces so let's determine how much we want to price our book keeping in mind that it was around $22.83 for the printing cost which I think it'll show here again so let's say if I want to price my book at $4.99 then it will tell me again oh sorry it was $284 so the printing cost was $284 so if you price it at $4.99 that will only give you a royalty of 15 cents with each sale so that is a little bit low what you can do is price it a little higher so you just want to find the right balance because the higher your price the less competitive your book is going to be against other competitors who potentially may already have a lot of reviews but at the same time you don't want to price it so low that you're not even making any profit so for a coloring book I think you can price it a little bit higher as compared to an aign Journal so let's say in our case we want to price it at $6.99 then that'll still give us $1.35 in royalty but it's really up to you pricing is really up to you it depends on how many pages you have the quality of your book how competitive you want your price to be some people will price it at a very low price at the beginning and as they start to make sales and get reviews then they slowly creep up their price so in this case we'll put our pricing at $6.99 and I'll make a royalty of $1.35 with every sale and so as you can see they've automatically populated the pricing for all of the other Amazon marketplaces outside of the US which is great and as I mentioned it will take up to 72 hours for your books to actually be published and live on Amazon because Amazon would need to make sure they check your book to make sure that they don't have any concerns with it before it allows it to go live and now we're ready to hit publish and once you do that you can sit back and relax and wait for your book to go live on Amazon hopefully within the next 72 hours and there you go we're all done well I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and if you did please don't forget to give me a big Thumbs Up And subscribe to my channel for more and I'll see you next time
Channel: Ivy Hang
Views: 110,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazon kdp, colouring book, coloring books, coloring book, colouring books, canva, chat gpt, kdp
Id: 1N-dI6IuVq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 12sec (2532 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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