I Upgraded ELECTRIC FIGHTING to be OVERPOWERED in Blox Fruits!

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in front of me right now is the teacher of one of the best fighting styles in all of bloxford at least I think so and I'm gonna buy and master this fighting style to become the strongest and luckily for me I've already bought this in the past and apparently I've already got 104 Mastery on this as well this fighting style is called electric and this is currently only the basic version of it right now and what a better way to upgrade this than Fish Man Raiders you see these guys might be high level than me but they're also a water type and we've got electric on our hands right now so this should work exactly like Pokemon right that's how Roblox works so this move stomp should be super effective oh that did literally nothing but it looked cool at least oh wait I'm being destroyed I'm being destroyed oh I don't have hakia I always forget to activate hockey electric tackle oh I really I feel like Pikachu right now thunderballs oh it actually worked and we got five whole Mastery levels for this surprisingly the final attack for this fighting style is only Mastery 200 and it's called electric floor and that sounds crazy good how many XP do I get from this guy four Mastery XP Hmm this might not work we might have to try and find some bosses or some special NPCs bang and because of one of my recent videos where I awakened the angel race as long as I don't die right here right now I've got one more bar to fill up and then I'll become a god get over here Stomp oh wait A light of a full moon peeks through the clouds I don't need that anymore oh no I just really died to a water size like that he's a legendary it makes sense oh there's a full moon I've actually got something I want to try and do I remember the haunted castle you can pray and try and get something lucky when it's a full moon and if I'm really lucky I could get something that could help me out with leveling up Electro so please pray your prayers have been answered I have no idea what that means he said what I like to play a game I'll just try my luck instead I found some bones oh that's so sad anyway we're heading back here and we're gonna keep on fighting these Fish Man Raiders until we get 200 Mastery which is probably gonna take a very long time Mastery 180 and there it is electric Mastery 200 that only took literally 20 minutes of grinding but now we've got our brand new move called electric floor see what this does holding it down okay we're about to do a ground slam Bang ooh oh wait that is damage this funny solid she seems pretty op but now that we've got every single move we can start working on trying to upgrade this to the better version the upgraded fighting style is called electric claw and we need to reach 400 masteries so we're gonna have to start a training montage if I take down DeAndre I should get a ton of Mastery right that's how it works it's my time to shine stomp bunk did I do big damage that did not do big damage is my new move oh that seems pretty good actually he's got magma okay I've always wanted to test lightning against magma who would win oh I think I'm gonna lose this is just the floor is lava challenge one extreme difficulty you just smacked me okay this guy is built different with his stupid goggles on as well oh stop please I'm done for I'm actually done for hi DeAndre I gotta fish him with my new move electric floor yes I got a cool Cape apparently and I got a ton of Mastery more importantly that's exactly what I needed now we can go and take down the island Empress where'd she go she run away she was too scared of the electricity so she ran away instead we're gonna put this electric fighting style to the test and fight the strongest boss in all of the third C I think I got this personally yeah good luck trying to hit me Kate Queen you'll never take me down with my electric fighting style it's gonna be super careful and then I can do this keep on making the floor electricity there's a giant guy here with the same fighting style as me now this is problematic it's like a Titan I gotta be careful my turn to shine every time he gets knocked away I'm just gonna do damage there's another one it's like Attack on Titan but I'm captain Levi let's do this oh no oh no oh no bro I'm being combo hopefully I get credit I need credit Bang Yes it's all mine I'm off here that's Mastery 250 only 150 more okay something has gotta change this is taking way too long maybe if I try and attack every single enemy all at once oh this could be five head this could be the way look at all the Mastery I don't even see these guys as enemies I just see them as Mastery points here I go stomp that was big I'd hit them all with electric floor oh it's working I might be able to do this create a little portal trap that's right try and hit me you're stuck in an infinite Loop boom it's kind of working two five five two five six we got six masteries just from doing that this might be the way to go and that's Mastery two seven five this is honestly taking way too long and the only thing that's making this doable is electric tackle because it has chain lightning if this didn't chain attacks this would be taking so much longer yay only 123 more levels to go this is going so fast it seems like out trying to fight bosses might be a better idea for getting Mastery but this fighting style is so weak at the moment the only move that does damage is that one there and it's so risky okay if I go parallel escape and then I do this that might work oh no oh no stop bang that did nothing happening what about one of these and one of these and then one of these were chaining everything together I can awaken only weaklings awake and I'm gonna do this the good old-fashioned way electric tackle how is she not there how about now yeah we got five Mastery levels oh no so we need to reach 400 Mastery this is really not gonna be easy but I do think fighting bosses are gonna be the best way to get the Mastery that I need Ah that's 300 only 100 more Mastery to go we need to continue our grind in taking down bosses for what better way to get Mastery than find the cake Queen again right yep I knew this is definitely the best way to get Mastery XP there's literally no better way I mean I guess that's what happens when a boss is like 400 levels above you but give me XP now please 310 that's really not bad 10 Mastery per time we take her down and there we go that's Mastery three five two only 50 more Mastery and then we can try and upgrade this to the better version bus 3375. it's actually going kind of fast now that we're just fighting bosses like over and over but if I was just fighting those fish men from before I think I'd only be on about 250 Mastery right now this is crazy but it's going a bit faster because now we're at 3a1 it's honestly pretty crazy that we've got to get 400 Mastery just to upgrade it to his next form and that's not even everything that we're gonna have to do because we're gonna need to get a bunch of money to be able to afford it as well Mastery 400 and what I've overshot it yes so that means I have all the Mastery that I need now that only took many hours of grinding now that I've done one out of the five requirements that I need to do I can now find the NPC called previous hero who is near the ligma boss okay I have no idea where the ligma boss is but I'm just gonna keep searching around the floating term until I find him he's called the previous hero now if I was a previous hero where would I be I'd be on the highest peak I'd be all the way up there so that's where I'm off to go look first I thought it's even where longer is but oh well I'm going to the top anybody home okay no ligma boss this looks promising this looks real promising over here like ruins and stuff this looks extremely promising a gate hey let me in oh wait do these guys actually know where to go that looks like a previous hero to me why is he a fur hello previous hero he says hmm he became a Minecraft villager if you can go to the mansion within 30 seconds I'll consider telling you all right I'm on it 30 seconds 30 seconds if I was a mink race that would be perfect but for now we just got to be speed uh which way was the Mansion again don't think it was left was it this way no there's a donut in the way move donut I only have 20 seconds left come on speed 15 seconds I can do this come on buddy I'm gonna make it I'm Gonna Make It Well Done return to previous hero I did I was actually way too close how long did I have left like two seconds I'm built different wait there is an absolute all-out war going on in there what is happening over there are they fighting ligma okay let's not get involved I did your quest previous hero what do you want me to do now would you like to learn the electric cloth fighting style for three million and 5 000 fragments the style allows the use of electric claws learn not enough money off oh okay we're gonna need to do some raids and also Farm some sea beasts if we want to get all that money fast in fact I could probably get everything I need just from seabeast so now Begins the Sea Beast hunting and luckily for me they're in the ocean and I have electric claws so this is going to be pretty easy and to complement my awesome new fighting style I'm gonna use the magma fruit because this is the ultimate Sea Beast killer right here a Sea Beast a seabee's perfect it has a 175k health I got this it's my time to shine Seabees versus Electric Claw actually did a surprising amount of damage I'm kind of shocked oh I forgot how much these things hurt you gotta be real careful how why is he targeting me like yes I shocked you with electricity but still but this fighting style is actually really good for fighting sea beasts it's surprisingly worked and there we go we got a 250k from one Sea Beast this is gonna be good I'm more than halfway now from getting all the money that I need so I've just been informed I have my haki on and that's supposedly like scares away the CB so that now that I've got haki like off maybe we'll see some more Seabees now because we've only seen one so far so I'm gonna test that theory does having no hakion actually make more Stevie spawn oh it seems to actually work now I can activate man are you shooting my ship okay then CBS you're done for that I mean the last thing you ever do and from that Seabees we made 263 okay yeah we're getting a bunch of fragments every time as well it's pretty good however I'm feeling pretty bad for these sea beasts because we've got an absolute Fleet this is the Cooper crew Fleet and I am the fleet Admiral with my Electric Hands yes another victim this is exactly what we're looking for I just gotta like electrocute him from his body like this there we go huge damage show me the money yay I got nearly 300K oh that's crazy and I got something called the chopper as well what's that oh I got a rare accessory does it increase like healing or something because it's like Chopper's hat that'd be cool I think I should probably be good now to just go and kill like a random boss and then we go from taking down a mob I've got enough money and enough fragments now because of all the Seabees we hunted so now I just need to head back to the hero guy from before and then I'll be able to upgrade my fighting style hello previous hero I have returned after displaying many sea beasts would you like to learn the fighting style yes please okay electrical learned nice I've only got seven thousand dollars left now so this right here these electric claws are supposed to be some of the highest damage fighting style in the game is that true I guess there's only one way to them out after all I don't even get my next move until Level 110. why am I like Wolverine with giant claws right now what is going on I tried to do the Buddha trick and turn out Buddha but I've just got giant claws now I was just kind of sick Mastery one electric claw versus Kate Queen this damage is already crazy that's right you'll never stop me I've got giant blades oh this is actually kind of sick yeah these fighting styles are really like not that op until you upgrade them properly like all that I can do is left click and hope for the best okay I'm transforming it's the only way oh this is way better she just doesn't stand a chance now it's time for me to finish the job die K Queen the mastery's going up what are we gonna end up on like please over 100 I want to get my first move it's still going it doesn't stop we easily got our first move Mastery 155. I just got spammed with level UPS okay our first move is called electric Rampage let's see how much more rampage this actually does okay electric rampage that did nothing I just kind of like flew through him so what does this actually do so if I go like this oh are you like a barrage and then like a dash that seems like it could be really op hey we defeated Stone and now we're getting super close to our next move called lightning thrust like the final move of electric claw is called Thunderclap and Flash me like it but also I haven't actually tested out this move with giant claws oh if I tap it it doesn't do as much damage I see electric Rampage boom this does feel really strong compared to all the other fighting styles I've used so far I can see why people like this one and there's another boss just defeated this is Opie only a couple more and then we'll get our next move the kilo Admiral is next so this will be a perfect way to test out my moves there she is bang I got this guys leave it to me I only hit like one slash there was no point in me even helping that I did nothing and with this yup we got enough Mastery I've got a brand new move called lightning thrust and by the sound of the name of it it's probably gonna go pretty far like am I gonna be able to teleport with this let's try it on Captain elephant oh he's there thrush oh I've like started floating I got this Bang where did he go oh he's behind me I just sent him into space and that move is cool I like that move a lot so it like pulls them up and then like electrocutes them at the top me likey oh he hurts he hurts a lot but we defeated him now I just need 100 more Mastery to get the last move but the true test of our electric claw will be these Elite bosses that are roaming around the map he's about the same level as me so maybe I can do this yeah get set off of the rap oh he just tried to slice me oh no he's got the dog fruit I see that's why he's called Diablo take this that move seems really good actually Dodge and weave Dodge and weave oh no we're gonna do this we're gonna knock him up into the air and then okay so you can't combo like that note it where did he go oh he's back boom oh this fighting style I actually feel like I could kill people above my level with this fighting style it seems pretty op so we meet again DeAndre I've knew and improved since last time you're going down I figured out some brand new electrical attack if I go all the way over here what he hits me with the magma but if I charge this up oh there we go you're mine I can go twice the distance and he can apparently hit me from twice the distance as well why is this guy crazy why are you down here this is no fair fight oh okay cool now he's back at the top why is this guy actually hard to defeat why is awakened magma so strong oh I'm in trouble electric Rampage Dodge okay we Dodge that and now we're charging in oh this is actually crazy well basically neck and neck I think I can do this I think I can do this I just gotta Dodge this magma volley that he sends out right now wait you didn't do it haha You're Mine He's just chilling down there please he's so low finish him yes oh my God that was intense and I only got two masteries well only seven more to go and then I can get my final move and that's the one that I'm most excited for and after an absolutely insane amount of random mobs later I managed to get all the moves so the perfect new test dummy to try it out on is obviously the kilo Admiral because they're one of the strongest bosses for some reason right so how does this move work it's called Thunderclap and Flash I'm gonna test out this new move on a mob and for that we're gonna fight a marine captain no Commodore here I go Thunder clapping flap okay the pose is kind of boring Thunderclap and Flash oh wait that was insane what is he even meant to do against me when I do that but Pirates have been spotted approaching the castle this is perfect for me to attach my new move where are the Pirates they are ready this move costs 330 Mastery and it seems like it's actually going to be worth it for once I can't see the enemies here I go total concentration breathing oh I missed I just need one kill this ship engineer will do perfect so I wonder does this final move like lock onto enemies because if so I can see why this move does so much damage for the enemies I'm ready for them can I get that guy all the way over there what I can electric claw has so much range that's crazy there's only one pyro left I think and then we'll have saved the castle thing yeah we did it I got 100 fragments from that entire thing now that I've actually managed to get this final move on electric Club there's two things I need to do number one I need to try and get 400 Mastery because you know I love grinding in this game it is so much fun killing the same bosses over and over with the same moves and then I want to use this fighting style in PvP and try and take down somebody who is a higher level than me I think that'd be a pretty crazy thing to do and also a good test if this fighting style is actually worth it but for now we're just gonna keep on killing this Captain elephant guy because he gives good XP did we defeat him I could not tell because of all the fire Mastery three four one we're getting close now Mastery 351 that means we're only 50 Mastery away this isn't going too bad if I just take down these head Bakers who are kind of tough to beat please come on okay one more okay you'll have to do yes Electric Claw Mastery 400. all right now I just need to learn a combo because how am I gonna kill anybody if I don't even know what buttons to press how combo e-claw this is the easiest way to find out asking the Koopa Crew He says try on me okay I'll happily try a combo on you hold c c hold Z while looking up oh that's a good combo it works well okay so I go like this hold no I completely messed that up I missed the timing and it's trying to hit you okay here we go you like this and we go like this and then wait what oh I see so I was looking up at the top I see there's a lot of up down up down with this combo so I go like this let me look up and then we look down but how are you meant to hit that down one do I have to like unlock I will Master this after all I need to master this or else I'm gonna get absolutely destroyed in PvP I kind of messed it up I was close though he says nice so that must have been like roughly the combo that I need to do now I just need to go and put it into practice and see if this actually is a good fighting style okay where is the prey for my electric claw nobody is ready oh it's a fight going on over here I might be able to get involved these guys have 10 million Bounty that guy's an angel V4 oh God that guy's a shark V4 okay then oh oh oh oh oh oh I'm gone I'm gone like the wind psych I'm back okay here we go that guy's got a soul these guys all seem way stronger than me so if I can actually kill them here we go I miss I hit him with portal that's good wait these guys are teaming that's honestly kind of terrifying oh no I missed it I missed so the soul guy and the other guy are teaming got it I'm using the combo but I can't see I nearly did it but now I'm gonna die no parallel Escape we're awake okay right I just couldn't do anything cool this combo feels really hard to hit I won't give up I'm gone I'm gone everybody's out here with their Awakening forms that is not good I should try and hit my C move and then I'm like in the clear basically I see pray I see prey these guys are so op no wonder they've got Emily and bouncy oh that is not fair I am not built for this so honestly I really don't even know if this is good all that I do know is I can kill bosses fast now oh God that's enough PVP for me
Channel: Koopekool
Views: 1,217,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: koopekool, roblox, anime, blox fruits, electric claw, electric claw blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, blox fruit, blox fruits electric claw, blox fruit electric claw, roblox blox fruit, blox fruits electric claw showcase, electric claw blox fruit, blox fruits codes, how to get electric claw, electric blox fruits, blox fruits update, blox fruits roblox, blox fruits noob to pro, roblox blox fruit electric claw, blox fruits electric claw 2, blox fruits electric claw op
Id: 2ucDpJv1nfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2023
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