100 People Spin Fruits For Me in Blox Fruits (GOD LUCK)

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this is admon oo's alt account rip Ashley girl oo buddy what what are you doing this is my Alter Ego I need the max win and he's one of the 100 people who is going to spin a fruit for me in this video all right go for it Ashley girl show us with that ab and power is made of come on you got it you got it you go girl oh my God bro oh my God bro that is a literal admin who just spun for a rocket fruit at the gotcha so you're not alone at this well I'm going to store that anyway and in case you didn't believe that this is ooth well there you go so back up why am I even doing this well number one I want to collect a bunch of physical fruits cuz that's fun and number two I have a theory that the luck at the Block through gotcha gets better from the first to the third seat so as a side quest we're going to be spinning for 33 fruits in the first second and third Seas each and comparing them to decide once and for all which which C is the best for spinning for fruits let's get into it all right m going to give us our first spin of the didn't even let me finish my sentence that was the first spin we got the chop up to a great start everybody all right fish ya spin number two come on it's got to be better than the chop it couldn't possibly worse okay it's slightly better just slightly he the pizza here what the hell is that newbie bro I didn't invite you to the server oh no it's just an impostor kadu hey y'all come look at this okay you know what it's not bad the fruits are getting better after each spin you hey you know what at least you got a mythical beun on the spin beun on the SP ew what the hell is that sticking out of your body dude oh that's your head ew what is this thing bro okay nice nice sand bin can y'all believe that is the best fruit so far oh by the way guys did I mentioned the person who gets the best fruit in each seed gets a permanent just for fun all right Charlie huh hey yo this dude is legit level 1121 first T-Rex in my life and you dropped it to me I am so touched Charlie you know what I hope this is the highest fruit in the entire first seed because I want you to get your per bro so with the first SE luck this might be the best R we're going to get honestly all right Cora go for it another sand all right B go going for number eight got that firsty luck come on now I'm hyping him up I'm hyping him up he's taking forever bro why does it take forever 21 minutes 21 minutes Bagel you're B no you ain't never coming back what the hell Rico just comes and casually spins for a quake and walks away while I was trying to ban Bagel okay hey that's nice for number eight ooh R oh my God what is that shirt dude easy kid you're so bad L imagine being this bad so toxic ew what the hell is this we got Gengar in the server that's cool you going to spin for us bro and the smoke fruit emerges out of that gas ball what the hell was that and that's our 10 spin of the first server guys I think um pretty stack lineup so far let's keep it going oh is that a diamond yo drop it drop it drop it come on come on yo don't lure me out of the safe Zone bro snag it a run back yes all right we got baby rang Goku over here what's up man you're looking hella cute 40 m look guys I have bad memory but I will remember if I just spun for a fruit an hour ago literally an hour ago all right all right Yoshi ston hedgman looking cool man like your yo it's funny this this spin fruit looks exactly like his head it's smell we got baby Yoda that's oh thank you that was quick this man said no words spun and left look at that beautiful shiny smile on this diamond man Shiny Pikachu two in a row guys three out of our last four spins were diamonds all right we got truck beur that's a cool sounding name oh look at that bump oh snatch it run yes never catch me [Music] slacking um I didn't cash this on video but as you can see my flame went up by two that means ZTE who was off cool down also got a flame now we got three M with a barrier come on bro oh we got two Samurai Sama and dude spinning at the same time one got the rocket one got the chop it's the the Battle of mid and Samurai takes the W number 24 that's Kobe's numbero okay another new fruit I don't mind it go for a goggles wait goggles I remember you you're baby Gojo from the other video he left bro goggles came up clutch with one of my trading videos and he came up clutch once again with the ghost fruit oh who's this cozy with another rocket once you get the first one the floodgates are open the Rockets will just keep coming oh we got two people over here what did I say the rocket floodgates are open we can't stop it now they're pouring [Music] out last one Mirage end us off send us off on a high [Applause] note hey clutch I like it all right guys after 33 spins in the first seed this is what we have honestly not too bad we got two qu and a T-Rex so the clear winner is obviously Charlie so congrat ulations uh he's going to get a permanent fruit but let's move on to the second SE for now so just a quick summary these are all the fruits that we've gotten uh broken down that is 15 Commons 12 uncommons three rares two legendaries and one mythical that's pretty good and that brings us to a total value of 9,587 500 berries it's a lot of money not without storing all these fruits first that's why I did this whole video in the first place let's go FR stor [Music] speedrun [Music] let's go all right boys wasting no more time jumping straight into the second SE spin number 34 Mikey we started the first SE with a chop so this is this is definitely an upgrade and number 35 from Rico we got a spin bro what people are saying the second seed is supposed to be better than the first seed somehow I mean we can't judge off only two spins let's keep it going come on come on we're going to need the second seed to step up real quick what the hell ooh first life ruit can't get mad at that that's not bad remember guys in the first SE our six spin was a T-Rex so let's see what we could get with our next two spins like bro this is horrendous all right Thunder give us a rumble or something bro live up to your name ooh another light okay Lappy going for number 40 another one pyrox another one don't let us down bro show us what the second SE is made of yeah drop it drop it yeah yeah guys uh this is looking pretty trash right now man this is a horrendous lineup so far only decent food in here is is light and we're already like nine spins in all right we got two guys spinning right now average Roblox MPC and Benny come on bro you have Nu in your name well I mean I guess he's destined for trash bro what the he left with the spray why would you do that I mean I think he was leaving and accidentally got the spray dropped into his hands what's up man what we got here BR either this new round of second SE players luck is trash or the second SE luck is trash all right sinon qw and satu piggy both are spinning at the same time another one that's the fourth Diamond bro bro we are 14 spins in and we got four diamonds let me me cook show them how it's done bro yo yo he said yo okay all right what' you get did you cook it's not that bad all right let me see what it I think our definition of bad is very different this guy is actually believe it or not currently in the lead to win a permanent fruit with a ghost come on Ice spice crew oh this dude is a Sim how are you on zero Minute cooldowns Man hit it again you're good it's a decent fruit not as good as a ghost I can't believe I'm saying this the sand the sand Blends right into the wall look at it it's so hideous I don't have money broke boy imagine being bald and broke are you saying please are you begging are you out here begging for money hey no begging for money I'm the only beggar here we got haint with the smoke did I say smoke is the flame what am I am I stupid a bomb bro what is going going on in the second seed today okay we got skull this guy had to activate cyborg V3 for some reason just to do that my man pulled the most extravagant move just to pull a spring okay this dude the Real's literally been sitting in the server begging for the last 5 minutes for money to spin for fruit I'm just going to give it to him all right the real take this money and go spin for something good bro hurry if this is going to be trash you're also getting banned waa devil got the devil got the love let's go no way no way no freaking way devil got the love and the real got the portal drop it please can I take this one I literally gave you the money to buy for it and you want to keep it for yourself uh you can you might regret it I'm just saying yeah that's right that's right give me that portal holy the server is getting so crowded dude all right somebody got a falcon somebody got the light moonray got a spin and gave it to this guy uh I will take that thank you we got a seven lucky number seven left come on hit it ooh see I would be exced excited about that if we didn't already get a portal and the love it's good fruit but that's unfortunate all right moonray back to the trash all right we got indeed up next I do remember indeed spinning for some good fruits for us in the past looks like that streak has ended buddy all right SG unic 10K needed all right bro I'm going to give him 30k for 50 Roo I think this is a worthy investment for potentially very good fruit oo okay that was definitely worth 50 Robux I'll take it yeah all right we got the real demigod and electri Tri both going for spins we got a barrier and a rubber d AZ got the magma okay we got three rare fruits in a row no four five in a row we got a rubber ghost rubber barrier and magma okay we're going actually for the 66 spin this is the last one blasting off to The Thirst SE everybody well there you go everybody that is every single fruit that we spun for in the second see it may not look like much our best fruit is a portal but let me break it down for you real quick so these are all the fruit that we got and in total we have 12 Commons nine uncommons nine rares and three legendaries and that adds up to a total of 15, 142,500 berries that is significantly higher than what we got in the first seat it didn't feel like it but dang the numbers don't lie so so far the second seat actually did prove to be better than the first let's see what happens in the third But first you already know we got to store every single fruit get my inventory game up let's go [Music] oh the third sea air smells so fresh I'm excited for these spins um just from my experience they might be pretty legendary no pun intended I don't want to jinx myself though I don't want to do that starting with the first Ace birg Clyde no way he said oh my God no way thirst SE look I'm about to ban this dude bro first fruit of the thir seed off to an explosive start maybe you could say so far in the first five spins we got bomb dark smoke Spin and Rocket can y'all believe these are third C spins and hm golden got the flame excellent oh God slime o we got a kitsun user oh his name is literally kitsun come on get us a Kitsune boy let's do this I hate that stupid smile on this stupid Diamond fruit man got red hair red body read everything I got Yo I take back everything I said about the Thirsty this is probably the worst seat to spin fruits at spin number 10 in the third SE we got to start stepping it up from now guys we got to seriously start getting some good fruits okay finally okay all right that's good what's good what's good what we got who what is this Ali what is going on rocket and a rubber and a falcon we piling up serious trash out here 13 spins in the best fruit we got was a love this is not what I was expecting all right Ash come on bro hey yo what the [Music] huh that's what I was talking about that's what I was expecting when we came in here keep this up let's go Ash is about to turn the tide around this entire competition go go go let's see a shadow Zach get us a shadow it's in your name it's in your give me that flame bro give me that flame and go away all right next up we got yoper oo what did I say dude the Thirsty luck is real the worst mythical of all time but still a mythical so don't talk trash Best Buy all right back to the trash good things never last [Music] long that is 21 spins into the third SE we got like 12 to go I think the third SE is going to make a comeback I can feel it what's up what'd you get come on let me take a peek let me take a again oh bro I think diamond is like the most common fruit we've gotten uh from all three C's it's so weird all right Celestial man what we got here bro as soon as I call the comeback this happens come on Yo indeed let's go man yeah yeah yeah yeah give it to me give it to me you're not going to win but I'll keep that Rumble for sure very nice and you let me kiss your head for better luck oh god what the hell no don't do that uhoh uhoh you're trolling dude you're trolling that dude's a troll man I'm not even going to look at him I'm not even going to acknowledge it yo we're censoring his name so he doesn't get the clout that he desperately seeks get that away from me you idiot yeah give that spin I knew it electric with [Music] the Y know I don't expect every fruit to be a legendary or mythical but don't y'all think this is just a little bit too much hey I haven't seen an ice in a minute either so I'm kind of glad we got one of these wo this dude came in here like a monster is that Dwayne The Rock Johnson what is this keep lifting them weights bro I think that's the only thing you're good at stick to lifting weights forget spinning for fruits all right Luan Clash War yo this guy's looking sick 30 million Bounty see everybody in blockx Ru is treated equally with equal trash luck doesn't matter how good your Bounty is you're getting trash we got four spins left in this entire video I got a pretty good feeling about what we shall I spin yeah yeah do it do it this guy's holding us all in suspense huh yo there ain't no race Awakening bro you don't have to activate your V3 to do a [Music] spin wow that took an inter did you read like every word of the dialogue all that for a samr bro AK gamer another Flame oh man this is getting so anti-climatic come on Panda second last spin here we go we've been waiting forever this is the longest 2 minutes of all time dude oh my God that was definitely not worth the wait all right gerb Fay he doesn't know this but he is the last spinner of today's video send us home send us home on I just wanted the last one to be something cool you know it just this is just boring this is the worst ending of all time so these were every single fruit spun in the third sea everybody off to a rocky start kind of picked it up in the end but did it surpass c number two well let's find out so these are all of the fruits that we got out of which we got 12 Commons 13 uncommons three rares three legendaries and two mythicals which is pretty impressive that brings us to a total value of 15 m75 th000 berries which is barely higher than the second C even with two mythicals of course we're going to store all of these fruits get the inventory real stack [Music] all right now let's get a good look at this inventory again very bottom heavy didn't really get many mythicals or legendaries so this didn't change at all but damn look at these so just doing a little bit of quick math I am currently holding on to 1,498 fruits so not enough we need more but first I must track down the winners of each sea and give them their permanent fruits um this may take a while
Channel: MeEnyu
Views: 568,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, blox fruits, pvp, new fruits, blox fruits live, meenyu, robux, noob, pro, blox fruits troll, trolling, blox fruit gift, blox fruits update, indra, bloxfruits, bloxfruit, noob to pro, max level, event, update 20, blox fruit, enyuzee, blox fruits admin, mythical fruit, legendary fruit, kitsune fruit, dream fruit, sword revamp, yoru, tty, admin, anchor, update 22, update 21, winter update, trex, kitsune, t-rex, beast bundle, dragon, dragon rework, awakening, awaken, winter update part 2
Id: uxnGt7Q761U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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