I Upgraded A Train To SURVIVE Disaster

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so today I found an interesting looking freedom of a game called trackline Express and my objective is to well run around in this weird looking world power up a train with coal and then drive it down the track 134 meters to our destination we also have some other things like reach the Terminus start the locomotive survive Knights get passengers and you know kind of really regularly do with the train also we're gonna put the money inside the piggy bank put the piggy bank on the train and then everything should be good in the world unless of course you're a sheep hello beautiful sheep I can just carry him around so you see that 20 above my head that is the amount of work that I can do and then we have a hit bar right there we don't really want to take too much damage but I mean free money is free money I'm gonna search the outside of the world here oh there's another one down there that's kind of a long way to go regardless it's time to extract that coal from the side the coal mine and see what happens oh yeah look at that we got coal so I'm gonna mine every single little bit of this coal line out I always like his face what was that is that what is that that's not cool it doesn't look the same that's iron ore can be turned into iron with furnaces or smelters cool we'll put that over here then I'll start grabbing some of this coal and start refueling our train I love the way he runs also it looks like it's getting to be nighttime hopefully that's fine can we just go to sleep to restore our energy I kind of doubt it because that looks like water drops okay the train is fired up ready to go we're gonna store that pickaxe right here and then jump on the train to drive it Forward oh my goodness look how fast that coal goes away um you know what let's just stop right there and then I'm Gonna Keep mining away that's a good idea we're using all of our energy so that might not be a great thing but at least we're gonna use up every charge that mine and now we can refuel our little train okay we'll shove that inside of there wow it takes so much store it cool we'll store all of that and then I'm just gonna move it to the front way yeah that's a good idea all right we're gonna drive forward slightly yes okay we made it to a new station what happened here there's little things that hit the ground what is this a blueprint to buy a well and then we have a spear and a pickaxe a parcel a mine and an ax oh okay a station unlocked in two seconds I'm not sure what that's gonna do but we got some more money so that's cool we're gonna throw all of these into here that we can put a mine on but first thing I want to do is probably build a spear let's see if we can do that for two coins we need a rock and a chunk of wood are there any rocks I don't see no there's rocks strictly below that's a little harsh there's also some money here oh I almost gotta hurt all right we're fine uh oh sunrise in two minutes uh there's a bad guy here oh no I'm gonna stab it with my fists ow he hit me would you not do that ever again okay we have another piece of coal a refuel there we have two more remaining oh there's a tumble made rolling by where are you going big fella give me that oh what oh yes it gave me water to drink okay let's hold that I got a little bit more charge nobody's coming in to attack me so that's fine oh there's a guy get wrecked out don't hit my train either that's also illegal oh I have like apple to eat it's delicious I gotta fight these fools for another minute I don't like that yeah I get wrecked oh but he's dropped an apple too so if this spear blueprint needs wood and rocks I'm gonna need to build myself a tool we need a new ax and that's just straight up money okay put that down give me one little Penny we'll use the penny over here to build up an ax we'll take that ax and then we'll destroy a tree also that's gonna hurt me because I need that all right let's try something else here we should probably collect a parcel now this is a little bit weird but if we grab the parcel that's not where I wanted the parcel I wanted it down here so I'll go quickly grab that run back out okay we're gonna put this here it's gonna build a parcel and now we can collect the wood or the Rocks so I'll start stabbing the rocks with my pickaxe I don't really need many of them but I just need one there did I get some wood I don't think so we're gonna scavenge this thing maybe it'll give me something other than wood or not but at least I have a spear now ooh ah I can stab people oh this is also bad I can't get rid of it I'll just hit e to unequip it cool now I'd also like to build a well and if I build a well then we can put the well on top of this water and I can drink it to regain my stamina give me that there we go regenerate stamina ah yes delicious healthy beautiful swamp water directly into my liver a sprained which is a little bit weird but I'll carry that I like how you can just pick up water droplets I don't even know where that went but I'm full of water now so that's cool all right let's organize our things we're going to carry them over here and I'm really wondering if I shouldn't do something about the coal mine here I do have two coal remaining maybe we're gonna be close enough to the next area totally gonna sell these seeds though there we go half a coin for that you know what I could do is I could build another parcel right here it does make me broke but I have some area cleared out so that's cool so I can just drive my train forward my goodness does that use up so much coal all right we're gonna stop there and I want to see how far back I can explore oh good so I can make it here if I did want to build something because let's be honest I'm really gonna need all the coal pretty soon or I could just use this other coal mine that's conveniently placed right here and more money I always want more of that and another more money very good oh there's a box down here hello little box let's open you and see what's inside and another station that's even better nice seeds I don't care about that plant them and water them and just sell them for money night time is falling I have a stabby device who would like to be on the receiving end of the stabby device it is you hey I get wrecked okay three damage that's a lot better than the one damage I was doing before maybe these guys will give me their lunch money ow hey stay away from my train or rock pile oh nice you give me coins I like that so I was going to use these logs over here to build up a mine but then I'm always interrupted by these guys who want to just steal my kidneys so I'll conveniently place these logs inside of the mine like such as then we'll let the Mind build itself like such as then I'll pick it up and throw it on the mountain I'll grab my pickaxe and then I should be able to extract even more cool also for real talk I think this would be a good spot to put another um another thingy down I'm gonna build a parcel right here it seems like a good spot for it we'll grab one single coin we'll put it there then I'm gonna go get that coin and pretend that nothing happened perfect oh what is that I want that in real life also I can put down another one like right here maybe we could put that over a little bit more too like right here stop it there it is it's gonna build and then we'll just drive our train forward and hopefully all the resources are good okay that was dangerous but I got a bunch of other things uh a shovel a rail a house a furnace a small flat car and a campfire oh what is this another person we got clones up in here he's so excited ah I didn't know we could have other people um hey can you just mine I'm Gonna Make You extract oh I can switch and do other things that's awesome yeah we're gonna store that we're gonna store that he's making coal this is fantastic we have more of these could I wait hold on if that's true then I mean I know it's true I can make the furnace now and then I can turn this iron into iron bars and I don't even know what to do with that uh the well a house spawn a new passenger do I want more passengers a shovel okay transform fire furnace okay let's try a campfire first um that means wood thankfully we have two guys with stabby devices that can make wood there's a lot of good stuff right here my friends we're getting all the coal in the entire world we're gonna make a campfire up I don't know why I need a campfire but I also want to build a furnace cool that needs rocks all right you stop with the coal get some rocks instead and what is that is that like clay do I need a shovel for clay I need more money um can I sell the sheep from oh no I can't okay there's rocks oh I could go into that that's cool oh could we scavenges we need a shovel for uh X okay we have two rocks we need and we need whatever these things are so if I sell some items I don't even know what's good to sell rocks half a coin sure I don't want to sell the coal because that's uh oh I can sell the Tumbleweed oh yeah or the double we just had money in it perfect but the iron ore we could sell okay a half a coin so I needed two do I have I still only have one all right let's sell a log and now I can make a shovel oh it's only one never mind I'm guessing the shovel will allow me to dig oh yeah we're digging one what is that is that like dirt do I have to combine dirt and water to make mud and then that into the campfire okay fire on oh that's straight up mud can we oh we can okay that's how we make the clay bricks for that thing cool oh turn it back on clay brick in here excellent we can turn that off we'll do another clay brick and now we'll make a furnace nice I also got a spear oh the furnace is made that's sick hey die you gotta talk to him nicely so if I can buy an iron plus oh could I use this spear on the delicious Sheep No I can't of course not because they're my friends oh oh we can also defend all right you go up and defend now we have one guy using the crossbow up top and then me down here using my Pokey device get destroyed oh I heard an arrow oh you missed I don't worry I killed him and got an apple oh hold up can I cook an apple in the furnace no can I cook an app no you're just gonna just eat the apple hey come over here be fun I promise ah just kidding it wasn't fun for you all right don't you dare hit my pigment you hit my piggy bank you Dingus all right hopefully that guy takes out both of the bad guys he did nice okay I've got two of those I'm gonna move you over here I've got two of these and then turn it on oh nice we're making iron hey I got iron I don't know what it's for yet maybe it's for the rail car all right you buddy I need you to mine up the rest of this and I need you to make a water device well it's three we'll put that up here we need a single Rock so I need you to collect me the rocks and then you need to collect me wood oh survive three nights sick all right you got enough more coal cut some trees down uh I want you to be done with that all right now you pick this up we're gonna make a well okay you'll be done with that too grab it water it drink it so I think I desperately need to make like a is there let me see a flat car or a rail why do I need oh we need to build the rail sections okay the building block bring your building and equipment with you on the train oh okay well the good news is we still have a flag there and a flag here so we can always run back it just does take a lot of time I'm gonna have to pick up the forge and bring that too all right we're gonna drive forward a little bit this area is relatively protected oh boy oh boy okay we gotta get out oh stop oh oh here we're dying all right we're good oh no we've hit a desert that's really not good oh I can get water over the cactus though what is that hey come back here by water oh no no got it and drink that nice that's working very nicely we have another water thing there too this might be bad is this gonna be a long desert trip that's the real question I have oh and another crate open sesame there's another box down there that's got like a skull on it this isn't good oh more money okay this is actually fine I need to put in a thing here and if I go up to about right here I can build it tool we need uh parcel now I can go back and collect my stuff uh it says we spotted enemies is that this down here we have more guys coming oh I knew it oh yeah all right don't worry I can battle them with my Spear and my fingers oh there's another enemy thing up here all right you gotta be totally honest I totally wanted to build another parcel like right here so I can go adventure oh both did the Scorpion have an apple on them that's my real question but I guess the good news is we can drive forward again okay uh-huh and stop right there good we have another water tank which is awesome I don't know how to get the water out of though I probably need to drop the spear yeah and we have filled up okay so do I need to mine that that's what I'm wondering there's a boat over there okay I think if I place that parcel down I can still get through good thing I left my ax back and I think I can build up another mine which I totally need to do right now one tree log two tree logs look at we're working like a team teamwork make the Dream Work all right stop you don't need to use your energy on that we're going to use our energy in here instead you can't extract coal there's no coal because it's not on a tree and by tree it totally didn't mean tree all right here's the other deal I'm gonna make more of these iron bars because I have a feeling iron bars are probably worth a lot of money there's no fuel I have two on the other side by the other house but I'm really kind of concerned here let's sell that oh two coins yes I'll take that very good we just replenished our stock now we have three of them I'm gonna sell a couple pieces of coal too oh boy they're not worth much I just need three come on hopefully that's enough do I have three I have 2.9 your annoying game all right now I can build up a train I want another flat car okay it's two that's what I expected but I might be able to make another area to store things on it which would be awesome oh this guy's Running Out of Water requires water thankfully we have a water station with would you not pick everything up right now okay we have a train car let's put that here can I just lay things on it no but I might be able to store this here cool all right fella I'm gonna drive you forward I'm hoping I plan this out properly okay you're getting out good I can still connect back excellent we got other blueprints a wrench a wood storage seeds uh marador coal storage nice Aero storage I didn't even know I could build arrows stationed unlocked in two seconds oh where's my spear no that's illegal stop it yes he gave me money oh a bunch of bad dudes coming in that one's got a bow ah why do you have a bow it's illegal he automatically goes into tax I didn't know that oh there's a pirate ship there too stop it thank you yum whoa is it shooting at me hey I don't know what it's shooting at oh no I think I know what the wrench is for now the wrench is probably for uh repairing great no that's my train okay 17 seconds am I good am I clear I think so is there any more apples for me to put in my digestive system one more all right Mr spear man this is gonna be a fun adventure we're taking on a pirate ship out nope not allowed ah Get Wrecked now we have 30 free water out of here I think yep totally have 30 free water okay so I needed to get a wrench that was an expensive blueprint cost five but it should turn into a wrench where I can repair things now the real question is how am I going to get all of this stuff even farther forward I don't want the shovel I don't want I told you I don't want I don't want the shovel did you thank you I'm just gonna have to drive this thing and then my goodness this is hard because there's a bunch of coal right here there are some things that I probably don't really need like wood I don't really need the wood I need to make a wood car for the thing but I can't now the train is full oh we got more water nope whoa that's a castle hey give me that money so I need to build another maybe right in here another uh parcel yep that should work I just need to connect it back right so I can keep Gathering my my coal when I need it I'm gonna drive forward and see what happens end of demo in a second I didn't know that I wanted to make it my goodness wow ah I was hoping we could go even further but uh that was really cool anyway my friends I hope you enjoyed our adventure today in trackline Express if you did let me know and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and I'd like to thank all of my patrons and channel members including Auto Dave Ben Nicky J Teddy hippies ninja General Harris Trent M could I know Riddler Warrior seven bizarnoff maxer Ralph BC engineer it's a cars more X Spencer T whiskey endless games xanius Spider sacks Doug rules scotches bread Dalton seeds Academy
Channel: Blitz
Views: 119,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, trackline, trackline express, track line express, trackline express steam, steam next, steam next fest, steam nextfest, steam next fest 2023, steam nextfest 2023, steam demos, demo, steam next fest best demos, steam nextfest best demos, trackline express blitz, blitz trackline express, train games, roguelike
Id: iUZQ3il0Yzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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