I UNLOCKED The FINAL SECRET ENDING in Henry Stickmin The Complete Collection

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oh hey there i'm blitz welcome back to the henry stickman collection are you as excited as i am i'm super excited because there are a ton more not bios files are kind of boring there are a ton more achievements for us to get the secret achievements i'm not sure what these are but i'm looking forward to it because there's one here called the play of the game there's also the greasy delight who doesn't love pizza and then we have some speed run this is fun and then three secret achievements i'm looking forward to those two and of course the assembled the crew so we're gonna try to get these today uh also a lot of people are commenting that i should go through and find all of the files so if you wanna do that with me i'm gonna be streaming it live on tuesday from 1 30 to 4 o'clock on twitch.tv slash blitz and you guys can come follow me there i'll have a link down below in the video description where you can uh go follow me and we'll have some fun doing that finding all of the bios in the game because there's there's a lot of them but we'll go through it and we'll do it so with that said let's jump in we're going to play we are going to start with the play of the game right here now i know this is rapidly promoted executive and betrayed we became the leader but we are also betrayed by the top hat clan so let's try to like take him out again have the play of the game yep uh-huh remember those and then that one and then we got the leader but then we got a call the guys came and they threw us off the airship and now we find ourselves face down in a pile of water hmm that's not good thankfully this beautiful nurse here can help us become a cyborg easy you were gone for a bit i was able to bring you back to life i specialize in military grade okay i remember this i was forced to replace spine and lift arm as some of damage you sustained was beyond repairing that's okay we can we can use that running with the pet glenda yep we did i have encountered them before you see you're still healing i think this is one of my favorite parts in the entire stickman collection is when he when he does this next transformation look at that isn't that cool he's got like a little a little jet fighter like rocket pack off he goes so fast i think you'd have to have like really strong neck strength and then he crashes right square straight into there yeah that's awesome henry all right right hand man let's do this we're gonna fight we're gonna make a play of the game okay we're going blade form because i know this works that was a good one we got a bigger sword though nice poke he got him right in the shoulder but that's exactly where he oh that's not good and attack bow right through the window than henry is and then come on down that's not good right in the eye yes we're gonna take him out crashing on top of the airship i like this now you're probably wondering where that play of the game comes from it is very soon oh man look at that eye oh he ripped it out can you see the other oh here we go here we go we have to catch that now we have to absorb it here we go here we go that would be like super painful that's too much power he's not cyborg enough to handle it henry just exploded but that's got to be the play of the game here we go right hand man we can we can see this oh you can just see his perspective he's charging it up for seven seconds this is overwatch if you were wondering oh that's yeah oh oh he got the kill nice play of the game that was awesome that was cool that's what i like about this game there is so many cool secrets like that now this greasy delight is a very quick one it's very fast we're a government supported private investigator who is presumed dead uh-huh do you remember this we're in the bar the romanian ruby nope forget where we are somewhere in russia but they have the space station up in there and we have to go raid the space station charles hey dude what's up henry i heard you die you kind of died too charles spoiler alert the top back plan has been causing a bunch of problems for me lately yeah ever since they got probably orbital stations set up we should go super strong go up there now that i think about it you and i made a pretty good team in the past i like being on your team charles take him out thank you for not being dead right now get personal well what do you say you want to help me take him out i do i want to help you for good let's go awesome follow me i have a way we can get into how do you just randomly just randomly have a spaceship in your pants there it is where are you government prototype what do you think i need to get one of those in real life all right how do you want me to bring you in i want the trash ball this is so exciting it's just like last time yeah okay drop off the trash ball put on the spacesuit and hide in this ball of trash that's so gross it's a good idea it's not a good idea he's so nasty this is a giant floating pile of space junk oh among us character got him i told you it was a good idea the top bats have no clue you're there now uh-huh i'm gonna stick back here though so they don't detect me that's a good idea i should still be able to help you get inside from here though okay so if i click on the hot knife you remember the 10 000 degree knife cuts through anything yeah that was that was a meme for a while that's so hot it can cut through any material okay now we got the butter fingers it'll say butter fingers here and if i click on it butterfinger there's pizza and the guy screaming that was that's the achievement it's a pretty pretty cool one i think maybe okay we'll just you know what let's just do the next one now so this one's a lot of fun we are government supported private investigator plus we have an ally who is a convict also named ellie so you might remember i'm sure this is where he is we escape the wall ah there he is and then charles shows up right with him in the past or something yeah he's cool i've never had the bio for charles how embarrassing is that so if you remember now they have the bag space station ready to launch but we need to jump down in with our jet packs yeah crash into the sam turret this this one might be my favorite of all the achievements what's the plan the rocket will be launching that's good you know what we have to do on board immediately we will i will not hesitate to leave you behind oh he wasn't talking to us i thought that was he thought he was talking to us dude but no talking to everyone else what we need to do now is we need to swap i don't know why we sound like a monkey other than this is a donkey kong reference and then we're just going to keep swapping this is fun i just want to keep doing this for days it looks like fun but um this stupid smirk on his face we got it cheap and unlocked so the speed run strats not gonna lie i am not an entirely huge fan of this one we have to be a rapperly promoted executive who's also presumed dead so we get right up to the the secret jungle base right we have to abuse the physics engine which means kicking a rock and then it goes up i don't know how that works and then we're flying that's us all right we're talking about henry we're here now there's a sniper using a halo sniper we're gonna hit the lag switch which was really a big problem in halo i remember that right that might not be a halo sniper i'm not sure what that's from but we made it in and now and now we go meta we go straight meta with doing a walkthrough because this is so weird we're watching a walkthrough there we go just want to keep clicking henry keep it down keep clicking just stop just stop already but uh before i get started stop stop watching the walk through while doing the walkthrough yes mission failed you spent a total of 15.38 seconds watching this but i got this breed run strat so that's good and now we get into the crazy strange weird secret super secret so secret that we don't even know the names of them achievements and you right remember that we were stuck on this train where we can get the magical hat i don't understand that it's like a portal okay we snuck away we jump out of the hat it's great i always wanted to be stuck in a hat like like the rabbits and the magic but we are on we are on the secret train now and we get to turn ourselves into a mannequin we got this crazy coat rack holder can i take your hat oh i wonder what's out there oh no oh okay then um press f to pay respect so if we actually press f we do it we lost a thousand dollars but i got an achievement so we got that going for us now i feel like in order to do this we should probably go through the map i don't remember which guys i have directly but i know where there's a few okay so i have lime greens so if we go down here to the train assault yep and then we fire this we blow up the the side of the mountain right over there uh-huh and then we make right-hand man really mad stop the train see he's got a magnet in his eye i can't stop it oh no oh no i'm on the way we're gonna crash everyone's gonna crash it's gonna be good and we're gonna go inside of this where all of the money is and then there he is the gold one oh wow i actually have a lot next one is pretty easy where are we dropping and we're gonna parachute over here like original fortnite how many people remember those umbrellas oh god nice brown i only have like five left that's awesome no if you come to the escape pods i believe it's in the luxury pod oh he would be right there that's the blue one next up we're gonna go to the front gate and we're gonna try to convert this guy wait wait wait wait wait i have no idea what that was i don't some of these references man there's just so many references okay that one would have been right here so next up the top of the train and we use the free form transform free transform make us real short so we can go underneath yes we've done it why didn't we just make ourselves small the entire time everything would be so much easier that was easy there he is oh i just missed him cool we got four left and we're gonna continue with leaf mode yep there's the leaf and there's the blue one we only have three now oh no we made the ship super small next up is the ccc mobile unit okay now we'll come back to this in a little bit there is the multiverse achievement for that but we hit this button phantom you've got the all clear thank you and then there he is green hiding in two left that's right yeah uh oh it was a ghost from starcraft preparations oh no whoops we just blew everything up so we go to the gravity pit right in here then use the teleporter i think this one works so we get to go into the super secret like treasure room as soon as we teleport everywhere i can't remember if i got this one though whoa in the snow the desert and then into the snow or lava underwater in space right over by a truck and teleported right inside of here there he is purple nice one left oh it's so cool i want that one can i have the giant ruby and you might remember where we were now floating up looks like we've come full circle we've gone all the way around she's gonna try to rescue us i think i don't have this one yep there's the nurse again with the rose-colored glasses and i think right down here yes yes the zip of the crew everyone is here we did it we've got them all that's actually special military grade augmentation perfect okay so the next one might be my favorite you remember the train assault that we had right we have the floating cart now we if we hit him with the wombo combo remember this we're fighting the right hand man both of us together yes we use the stickman punch and well it evaporated the right hand man nicely done seems like we're out of the danger zone i feel like that's the top gunners do the trick uh-huh that we've done it we've done it we completed the mission we did it we created it but but wait it's the full redemption arc the man the myth the legend stun boy yeah he's gonna be so happy with us if i can click on the right one and there he is he look he's so happy happy boy that was good that was really good now you might remember this scene all said we'll come back to here we can turn on the ac actually we can't oh we can commencing ultimate freeze i didn't know we could do that that is not the achievement maybe i did know oh it's freezing now it's it's cold get it the cold freeze would you be done frozen can you unpause do i have to restart the game now no what we need to do is reveal the secrets we have to go back we have to go back then we have to imbalance the multiverse we have to fix it okay alert multiverse at capacity initializing multiverse defragmentation is this like time travel or something weird are we going back in time 100 defragmentation complete warning anomaly detected correcting anomaly dot dot dot dot we're going back to the wall approximately one year ago this was the wall right no it's the prison fragile it's french oh a package huh yeah oh you died yep weird for someone with henry i love delivering packages is that whoa what wait hold up who sent the package that was the original package that henry got the cake in right right back here like right in here henry got the package you're free to go this not really it is time travel it's that package it's that same fragile package they just made it into the room haven't we died how does this who sent the package yeah who's the time traveler that sent it if i didn't check it i'd lose my job not only was my job that is so weird okay wow that's that's interesting so who sent the package to henry to help him escape out of prison and start this whole mess off that's a very good question i hope you guys have enjoyed it we've done all of the achievements except for finding the bios so if you guys would like to see me do that make sure you click on the link in the video description to find me on twitch and join me as i twitch stream uh tuesday and thursday from 1 30 to 4 p.m central time so we'll see you next time keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time i'd also like to thank ben ellen hagan dickie james autodave eagle arc seraphin x des bogger maxer zarnoff noah collingwood jason mcfarland dagan paul longstone and rail as well as the rest of the patreon supporters and everyone who has joined the channel as a youtube member
Channel: Blitz
Views: 369,594
Rating: 4.940032 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, henry stickmin, henry stickman, henry stickmin, henry stickmin collection, henry stickmin completing the mission, henry stickmin distract, henry stickmin distraction dance, henry stickman, funny moments, all endings, distraction dance, Among Us, impostor, among us airship, secret, henry stickmin secret, henry stickmin secret ending
Id: bB4-RYtdFDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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