I turned this shell challenge into my best build ever…?

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hello there we're doing a shell challenge today but this short challenge is actually a little bit different because one it is by Maxis and two it's got slightly different rules it's called the spark something shell and it is in the shape of a plumb bob which is very on brand and it has a green staircase which I love and I actually think maybe soon Guru Frost made this I'm not completely sure existing walls cannot be deleted you can add additional walls doors windows wallpaper flooring Foundation furniture and more change the placement type the stairs and change the standard half walls on the second floor to another fence tab it does say create the plum Bob home of your dreams so I'm like do we have to create a home or can we create a cafe uh let's do a cafe I think this is like such a hard shell challenge you know you'd think a difficult shell challenge would be like a really big and irregular shape but no this is a very simple shape that is very difficult and I think it's mostly because of these diagonal walls and really really tight height angles I mean even just to roof this you guys is a nightmare usually in a shell challenge you can only add Interiors but in this challenge we can actually add exterior walls thank God because if we can only do interior walls that would be quite restrictive I'm just going to lift it off with smidge and I'm thinking what I want to do with this is make it look a little bit more Dynamic I mean it looks very dynamic in some ways but also it's just like a shape so let's maybe make it look a little bit interesting and yeah I just want this to be kind of a cool funky looking Place actually we'll keep that higher up like this and I don't mind the fact that there are stairs up here we are allowed to move them though and as long as I keep these walls where they are I can change them to full walls if we wanted to have like a indoor or canopy area canape area I also like the idea of extending this maybe into a balcony do this I mean basically we just having a great old time kind of doing whatever and I refuse to start over again for like a third or even maybe a fourth time at this point I'm also interested about maybe adding a little side Nook over here this could be a bathroom maybe got a ceiling to that and it also gives us an opportunity to use a roof which would be nice because I'm tipping the rest of it it's going to be too difficult to have like an actual proper roof tool okay how are you looking I feel like we could maybe do something more over here and we're like an outdoor area it kind of looks like a crazy spaceship at this point honestly it would make a really good futuristic build oh I wouldn't mind using some half walls just down here see this is the tricky part because there isn't like a triangle Roofing tool you know you have your straight angles or you have your diagonal angles which is all good and well until you have part of the roof pouring over the sides on the shorter edges so that's is why angled builds are so difficult to roof so I mean we can add extra walls I think we could do something like this oh that's quite a nice space in there oh that's kind of cool if we can make this look like one roof piece maybe that will end up looking really nice and creative you could turn this into a Little Flower Box area I love that I'm gonna size down these Hedges so they don't clip into the walls as much oh my gosh this is kind of crazy whoa I mean you can't say it's not creative all right should we maybe lower this just a touch because then we don't need stairs and The Sims can just like step up onto the ledge which is pretty cool oh this could be like a nice outdoor area back here and also I haven't built and seldorf Valley for so long I think mostly because this world is so detailed it kind of looks a little bit removed from the rest of the game maybe that's why I don't build in it as often it's almost like it's too realistic for my liking but do you guys think that or do you is this one of your favorite worlds I mean everyone's so different also I kind of wish this was the front of the lot just because it has a straight road on it Rose over here it's like where do I draw the path because it's this curve I'm looking at this and feeling like it's more of a house oh what are we gonna do is it house or is it Community Lots oh and I just realized something this staircase is indoors down here but it's outdoors upstairs which means technically if it rains the rain would actually go into the house and flood the house so I do think we need to make this an indoor staircase which will ruin our roofline a little bit it's a real bummer oh good lord I mean we we can change where the stairs is oh upstairs are we can put the stairs in this undercover area somehow oh this is actually a really good spot for the staircase or oh no that works quite well can we wedge it in a little bit more into that awkward Corner oh that's really good if we were to go one more tile in there's not really enough room at the top but I just want to see what it looks like that would be kind of Ideal because it makes use of this Nook where you can't really Place Furniture but that would mean that this would have to have an extension out the back which we are technically allowed to do but is it going to ruin our roofline you know what I still think it looks cool I actually think that might look better than it did you could also maybe do like a little balcony out here oh this could be really Nifty like Nifty knitting that's kind of cool I have like a balcony here oh you guys the more I'm working on this house the more I want to turn it into an actual house to live in just because it's so different to any of the houses I've built before but I'm aware that I don't usually build community lots and I'm well overdue for that so I'm really feeling torn about it like we have too much balcony space so let's maybe put another roof line over here oh what's gonna oh oh dear whoops don't worry easy to clean up I think it would be a really nice juxta position to have maybe some industrial elements combined with nature and Greenery so I'm trying to put in lots of opportunities for gardens I mean we could even put like this would probably look really weird if I was gonna say we could even put in a tree or something over here or like a rooftop garden whoa I mean that is I kind of like this idea but I think it would be even cooler if the Sims could go out here you know I can probably extend that up so potentially a little safer but that that is that is pretty awesome wondering if we can pull this back because as long as we replace where the wall was we are still within the rules we just can't delete the walls entirely because maybe we could just put some snaky awful in here this is a little cheeky way to square off the interior so it's easier to furnish and you can have like a little bit of greenery over here that is smart what kind of greenery it would look best yeah I mean it could even go that's a bit tight I want to put like a bush here but I don't want it to be a poohoo bush You're Gonna Want Sims to try and pee in it whoa a tree could fully fit in here is that too weird or are we kind of loving it I kind of love it this is just really different okay I think I have decided this is going to be a house it just it's too cool to not be a house I just love it it's just it's just a little bit different you know um and also having placed some of the doors and the windows in just I don't know if we'll end up definitely using all of these windows but just to give it an idea I think it is looking more like a home anyway okay so the next part is painting this I am going to use a few different wallpapers sometimes it can be easier to map out the separate parts where the wallpaper will be in a really distinct color so just to be clear this is not what we're going to end with at the end all paper wise this is just for me to figure out which sections are going to be a different color to other sections so we'll just go around all the walls that join up so this is one section okay so that's like one half and actually it could be good to match it over to here for continuity continuity like that gorgeous and then in this middle section could be a different color again obviously we're not going to be doing the blue um oh actually we could have a third accent color couldn't we because this Plum Bob shape is the original shell so if we keep that all one color so we can really distinguish it I think that would be nice as well as this bit up there the other side and then this front bit and maybe this Edition here can be a third wallpaper so let's do a yellow while these colors are hideous together so this little pocket in here can be that's just like a little hint to help you guys with mapping out your wallpapers can be a clearer way of doing it otherwise sometimes I feel like I just get lost going on here why don't you want to latch on thing okay now I've got to decide what the actual colors are going to be I think this blue section could be our feature pop my first instinct is to go with a wood I'm gonna make all of the blue this charcoal wood and fun fact you can actually get charcoal colored wood that really has been burnt and is a charcoal wood and it can make homes more fire resistant so that's actually a popular choice in areas where they do have more bushfires such as Australia because obviously it's already been burnt so it's unlikely to burn again or at least to the same degree I think I'll match or at least try and match the foundation to that section oh no wait did I do something wrong oh no we've still we've still got the original shell right on both levels because I still have oh I took away the wall that's in here that technically we do need to have oh wait no we don't because it's up oh wait no we do upstairs we do um oh no this is ruining my vision well could we do a cheeky huffle oh it's really gonna mess up that steak I could have a wall going across like this which means we can't do the staircase what we want to do I'm so sad okay well what if we put the staircase here then I guess we have to have that situation not a huge fan of it but okay I'm thinking I want to use the desert Lux concrete now I did say this could be more of an envira home like a green house obviously concrete is usually not seen as being environmentally friendly however I'm pretty sure environmentally friendly concretes do exist or at least imitation concrete so if we're going with that it could still be a greenhouse right podming actually doesn't mind the rust red it's kind of cool oh what about like a a modern brick or is this an art deco brick bricks of Academia oh never used these bricks before they're really cool okay we're probably steering away from the Eco Vibe now okay I've decided that this lighter brick tone is a little bit more unique and maybe a little bit more modern you know usually we'd go with like a red brick that's more classic but this is like a salmon pink brick kind of love it okay now I need to get rid of this questionable yellow oh my God James is so loud next door okay I was thinking this like concrety set environmentally friendly concrete and actually there is this matching pinky color if we wanted to match it together your classic gray would actually go black or we could just reuse this brick and maybe do some wood definition here I'm thinking the classic City living panels they're so handy they've got to be one of the most used items in my game well there's always the Eco ones actually these are probably a better colorway I'm very surprised how easy easy it is to place these today I really like that you guys I think we'll need to place a wool on this side neutralize that color up here you know what maybe we should do the same thing over here with these diagonal walls you can instead place these and then cancel those out oh that's quite nice so that looks like it is supporting the roof I love I don't know if I should complement myself this much but you know heck I am this is sick oh what is going on here though a bit of a worry isn't it I feel like the back of this house could have just a little bit more detail on it actually does this house need to be on a foundation like what would happen if we lowered it is it gonna cause chaos or is it just gonna look nice why do we just do that oh I guess we don't have this balcony area but the reason why I did this is so we could have this back area where you can like put bikes or maybe rubbish bins depending on how we do the floor plan although something tells me we won't be having the kitchen at the back of the house actually who knows what the floor plan is going to be I don't I have not wanted to think about that yeah I think that's a nice detail I just felt like we needed something back here and now I'm also thinking that we need have some kind of fencing too so I'm going to go ahead and do that all right you guys well here is the exterior of the house finished I just put some solar panels on the roof I haven't done all of the garden yet I've kind of put in some planted boxes here I thought that would be kind of cool uh it's still a little bit bare I've got a few items out that we could maybe use upstairs and I've also been just player testing that we can use this floor plan so the idea was to have a bathroom in here which this SIM can use a kids area over here that has a bit of privacy when they get older so this can be like a barbecue area and play area this area is the most difficult to furnish because it's just like I tried cutting up the open space with walls but it just was so claustrophobic so I've decided to leave it open and it's just going to be the living area and then we're going to have two more bedrooms on either side then upstairs I was thinking we could have an office and I was struggling with keeping this wall here and I've done a little cheeky divide which is from get to work fence for window shopping and I've used this to make like a feature flooring area with the cork floor which I thought was kind of cool so all right you guys let's try and make this happen um there are so many downlights I feel like it's a bit much all right so let's turn this into a kitchen area I've tried to go with a darker interior because you know me I love doing all of the light woods and I don't want to be too repetitive and I also want to make sure you guys who prefer a darker color skin can get some builds as well uh should I do the gray or add the green I think I'll go oh actually that'll tie it into the walls more let's go the white and dark brown love the contrast and this is going to be a galley kitchen like that we could use end pieces to tie it off more nicely oh but they're the angled ones not a huge fan of those so we'll just go like this and then I guess I can put one of these at the end so at least this has its own little area and I suppose we can take away a couple of those windows otherwise you'll look through the window and see the counter which I think is just a little strange I think we'll put this heater next to the door I always forget the bin so let's put the bin in first and you know what while we're at it let's put some outdoor bins just around the corner here so it's a little bit out of the way pretend that's a rubbish and a recycle bin with a nice little path there actually it would probably be better to have the stove top at the stone wall because then the steam would just fly over here let us do those and then you could just do black cabinets along here might move this over to this side we can't have a build without a coffee machine okay I'm not okay with that I really like that this kitchen is kind of just tucked away like it's quiet in the corner even though this is all open plan for the dining area we could just put it here or we could like put it on an angle over here and have a longer table I feel like this is such a great house for entertaining because I've got all of this outdoor space so maybe it would make sense to have a bigger table I think the dining table makes more sense over here because there's more space on either side of it whereas over here it kind of looks a bit cramped although over here does block the end entrance so it's kind of a hard call to make I've been really wanting to use this wave table and I feel like maybe now's the time or am I forcing it I think I'm trying to force it sometimes you just can't force it you've got to wait for the right build and sadly today's build is not it I want to wedge something into this corner like it needs a purpose I just realized this really does look like half a boiled egg one thing I can use from the pastel pop kit is this couch that I absolutely love probably safe to just stick with the neutral because this has ended up being like a very modern house I think what we need to create a distinct space is just a good rug maybe a small window here as much as I love these couches the thing that's bothering me are the legs being that color but maybe it's just because the armchairs aren't quite right because the matching armchair has pink on it ah we could pink in the space but that wasn't really the vibe I was going for oh my God I love the colors of these chairs what happens if we completely changed everything else oh I do like the idea of having a fireplace here that definitely helps like anchor the room that is already really like really spacious I actually like the big fireplace we need to get some curtains in here oh who knows I think they're gonna be a little a little glitchy okay I think I think it's working I like it is it my personal taste no but do I think it's utilizing the weird shape well I do I do think it is what should we put in this corner because we can't change this wall and we're already going to put an office upstairs there's always plants oh it could be a good spot for a little uh keyboard area the blooming rooms kit was such a good kit I feel like I don't use it enough but the pieces are so pretty I can make this under the stairs area a little pet section wow I cannot believe we actually pulled that off it kind of works actually it does work for the bathrooms we could introduce a little bit of green we love green or do we want to be boring and just do like now I'm going to do the green this is a nice looking ensuite we are in desperate need of more wardrobes like we only have the two no the three wardrobes from get together from years ago and they're so good but I'm just like I need more wardrobe options at this point this is a very gray room and I really don't know what to put on the wall I mean I guess a dream catcher does work lots of people like dream catchers this kid's room should be really fun like a bit of a break from the rest of the house that's more minimal and serious oh this is a good use of the corner when in doubt use a plant and also when you're entering the kids space I feel like it needs to transition from serious to fun as well so I'll just put a hint of it outside with these like cute little Planters sure if we'll use that uh oh we'll put a barbecue in there in just a second I just want this to look really cute and fun and kind of a little magical kids area I think we need oh would this work in here um it's a bit cramped we need a cloud light okay there it is the favorite oh this rug is perfect I just don't know what orientation to put it in this way this room is a very calming color like I feel like I'd really like to stay here if I was a guest at someone's house I don't know what it what it is about blue but blue like light blue bedrooms I really really liked or like light blue linen I guess because it's so calming and fresh you know what it would make more sense to actually have the bed over here because then we can also fit a desk in these candles are so fun rooms always look like 20 times better whenever you remove the carpet and you put a rug in instead they just look so much better I really do use the exact same outdoor table every time but you just can't go wrong with it actually this is like too bright for the house maybe we rip it back a notch okay this is much better very nice outdoor entertainment area Don't Mind If I Do ah look there's a butterfly this balcony is asking for either an easel or a meditation spot meditation stools are actually really really handy they make your Sim really calm and happy actually that kind of looks like a little I don't know a little something let's go with that actual stool all right so up here I thought this would be the home office slash studio so you could have a couple of workstations and some easels oh gosh we need a bookshelf as well because at the moment the family can't read anything okay bookshelves over here in the corner these decals look like one of the artists in the studio has just drawn on the walls maybe it would look good to have a dark wall here okay oh yeah that works I like this actually this is probably a nicer texture all right and then the rooftop so I kind of thought it would be cool to have planting areas up here so I don't know they actually do have a pretty big Garden they could also plant in I think it's just the novelty value of having a rooftop garden I just I just want to use it you should definitely have a telescope because that's like the latest and the greatest what else do you put on a rooftop a hot tub I actually don't know why you'd want a rooftop if you had a backyard because rooftops get really hot so I personally even want one unless I needed this space now hot tubs a bit much it aesthetically just looks weird having it plonked on top what about we do oh an outdoor lounge set or we could do like well there's probably too much room yeah let's do an outdoor lounge nice yeah that looks good I'd sit up there and we need an umbrella too the real Square Shady oh I like the yellow yes okay so the whole house is furnished all we've got to do now is just a little bit of landscaping and then we'll be done this has actually been a really long build in my time I'm gonna put a few things in these plants as we made I wish we could turn these into vegetable boxes I mean I guess we could but I think the plants will just die in live mode so it'll just look bad I'm gonna lift this up so it looks like it's growing out of this box oh that looks really really good I'm loving our confidence today just giving ourselves all the praise it's a good way to live gotta do this more often okay now I feel like I have to put them over here as well and then when you have a lot of yard to just add stuff to uh I just kind of repeat the same types of plants and trees because sometimes you can just go overboard and have too much and I'll just kind of gradually plunk them around the place some reads as well which I know some of you guys will be like why we have plants like that in Australia and we can get some rocks to put around the place oh my gosh I forgot about the whole front yard and then I'll usually use at least one flower as well and just put the flour around the place as well and then just to finish off I'll use some of these creepers oops I just use like a different one oh well actually no we shouldn't use too many different kinds I literally just told you guys not to do that and then you just you know fill in some of the gaps and just to finish it off I'm picking some dirt we'll go to the circular paintbrush just adjust the softness a bit and then we're just gonna paint in all the plants so it looks like they're not just sitting in the middle of nowhere oh see how much better that looks and I also like to lightly go around paths under buildings and fences just very lightly and bit especially under columns and corners of the building okay let's do a walk through all right well it's a bit of a dreary day to be looking at the house um but I think it looks so cool like this has got to be one of my favorite builds uh I haven't had a favorite build for a while and actually I might have said my last build was my favorite but I feel like this one in our last one which is when I tried to build like James are really kind of different so the time off has been good for me and of course if we didn't have this shell challenge it of course wouldn't have looked anything like this um because it was such a weird shell but anyway let's have a look inside so here's our entrance very nice and cozy I was quite worried that this would just look really weird and sparse and just like random Furniture everywhere but this actually came together very nicely I think um the fireplace really helped with that just to ground that area combined with the rugs I also think tucking the kitchen away Behind These panels worked really well too so we have our Galley Kitchen in there very nice a galley kitchen is really good for small or tricky spaces and then this is looking back the other way the dining area the little piano corner and pet corner onto the staircase great use of space through here is the main bedroom this is quite simple like you know just a little dream catcher quite minimal and then they've got their bathroom is through here I ended up going with this green color it changed it a few times but I like the green coming back to this end of the house we have the bathroom in here which is awesome because this is such a weird shape but it actually looks legit and the SIM can get to everything there's also a second bedroom in here this also kind of looks like it could be the main bedroom because it's quite big but the main bedroom has an ensuite so that's a trade-off I do like this area that looks so pretty then out here is our backyard there's the barbecue area and the kids room is just through here now it's not necessarily ideal to have a separate door like going outside than inside again however we have to oh my sim did start a fire and I tried to cover it up and I uh I didn't quite cover it up enough it's not ideal however if you download this house you can actually just square off and punch through this wall for a door I just wasn't allowed to touch that wall because it's a shell challenge otherwise I would have and then also you can get to the bathroom this way which is Handy actually you could walk through the house that way too love this outdoor area it's just really spacious you could expand the house you can do so much back here and we've got our nice little bike Nook and actually we can have a look from this side what upstairs looks like and it looks pretty sick sometimes when you build a house only the front or only the back looks good but I feel like this house all sides look good it popping upstairs this is our creative office space it's a really nice space actually and I don't mind that we were forced to put that fencing and flooring in because it kind of makes it look more interesting and creative and crafty and then I love this balcony where they can meditate tape and then if we go through here we have our beautiful balcony rooftop so there you go what do you think you guys let me know if you like this build let me know if you're going to try this challenge as well or if you've already done the challenge what did you end up doing make sure to get it done by the 6th of December there's not a lot of time if you want to win any of the prizes as always I hope you're having a lovely morning afternoon evening wherever you're on the world I'll speak to you soon [Music] thank you
Channel: Deligracy
Views: 193,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deligracy, deli, gaming, australian, english, funny, deli gaming, deligracy youtube, deligracy vids, sims 4, the sims 4, sims 5, sims 4 story, the sims, sims 4 gameplay, sims 4 build, sims 4 cheats, the sims 5, sims 4 cc, spark, shell challenge
Id: ILsq84jUj18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 5sec (1745 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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