I completed the Lilsimsie IMPOSSIBLE Shell Challenge (The Sims 4)

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today we're going to be doing a shell challenge it's not just any shell challenge it's a little simsy shell challenge and it looks pretty tough it's pretty big as well so i'm a little bit scared but i still think we're going to do a pretty good job at least i hope we do but before we get into that shell challenge i do want to thank disney emoji blitz very much for sponsoring today's video download the game on your mobile phone or tablet using my special download link in the description down below and if 1 000 of you download the game using my link i'm gonna do a special requested disney themed build in the sims 4. disney emoji blitz is unlike any other match 3 game on the market each emoji has its own unique power up and you decide which you want to use which offers a strong layer of strategy to each game you play my favorite emoji at the moment is luca because i loved the film luca there are loads of different emojis that you can collect and they come in different categories silver gold rainbow exclusive as well as story and villain emojis as well and then emojis you learn in-game you can then send to your friends also exclusively for this video if you download using my special link some random players will each receive the following emojis that's meg aurora cinderella and tiana my download link also works as a creator code so everything that you spend in game also supports me as a creator so i'll just wait a second for you to download it don't mind me i'm just letting you do your thing oh you're done you're done okay good job guys good job okay so this is the spooky shell challenge you can download it from little simsy on the gallery and i've just plonked it down and it looks pretty hard because number one it's really big like this isn't a tiny home shell challenge this is like a big home shell challenge so it's gonna take a while to actually make it look good from all sides and also just the shape of it i mean what is this what is this right here what am i meant to do with that kayla it's got like this cantilevered part and if you guys don't know where shell challenge is basically you can't move any of these exterior walls and you can't add exterior walls i mean you can add half walls and like i think i can add a balcony maybe columns and of course i can add interior walls but i mean what is this i have no idea what i'm gonna do with that i think first of all what we need to do is get some inspiration i also think it's best to work on my strengths okay as builder which is definitely modern builds we're gonna go modern folks so i've just googled architecture modern homes that made the most sense to me so we have a few options here obviously this is inspiration so take it with a grain of salt but i'm thinking we use a little bit of timber maybe a little bit of brutalism concrete and i actually don't know if i'm allowed to use cc in this i have no idea oh i like this that's nice i feel like i always do like white and timber stuff so maybe we should go for like more concrete and stone like a foresty kind of build have you guys seen that tick tock where they're like i'm an island boy i'm an island boy i got that stuck in my head it just keeps going around around in circles alright so here's our shell build and uh this is the spooky shell challenge by little simsy and it looks hard i often think when i get a shell challenge should we flip it would this be better as a front probably so let's just go bam bam move it to the front beautiful and then actually you know what let's move it back it's hard a ton i was going to say a touch and a tad at the same time so it came out as top towed okay now i'm pretty sure i don't know i'm pretty sure i'm allowed to add like a floor like this i'm pretty sure i'm allowed to do that just in case i'm not i'm going to turn it into a platform because i feel like platforms must be allowed and i just feel like this is perfect as either a spot for windows to go or like a front entrance maybe this angular thing like what the heck is that i don't like this angular thing so what i'm gonna do with half walls because we're allowed half walls i'm just gonna like give the illusion that it doesn't exist because it's rough i wonder if there's like a fence we can use between as well that okay that's not a similar height i was gonna say that's a similar head but that's completely different no can we do something like this or is that just kind of weird it's a bit odd okay maybe let's try another idea maybe we can do like the classic favorite thing of mine hello why so squeaky thank you so much yes coffee mm-hmm a lot of you guys especially in america always like that is the smallest coffee cup i've ever seen this is what you put espresso in so just like a shot of coffee okay so i feel like the classic go-to would be putting like this between the walls but the problem is it's just a little bit high if we size it down it's a little short so i don't know i'm unsure now i feel like the best thing for us to do would be to just run away from it and focus on something else i love pitched roofs without like any awning so it's just like like this type of deal oh my gosh little simsy what is this what am i gonna do with that i'm pretty sure i'm allowed to do this she just says don't touch my walls i'm not touching her walls i ain't going near her walls i'm just going around the walls or we could platform this as well does this even line up oh my gosh it doesn't does it she didn't make she didn't make this line up the nerve okay i might have to put some like pillars here oh i really don't like it okay it's looking so weird okay this fits so perfectly in here that's a good front door okay i'm gonna square this off by turning it into a shorter platform i so badly want to put a wall here i'm gonna give the illusion that this diagonal wall does not exist okay now we're talking it's starting to work i'm just unsure if we dive into the cc life i'm not i think i'll avoid cc just because i don't know if it's allowed so we'll and i also promised you guys a cc free build so i better stick to that also if you guys on console like i have to send some love to you times are rough for console players who can't have cc in their game it's very rough i mean i feel for you guys i really do okay this is turning into a modern sculpture of a house this is beautiful i think i might live in this actually that's gorgeous oh what the heck are we gonna do with this though the back of the house is a hot mess sweating we could maybe try a diagonal pitched roof on this lower level maybe it'll look good i try to avoid the roofs intersecting into the rooms because i never know if it's gonna like glitch out and intersect my rooms when we do the interior so i'm always a bit like oh i don't know about this let's just kind of hope that it works okay i feel like when in doubt just use the short slates house from city living just when in doubt use those and you'll be okay and i don't know what the heck we're doing with this could we i think we're just gonna try and cover up the angles i mean you either work with them or you cover them up oh this looks okay covering didn't work so let's uh let's work with these okay i know i'm drawing a wall right now but nobody panic i just want to figure out where the platform's going to go okay see i'm getting rid of the walls no one get angry at me it's fine okay that actually turned out pretty good do we want to put it at a different level it's not too bad i think that looks pretty good i think we did something good guys i did something the front looks like mint i love the the fakaday oh except this thing why is that there oh that was me my bad okay i fixed it yeah just need to put some half walls around here to paint afterwards so we have to match the heights of the platforms which is a little bit fiddly but it's all good now in terms of the exterior we were thinking maybe doing like brutalists so that would be like a lot of severe industrial materials like concrete like stone that isn't very homely looking so maybe we use like spa day dark concrete for around here or maybe we i kind of like want to use a true gray concrete like is this concrete that looks like concrete to me and the other good thing is to use wallpapers in shell builds as a way to kind of create the illusion that certain parts of the house are joined even if their shapes don't join up like it's a really handy way to kind of tie everything in together so that looks like one giant piece do you get what i mean this could be kind of cool kinda looks like a this is my favorite brick i mean honestly this house could look really good with a red brick like i'm tempted to go fully this because i think this looks so good but i wouldn't say this is brutalist oh my gosh the wallpaper part is so hard i mean the other thing that would look really nice is just like timber but i feel like i do this all the time like that's nice but i did that like last week oh my gosh i love this this is like the eco lifestyle rusted iron that's cool i like this a lot it's like turning into a brutalist farmhouse now okay maybe at the back of the house we could have a little bit of fun with timber just a hint you know and that's kind of in a different colorway colorway at a different time of day more like it i mean that does look nice we even pair the wood down here you know guys we're making a brutalist farmhouse i don't even know what this is anymore but i think it looks cool like if i saw this house while i was walking down the street i'd be like that's sick house and then some of you guys would be like oh my god that's the ugliest house i've ever seen but hey that's what keeps life interesting because we're all different i need to put some black trim around the place too okay so this is the exterior of our house i think it looks pretty awesome and now we gotta figure out what the heck the floor plan is gonna be so i might just do that off-camera quickly because it's going to take me a while okay i've done the floor plan and basically the idea is there's an entrance room there's a giant lounge room with maybe like a kids play area i know this house doesn't look very kid-friendly but you'd be surprised a lot of people live in brutalist homes and are happy with their kids playing on concrete surrounded by concrete walls not for me but might be for you guys or that could be like a little office nook dining room kitchen's gonna be over here that was just placement furniture and then up the stairs we have an upstairs living area and then two bedrooms it was really difficult to add three bedrooms and two bathrooms upstairs the bedrooms would just be really small i mean i guess i could just like have a bath a bedroom over here somehow but then like this is gonna have an awkward door there i don't know i'd just rather have this open that's the plan jan oh and if you guys are not familiar with brutalist design it's basically at least my understanding is just like a lot of concrete like heaps of concrete but you can play around with it and make it look a little bit more like warm and the way you would do that is adding like some warmth in furniture and rugs and and things like that ideally i'd probably use something like this in this build but we're not doing custom content today so it's more challenging maybe i use these eco lifestyle couches to add a little bit of green into the mix these armchairs don't look very comfy oh yeah i feel like these really should have been like dining chairs you know i don't think this couch comes in two seater no it doesn't so i have to go the big kid three seaters and i'm thinking like a nice big square coffee table oh the glass would look really nice but this space is asking for something bigger i think the other option is because these couches look a little clumsy with how wide they are is we use oh no the dream home decorator couches that we can turn into an l-shape we could do a really cool juxtaposition brutalist with softness if we do this light pink couch i mean this is a moment okay that is a really big couch look at all that big couches kind of overwhelm me they're just so overwhelming they scare me i like a giant caterpillar i really want to have a light similar to this one but i don't think we have one in the game hmm we could have clouds pink clouds i mean this is kind of cool but covered up to cover up the tv maybe these kind of artsy modern vibe that's pretty cool do we like the wall all concrete or with black i actually like it all concrete definitely need to get some greenery in here for sure and yeah i'm going back to the stone table i don't know i just feel like this is perfect for this house and then there'd like be only one thing on it because it's so minimal and like severe this kind of industrial looking jug this coffee jug thing is that too much or that kind of brutalism you know what strangely i think it works oh we need like a nice big painting here this is the perfect size and i think this is the perfect kind of painting i definitely couldn't live in a brutalist styled home like i would feel like there's aspects that i would really like like i do like concrete floors but practically speaking i it would hurt my feet like i've lived in an apartment where there were floating floorboards on top of concrete and it was so thin and like my heels hurt so much each day love this bars i don't know let me know in the comments down below would you live in a brutalist home do you love the idea of a brutal storm do you hate it you're not really sure do you not really care oh batu oh that's fun is it like a pinky color i think i'll turn this into the home office area i mean it would be a great kid's area as well just don't let your kids slip over and hurt themselves on concrete or run into a concrete wall oh could we put a bookshelf behind this couch is that like crowding the space okay it's not minimal enough should we do a matching painting on this wall the other version of it like this one or we could put some color in maybe some color actually if we use this painting it actually ties into the lounge room maybe we should have that one here oh yeah i think we should have that one here and then like one of these over here okay maybe we need to size that uh down a bit i know the light that i want to use it's this one love this light and i'm already inventing a story or creating a story about the type of sim who would live here i imagine they would earn a cleaning business and be very like minimal and like everything super clean and neat and like kind of flashy and refined and then they have kids they just don't let the kids mess up their house like they can do what they want in their bedroom but they're not going to mess up their house i really want to use these counters by he's so perfect oh my gosh okay we definitely have to do a brutalist cc build another time though we could go some light timber because we have been introducing a little bit of that and it does have a concrete top on top of it so i feel like that kind of works or you could just continue with the whole great idea you know what i'm gonna go for a little bit of brightness this is controversial actually it'd probably make more sense to have the kitchen over here because we've got these big windows for the dining area let's do that and it's just so much easier to use these more square walls for the kitchen you know what i mean oh and these lights are too long i thought they would have been perfect so sad just a little bit too big so the annoying thing with these cabinets is the main cabinet if you repeat it it has the same books and box in them kind of frustrating so if you use it you have to be a little bit creative i feel like this makes more sense to be the main cabinet but it's actually an ends cabinet i guess you can use these though actually that's the point yeah stir here ooh this one maybe dang nice can do a double stir some people ask like why do you put a double stove in the sims but it's like having a really wide stove top that didn't really work let's maybe use these ones i always get so confused when placing corner pieces together like i do help this is too confusing i think i have to go like corner corner corner and then back to the other corner okay i did it that's hard well it's nice how they have the little hidey holes here okay fridge i always forget fridges so we need to remember the fridge this one what else do we need we need a sink always nice to look out the window some milk alarm i put a temperature control while we're there oh and a bin i always forget bins as well you can like hide the bin onto this side i wonder if it's still accessible and then i suppose it's nice to have a dishwasher right honestly we could have done the whole kitchen as stainless steel but i like that the wood softens it just a little bit i love these chairs so much but do we want to use them oh this is kind of cool is it is it is it cool it is cool or creepy you know what i'm gonna do creepy because it's something different i'm not saying i like it but it's something different that i haven't used before and we stand creativity okay guys i went back to the doctor kitchen i'm sorry the wood i just i couldn't do it it just didn't blend enough i thought it was a good idea to begin with but then i came to my senses and realized you know what stop trying to make a warm house happen when it's just not going to happen it just doesn't look right i will however put in these green uh bricks that's the one thing i'll allow okay and then over here we want to have a nice dining area so i would love to use this we are so doing a cc brutalist house totally okay do we want to do glass lots of choices round round would look good here we don't this is really the only rounds table we have damn it now this green color is annoying me oh do we have any like modern round tables or are they all like traditional shapes in terms of tables that are this size i think that's like the only one we have it doesn't look right it's like island aesthetic ideally it would be great to have a rounded table there but we could maybe work with this oh that orange is nice isn't it but then if we do orange there then i i feel like we need to have the orangey color over here as well i could just do that well we could do that and have an orange table love this table it looks like folded origami oh we could go with these chairs it would be good to have some orange flecks in the bricks actually so tie it in a little bit bit of a fun pendant light there quite nice do we like that do we now want to change the whole kitchen this is what happens i change one thing and then i feel like i have to go back and i have to change everything and it just goes on and on and on no no jelly you keep the swivel chats this is the thing you gotta keep watching because you never know when all of a sudden i might change my mind what about a paintbrush frog oh that's kind of nice [Music] not quite right this is such an awkward room to put a rug in like you can't do that this looks too small maybe this is the maybe we could go to move this back a little bit just for our rug like any of these that's kind of a cool rug we could put like these feature brick walls in actually that works quite well yeah that looks like a toilet like public toilet block i like it i have another one of these artworks very nice maybe a bookshelf over here okay simple yet functional dining room that's actually a really nice floor plan very happy with that okay upstairs we actually have this light wood which is very exciting so in the master bedroom we can be a little warmer now we could go a nice bed we keep going back to pink so i mean maybe we should stick with the pink hair oh green green green green yes green what do you guys think of this does this look nice i feel it works oh my gosh i completely forgot about curtains in this place i know how many people dislike my first pet stuff okay i hate to be the devil's advocate here but these curtains are probably the curtains that i use most in the game because they come in three different sizes and they're like super versatile so that's that's a good point of of that pack what if we do like a trio of get to work mirrors like a little concrete wall feature a bit of fun okay now i feel like we have too many mirrors here i feel like it's always nice to have somewhere to sit in a bedroom maybe we can throw some clothes on like instead of throwing them on the floor you can throw them on your little seat they're not you don't really sit on a seat in a bedroom do you maybe you can have a little meditation spot as well this room's really good for a double bed as well now the more that i look it up why did i just put a built-in wardrobe in here looks more legit which means we need a full-length mirror to check yourself okay i'm gonna let allow us to have a little color in this bedroom because it's probably the daughter's room the girl needs a little bit of color in her life as i put a gray rug in is that orange work in here oh yeah that's a bit of fun okay i'm just gonna go finish off the bathrooms and this area and then we'll do a grand tour okay you guys here is the finished house what do you guys think i think this looks pretty good i like it a lot i would live here but i would have a different interior also i think the pitched roofs worked surprisingly well and i probably would have turned this into a balcony but i wasn't sure if we were allowed to add floor tiles definitely looks decent from every angle let's go inside so i deliberately kept the entrance really bland and minimal because i just feel like that's what brutalism is all about there is a bathroom in here and all the bathrooms i kept really really dark i'm strangely into dark bathrooms at the moment with really dim lighting i don't know it's just the thing i'm going through and then this is the lounge room merging browns with grays can be difficult but i think this we pulled it off very nice lots of windows and then this is like the walkway to the kitchen there's a little office nook space and then this might be my favorite room just because it's an unusual shape but it works really well i think it was a good choice to get rid of the timber and keep it really plain even though that's not what i would have but i think it suits the build more and our creepy wheelie chairs are kind of cool they look like dentist chairs but then there's a bit of warmth in the dining room so that kind of brightens up the whole space when we go up the stairs there's this little romper's room again very plain you can put whatever you want on the coffee table but the cushions and the artwork brighten it up a bit and i like how the patterns are kind of geometric and there's a lot of purple and green this is the second bedroom the wardrobe and a little ensuite around here's the master bedroom where the bed is is a lot darker but i feel like because we included those windows at the end or the back of the bedroom that brings a lot of light in so it kind of makes it a much nicer space to be in and then there's walk-in wardrobe and then the bathroom's kind of luxurious with that big bathtub i think the brass around the mirrors as well so that's it folks let me know what you thought and again thank you so much to disney emoji blitz for sponsoring today's video definitely give it a download in the description down below use my link and hopefully i'll be doing a disney build soon as well thanks little simsy for the challenge this was a lot of fun anyway guys i hope you're having a lovely morning afternoon evening wherever you are in the world i'll speak to you soon [Music] you
Channel: Deligracy
Views: 230,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deligracy, deli, gaming, australian, english, funny, deli gaming, deligracy youtube, deligracy vids, the sims, the sims 4, lil simsie, build, shell challenge, sims 4 building, lil simsie shell, building, home, modern, deli build, sims buuilding, fast build, real time, interior design
Id: zmVu1ijatIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 49sec (1549 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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