Touring Your Incredible Builds in The Sims 4 (Shell Challenge)

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it's that time again the time where we look at a lot of really cool Sims builds and feel bad about ourselves welcome to my shell challenge to us so if you missed it I made a video a couple weeks ago where I built the shell of a house put it up for you guys to turn into a real house and now we have like hundreds of builds to look at and show off some of the best ones so essentially I built this weird box and I was like okay guys make it into a house and now we have hundreds of houses this one is my third one's on YouTube and probably the worst one yet to be honest because at its very core the only rule of this challenge is that you can't touch my walls so you're gonna take this shell you can make it into a restaurant a house of whatever anything you want put on any lot you want use any objects you want you can add walls on the inside but again you just can't change any of my existing walls people had these weird little walls to work with on the inside this one is the bane of my existence and they had to figure out a way to roof it and to turn it into a real house they can rotate it however they want they could do anything they want to this this shell it just has to stay the same does that make sense and one of the coolest parts about this is that people do such vastly different builds with it I mean this is what I built it's a classic little orange suburban it's really not good like it's this is bad once you see the other ones will understand you might be like okay well that's really cute you did a great job no I didn't when you see what they built you're gonna be like oh yeah Sims II you suck like you're the worst at this because first bill we've got here is by a little little sims me smithy sim scissor me Sims why me I don't know how to pronounce their name but they did a terrible job I'm just kidding I am I spelled my own name wrong in the hash tag that I posted this with so I don't want to talk about it but this stupid wall if you remember this was but this stupid wall that was the existing wall that we couldn't touch right there it's so annoying it made the floor plan so difficult I think this is genuinely a bad house I also tried to make it all blue and orange I think the kitchens kind of cute but the rest of it not good the roof was impossible it was this was a very difficult thing to do and so all you guys that did it and did it well major props to you I also had a very hard time picking just 10 to show you because you guys don't understand there are hundreds of them I mean you search Sims II shell in the gallery you could go on forever if it loads give it a second okay the gallery's frozen oh we're doomed oh here we go but like I said you could go on forever it's not it's not helping me show you very well but you get what I'm saying there are hundreds of builds so I want to make it clear you guys I looked at so many of these houses I've been commenting on a ton of them trying to like make sure you guys know I saw them but they're way too many to tour in one YouTube video so I'm not showing off yours in the video I'm so sorry you did an amazing job I just try to pick like ten of the most unique ones that I could find and honestly I think I have more than ten I can't just like plop down I picked mine I and I was like I can't pick a 10th one so I put down like four more so we've got a few to look at today I'm also gonna tour them on stream later on Twitch that switched on TV /a little Sims II I'll look at some more of them on stream but please keep in mind if I didn't show off yours in the video I love you still yeah and you did a great job I just there are so many there were so many but to start us off we've got a class favorite you might recognize their name a winged llama has built the most incredible shells it's honestly offensive how good they are building in this game I've shown their houses a couple times in this series but this time they've really done it again you've really done it now I want you all to emotionally prepare yourselves okay I mean are you serious you what this is the same house are you I built this it was me I built the whole house I did it it was my shelf so I built this right I get full credit right no I don't it's that's not how it works now this is one of those houses that just keeps getting better the more you look at it I mean first of all look at the detail on the roofing and everything I love this little raised deck I mean everything about this is so cool the barn genius the landscaping must have taken them forever there's so many debug objects in this house but you think it's good now wait until you notice that they made all of these windows these are all individually placed pieces on top of just plain glass windows they decorated every bit of these windows themselves those are custom windows this thing that light these little bunnies again custom-built light you've got to be kidding me right you come inside into the kitchen same thing this counter you made it excuse me you put bananas on it I mean like the level of detail in this house where they've made these like double ovens ah it's just you guys everything about this house is so unbelievable it makes me feel so bad about myself these are even like these are like custom paintings they made you can get them off the gallery for I just and look at this thing I mean what what is going on they really used all these weird little crevasses that I put into the bill how did you do that I just you guys I'm so in awe of this person I'm so in awe of you I mean the decorations the way you used my sad little diagonal wall I'm really sorry about that diagonal wall by the way it made the floor plan so difficult I know it's just everything about it it's so cute oh oh we got a missing oh you know when I do that when I miss wallpaper people get real angry it's not a big deal I love this little room for the kiddos oh my god look I've never used these wall decals I just never think to use them this is adorable genuinely adorable my my little heart can't take this sort of thing also this person has a tumblr I'm gonna link it down below because they post all kinds of bills on their tumblr they are so talented please check out their stuff we are not worthy my idiot she'll challenge is not worthy of this oh it's so cool it's so cool I love all the details oh my god okay we got more to show you guys though just by the way I'm gonna have all these or names and build titles for when I show off in this video in the description in order so you guys can like find them on the gallery more easily for the next one if I wonder nobody it's called shell challenge mansion my friends that is an understatement are you seeing this look at this built the way people make terrain look good how do you make it look good I'm not good at terrain tools in this game we got some things to break down okay first of all over here the water features if you're just like hanging out in the pool down here and there's these like water fountains I mean unbelievable and the way this deck looks I think it was like most I think it was like most impressed by this part cuz I love the idea of this like fancy overhanging deck off this crazy you know Hill you I think that looks so cool that's so like fancy and elegant and like the most incredible thing you find this really sets of mansion I mean this house is like a ten million dollar house I mean with the water behind it in real life imagine I love it so much like the uh everything about it is just so well thought out and so cool and again you cannot tell this is the same house this is the same shell as before how is it the same oh there's a ping-pong table down here I didn't even notice that god I love everything about this so much and then you go inside it gets even better just like color scheme is so fun look at this I mean talk about a mansion all mansions have wine cellars I mean juice cellar I just think this is so impressive I'm so beyond impressed by all of you guys I can pull this kind of thing off and I love the use of these cabinets is like a fancy console table and this like overlaid comfortable they made they made like a custom coffee table what do you mean how did you think of that I'm not smart enough to think of these things and also the way they used my wall that was really cool because they have this whole master suite in the second half of the build like this whole right side of the house is the master suite so you come in there's a water feature you've got like your bed room area over here made like basically a custom bed by building it into cabinets and stuff there's a little desk space with like a custom desk too because we do that now I love the color scheme and then they have this like master bath and it looks like the doors are maybe kind of open and so this was my wall this right here they couldn't get rid of so they tried to make it look like these may be like accordion style doors that looks so cool to me the way they have these oh I think this is so impressive even though it's just meant to be walls I think like the way this kind of works out with this like intentional seating area and the fancy bath it makes the weird wall looked so intentional not like a weird restriction they had like you can't tell that it wasn't put there on purpose you know also these are windows and they're like cool wall column divider looking things they're just windows I just art this is so smart I could go on forever but I love this house the next one we've got is the Eco luxury modern retreat it was built by tink you say all these houses are so cool I have so much fun looking at them I hope you guys liked this kind of video too okay we have some things to talk about it's so cool okay deep breath first the way this pool looks with these like doors opened to the little patio and the pool what a genius idea the landscaping I mean it looks so intentionally laid out everywhere obviously because it is like the little pathways all the covered seating areas the fines I have never used these weird vines in my life how did you make them work so well upstairs there's solar panels and a wind milk's it's like this eco house they've got like a garden up here with bees and things I mean I just think this is so beyond genius and the whole lot is so full if they've got bikes right here because they're eco you guys I love this bill it's so pretty and then you come inside and it gets better I mean this like majestic feature wall the kitchen what look how cool this is hi this is so pretty I would have never thought to use these items this way I'm just so impressed I'm so impressed also I never used this rug I could never make this rug work they made the weird avocado rug work I love them making this look like a bench - because this weird window kind of has this like little thing on it I usually have it on the floor like this so it looks kind of odd but this makes it look like a fake bench and it isn't a bench but like it tricks your mind I'm sorry I just I'm so impressed with this bill this is genuinely so cool I love this like those little weird bump outs I added first of all they made him into a cool bathroom feature like that's the shower and the sinks right here but like from the outside that looks so intentional and instead of being like this weird random bump out that seems they put that you have to work with it looks like is it on purpose like that looks like a fancy wall that was made that way like they wanted it to be that way I just love this house I know I get kind of like overexcited and I go on and on about these things but they're so cool this next one is by Eliza builds stuff and it's like a medieval house so this you know beautiful older abandoned overgrown build this is so smart they put a windmill in the back I mean how do you think of this stuff and it's so cool because I think this weird shell I've built lends itself very well to a house of this style I mean the random walls kind of fit that vibe you know almost broken down to an extent I just I love it and the inside the level of detail with all of the items and stuff I mean this is awesome and this room is split-level I just think it's so cool the candles are lit Oh who's been in here oh wait now I'm scared it's supposed to be abandoned I'm scared but they did that on purpose all the lights are candles they've got fireplaces and stuff they turn my weird wall into like a little organ room oh this guy only gets a curtain that's kind of sad no I just can't imagine how long it must have taken to build this oh boy oh my god there's a baby Yoda shrine it was him he lit the candles and we gotta go for some reason it's like it's not safe anymore anyway this is a very cool use of all the debug items this is a very impressive build I again cannot imagine how long this must have taken you so major props to you Eliza okay this next one is very different if I think this is why I love this challenge so much is that it makes people do the most ridiculous creative things this one is by synthetic Venus can you believe that this was made with my shell as the inspiration an Italian cliffside village with my shell that's the inspiration I mean look at how cool this is also for the record they put it here they put it in del Sol Valley I kind of think it works to be honest a little bit the back of it is really pretty but this up here this is my shell way up in the top of the build so you have to come all the way up the stairs you know climb all the way up the whole building there's so many details like the mailboxes down here you know you climb all the way up and eventually eventually you're make your way all the way up to the top of the bill but it's like a little tiny courtyard and then you have my house there's like some split leveling and a very beautiful kitchen but like think about how long it must have taken them to build this whole thing I mean this is a full 64 by 64 a lot and look at the front I mean obviously up close there's more detail it kind of looks a little bit like it's blurring in the distance I think cuz they've got less detail back there up sitting it's honestly very well done and I love this like you come up on the you come up by boat and you know you can hang out in one of these little restaurants I think that's so cute I love this concept it's so smart and they furnish a bunch of the front houses a lot of the back ones aren't obviously because that would be ridiculous to furnish the whole thing but I mean houses are fully furnished here it's just this is this is so smart what a clever concept like how did you come up with this it's so cool okay show these builds are all so different and they decide that it's the same house I just I love this challenge it's so interesting how they turn out up next we have this early 1900s mansion by Lizzie monkey you know the way to my heart clearly but these like historical builds but they mentioned how they tried very hard to make it as accurate as possible and first of all this is stunning I mean genuinely a really beautiful house I love the walls and the paving on the outside I mean this is so pretty I would love to play here with my sims I have genuinely never used this vampire freeze that's so pretty I had never thought to use it as like a fan this is maybe done with me because obviously it like works but I just don't ever use stuff from vampires and like you very tastefully used a lot of vampires items to make a really beautiful house the inside is very classic and fancy I just I adore this concept I love the idea of trying to make this like accurate historical home using just the Sims but look they made my weird wall into a tiny nursery it's so interesting a lot of people chose to do it like this to build their rooms kind of blick in this exact shape mine was more like like that a little bit different I love seeing people do with it though it's really interesting how people have made these different choices there's like a tiny half bath right here I like how do you think of this build like this I just the way people look at these shells and they have in their head go oh I can make it into like a crazy jungle villa or like oh I can make it into a Italian cliffside honey how do you think of that stuff I mean I look at it and I think okay let's do a suburban but colorful I just don't get how they make these choices you're so talented the next one's right next door it's by Sims Pete this is a sleek mansion first of all we got a fifty by forty law on our hands so there's a lot to take in can we talk about this pool I mean we've got this like ridiculously impressive infinity pool you managed to make this impressive statue like make sense there's this cool little bar outdoor kitchen area it's not a bar it's just an outdoor I don't know I'm talking about these are all individually placed debug tiles everywhere by the way there's fountains there's like a shed in the back it's got a garden there's another pool a bar a real bar this time there's like a kids playground the landscaping is so genius and then you get to the actual house itself I want to start with the rooftop because this is what most excited me I love the skylight into the office area down there the idea of like hanging out on the roof with this crazy garden this looks so pleasant to me it's beautiful up here the use of these debug objects as like roof planters I had never considered doing that before this looks so cool these are all debug planters I never put them like on a roof before I love that idea this looks awesome you come inside obviously this like crazy dark color scheme it's very pretty I love the kitchen I mean everything what this house is so cool and would you believe me if I told you it's bass game only because it is this is a base game mansion I think people have in their heads that for it to be a cool build it can't just be the base game I mean you even got limos using debug makes it really easy to make cool things just the base game by the way but like you would never look this house and think like Oh boring base game house you know but this is an entirely based game build you don't need packs to make a cool house you guys oh man I'm so impressed by this one plus the cytha is a huge lot I props to you for finishing it because I have no patience I could never this next one by Don Quinto also based game I mean what it's so interesting the different things people do with these houses I mean they've gone in a completely different direction again also a base game house obviously the key to a lot of this is using a lot of debug items I mean it's these little details that I would never think of using these little like pieces of wood and different tiles to line a cool entryway the cars to make a driveway this fun little fountain like pond around the whole place the fact that the roof goes off the edge of the law it kind of makes it blend into the world better look how cool this area looks look at this crazy like geometric feature and that's just using roof pieces that's so interesting I would never think to do that this angle of the house is so cool how do you think to do stuff like that I'm serious someone teach me then the inside is so pretty I love the style of it and like the sizing up of this light I mean there's so many little things that I again would never think to do also I'm gonna seal this this using of this cabinet piece as a console table like a like a wall-mounted console table underneath TVs that's so smart I don't know why I hadn't ever considered doing that but this thing it's like a very basic contemporary small cabinet it comes in a solid black color like it would be so easy to make that look cool as a console table and people have clearly do it all the time I'm just missing out I also love the idea of taking different pots and you can take like a different game in game pot and then put a different plant in it it's just like a random sized up urn and they put a plant in it so it looks like a new potted plant genius Oh interesting that wall follows along the stairs so here's my wall it's a bathroom here again but they made like part of it open above the stairs and they put windows in it that's really smart I like if it looks a lot I'm really impressed I don't even notice that before when I was looking at it before I showed you guys that's the thing these houses you keep seeing more the more you look at them like the lights on him I think the roof one this is so cool I mean like it genuinely this is a genuinely stunning house it's base game only you would never think of this and be like oh yeah looks like a base game house I think you'll to build these base game builds are like oh I only have the base game I don't have any packs so it's probably pretty bad no it's not look what you did oh my god this is so cool you guys I'm so impressed with all of you while we're here I want to show you one next tour this is a modern home another modern but a lot of the people that use my shell make modern houses I think because it's easier to roof them because a lot of them like have flat roofs and stuff so you can cover my weird walls more easily this one's by misha bc i thought that the idea of using these shelves to cover the windows and make this sort of like feature same thing over here that looks so cool does it not and they put terrain paint to make like stripes in the grass I just it looks so fancy here even a tiny pool in this backyard area this is beautiful I really enjoyed this house inside same thing stunning built I love the green and brown and black color scheme is just it's so like inviting on the inside and honestly using the concrete floor I never think to do that but it looks really nice I get like major Grand Designs vibes from this house you know the show it's a UK show it's actually on us Netflix so you can watch it but they build these like really cool oftentimes very modern like ecotype houses all the time and I'm always like I don't know you're putting a concrete floor and you're not gonna finish your cinderblock walls that's gonna look weird and sometimes it looks really cool this is the vibe I'm getting from that like you made it like really fancy I just I like this house a lot they even made like the base game counters like the base game stand their cheapest counters look really cool at the doubling of the cabinet's makes into like a feature you know I'm impressed thanks for listening this one is the Pinterest mom house bye bye screen 3 King heavily inspired by that one rich suburban soccer mom this is where I was getting like way above 10 and I couldn't decide and I was like I just gotta show them all so we're gonna like maybe speed through the rest of these because I feel bad making a ridiculously long video but look at this house they went to rubber and it looks way cooler than mine I love that driveway this roof piece and they made it look like a driveway using it I think that was really smart the back is beautiful the inside is beautiful you definitely get major Pinterest vibes from the interior I love this like open door from the little laundry room I can so see things like this dining room like if you like had a really nicely framed picture of it on Pinterest like the putting of the pictures on the floor and like all the wooden tones in the room and like having the to feature chairs I just can see someone on Pinterest like loving this kind of furnish a I think it's very pretty I was very impressed this one is modern tropics by gamer guy 9 7 1 8 I was looking my stuff you know sorry but gamer guy 9 7 1 8 made a beautiful modern house also look at the landscaping in the back oh I was so impressed by this house I thought it was so pretty I think the lands getting most of all I think I really have a tendency to like overdo it with landscaping but I love this sort of less-is-more attitude when they framed it with the rocks they put dirt everywhere and there's a few very strategically placed plants whereas when it's me I like fill this entire dirt cover it completely with green and I think it looks like it's too much when I do it this is really or in the carport I mean look at this I think this house is beautiful the last one I want to show you is by Louis DeWitt I think hope I didn't pronounce your name wrong that'd be really embarrassing this house this is another one of those things where it's like genuinely how did you do this how did you look at my weird box and think you know what I'm gonna do this with it what what the way they use the terrain to build this crazy staircase up and like the limo like they built like an extra carb part of the driveway so they can put a limo down even putting the pipes on the side of the pool I just everything about it is so smart and so strategically placed in this crazy staircase at the back I just I love this and the roof is so interesting I was I would have never ever thought to do it like this and it looks so cool and the thing is again it looks really intentional like you wouldn't see this and think like oh they're just trying to make heelas weird little bump-outs make sense it just looks cool I mean my weird bumped us on this side they made into this crazy feature there's a cool desk underneath that window piece that's impressive that's so impressive and the inside is so fancy I just I'm so thoroughly impressed by this concept there's so much to see - oh they didn't like me look we get the same thing than we did with the shell walls and this is how I made my weird little wall look good Oh genius great minds think alike you know I just can't fathom how much time these people must have spent on these houses I know all of you guys spent so much time on their houses I'm so sorry that I couldn't tour all of the one on YouTube it's just there are so many you guys and we will do this again I promise I'll link my past you like touring videos down below because there are tons of cool bills to see they're like these so check out those down below I just I keep saying it I know but I think one of the most impressive parts of this is the fact that it's again all the same box like you would never look at these houses and think oh they're all the same because they're all so different and creative and cool you are also much more talented than me I feel so inferior my stupid orange and blue house it looks really dumb compared to these I'm really dumb this idiot right here well I make Sims builds for a living I've been to shame I've been majorly put in my place okay I'm gonna go I love you guys thank you for watching like I said we will absolutely do another one of these I love the shell challenges they're so fun give me like a couple months and we'll do them okay I don't know thank you love you miss you bye again I am streaming myself looking at more shell builds tonight on Twitch that's 4 p.m. Eastern time 9 p.m. in the UK wherever you are you can figure it out that way I'll be live and looking at more okay bye [Music]
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 1,053,692
Rating: 4.9702072 out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly
Id: 2QTs_1dOyv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 56sec (1496 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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