Exploiting Supermarket Simulator in ridiculous ways

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hey there friends how's it going I've got something special for you today Supermarket simulator don't ask about the curtain or what's behind it by the way that's just me all right this is my Supermarket oh right let's figure out what we're going to sell I think I'm going to be a pasta store that's all I'm going to sell for now wait that was like all my money I have $6 left and I'm starting a business pick up the boxes just arrived this someone has stacked my pasta into a tower It's a pasta Tower I'm done with this box I'll just throw it away I'm sure someone will clean it up past the pasta onto the Shelf oh I can throw it in the bin like I can I I won't but I could my cost was 99 so if I sell them for a dollar I'm making a profit on each one oh you look like you could use some bulking you want some pasta he walked right past me how did you get in here how much pasta would you like there you go one pasta and uh a two pasta okay two pasta thank you that's $2 please very simple business no change needed or anything wait why do I still have changeed then wait giving no take that back don't give her money wait how much did she give me why did she give me $3 there is no $3 bill hold on a moment I'm going to have to go Google something no $3 bill has ever been produced in the United States various fake $3 bills have been released how do I call the police do I have a phone I don't want to give her a change look I'll give you 5 Cent back there it's what all right fine going to give it to her all in pennies then that'll show her you want to use counterfeit in my store well fine you can but it's going to be enormously inconvenient look at that Tower sorry everyone it's it's my first day at the pasta store there we go she took it I think she's just happy to leave with her past de this R oh no cards he's not getting pennies he saw what I did to the last customer enter exact amount all right two or 200 yeah that'll do what do you mean why won't it let me process how is the machine smart oh pasta good choice a lot of pasta today and thank you for choosing us as your past provider would you have a minute to talk about today's sponsor by the way I actually have well too bad you got no choice that's right thank you to AFK Journey who sponsor this video that means it's time to talk business which means it's time to talk gaming because AFK journey is now available on iOS Google Play Store for mobile and their official website for BC and guess what it's completely free to play that's right I didn't pay anything for this it's a fantasy orpg that pushes the boundaries with its distinctive visuals intricate gameplay mechanics and PC compatible Sid scrolling element you can immerse yourself in the 3D canvas art world of AFK Journey where everything breeds with life embark on a magical quest as Merlin Gathering Heroes across six factions in mastering Battlefield strategies or maybe be a hostage who's being held at gunpoint to never mind with a hex battle map you can freely assemble your hero lineup and strategically position them you can explore diverse maps and solve puzzles with effortless one-handed gaml so when you're doing a sponsored segment you can still play your games AFK Journey has multiple combinations for the protagonist allowing you to truly Mark your adventure during the official release you can snag all heroes for free including epics plus by progressing through the game and completing events like the 7-Day login you'll receive over 200 free draws I restr my case so if you're ready to dive into the adventure click the link in the description below to learn more about AFK Journey Don't forget to use my code AFK journey cmk to snag yourself 100 diamonds and 18888 golden coins thanks again to AFK journey and back to you past Kevin this is only a penny and profit it's one and he's paying my cards so I'm probably losing money with the the transaction fee all right hold on hold on a second there before I ring you up the price of pasta is now $200 pasta is too expensive just leave go by pasta somewhere else wait no it's not a dollar I changed the price how much did she give me she gave me $50 this is definitely counterfeit you're getting the pennies insufficient change oh yeah what am I thinking for some reason I saw the total and went $1 change that's fine okay everyone we're going to be here a while this is going to be a lot of pennies I got an auto clicker now he's just flinging the pennies it's like a machine gun look at the speed of that it looks like it's just hovering okay how are we doing it's going up through the ceiling right keep going we're doing good take your money back no I'm not putting all those bennies back in I'm almost done oh wait I gave her too much all right I think you deserve it just for your time alone wait one second I just oh my God that's a that's a supporting beam that's a structural Penny stack right there is it going through the roof I kind kind of want to see can I get them through the roof say was the cheap pasta really worth it lady I don't think I have enough money right now to stack it out through the roof but I'll try it in a while once I make some money all right there here's your One pasta uh for $1 and there's your change $49 in pennies and it's night time now all right we're done take your 4,900 pennies I don't know where you put them and good luck they wasted so long it's so dark why don't I have lights I do I guess I can't afford to put on the the lights electricity is expensive and they won't take my pennies for some reason what is that can you just be honest and tell me how much you gave me okay they're buying a lot for $1 like too much and they're not buying enough for $200 what's the solution here oh wait I think I get it $199.99 that's what they do in stores yeah look here we go here's my mark oh no maybe not well my defense I couldn't see him very well the market price is 312 all right I'm going to undercut the competition oh you on Pastor now well too bad end of the day just walk out slam the door lock them inside all that work and I'm down $32 this business is tough you'll receive daily builds starting today for what I don't even have electricity this Sky puts on a toxedo to go down to the pasta store I'm attracting like a very high class clientele right now in this highend pasta store they're all wearing suits imagine coming to the pasta store in your suit and then you feel underdressed cuz the guy in front of you is wearing a tuxedo I'd be so embarrassed okay you know what that's actually annoying me the carrot I'm going to make yeah why did I make it an odd price like it makes it harder on me it makes more number I have to do more math going to try selling it for four rather than going down to three oh you are underdressed at the pasta store do you have no respect you come to a place of God dressed like that now I just go four excellent my job just got easier oh my God I'm strong that's what eating nothing but pasta does for you I do feel like I'm getting less customers though I'm going to experiment again I lowered them to a dollar and now I ran away I'm going to go explore the neighborhood and come back to a line of customers who knew pasta simulator would have such an open world sorry Supermarket simulator would have such an open world to explore I say open world but that's a dead end and this is a dead end I'm in a small little box actually okay I'm done exploring take me back to the past store Woodhouse Spa Center Woodhouse Spa Center you see you're not going to make business like that you got to get a niche like pasta I've lost my store I don't know where it is oh is that it oh that is it nice the customers waiting in the dark these people don't value their time do they they just value cheap pasta the guy gave me $100 that's more than my net worth he's rubbing it in my face purchase product license on the computer I need a license to sell these things I can't afford any of these that's way too much money one of the licenses costs $65,000 and I have just over $65 so if I just do what I've done so far a thousand more times I can buy it I guess I could work towards this one I do hear a lot about eggs being expensive so good opportunity to price gouch there I was just about to comment that my 24/7 pasta store doesn't do much business at night and then I realized time has stood still there is no future or pasta right now it's just present well my present will be the gift of sleep for a brand new day tomorrow where we make loads of money oh all my past it was either sold or stolen I don't know I don't generally lock the door or even realize I had one actually we are no longer at pasta store we now sell chocolate cereal we're going to have a lot of disappoint regulars but I figure the unit price is three times the cost so I can make more money per unit wait actually no not on this shelf we want them low so that children can see them and annoy their parents into buying them anyway just throw the trash on the street Mac price 5.98 I'm going to put in six who even wants 2 cent change like no one no one does I wasn't really considering what people wanted earlier when I gave them 4,900 pennies in one go but now it's about what people want and they don't want two pennies storage wait is this mine hello do I live in there is that where I go at the end of the day I just stand there in storage what you got here chalky pick good pick if I do say so myself it's banned in most countries actually because it's extra tasty there's your $94 in change there's something very suspicious about this store it looks like I'm moneya laundering but it also looks like my customers are moneya laundering wait oh my God she bought two serious [Laughter] make like $200 so let's try making this like $50 change $3 where are my $3 bills huh they're not buying it what about $20 come on you this isn't a good test anyway no one wants cereal at night like in the morning they love it for $20 there's going to be a hoorde me and my friends in the morning when cereal is on sale and it's only $20 you want cereal you're getting locked in the store if you don't buy Cereal by the way oh too expensive is it you're getting locked in the store all right $10 come on help me out yes all right it's working took two of them maybe she's not the best test case but hey $20 is $20 Cal is too expensive for me all right he's not a good test subject either is not even wearing a tux to the cereal store bloody peasant I'm going to start enforcing a dress code so they'll stop wasting my time what am I wearing by the way oh nothing I'm a nudist cashier hey the counter covers me up to my waist all right I maintain the same philosophy when I do videos all right that lady was just a lunatic apparently okay I I know of another way I can solve this I saw it earlier look B clones that's how I'll do this I'll get the most expensive license that I can convince them to loan me the money for oh wait yeah I'm not the correct store level imagine calling the suppliers like oh yeah I want to sell orange juice now yeah I I'd like to buy a license sir you do realize your store is only level three right serial is too expensive for me and this guy comes up and buys two right in front of him yeah get out of here a loser becoming a very toxic store and this toxic store needs funding take that loan I nearly immediately clicked wait what no the prices have gone down for coffee God damn it bills what what is this three cent bill for I just won't pay it cuz I don't know what it's for it's the principle of the matter damn it it's also the money every penny counts when you're running a business as bad as this one oh I didn't even open it I was like why am I getting no customers no one is even buying the bloody coffee that I bought no one has touched it starting to hate capitalism you know only because I'm losing I love it when I'm winning oh here we go I think he took a few as well oh I guess that works that's a healthy balanced diet right there oh he's hiding more coffee behind it oh you $30 my biggest sale yet paid with exact change you are welcome here anytime there's a picture of you going up on the wall best customer of the Year I'll never forget you my favorite customer ever he's like I'm still here H it seems like people like buying more than one product if I have a bit of variety that could be the trick I need to turn this Mark super like some sort of Supermarket we're about to start mixing it up we're going to be selling coffee and flour now both shipped in from Colombia yeah people are going to be addicted to my new products oh God whoever's stacking these is getting a bit worse oh wait oh I have a light switch everyone ah well I'd prefer to save the money on electricity it's probably what my 3-cent bill was now I'm going to have to pay like 4 cents products must be the same I don't even know what I'm doing it's hard you know it's pretty costly to be this cheap okay I'll turn them on just to check out the customers God you're ugly all right never mind I'd rather do it in the dark do you want a paper bag by the way not for the coffee but for you I can't even see what he's handed me he gave me his carrot and I was kind of looking at the machine like how much did he give me the price of coffee keeps going down I'm not happy about this oh God damn can someone buy this flower I put it on the wrong shelf and now I can't take it off cuz I threw the boxes out on the street like is someone going to clean that up what am I you paying taxes for wait am I paying taxes see bills uh 3 Cent Bill uh no I'm not well I'm still angry oh I can buy the storage where's a bank loan when you need it pay off early no I can't do that I just want more money for nothing oh actually I think it means this purchase a new section okay what does that even mean did it get oh it did get bigger where did that space come oh my God look at my sign it's a whole new font I wish I could change the name though like it's certainly not super we have two prods couldn't find bottled water all right go find a bottled water store you idiot couldn't find milk are these people just talking aloud I don't understand I don't know why that voice in my head just told me to expand the store and then gave up on me I have no new objectives and I didn't really need this couldn't find Ron's sliced bread then go ask Ron you idiot everyone who comes in here now just complains as they leave no one's happy huh that's a lot of powder you know what that's fine I'm not one to judge she did clean off one of my my shelves so that's good now I can mix it up this product needs to be placed in a fridge okay maybe I'll just put it here in a box instead how that works free to good home written on the side all fairness they're eggs they don't need to be in the fridge right please debate this in the comments God the night shift is brutal in this place oh I just save on electricity and pass the savings on to you even though my prices are generally like 10% more expensive than anywhere else I guess I'll buy a fridge been kind of strong armed into it by Big Egg I can afford the fridge but I can't afford the $2 shipping quick somebody buy something before my eggs go off anyone please you're selling a product without setting its price what the tea then what have they been paying for it oh my God I'm selling it at Cost no stop it stop taking all my tea I can't even afford a fridge and you're all taking advantage of me she even looks guilty look at her she's looking at me like oh you won't even make eye contact now huh fine you get your tea going to be spilling tea about you all over town how greedy you are God I'm strong I just lift up that fridge I'm going to hide my fridge in the back secret eggs it'll make it more rewarding for the customers that find them they'll have a sense of Pride and accomplishment oh I was like do I have the tea set low that's all anyone's buying but that's all I have left he's going around through the maze defying the eggs oh all right set my trap now I'll look for a ransom from your family H that's right this is my new business uh you stay back there now that way I can claim him as like a codependent and it'll be a tax wrate off Smart businessman no no you come over here to me I'm not going to you I think I've broken the game cuz I I literally can't take his money he's too far away and I can't go over because I'm not in like checkout mode oh my God all right you're released you're released go over there zombie the way he walks a customer is waiting for checkout but I've trapped him behind here I think I'm going to keep him where is he I can't even see him oh there we go it's like got horror game now oh I can still get in I really wanted it to be just a private club of just me and three hostages bedtime everyone sleepover yay total profit minus 32 I'm working so hard I have no products left my hostage has escaped and I am in debt to the bank I used the expanded section to just have this crying corner for myself but it's all just a temporary fix so I put up posters all over town telling people about a massive giveaway I'm having today I'm going out of business yeah that marketing campaign is working wonders everyone's in here now wait is that my favorite customer from earlier you sir you win the prize you get all of my money oh you're paying by carrot okay actually uh no you don't you the next person does um you you get all of my money oh carrot okay I thought maybe since you heard the previous that maybe you get all of my money yes however I hope you read the small print of that offer because it's all to be paid out in pennies I'm afraid all right that's every Penny in The Tail I'd apologize for taking like hours to do that but lucky for all of you time stands still when I don't close my store I can see the light it's going way into the sky wait have I made a hole in the sky do you see that black hole it's in line with the pennies I think I've made a hole in the sky is this some sort of Truman Show it would explain why I'm boxed in this small little world well they're all your pennies good luck she still complains well sorry bank I declare a bankruptcy goodbye
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 513,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, supermarket simulator, supermarket simulator game, supermarket simulator lets play, supermarket simulator gameplay, supermarket simulator tips, supermarket simulator lp, supermarket simulator free, supermarket simulator update, supermarket, callmekevin simulator games, call me kevin simulator games, supermarket simulator ruined, exploiting supermarket simulator
Id: o8CN7RW4dQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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