Project Zomboid but I added NPC friends with mods

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hey there friends how's it going today we're looking at project zomboid and let me introduce to you my wife so we can tell my wife to follow me oh agreed great fantastic couple power couple never mind she's ignoring me I I oh God I told her the barricade all right fair enough you know what that's great she loves me so much she's going to lock Us in here together forever the hell are you all right you don't need to board up every hold on I'm going to close the curtains in case the neighbors see us arguing all right you don't need to board up every window we need some light or maybe a fire Escape okay well you just keep doing that I'll go around the neighborhood and see if I can find any of the neighbors or even better their belongings I was like oh another one but no those are just zombies forgot what game I was playing there for a second I thought I was playing The Sims or maybe pal world I got my pal back at the base boarding up all the windows the hell wife what is going on hold there's so many gunshots oh god oh jeez what's happening I hope she's okay what are you doing she's just out in the garden shooting zombies she's like I'm going to end this apocalypse one zombie at a time oh now the whole neighborhood's going up oh my property value is going to Plum it I'm out here with a hammer and the wife's just killing all the neighbors she doesn't even know that there's an apocalypse she's just going a rampage she's screaming we're all going to die okay well I got these two is she going to be okay over there okay yeah just fine all right doesn't need me I should be worrying about myself I want to see who else is up there I can hear someone else shooting up this way ah it's Survivor Ruth who seems to be out of bullets but is still just making the motion to scare the zombies like I respect that you know zombies are dumb creatures maybe it'll work I like thinking outside the box are they trying to shoot me oh my God I think they're trying to shoot me but they're out of bullets Ned follow who's Ned oh wait no that's me the full name was Ned a friend but yeah yeah I forgot survivors Ronald oh my God they got a gnome that's cool are we good man I live in the noisiest neighborhood of all time and there's multiple corpses outside this building maybe I am playing The Sims at least my file of the Sims I'm hurt and I need to heal and it's just running off oh my God okay you know what can you all follow me can you stop swearing Marie there's no need come on we got the situation under control wait that one was armed was is that one even a zombie let's find out H I'll throw my shotgun on the back I think they were a zombie they were just packing heat I mean I don't blame them they're trying to even things up this is ridiculous ask to join Survivor group your speech is very true I know can I join your group no no ask them to join mine I'm the leader the least capable guy standing there with a hammer like yeah join my group of one so I can ask all of these people to join my group I want to start at cult that'll be cool why does it always come to that when to join my group she's like what Follow Me Maybe it's just cuz I look like Jesus maybe that's doing it for me where's the other one you could have sworn there was another you know what doesn't really matter we got to get out of this area it's not big enough and I think four is enough cuz I don't want to look for a special car thanks I had them but whatever ooh police car we could do Drive buys oh maybe it's his car oh God hold on we need to get out of the car hold no hold on now just pause one second how do I get out of the car fast enough okay eat and then just run just run yeah take care of them nice there's a new sheriff in town and his name is Ned a friend a very popular name in some parts of the world oo nice backpack big and pink maybe I can sne oh God there's more than one in here okay open the door open the door open the door Ronald okay oh it's Ruth and uh I hope she didn't die not in a bit of shock maybe she's got a bit of an itchy trigger finger perhaps I should hold the gun I don't think these were even real cops there's like two dressed as cops and one dressed as a prisoner I think it was just some kinky roleplay or something I'm taking their gold stud earrings and leaving I think you can just start saying follow me instead of listing them all out by name and saying follow all right we got some sort of parking lot there are a lot of zombies here so this is a good test for my crew what what are my crew doing yeah this is when you kill them nice usually I don't have to tell them usually I'm trying to cam them down oh news van we could be like the first people to get the inside scoop on the zombie apocalypse like there's clearly still survivors about this is the opening day or two oh I think Ronald ran out of or was he all was using a shovel I don't know actually I haven't paid much attention to Ronald ooh a gas station okay this might be a good area to live actually I just really have to find a car aha a key that's Spanish for here I'm sorry Michelle there's no time she's like what do you mean you're going like 5 km an hour uh there is a lot coming oh my God I think my wife is dying you get away from her you monsters especially you ronal oh my God there's so many I think we took care of them though let's give you a medical check all of you would say something if you were bitten right bandage that's a bit sauce I'm removing that I want to see what's underneath there you're scratched and bleeding okay you can bandage that no she tried to walk away when I took off the other one oh it's because Ronald is getting eaten alive ah that sucks okay maybe we should just get going man this group maybe isn't our group my wife I think she's dying yeah yeah that's it all right uh Marie you want to be my new wife if so run for your life hate to break it to you all um I know this is going to upset you so I'm just going to come out and say it I think wife number two is also dead I so unlucky that I got two incompetent wives in a row can't be me that's the problem nah that doesn't make sense oh god there she is oh no oh this is oh man this is going to suck this really does feel like the start of an apocalypse all right time to die again okay well at least I can probably backtrack find the bodies of my Fallen comrades and take their guns baby that would be helpful are you a Survivor like you know obviously you're not but you you know what I mean oh you're one I remember you not your name but I remember oh Ronald of course how could I forget an iconic character in the cmk universe Ronald he was always shoveling yeah good news is I have a car oh bad news is I have a horde God I can push good see I'm capable too if they just gave me a chance the last group they judged me because of my tiny Hammer oh God oh God my tiny Hammer my tiny Hammer run away nice okay I confused them with the gas pump earlier managed to split them up a little bit and I'm taking them out one by one all right I think I'm done who the hell are you and why didn't you help me you only come by when they're all dead hey over here what do you want would you like to be my new wife I'm sure they won't find us here Steve even thinks were um we're in a good hiding spot all right I got another friend here as well Caroline okay we got two people I think I might have these as indoor survivors they didn't do too well running around maybe I can get them to barricade this place up and we can have a very big base oh Jesus there's more outside give order barricade nice and you do the same all right cool now I'll loot the place while you guys board it up and you know do everything physically demanding M candy yeah we're all doing our part ooh there's sacks of strawberries and onions I might be able to get them to farm for me there's lots of farming stuff here actually all right this could get interesting plenty of canned food as well I'm curious how this is going to be like are they just dependent on me do I need to feed them and if so to what extent like do I just Place food down or do I need to like regurgitate into their mouths like mother bird yeah sorry I I figured better to just not leave any visual representation in for that um use your imagination bananas quick eat them before anyone sees they're still barricading the windows and I'm like I don't see any food you guys all right there is enough food for every what the huh why did I get a jump scare maybe it's just being in a shop I don't really like supermarkets wow you're doing a fantastic job in here that is so much work great job and by the way I've decided I don't want to live here anymore let's go I'm going to live across the street cuz this will be great for food but I think that this building will be an easy one to defend every now and again someone just strolls up and they're like sounds good to whatever order i bark at them and I'm like who even are you okay you guys take care of that I'm going to go get us a car maybe I can take one person with me I feel like Ned a friend Ned's a friend oh yeah this guy the one with the tennis racket I'll take him he comes straight from the tennis court in the zombie apocalypse like he's got his little shorts on and everything all right let's go get us a car like we have this thing to go find a better one but we really do need a better one I thought he was going to drive away in my car there for a second I hopped out and he start revving the engine it's just lesli man stop trying to jump scare me okay I'm apparently too stupid to fill up this car I've never remain so stressed out as when I'm trying to fill up cars in Project zomboid yeah we're just going to go try and find a different one anyway wait what the hell is going on in the house I hope they're just barricading loudly oh they seem fine other than the fact that I I think they've barricaded Survivor Dawn out of the building but Survivor Steven just stands at the window and laughs was that the car or Leslie you had gasoline 2 seconds ago I saw it oh for God's sake all right we're walking Leslie come on oh Jesus okay wait Leslie oh don't worry I got Edward over here he's got a a toy gun and he's prepared to use it get him Leslie yeah give him that backhand nice I think that one had an axe come in handy I can make one of them chop trees oh that car looks nice come on Leslie we're about to break and Enter I just really hope it's not us that's breaking oh it's even open oh you see Leslie they want us to steal the car okay that was rude I get it this is against your moral compass but come on man we're in this together I saw Survivor options in this menu and I clicked it and then an option to turn on and I was like wait what but I had clicked the SN and it's turn on the sink I guess oh it's a light I see I had noticed there was a bit of tension between Leslie and Ned or he's just staring at the door one or the other operation get lesli a dog chew toy I know that's complete operation get that car damn it locked okay I think I know a trick yeah different kind of key all right I'm in damn it oh a smoke bomb that's cool I'm going to put it in the oven and turn it on there we go all right let's go Leslie do you have the key hand it over okay well we have no key it's getting dark we might have to head home empty-handed fortunately we're going to have to walk oh well let's begin our [Music] journey and we're here oh they still didn't let you in huh wait no the door is open there's banging coming from inside the house and I need to go take a nap could someone help me out ooh what's back there oh computer stuff I'm good at computer all I need is a screwdriver and I can get in there oh and if you see Leslie here's his chew toy I hope he likes it okay where are you guys at in here oh they're stalled I was like what kind of a bathroom is this I want to know what's behind the mystery door it was a it was a zombie no surprise there I guess all right cool that's awesome we have bathrooms for everyone okay it's super dark upstairs I can't see a thing they barricaded the indoor Windows too I'm starting to understand why they allowed me be the leader ever get that feeling when you know know everything's going to turn out all right no what okay Caroline as you're a Kimbo wielding a pipe and a plank I don't see anyone more capable of ging this place all night and I'm going to give Dawn the option to patrol so they're going to go between that spot and where I'm sleeping which is here so I I can be safe even though I'm sleeping in a bit of an open area there's no other beds so everyone else will just have to deal with it why am I hurt why am I in pain I shouldn't be in pain everyone else should be in pain oh it's neck pain oh it's from sleeping on the couch why does everything bad happen to me another back room I got to go find a screwdriver somewhere okay everyone follow me I've decided we're now an evil group of survivors so Rules of Engagement are attack anyone on site zombies hostile survivors friendly survivors neutral only party members are the exception what the hell is that K Traina go around there's not come on I need a t-shirt that says I'm with stupid and there's just arrows pointing in every direction oh my God I'm I'm about to all right hold on let me take the board off for you okay I got you I I'm the leader this is part of being leader there you go okay let's go where's Leslie he could be dead for all I know okay there's a Survivor over there who may not be a Survivor for long there's a zombie behind okay didn't even say anything the four of us just watching her I wonder how this will turn out okay well either way I guess Ruth is going to lose her stuff so let's go check this out what group what the hell is happening you're supposed to attack did I just get bitten oh I got scratched good cuz if I got bitten I wasn't going to tell anyone anyway imagine dying to Ruth and her friends embarrassing I think we've run out of ammo so now they're all using melee weapons which definitely is going to be harder forget rud we got to get out of here I was like oh I can't but no it's it's my my car from last night I didn't make it very far it's actually kind of Handy like I can't see them behind me but I can call out like follow and then they're like yeah Target acquired what oh look who it is it's probably just sleeping in one of the houses independent Leslie now realistically probably got stuck behind a fence or something careful of the car everyone remember we need the car ooh vitamins I mean ooh I found nothing the lock is broken no it's certainly working it's keeping me out I want to stand back Caroline I usually get a few glass shards in my eyes when I do this there we go the lock is broken damn it okay let's just accept that that's not the car for us I love that internally they must all be thinking it's kind of going to be a game of musical chairs like one person is not going to be able to fit in the car and I know what you're thinking like oh you could sit one in the back middle but that's against the law in this County and certain things you just need to uphold even in an apocalypse oh God there's quite a lot of them all right into the woods you guys you can hear wolves they're all like he maybe we should reconsider him being the leader okay there are actually a few zombies in this Forest um just just keep moving their Vision relies on non movement oh you got to go through my crew to get to me go away I'll just lock them outside I I need some water oh God this scared me you know I kind of like this place it's got like Farmland it's got a sliding door it's great for light uh a tree swing set no way all right we're going to stay here oh wait oh gross there's a naked dude in there ah there's two naked dudes one of them was like really close to me come out naked dudes it's our house now oh God smashed him in the back of the head with the hammer get him Leslie swinging his tennis racket oh God it's the neighbor coming to introduce himself let me introduce you to my hammer ah there we go this is a lovely spot I like it a lot okay everyone over here yes everyone now barricade off you go do as I say not as I do while I drink this bottle of white wine all right I'm drunk I'm just wandering around the house drunk I'll they do all of the work uh a who ruined the sliding door all right I did my part you do the rest who's the most competent what was that someone in oh they smashed the glass on the other side okay understood uh Dawn you're the most competent why not I'm telling her to go chop trees best of luck I gave her a massive area over there okay she's working away Leslie I'm going to change your name to racket man it's easier for me going forward what on Earth is going on it's the zombie apocalypse you pile the corpses you gather wood I guess cuz we'll need that yeah that's a great start moving them like an inch to the right and you go find us food nice yeah you're going to go take it from the fridge AR you I know what you're going to do before you even do it all right whatever she's going to run out of food here and have to go elsewhere eventually so tired so desperately inhumanely tired okay let's get you to bed shall we I feel like Ned has had enough for one day this isn't the bedroom I'm still learning the [Music] house oh thank you for standing over me all night I forgot to even assign a guard but I guess she's still following the order to follow me let's see what the others have done while I was asleep okay there's a pile of bodies and a few bits of wood so rocket man's doing his job rocket man sorry although I do kind of wish that Elton John Sang about racket man instead oh On's back nice how much wood did you get I mean not bad she's got some logs scattered around here aha okay some cars finally a parking lot oh a key right defend me while I get this thing started up come on all right there's no time Caroline I'm sorry hey racket man you like the new van oh God it's Caroline Oh I'm hey glad to see you made it out wow jeez she got here fast maybe she has revenge on the mind all right all right I'll pull it in and then let's get to work oh there's racket man okay I thought he was a ghost or something earlier cuz I saw him turned a bit and then he was gone did you see it okay can you stop I'm trying to pull in the van stop it tempted to leave it on and lock you guys in here but I'm going to get out and seal up this nice all right group hold on huddle no come on you can do it everyone just okay nobody make eye contact with me that's actually better okay we got a new plan new day and new us and we are going to build a perimeter wall around the house bring wood here you chop wood then I got to go get a saw I know I saw a saw but where did I see the saw I saw a seesaw oh no I saw a swing not a seesaw but I definitely saw a saw oh the oven oh god um everyone you're um your cremated pork chop is is ready if you if you want it okay just like Mama used to make you know make sure you kill off the bacteria is more important than ever aha I found one in the neighbor's closet once again Survivor Dawn is the only person working the hell was that I'm going to say it's a crow going into labor and just go back about my business I Really Want to Build That Wall nice to have people to watch my back for once are they watching my back though sounds a little dodgy I I think they're okay look at this for a well oiled machine and I'm not just talking about me like Dawn's bringing over wood I'm cutting the wood and they're protecting me what the hell was that noise I have never heard a gun like that in this game for Real Rock rocket man I was backing out and he closed the door on me just cuz he couldn't fit in the car all right get out before he closes again oh he tried it's like when you have an overactive dog who just goes nuts when you're driving away I'm going to go fill this thing up I don't know about my wall anymore I had this great idea like having the Great Wall of Kevin and then I realized that I'm not a carpenter and I'm not good with wood so oh my God I would have probably tried to get a four seater if I knew that the zombies would migrate this much but oh well there's my old car which means we're approaching the gas station I only have Katrina to cover me refuel from gas pump okay nice um can you come over here you see you say yes sir but you didn't move now we have our gas and it's time to head home maybe I could turn on the radio for a little bit oh no I hate this song turn it off I scared just says racket man running from the woods then why did you follow me man lunatic I've just realized he's going to bring that entire horde down to the house isn't he all right let's see what we have in store oh he's here already who followed you oh just one oh no there's a few luckily he absolutely sprinted down here so it's not too bad this neighboring Warehouse where I got the vent you you guys okay oh you're more than okay uh yeah I don't know what's actually in here also I'm going to give racket man a medical check because I just saw him bandaging his neck I'm going to remove that bandage I want to see what's under there you're scratched okay no you're fine with me then God all of these zombies are armed wait are these survivors or something all right well sure as hell not surviving anymore Stone Hammer oh my God this place is cool I wonder is this where the gunshots were coming from oh a black choker and leather gloves military boots I'm going to actually look like a leader now oh man racket man's struggling with the door give order go find food that's scary for some reason loot room for food oh I guess that's the proper order I should have given wait I oh my God I think racket man's dying cuz he can't open the door Jesus what is this problem with doors oh no now I'm going to get eaten oh no he's down I can't believe no don't make me do this don't make me kill you oh man poor ret man I'll take you racket oh god oh man there there's quite a lot coming in quick grab the body and let's go oh remove broken glass what was that sound I'll check it out no we're leaving oh Jesus what was that what is that Raider Logan ah do something Survivor options Call to Arms use gun weapons I don't think we even have any guns do we all right just kill him then get him he's reloading no no no no no no push him down I really wish I had a different weapon out I'm just pushing it repeatedly like yeah you think you're tough huh kick him when he's down yeah get him oh God oh God oh God okay if I could just equip my hammer oh that's not equipping my hammer oh I dropped racket man now he's really hurt from all the damage we did he's just trying to get out of here now but there's no turning back buddy you're surrounded you hear oh my God I think we've become the villains this guy didn't actually attack us you know it was just the body language come back here Logan you think you can run from me on that bum leg get him everyone he's down they're like but why aha Logan is slain phew what a great day huh I think today proved that you either die the hero like racket man or live long enough to become the villain like me we will end it there thank you so much for watching hope to see you next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 520,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, project zomboid mods, project zomboid, project zomboid best mods, best project zomboid mods, best mods project zomboid, project zomboid top mods, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid guide, project zomboid multiplayer, zomboid mods, project zomboid modding, project zomboid modlist, project zomboid maps, project zomboid modded maps
Id: juJZIvYTGtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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