I Turned Hydro Traveler Into a Washing Machine

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about a year ago I posted a video where I highlighted every single MC type back then though Fontaine wasn't released yet and well it's now released and the new element for MC became available to players Hydro as an avid MC main as well as various comments telling me to do Hydro next I built Hydro MC Hydro MC is uh well put it nicely not great the normal attack string is the same as every MC before and before you ask you still need to level it separately from the rest skill is the most unique part of their kit it's a channeling ability that converts MC into a Super Soaker and forces you to stand completely still hoping the enemies are absolutely blind or you have a shield the elemental burst though oh the elemental burst some reason they made it so that this burst doesn't get stuck for anything it goes through Zhong Lee's pillar it goes through ninguong's gate it even goes through the abyss [Music] mihoyo's team essentially took animal MC's kit made it hydro and proceeded it to make it worse than before this is the very definition of one step forward two steps backwards while you can get a good amount of damage thanks to the vaporize reaction beyond that the kit doesn't seem inherently ideal for a DPS nor a support thanks to the fact that the icds for hydro MC are the normal ones most videos high Lane Hydro MC specifically utilize the full channeling effect of the skill that's what the constellations and passives seem to promote for the most part every guide ignores the burst due to its clunkiness I think that this is a mistake if you have to ignore half of the character's kit you miss out on any potential damage that could give you period and that also just makes other characters better by default because they get to use their full kit rather than only using half of their kit but was there really a way to use this burst what if I told you there was but not only use it but use it effectively earlier I said the hydro MC and animal MC were basically the same most people also thought The nymc burst to be relatively unusable the limitations of that burst were gone around at least partially by fixing it in place either by using the abyss Arena wall or by using Jolie's pillar no one tried to move with the burst because honestly it moved way too quickly for you to do any effective actions with it however this is not the same case with Hydro MC's first you see C2 on Hydra MC makes the burst move significantly slower allowing you to easily outpace it and get in front then by using farms for of CC you can pull enemies in front of the burst making enemies take extra damage from it now the strategy isn't effective against boss enemies but you can still maximize the amount of ticks a boss takes by launching the birth suggestion range maximizing the distance the first travels while in the hitbox of said boss knowing both of these features allows one to fully maximize the potential of this burst as well as gain access to the maximum amount of damage it can possibly do given this particular playstyle some form of CC must be on the team here because his abilities produce one of the largest CC's possible in the game still found success utilizing venti Jean and sucrose in some limited fashion I started in shelling and Bennett for the remaining two spots in order to vaporize as much as the alt as possible initially other pyro options I either a didn't own you don't work due to ICD problems or I couldn't really test in time before the 3.8 Abyss expired so why a vaporized I've mentioned this in multiple videos before but if I use hydro MC in a say hyperbloom or just any Bloom comp in general I promise he really has been doing the damage the bloom cores are which only really depend on Elemental Mastery so there isn't really a point to build the talent levels in MC as a result plan to make the burst work so here we are 3.8 Abyss was probably the best time to Showcase this attack method because of the enemies that could be cc'd and so I rushed to get the necessary match before the abyss time expired [Music] thank you foreign [Music] with my talents leveled up the artifacts were just a culmination of whatever I had left in my inventory that could work I decided on two-piece Hydro two piece noblesse because a four piece emblem set wasn't really great enough for Hydra MC I didn't really get the right amount of energy recharge nor Elemental Mastery that I wanted so it is what it is but I managed to get everything set before your 3.8 Abyss expired no okay so what happened [Music] [Music] I find it strong ER [Music] okay [Music] teamwork is DreamWorks [Music] I'm doing it [Music] DreamWorks [Music] Adventure Time [Music] Adventure Time [Music] everybody stand back [Music] [Applause] [Music] the wind one with wind and clouds [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody's down [Music] [Music] wards [Music] [Music] let's go [Music] [Music] sure [Music] let's light it up everybody's dead [Music] [Music] [Music] time begun with nature [Music] dangerous [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] with me [Music] what's up I know my story now don't get me wrong Hydro MC is most definitely not the main damage dealer here this is just a different play style and can be fairly versatile on enemies that can be cc'd up after more play time with the character I realized that if I really wanted to double down on this playstyle using saxor to calswell with wild for more reflection center with some more time I also tried some other team tops finding some limited success in Lynnette and flea over Shawna I realize that I could potentially use plea for the fourth slot as well as because well you can use your charge attack to knock enemies into the mcburst however 4.0 Abyss was not the greatest place to Showcase MC and this is because there are Hydro immune enemies here that's nice great fun I love it when the character I'm showcasing cannot do damage to save their life not to mention that the other side is also pretty terrible as it's all boss enemies which again Hydro MC doesn't do well against I did manage to 36 star Davis using clean place of shelling as you can see in the background uh I won't be showing the rest of the 4.0 this trials here mainly because of the pack that well hypermc doesn't really do too much in my opinion that is the single greatest problem with this character it really isn't a new sport to fulfill at the current moment in time that said I hope future MC kits are better and or more useful I may make a part two for this if I can refine the first play style a bit more and an abyss with more ccobal units comes along thank you all for watching and see you next time this is actually going to be pretty flawed
Channel: TarZBlammo
Views: 102,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hydro MC, Fontaine, Triple Crowned traveler, hydro traveler
Id: 91Rj8lZo5A4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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