so... I built hydro traveler... it went...

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so I kind of wanted to build a new character but I didn't really have the resources to do it basically over the last couple of days I've been spending all my resin on uh the new artifact set here the mar CH Hunter set and the golden troop set and I really haven't had time to build many characters since I've been like completely grinding out this set as you'll see here uh I don't exactly have the heroes wits books to level up a character don't really have many boss mats I haven't been doing my weekly bosses so I was considering what character I wanted to build today uh that didn't need resources and wouldn't you know what one character came to mind traveler to be more specific Hy hydro hydro traveler is who we're going to be building today because he's just a different version of traveler I actually don't have to level him I don't have to build him a weapon and I don't have to get him artifacts cuz I already have all that all I have to do is go to the Statue of a seven and switch over elements but before before we switch over to the hydro traveler I just want to show you guys that only a small percentage of you are actually subscribed so if you could just take a minute to go down and click that subscribe button it would really mean a lot to me and it helps this channel out a ton but with all that being said let's get into to the video all right we are here at the Statue let's switch over to my favorite character in the entire game Hydro traveler okay we are now the best character in the entire game without a shadow of a doubt now there is one thing that we're missing for his build we may have weapons we may have artifacts which we will get into later uh but we don't have talents we need to get Talent levels also if I want to I can get constellations for him though I don't actually remember how to get these I think I might have to do the story Mission which I'll get to one of these days I'll eventually do honestly I want to do the story Mission it's just so so timec consuming I don't know is the story Mission worth it did you guys enjoy it let me know cuz I'm considering doing it anyways one thing we do need to do is build this talents this is important to actually have him do a little bit of damage I did do a testing video uh with Hydro travel where we did test him with full artifacts and a good weapon however we did not test them with leveled up Talent so the main thing we're going to need is these talents so let's see do we have enough oh and I'm also going to need to grind fot aberant what is this oh the crabs just call them crabs all right let's start leveling up we'll start with his e all right we got his e to level five can we do level six ooh a little short we should be able to start on his burst though yep level two level three and we're stuck at level four we need more Talent books Let's head over to the domain all right so the hydro traveler is a little Annoying for talents because he basically switches which Talent book he needs every time you level it up so he needs three different Talent books in total so for right now I only need to get the guides to order but after that I may have to grind another one I'm not sure but for right now let's go get those guides to order and sure why don't we actually use hydro traveler too I don't have unbuilt right now uh but we can compare damage from an unbuilt traveler onto a decent hydr traveler all right so who do I even build them with I genuinely have no idea I've been looking up team cons for hydr traveler I was thinking maybe we could play with like Jung Lang maybe a ride and show gun could work I guess we got to use him as the little water gun DPS so we'll just build them with a bunch of like op supports like Nikita and Ryden and see how he performs with them please Don't Judge Me too hard if my hydro traveler team comps aren't very good I'm trying my best all right let's go and shoot some water at the enemies here we go okay hydr traveler it's your time go 900 damage 300 oh wow this is and he's dead he's already dead there we go now you're getting aggravates okay A little bit of quick in okay you're actually doing damage now nice let's go Ryden I I can't be bothered anymore just just kill him Ryden I think honestly DPS kakomi will do more than Hydro traveler does oh yeah look at that 7K 7K oh my goodness kakomi is blowing him out of the water she can't even crit and she's doing more than him oh no oh no bro the non- crit character did more than the character who can crit oh gosh well Hydro traveler you tried your best well you know what it's the effort that counts and I can respect Hy traveler for putting in the effort let's go upgrade some more of his talents maybe it's just because we don't have him on a good build yet I mean he is built as a sub DPS dendro because I didn't bother switching over the artifacts but once we do switch over those artifacts that's when he's going to be powerful trust me okay trust me to an extent all right Hydro traveler I have more gifts for you level you up again level you up again now both are level five perfect we can do level six on the burst ability and not level six on the talent shoot all right back to the domain we go oh I hate the three different level up books I never know what I need what do I need this time it is the guides to Justice this time okay Justice one let's go same team as before it's time again actually you know what you didn't do enough damage before and I know for a fact that we can make you do more damage if we put Bennett we put kazua and we put Mona into the party you're guaranteed to do more damage with benett and Kwa you can basically make any character just do like maximum damage it doesn't matter who it is it could be literally anybody and no matter what Kwa and Bennett will help them out so let's try this we're going to swirl Hydro onto them with Kwa bang bang and then we do Mona burst and now watch this now Hydro traveler shows off his true potential okay well he's doing 3K this time a little bit a little bit more than last time okay Hydro travel it's your time again go oh wow without CA a burst this is just sad now go burst never mind okay bye I hate the burst so much it's so cringe the burst man oh let's go he gave us an achievement oh say less good job Hydro traveler you're killing it you're absolutely destroying it and look at that huge kill you just got no other characters had anything to do with that but you hydr Traver you are the champion all right let's see what we got this time give me four ooh that was a good pull do we have enough now shoot all right one more try I'll be right back in like 10 seconds all righty and I believe now we should have enough for six six talents on him let's do a little check here yes we do there we go 66 talents on the traveler and I don't know if I have the balls to do 7 s on the traveler that may be a bit too ballsy for me uh we can do at least one of them level seven though I do have the mats so I might as as well do it let's craft one gold and get him at least one level seven I'm feeling a little generous today so here you go Hydro traveler you can take a level s e ability frankly I already feel like I've spent way too many mats on you so far today and to be honest I'm already regretting it but uh that's a problem for future Kevin to deal with anyways time to actually build him now we've got everything that we need for him to make him good and actually function efficiently but there are two more categories that we still have to fill out weapon and artifacts let's start with the weapon okay so for his weapon we're going to be going for a DPS traveler I'm not doing any boring Hydro healing traveler that is lame I already have other Hydro healers I do not need another one Barbara and kakomi are fine for me so that being said we're going to put the best possible DPS weapon I have on my account on him being the primordial Jade cutter giving us 44 crit rate and more HP which can help with the healing but we don't really care about healing healing is lame now for artifacts again we're just trying to make as much DPS as possible so we're we're just going to remove all these crap artifacts that we don't need we don't need the dendro damage hats those are for dendo traveler not Hydro instead we want to get some attack percent some Hydro damage bonus so let's see what we have sorting by our heart of depth pieces we're only going to want the two-piece heart of depth we don't really particularly need the four piece so we're going to go with the best pieces I have one being this Hydro flower which is literally just the perfect piece for hydro traveler let's equip that I also have a nice crit damage hat here with some HP attack per crit rate another great piece for him let's put that on next things next I'm going to want a two-piece Gladiator or a two piece shimaa to get that two-piece attack percent on there again just trying to make him do as much much damage as possible I got a really nice feather here with 22% crit damage we're going to equip that now all we need is an attack stance I'm just going to take uh this one off Mona with 30 crit damage and now we have the most OP Hydro traveler that mankind has ever seen primordial Jade cutter two-piece AR of death two-piece glad Talent could use some work but I'm not willing to put all that commitment into a character who I will never use again after this video and his crit rate crit damage oh he's going to be a beast we don't care about energy recharge that burst is probably about as good as Baron bunny is and then 61% Hydro damage bonus we are looking swell it is now time hydr traveler it's time to murder every single boss in existence let's start out with the crab we're going to try a few different team comps here of I guess we can start first with I was thinking maybe a monoh hydro team was my first idea so we did Hydro traveler Mona CA and then instead of Bennett at the end here uh we would instead put uh my my my friendly little fish kakomi here and we could try a monoh hydro team I think this will work well particularly against this boss and hopefully uh this will boost hydr traveler's damage by a a lot uh cuz he needs a lot of boost I'm not going to lie let's see here go how are you still only doing 2.5k this is actually depressing okay we got down the kakomi burd boom 6K how 2.5 how are you this bad I just spent all these resources on you I just spent my whole day trying to build you how no I will not accept this bro M comei can do more she's not even built as a DPS no this cannot be the case I will not accept this 2.5k bro this is sad maybe maybe the crab just has a lot of resistance okay let's try you know what let's do this let's just do the single Tap maybe this does more damage okay it didn't do that much more but we did break him I guess maybe your physical attacks do a lot bro your physical attacks almost do more than your skill does um I mean maybe I built them wrong maybe I misunderstood it maybe he maybe he scales with HP maybe I didn't get the gist of the talent if the Traveler's HP is higher than 50% the damage dealt by do drops will increase based on the Traveler's Max HP oh so maybe if we put HP sands on him maybe he'll be a little better then okay my bad I misunderstood his kit let's remove the attack Sands goodbye attack Sands and now let's try with HP Sands maybe this will help us a little bit I hope cuz if it doesn't Rin hot water okay I fixed our problem I put them on a two-piece fous glow that's going to give 20% extra HP and then we also got an HP sance maybe now he will do more damage let's try the next boss the next boss is the Pyro Regis fine this boss has like no resistance to hydro maybe this will help us do a little more damage I hope also I don't think kakomi was the play I think keeping Bennett is the in the party is the play I mean Bennett is just the best character in the game I don't think I can really go wrong with Bennett so let's try it again with this comp and see if we can maybe make it work a little bit better this time first thing we got to do charge up the benett burst charge up benett burst boom and we got to break this we'll just do a little DPS Mona time and we'll just break this core quickly okay now it's time DPS traveler boom okay hey you know what it's more than last time it's it's more than last time we increased it by 2K that time then again the Pyro reg just fine doesn't have all that many resistances so let's try it in a little more hard content let's go to the spiral Abyss this time the spiral Abyss is probably the the hardest content in in the game uh we aren't going to do floor 12 because screw floor 12 I hate that floor uh instead we're going to try on floor 11 this first half has pyro slimes pyro specters it's going to be perfect for our Hydro traveler to absolutely demolish some enemies plus we get 60% Hydro damage bonus that's going to help our damage output a lot all right same composition as before Hydro traveler Mona Kwa and Benny boy let's go again today traveler you're going to prove everybody wrong you're going to prove to everybody that you're not garbage you're going to tell the world hey I'm actually the best five-star character in the game without a shadow of a doubt you're going to prove every single last hater wrong including myself who uploaded a video calling you trash that got like 90k views So today we're going to shut me up let's go it's time swirl everybody up okay I I swirled I swirled pyro okay we're great start great start great start it's fine watch this boom vaporiz 13k 9k Oh I saw a little 9k there with the vaporize though let's let's go with the burst okay um well it's already on the other side of the field ah you know that's going to happen from time to time oh but look at that okay Mona Mona this is not your showcase okay this time it's time Hydro traveler it's time 5K 6ks you're actually doing a little bit of damage a very small amount 20 I think I just saw 20K there no way no way wait this is it this is it shoot stop swirling pyro 25k wait I saw 25k there we're doing more we're doing more damage slowly but surely goodbye goodbye enemies oh that slime is so dead 29k and we take the dub well uh I mean the fact that it's it's raining out now that we got out of the Spiral Abyss it's kind of fitting cuz that's about how I feel I want to cry every time I see him cuz it actually make me so sad well that's Hydro traveler did I have a fun time building him yeah sure do I like his burst no goodbye bye burst I'll see you in the next life goodbye it's so bad it's so bad ladies and gents that was Hydro traveler let me know if you guys enjoyed this video I hope you did I try my best to build the best traveler possible can't always get everything you want in life just like you can't get hydro traveler to do actual big damage in fact I think still by the end my cooki did more consistent damage somehow than a traveler with actual crit damage and crit rate and like a decent set so honestly it's beyond me how you build a good traveler link me in the description all your hydr traveler 1 million damage builds because I need help I don't know how to build this character anyways guys that's going to be the end of the video for today if you guys enjoy this video and you want to see more in the future please consider subscribing or leaving a like down below anyways guys thank you so much for watching and I'll see you all in the next one [Music] peace
Channel: Kekvin
Views: 31,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tOVqutacmek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2023
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