I Made Aloy Into a Burst Nuke

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alloy is probably the most neglected character in Genji impact with no one playing her in 36 star Abyss Claire is right next to xingen even a year after her Inception she still doesn't have constellations and she's never been released outside of the letter she originally came from I'm pretty sure Hoya verse just doesn't want to acknowledge her existence at this point not gonna do that though because I'm going to clear Abyss with 36 stars with Eloy as the main DPS let's first talk about what she can do since I'm sure most people watching this have no idea what her kitten tails her normal texturing is pretty simple a typical four hit combo her skill is a bit unique though it fires mines like police skill does and when four of them explode and hit an enemy aloy is able to use cryo-infused normal attacks for 10 seconds it has an absurdly long cooldown though finally her burst is just like yoy Mia's but without any lingering effects alien just feels like a more clunky crowd version of yoemia the Mayan mechanic is especially difficult to play around considering that you need to rock the minds in order to actually use her normal attacks properly so from this sort of assessment there are two main ways the player guider player for normal attack damage or you can use her as a first I tried to make her usable for normal attacks initially since I had a built Union make her Autos cry on hands I needed someone to group the minds up from her skill Oswald is the best option in this regard I tested some other characters like the gross venti here um as you can see supers doesn't really work that well it just kind of lifts the minds up a little bit and venti doesn't work at all to no one's surprise because they actually made this change in like version I don't know 1.1 or something no that animal MC should also work actually pretty well but Causeway just gives much needed bonus damage and is also significantly easier to use Claus with a group of Mines than animal MC is all right so now I have well three characters I was thinking of putting saiyu originally on this team both because she allows for cooldown reduction thanks to animal resonance and she's also a Healer but kenho is coming and shinhooken significantly amplify alloy's damage though I decided to wait until shenan's Banner came out to make a decision on the fourth team member now shenko's Banner was eight ways off so I worked on leveling alloy 1090 the bad news I recently spent all my crystal marrow thanks to saiyu's video and didn't have any Specter drops so I was virtually grinding from zero nice and spicy brain outlines your face [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh and those are Level 10 dribble level tens I probably won't be doing this kind of video for a while uh considering um I only have two crowns left but you know um we can do this on other characters that I've already crowned so we'll go I guess we'll go back to them eventually maybe for future videos we'll see was Eloy fully leveled I could finally start farming for artifacts no spreadsheet memes this time because there was only really two choices for an a-line normal attack built under blizzard Strayer or Jim but Taurus doesn't the four piece Echo set work here too um technically yes but because I plan to use both shanha and yunjin in the party the set underperforms in comparison to the other two so there's it's just blizzard straighter ship I chose blizzard Strayer in the end because even though I didn't have access to freeze 20 crit rate was much more valuable in my mind and the shim set only works for 10 seconds after you proc your skill even the way I was planning to rotate the team I wouldn't even be able to use that 35 damage bonus now with that on the way all right it's time to farm for artifacts [Music] no nope Maybe no maybe no no no no and no okay during my quest for good blizzard Strayer pieces which I got none of so far I encountered an interesting artifact oh wait this is such a huge Geo damage God wait this could actually improve my Trio traveler the reason why this is so important to me is because I'm actually a glomc mate and I'm 36 started every Abyss using gomc oh that's a lot of damage all right back to the artifact I'm just gonna sack the flower oh it rolled a crit rate oh wait this is a nice piece just based on the attack only honestly if it really is very nice okay [Music] oh oh yeah we're using this one okay I I think that installs my circle issues one eternity later all right so I farmed for a month and only really got two good blizzard straighter pieces so in the end I had to settle for two-piece glad two-piece blizzard Strayer whoop-dee-doo no I fully built alloy just in time for shenkland's Banner was I Really Gonna Roll and build a character yes so that I could make Halo Stronger Just for this video no of course not that one's stupid I'm rolling for her for Alloy and future videos [Music] [Music] oh [Music] and there it is and there it is when the 50 50 and get Mika easiest clap of my life and I only took 60 wishes actually 70 wishes uh what makes us more ridiculous too so this is level one her base attack is 644. what is this character okay let's tell you the character is specific is it just what about artifacts that's the actual question oh my God I I actually am glad I saved this goblet now now before you say anything I should have done more testing on Halo's normal tags to see how viable it was because I would have realized how impractical it is to use one of the biggest problems with the mines is that they have the potential to pop before even switching to kazua I tried some Abyss runs and in fact more often than not I triggered the rushing ice state which is the state in which a like a filed Crown almost acts early and into the wind that meant that my rotation before alloy had access to her cry on normal attacks meaning that rotations in general were not consistent at all with aloy's RNG mechanics foreign to a nuke luckily enough the artifacts and weapon didn't really need to change oh but Taurus why didn't you use a stringless bow though isn't it just better here in this case since you only really care about skill damage or burst damage [Music] um well yes you are correct it is more Well Suited but the problem is is that if I used ringless instead of the Skyward harp I would lose a lot of crit rate because I am no longer focused on Armor attack damage Yoon Jin was effectively useless in the party so I took her out and replaced her with whoever would benefit me more for the particular chamber I was doing I also decided to implement a little bit more of a challenge instead of having say like a national team or hyperloom Team on the other half I decided to put a shinyin main DPS team and see how far I could take it [Music] [Music] away [Music] my way [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] unleash the shows you're stuck now come on wind [Music] Unleashed you're stuck now look at you cryo incarnate this is a new one yeah [Music] Falling Leaves Adorn my night fun with nature [Music] Divine The Hunt is on [Music] do you remember [Music] [Music] [Music] punish me judgments [Music] thank you [Music] emotions [Music] [Music] [Music] falling leaves this is a new one let's Light It Up I'm going there's one with wind and Cloud I'm late the hunch is on Transfiguration do your Master's gifts everybody stand back [Music] for you [Music] cryo incarnate inches on everybody stand back okay by ordinance Divine this is a new one [Music] two chamber is done there was just one chamber left this boss was the last obstacle in my path however there are two major issues with this fight it has 55 resistance across the board with 90 to animals and the biggest problem is that is only vulnerable for approximately six seconds at a time because it spends most of his time burrowing underground how can I beat this well there really wasn't a way to do it with Eloy and that's not because we not no it was because of the ruin guard physical DPS characters don't do well again through a mom's due to their High physical resistance no this was as far as xingen was going to come with us because of this I then decided to move Eloy to the first half of chamber three making a completely new team and relying on the Kuiper room team to finish the job for the second half way might not be getting the final hit but she will contribute to the 36 Starcraft no went to this for the last time [Music] everybody stand back [Music] [Music] [Music] never again Causeway sacrifice I cleared the first half of chamber three Halo's job was done all that was left to do let's leave it up to the hyperboom team and take us out of the Abyss [Music] helpline [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] take yourselves [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and with that I had done it and clearing the best with Eloy your own abilities that I use for every single character in this video it took a while to compile all of these so forgive the ordering of them hope you enjoyed the video and while Eloy isn't necessarily great as a normal attacker she is fairly good as a burst nuke so if you do want the user I suggest using that kind of play style as always thank you all for watching see you next time
Channel: TarZBlammo
Views: 596,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aloy, Genshin Impact, Xinyan, Shenhe, Kazuha, 36 Abyss, Wenut
Id: GEOvmXb4zaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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