I Made Heizou Into an On-field Punching Nuke

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nowadays we have quite a few catalst characters with a different play style such as nlet and rley however the first release character of this type is mostly left unused Hao I've always wanted to build him on my main account and with a C6 far on I finally have a good excuse to build him given his play style hazo is much more geared towards being a sub DPS than a main DPS his burst is one instance of animal damage and his skill has a four stack mechanic where he can deal an insane amount of damage in one strike his N1 to charge attack combo will allow you to get two stacks with relative ease so it isn't too hard to fully stack it despite him being the first Catalyst character who actually throws hands it isn't that optimal to keep him on field or DPS build at least however if you have C6 faros on it's actually not too bad to keep him on field thanks to the various Buffs she gives and so I planned on making him an onfield damage dealer with a focus on personal damage rather than swirl damage hopefully doing enough to be called a main DPS because of the way I wanted to use him my last two team members had to account for that and be able to pulled their weight off field I had a lot of different types of teams formulated some good and uh some totally out of left field looking back on it I'm so glad I didn't run this team do you know how difficult it is to properly calculate for srl aggravates on top of the regular damage the team would produce if you watch the S video you you know what I'm talking about after deliberating for a while I chose this specific team with finina and kokami having the consistent Hydro application made getting quzo Stacks really accessible finina inherently is also a broken character giving damage bonus for practically no cost and cook allows for consistent healing and even more Hydro application on top of Finas before I move on to artifacts and weapons though uh I need to do a lot of leveling like a lot of [Music] leveling everything I see [Music] everything [Music] why are we still here just to [Music] [Applause] suffer get [Music] them I see everything all right with that huge slog out of the way I can finally talk about builds the best weapon I had for hazo was Skyward Atlas given that I had no other five star weapons to speak of besides Y mikos which doesn't synergize well with jzos this was a relatively Easy Choice of course you could argue that WTH might be better than Skyward Atlas at refinement five but given that W has such a low base attack you wouldn't be getting much value out of Hazel's own scalings which is one of the major points of this whole team in this whole video artifacts though we a different story some viewers may find the following video disturbing viewer discretion is advised so n1c in of all this other I'm down for this I'm down we only go to I'm only looking at skill damage add the charge attack multi obviously 4 Hunter just seems like by far stop it get some help am I going to get a hunter set that beats this this is 7163 without without a weapon that has crit sub stats am I really going to get something like that especially this there's no way right how am I going to get anything to replace this what there's like no way so in summary Mara chass Hunter is simply the better artifact set with finina in the party um it's not even close given the totals you can see that the next best artifact set that I chose or listed on the sheet has a 20% damage deficit given pretty similar ratios I love farming for artifacts yes I do at least I had a second reason to farm this particular domain since I didn't have good finina pieces at the time of recording so there's a plus at least uh as for the remaining two characters I put farus on on a fonia bell with four piece VV and cooko on Prototype Amber with four no bless prototype Amber is extremely valuable for this team setup because it allows me to scale up fora faner Stacks even faster now that that's out of the way it's uh time to go to the artifact domain yay eventually I started forming this domain two months ago the hund set hates me show so uh yeah there's not really any upgrades to show um luckily I uh did get some good finina pieces so I have her built at least could be worse I also did get enough time to actually figure out what my rotation should be the way it works is that I go into fin skill then far on skill for shad and charge shot if necessary for cc kooki skill Bina burst how dare you time to shine Baron skill and burst and then finally kooki burst with some Auto attacks if NE for healing and then finally going to hazo combos so hazo first normal charge attack first skill and then either normal attacking with charged attack or doing his entire normal attack combo until I can get another quzo skill off and then starting the cycle again if done optimally I should be able to get the max damage on the second peso skill proc and a massive amount of damage overall don't get me wrong this rotation isn't necessarily optimal and for some enemies isn't that effective especially the combo string this is just something I cooked up and it works for me so that's how I'm going to keep it now with all that prep work done I decided to put my newly formed team in the first half of Abyss despite the significant amount of Animo resistance that's there while I do want to showcase Hazel's personal damage I found this team insanely fun to play with against enemies that can actually be CCE and unfortunately that can only really be showed on the first half of this abys because the second half is all bosses let me you since this Abyss recently released there are some tips you can look forward to while you watch this part of the video hope you enjoy and find the tips [Music] useful allow me coming in of the KNE [Music] moving St hold [Music] [Music] l [Music] we'll see about [Music] that Bring It [Music] On [Music] with [Music] me of the [Music] confess [Music] Hur [Music] let me leave you out no myself [Music] you everybody witness power [Music] Rin outlin [Music] your team is [Music] sub let's Light It [Music] Up hold the time to [Music] shine bring [Music] it re the world [Music] star with [Music] me about [Music] [Applause] [Music] that bring it [Music] offure let's light it up [Music] power [Music] everybody you [Music] myce fight submit [Music] for team is let me leave you light it up you my soul out everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] stand [Music] show of [Music] [Music] [Music] the pie of [Music] [Music] the re [Applause] [Music] enough [Music] you [Music] [Music] I'm Going In You Came let me leave you first [Music] let's light it up [Music] everybody you teamwork is true take my soul let me leave [Music] you and merci everybody stand back submit for judgment this is definitely by far one of the funnest teams I have ever played I mean it's fun it's c isn't every day you can actually cause a massive concussion through fall damage in Abyss this team could have definitely used some Interruption resistance I think to make it slightly more user friendly but I mean that's honestly my skill issue speaking up because people use teams like this all the time and they're fine as for the largest damage I got with hazo skill I think the largest I saw was 120k overall which is ridiculous considering he's not even C6 which is his largest damage increase for a build like this that said I hope you enjoyed watching the video if you'd like to see me build another character like this please leave a comment down below of who you would like to see hopefully it won't take another 6 months to make a video like this uh fingers crossed but in any case see you around
Channel: TarZBlammo
Views: 67,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Genshin Impact, 36 Abyss, 4.5 abyss, Heizou main dps
Id: 0UDDNzQgzJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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