Using REAL Military Tactics To Win An Impossible Battle!

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well here we go our first real test now fighting this heavily outnumbered especially when they have that many Cavs is probably a bad idea in the open field but fortunately there's some mountainous region back here I think we can probably try and take advantage of that this would be really hard for them to assault all right so we have a little bit of time before they reach us let's go ahead and get everybody set up all right let's get our cab out of the way they're gonna send horse archers probably on that side anyway so we'll get them in position let's go to archers on this Ridge we're gonna set up a little bit of a Kill Zone here [Music] group one let's get them spread out nice we have decent coverage let's hold fire for now good wall with number two their line ends right there so let's start shoe ball two right here get a nice little angle we'll be at a little bit of a disadvantage at that uh that point where that Arrow comes let's get the Archer set up what I'm hoping for is their archers don't really have a good spot but our archers do because their archers are going to be down the hill so oh yeah we're good we're getting felted here let's go deal some damage we still have some time before they the lines meet we can hopefully get some damage on these guys all right here we go here comes the real Cav let's back up they're gonna hit us yeah I think they're gonna connect yeah look at look at how imposing this is they're gonna have a tough time getting up here and then by the time they do they're gonna get pelted by arrows on the way up I kind of like the the setup of here that we've got but I don't know it's hard to say we gotta we gotta see it's gonna be a tough one let's spread our archers out a little bit wider they may be a little more on the front side of the hill all right let's uh let's go and turn on the Archer well let's wait till the lines mate I don't want to waste ammunition for 150 meter shots then we're just not going to do any damage all right here they come all right let's uh let's scoop around the side see if we can hit them as they crash in yeah here we go let's try and cut these guys off [Applause] yeah they're gonna be completely stuck so they're they're stuck on a downhill oh this is this is a disaster for them they ran right into our Shield wall although it was not really the best for us because we're kind of stuck as well so let's uh let's actually pull everybody back put some more damage in on their their horse archers or whatever these are I think these are actually their cab [Applause] yeah many many hits as we can all right still focus on blocking we're gonna need to preserve as much help as we can all right we forgot something with the archers shoot let's go ahead and let them start shooting all right main thing we're trying to do with our cab is tie out their cab don't really care too much about getting all the kills we'll we'll deal with that later but we just need to make sure they're not re-roaming our back line and it seems like we're doing a pretty good job at that and their front lines not really doing much here I see a lot of green not a whole lot of red so we can we can hold this position they can they're they're on a bit of a time crunch because I feel like we've got better local superiority even though they have way more numbers than we do they can't get them all to Bear right they are getting a few have indoor back lines but that's not that big of a deal I think we don't want that guy getting back on a horse all right so again we're we're still doing okay what are we what are our lines look like 130 131 137 we're okay on numbers we're not losing that fight so we're just gonna hold and then we'll check we need to check ammunition yeah Archer ammunition is still good we're at 75 roughly but we're good there I I if if we can if we can hold this we can attrition them down I think all right you know what we're gonna do actually all right get out of here for engine guard you're stuffing up the area we need these guys to clear out all right what we're gonna do is we're going to actually swing around so let's start the permission right here and let's swing them around like this because this side of our infantry are not necessarily meeting up with them wait what happened here did I use the wrong one no I don't know why my art The Archers are going off their line all right so we're gonna we're gonna do that same door motion and these guys need to seriously go do something come on guys come on brain jeans go make yourself useful all right here we go door's closing in on them [Applause] all right let's let's swing the door a little more actually we need we can go more aggressive on this one we've got a really good I think we've got a really good spot here and I'm gonna send I'm gonna send the branching guards back to go harass their archers I feel like they're in a good enough spot we can put them up on the hill and have them come off the hill all right so that side looks like it's holding maybe not winning but this side for sure is winning so as long as we hold on one side and win on the other we're in very good shape all right get back there fringing guards let's get them back there or we're taking some shots and we're gonna we're gonna have these guys charge all right Randy in charge oh this is turning into an absolute massifer look at this all right they are still trying to push to meet that line we could get down and try and help I don't know if it's necessary what are we looking at 118 115 so we lost about 20 from each so 40 total we can probably get a little bit of help in here on the plank yeah I think it's going to be tough for us to do it on Horseback let's just do it let's go dismounted the engines are in good shape oh man so many blocks so if you can hit the guys that aren't defending throw them out these guys are going after our cab you still gotta get some blocks in we can't just think everything so all right 2V1 is tough there we go there we go get out of my face all right so we are getting flanked here this is not good let's get some blankets but they are engaged so they're not going to see what's hitting them should be some easy kills here and again we're doing a lot of morale damage oh there's body there's body some cheese we just launched that guy down the hill like there's just bodies everywhere he's starting to turn let's go back to the side we won't we don't want them to defend if they're retreating that's fine I feel like we're gonna get more value out of killing the guys that are hitting our guys we'll we'll probably have to fight a second battle here they're retreating oh they got reinforcements coming we're getting a vote let's kill the coward all right we're gonna give everybody the charge command and these guys are low armor so we're gonna switch to the spear I feel like we're gonna do better we'll have more more range and we have a shield ready all right these guys are over treating so we probably don't need to focus on them but I think we're at that point in the battle where we've got we got this one locked down I don't think I don't think we can lose this we want to try and avoid fighting a second battle so let's kill as many as we can yeah oh man that was tough look at that we lost a lot of people a lot of ranging guards went down we've only got 15 left although some of them might have just been dismounted and they might be mixed in with the Cavalry so we'll have to see all right let's go let's go line formation so they're not going into snail space their engine guards are still they're still going in there oh we just lost all yeah they're starting to get picked off a little bit oh that's not our guy oops all right we're good we're getting surrounded a little bit all right here we go here we go you shoot all you want but you're gonna survive oh that guy he's got a Blue Shield I guess he lost his and he picks somebody else's up man what a battle that was man is that all that's left we've got a lot to be proud of this day that was a hell of a fight yeah no deaths oh man that was close okay so we did 54. we probably could have done a lot more but I feel like a battle like this we needed to lead our troops more than we needed to go in and do our own thing so
Channel: Strat Gaming Guides
Views: 2,133,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Strat Gaming, Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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