I turned acrylic paint into LIGHTNING! Here’s How. (Mind Blowing Pouring Technique)

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hello everyone in today's video we are going to be taking the glue gun method combined with acrylic pouring a step further to create something shocking there is a storm coming today's video is sponsored by skillshare now when i was making my first painting pouring painting with a glue gun which was this apple and three branches i had so many lovely lovely responses and lots of you suggesting what to do next i picked one idea which i really really liked and that was the landscape with lightning i'm going to as usual experiment today i was also suggested by some lovely lady that i could use acrylic cork i've never used that before oh it cures fast ah i'm not sure if that's the best idea well let's see i'm planning to create some mountains if possible with this acrylic cork and it's paintable so then i'll be able to pour over this looks like some really heavy machinery i hope i'll be able to operate it okay let's try i'm just trying to squeeze something out i think i have to stand for this i'm squeezing oh nothing is happening what do i do what do i do wrong ah well i think i got it seems stuck okay oh look at this okay so i'm just going to squeeze some more and try to create a mountain out of it okay that's not too bad well so far oh okay so now let's shape some mountains ah oh that feels actually nice i think there's some hope for me here with some mountain ranges if it works i'll be very very happy okay i'll try to create some better shapes now since i i think i'm confident i can do it i do want them 3d so so fine i might actually squeeze some more because i'm going to pour over the mountains i don't think i should worry too much i think it's fine i just want the ones in the foreground to be a bit a bit thicker well so far i'm super happy with how easy that was it actually spread like a soft cheese white cheese it's still soft and i could change it if i want it let's just hope it's going to dry nicely and work well with with the points put my glue gun on and i'm going to sketch the lightning first so i kind of know where i want the main part to be and then there'll be another another part coming towards this mountain okay i think i'll keep it like this at the moment okay so we start from here okay i'm sure the glue gun is small eyes hole to now okay so we've got two little sections i'm not quite like this one i'm really trying to make it sort of not smooth and uneven so one bigger and then i think i'm going to change glue gun for a smaller blue one maybe i'll do one more here to be honest i'm very excited that i can do some mixed media pieces and experiment okay let's just leave it like this and then see if the smaller glue gun will actually give me a more wispy lines okay i think we are going to leave it now this is 24 hours later and my silicone is completely dry really nicely adhering nicely to the background that's awesome so at the moment i'm trying to decide on the color for the background i'm looking at various pictures of the stormy sky and the lightning and i think i've decided on the colors i'll mainly go with a mixture of titanium white pearl amaranth thread ultramarine blue mars black deep violet by dalarani payne's grey so i'm going to mix my own blue i'm going to use some of the white and i remember from last time when i poured on the painting with the apple i actually mixed too much paint so i don't want to do it again you actually use much less than you think i had lots of leftover in the cup so i'm going to add a bit of aquamarine to my white and then a bit of mask black as i said i'm creating my own blue mix with a hint of purple for the main part of of the painting if you want to see me mixing with all the proportions and diagrams the last section of the video will show you all that a drop of black and then i'll add a hint of this uh that was a mixture of deep violet by dollar brownie so now i've got this lovely shade of blue and purple i am going to split it in two other cups and i'm going to add a bit more purple to one and i'm going to make this one darker so a bit more black these are the color i'm thinking of you can see this changing spectrum from blue through purple to this lighter orangey shade i've mixed my ultramarine blue and i can add a bit to my previous mixtures so basically what i'm doing i only have black white deep purple and aquamarine and that's it and with these four paints i am creating various shades of purplish bluish hues and well you can of course you can mix your own you can do it different in a different way i also have this lovely amaranth red to maybe just a very very small quantity there's one more color that i am going to introduce this is payne's gray by arteza i mixed it and it's going to be nice for some darker clouds and perhaps for part of the of my mountains as well in my previous video with glue gun and pouring um the one with the apple you can see over there i actually made flip cups but this time i don't know if i want the colors to actually mix so much i probably want some sections so maybe maybe a really small flip cup now before we start pouring some paint today's video is sponsored by skillshare skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of classes on many different creative topics it's a great place for curious people to pick up new skills like for example how to write creatively or perhaps build a successful youtube channel into a business skillshare classes are taught by real creative professionals for all levels from beginners to masters i've always wanted to experiment more with digital art and i've just started taking the class botanical scenes in photoshop by silvia ospina sylvia shows how to take hand-painted flowers and turn them into stunning digital patterns that you can use everywhere i'm really excited to share the results with you on instagram over the next coming weeks the first 1000 people who use my link in the description to try out skillshare will get a free trial on skillshare premium after that it's less than ten dollars a month if you choose an annual subscription that means unlimited access to all classes so why not learn something new today big thanks to skillshare for sponsoring this video so i'll start with maybe i'll do a bit of purple flip cup here i'll start with a bit of my darker purple at the bottom if i like the outcome i'll do another one but at the moment i'm not sure whether this is going to work i'm thinking perhaps now i could actually add a bit of this what do you think this this reddish the amaranth one i'll do it somewhere here because of the glue gun the paint is obviously dripping underneath drag it towards the edges i also am not too keen on sales this time i don't see much of this red now okay i think that's enough i am just wiping my mountains off because i don't want too much paint it doesn't really matter if it goes purple it's just i don't want too much paint on them first of all i am going to add a bit more of this amaranth red just here and i might use a straw just to spread it a bit i wanted to blend in with the colors okay i think i would leave it okay let's just layer the paint so i'm going for this purple somewhere here a bit of darker one mix it with a bit of the blue and the lighter purple okay and i am going to use a straw and i'm going to blow the paint i don't i really don't want cells that's the problem i suppose i can spread it gently first and i'll start blowing the paint what do you think okay i'm getting oh i'm getting lightheaded i'm getting lightheaded i'm scooping the paint up for the other side i really don't like wasting paint you know what i'm quite liking it at the moment um so let's just go with the blues now on this side a bit more blue so what do we have we have payne's grey this mid blue okay but i still think we need some purple here don't we some nice purple here in the middle i'm trying to blow over the sections with glue make sure that they are nicely covered again i can wipe the mountains off if i don't want too much i really want the colors to blend in nicely that's what i want now i'm getting dangerously close to my red bits so okay so i think i'm liking it let's just go for darker blues now on this side this side will be much darker i've been using my fingers to blend the edges as i'm going to use my straw anyway in a minute as you can see i'm blowing all in this direction as if the lightning was sort of spreading and and it does sort of go in both sides i'm trying to make the sky goes in the same direction oh that's quite dramatic i love this part maybe you should go a bit darker on this side now i'm looking at it and thinking it will look stunning actually if i add some more darker paint [Music] i went to wash my hands because i couldn't touch anything anymore and i realized it's been three hours i don't know if you do it you just start painting and you keep going and going and going and then you completely lost you don't know what time it is i still have the mountains to do but they should be easier so i'm fine with the sky now and with the lighting well i have to wait for it to dry to add some colors to my lovely glue sections and the moment i am just going to do the mountains and um the mountains are going to be mainly black black and gray and that's it i do have some leftover paint they scraped from the table so i'm just going to cover them with this first really quickly and you definitely don't have to do it with your fingers and yes it will be awesome if i could wear gloves i somehow i don't know every time i think about it just i just don't do it i like touching paint now let's just pour some black and gray on top this is the gray probably should use my spatula let's leave it and see how it dries hopefully there won't be any cracks here we are two days later this is completely dry i am super happy with the mountains and with the way the paint adheres to the silicon here look at that my sky's a bit darker than i i thought it would be but i don't think that's a problem what i'm going to do now i'm just going to fix some some of the edges of the mountains that i couldn't see before really well just with a lighter color because the mountains in the distance should be lighter so i'm just going to fix those bits and perhaps i'm going to add a tiny bit of white just that i found this old sponge like a makeup sponge and i'm just taking a super tiny amount of white and i want to just dub it around the main part of my lightning because that part should be should be sort of the lightest i'm still i'm not painting the the glue yet i'm just really really leaving just a hint of the mist of white around it i want it to appear to be kind of glowing this is the main part where the lightning actually hits the mountain that's it and i'm just painting this section that i overlooked now i mentioned i want to go over with white over the glue but i don't want to make every single part white because that's not what like lightning looks like these sections i'm going to mix white with purple and for the left part i'm going to mix white with a bit of blue and only the main part is going to be pure white because i want this one to be the brightest okay so let's just put a bit of this i really want a small amount the purple in a nutshell i want white but i want white with a hint of lilac maybe i need more white and now yes i'm going to use my finger because with your finger you can just feel where you are going and i want to just have a tiniest tiniest amount i could use a brush this works much better for me i just don't want to touch the canvas underneath beginning to look good i'm still covering the whole section in this white mixed with a bit of lilac because once it's dry i'm going to use pure white on the midsection so many possibilities for using glue and pouring acrylics i think so i'm really happy i started experimenting i did see some amazing pieces in response to my apple with branches video if you if you create something in response to my video and you send it to me on instagram every friday i call it a fun friday i post my followers lovely work and there's some amazing pieces and that makes me so happy that people actually take time to recreate what i'm what i'm showing you i think i managed to cover all the glue with the white and purple mix i might add a bit of blue now and add a bit of blue to this side well if you have any other suggestions for me i would love to try it out just please leave a message under the video to be honest it's not easy to every week coming up with something new so i'm very very grateful for everyone who suggests new things to me and i think i'm ready for the mid part now to make it really really white as snow i'm not going to use the fluid white now undiluted white paint this is heavy body acrylic by liquitex but you could use any white acrylics i want to make sure i'm not making any marks on the background yeah this is really white now i wonder if you've ever been in the mountains during a storm i was once and that was pretty scary it was a long time ago but i really remember we were coming back actually in the dark in the storm pretty high mountains that really pops i think that really pops out doesn't it so this is the section where the mountains get hit and as you can see the top of the mountains it's a bit lighter on purpose okay i am finished i could be going on forever but i it's time to finish sometimes you just have to know when to finish i'm going to take you for close-up now [Music] [Music] so well i hope you enjoy the process i really like the poor in the background the swissy lines and my mountains i do enjoy working 3d thing it's fun if you enjoyed the process please don't forget to press like and subscribe to my channel i post new videos every saturday and it will be awesome if you could meet me during the premiere where i chat to my followers and we have lots of fun you will find all the products in the description well i must admit that i really enjoyed creating this mixed media piece and i hope you all enjoyed it as well thank you again to skillshare for sponsoring this video having a sponsor on some of my tutorials helps me create higher quality videos for you guys so by clicking the link in the description you are directly supporting the channel i just wanted to say that i only choose sponsors that i think would be of genuine interest to our community well i hope you all have a great and creative week see you next time bye bye [Music] well i make my own pouring medium which is half water half pva glue another name for pva glue would be elmer's glue or wood glue then i mix my pouring medium with paint two-thirds of medium one third paint in the end i add a dash of flow troll which constitutes 10 to 20 percent of the total volume now this is the right consistency for most of the pouring techniques that i do when the stream goes down as a tiny tiny build-up disappears quickly i call it the runny honey consistency you
Channel: AB Creative
Views: 51,953
Rating: 4.9473395 out of 5
Keywords: acrylic pouring, acrylic painting, fluid painting, fluid painting beginners, acrylic pour painting for beginners, how to paint, abcreative, abcreativeofficial, fluid acrylics, arteza, fluid painting tutorial, female painting, seasonal painting ideas, art experiment, straw blow flowers, real plants, pour painting, tree acrylic pouring, straw blow, glue gun hack, pouring paint, fluid art, lightning acrylic painting tutorial, glue gun art, lightning painting, lightning art, pour
Id: gUDoscurJc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 46sec (1366 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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